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Khaled shehata |

18106407 |

IMC final

 Introduction:
Royal Tours in Egypt is a travel and entertainment organization. The business is one of the biggest
travel and tourism firms in the Middle East, with the Royal Group offering transportation facilities
ranging from air travel to cruises and visitor accommodation. My aim, though, is to strengthen the
condition of the company and improve its marketing strategy.

 The importance of customers:

Daily contact with your clients makes them understand how much you respect them and their business.
Show them that you value by delivering useful updates such as advice about how to make more
successful use of your goods and services, updates of activities, information on upcoming new products
and extended offerings, and exclusive discounts on current ones.

 Developing a positive communication:

 The marketing communication approach:
 Advertising: a sequence of linked commercials, well timed by positioning television ads
carefully. And a written ad entitled Royal Company
 Digital marketing: By being clear via target groups of its clients, using multiple social media
channels such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter, for example.
 Personal selling: it is the actual reflection of selling and specifically communicating to the
consumer itself.
 Sales promotion: Designs different forms of ads to reach larger markets by using reflected
 Public relations: the link to the focus, purpose and target segments of the campaign

 The effective media marketing strategies that can be used by Royal tours:

 Improving the content

 Using social media platforms

 Prepare a voice technology

 Update their search engine optimization

 Creating a personalized experience for your customers

1. Improving the content:

In order to grow and expand its content, which is expressed digitally by e-commerce, Royal has a
great need to use the new strategies and operations to reach a larger range of audiences. In
addition, this would assist them in recognizing customer preferences and expectations.
 By using click only operations
 Bricks and clicks
 (B2C) and (B2B)

2. Use social media platforms:

In addition, the primary goal is to bind people and become more attached, not only does it build
connections, but it offers a fantastic opportunity to create customer support by collecting
information to answer questions and listening to their feedback. Social media plays a crucial role
in attracting consumers.
 Through Facebook
 Instagram
 Twitter
 Linkedin
 Prepare a voice technology:

Voice marketing is no different from any other method of content marketing when it comes to
core values. It should be used by every kind of brand to solve problems with its consumers and
address their pressing questions while retaining its brand mission.

 What does it do?

Instead of typing a search using the search bar found in the website, the user uses a voice search
option to search for a service or a deal that he or she is searching for.

 How does it work?

The mention of voice allows devices to project a picture of what the consumer is searching for
automatically, which makes it very easy to navigate and more open to find the results that the
customer wants.

 Why you need a voice marketing strategy?

 62% of people uses voice assistance

 Less time consuming
 More companion
 Easier to use
 Saves more time
 Can create a competitive advantage for your business

 The benefits of using a voice technology?

 Can easily, control devices and create documents by speaking.

 Speech recognition can make it faster because generally the software generally produces faster
words which is more faster than a person can type
 Reach out to more contact
 Easier for tourist to use by getting what they want
 Have better control on what they need
 Update the SEO (search engine optimization):
It's an integrated aspect of digital marketing, really. It is responsible for giving attention to your
website, to a higher position and holding you up above all rivals. It boosts the visibility of
websites and consumer traffic.
 Publishing relevant content
 Update your content regularly
 Meta data
 have a link worthy site
 use alt tag lines
 site assessment

 Creating a personalized experience:

Personalization encourages you to obtain insights into their interests and knowledge so that you
can deliver them personalized interactions. This is the method of having the audience's
expectations and preferences in mind. So that you can sell the correct service to the right
customer and enjoy it. In the right moment, you would have the power to execute this. This
would give Royal group a greater chance to make consumers feel noticed, have more positive
experiences and nudge them to convert.

The benefits of using personalized experience:

 Improve interest throughout your website
 Grow the rates of conversion
 Keeping clients coming back
 Reinforce emotional connections
 Establish continuity across the networks
 Disconnected material and disorganized.
 Integrated marketing communication:
It is a strategy that spreads and strengthens the message through different methods that
operate together. However, the integrated marketing communication of organizing and
incorporating all sources of marketing communication resources within an organization is
known to be a streamlined program that maximizes the effect at reduced cost on clients and
other end users. Business to business networks, employees, external contact, and internal
communications are included in IMC.

 The IMC planning process:

1. The target markets:
Royal tours target customers who are visitors from various countries across the world, but in Egypt,
their main focus is here. And to achieve so, they gather several organizations to concentrate on a vast
number of individuals and aggregate them together on the basis of detailed comparative analyses
focused on their common attributes, such as demo graphics or behavioral habits or even their cognitive

 Positioning strategies:

1. Positioning based upon price:

Royal tours explain the transition process, the cost to the role of the service being represented
in the market. Yet, by drawing consumers to a new service and giving them a cheaper price,
they often publish a penetration pricing policy.

2. Positing based upon quality:

Royal tours uses a price-quality approach to position the price-quality relationship so that it
optimally prices the service according to the quality of the service offered to its consumers.

3. Positioning based upon competition:

In defining your product and creating demand for your market, Royal uses the strategic
positioning approach. It's about craving the difference that royal uses to build a strategic
edge through its multiple pricing techniques.

4. Flexibility positioning strategy:

This is another way for businesses to distinguish themselves from their rivals by launching
innovative programs to draw more clients and reach more markets by being willing to
produce a wide range of offerings on the market.
 The integrated marketing communication planning process:

 Communication objectives and strategies:

The primary aim of a contact target is to ensure an ongoing engagement to customer service.
For eg, verbal, non-verbal, or visual elements may do this by moving over several elements.
Yet many visual signals, such as body language, facial gestures, and physical distances
between communicators, are part of the contact techniques.

 What is Royal tours communication objective?

Product specific research:
 Offering special deals on its programs
 Offering a competitive pricing strategy over any other competitor
 Best arrangement for transportation
 Offers on hotel accommodations
 Consumer oriented research:
This is the key ingredient we use to produce customer-oriented marketing consisting of a
study embedded with the needs of all consumers.
 Focus groups
 Discussions
 Surveys on what they desire
 Interviews for our customer to know what placed they want to visit
 Know more about them by getting their feedback

 Strategies and techniques to different advertising methods :

The meaning of targeting marketing: to establish an efficient marketing contact, managers need to
define the intended audiences of their businesses and then direct their contact to these categories of

 Towards customers:
 every customer belongs to a number of markets
 2-customers are targeted in the customer markets, while business are targeted in other regions
 3-paves the way of knowing what customers needs and wants and what are its preferences
 4-match the good or service with the customer needs
 -who is buying?
 -what do they buy?
 -why do they buy?

Different advertising techniques used by Royal tours:

1. Direct marketing:
By using attractiveness, or direct response that enables you to influence other for example, being
charismatic, face to face selling.
2. Promotional advertising
Is a tool used to attract the interest of customer through the service that you are providing towards the
customer, for example, like coupons temporary price reductions
3. E mail marketing
by sending emails to the loyal customers that you have notify them with the latest updates, and latest
programs that are made in order to book for a new visit.
4. Web marketing:
The most dominant trait of royal is online marketing. To help consumers appreciate their business
and goods, it provides numerous videos and PDF brochures. Sony has a loyalty scheme that provides
credit cards and chances to win rewards and save on Sony items, play in entertainment games and
gain extra points
The segmentation process:

Types of segmentation Segmentation criteria Sony target

customer agent
Geographic  region Global market place
 density Urban and rural
Demographics  age Teenager and adults
 gender Males & females
 life cycle stage Bachelor stage,
young, single people
 occupation not living at home
Student, employee,
professionals, doctors
Behavioral  degree of loyalty Hard-core loyal
Soft core loyal
 personality Efficiency, accuracy,

Psychographics Social class working class, High

 Needs by segment:

 Geographic:
By segmenting or separating consumers or users from where they live and attempting to meet
their potential customers depending on where they are located.
 Demographics:
Divides the market according to their income, gender, or even age into smaller categories
 Behavioural:
It is a type of marketing segmentation that separates individuals into various categories with
particular behavioural characteristics in general
 Psychographics:
It is a tactic that distinguishes individuals by their common identity or traits based on group
perspective, existing or previous customers.

 Royal tours using web advertisement:

One of the key types of ads these days is the use of a web banner that is a form of advertising that can
be used to provide some kind of service that can be addressed to a web page from the entitled
advertisement contains all the information and all the specifics required if any client or consumer
wishes to book or find out more about a particular program or even a special offer that interested
However, by Google, or other search results shown, or even show networks, these kinds of ads may
be used.

 Newspaper advertising
 Magazines, advertising
 Televisions
 Radio
 Direct mail
 Outdoor transit
 Radio
 Catalogues

The different types of web advertising

From the display advertisements to search engine optimization to pay per click here is other examples
of online advertisements.

 display advertisements
 search engine marketing optimization
 social media
 native advertisement
 (PPC) pay per click
 Remarketing
 Video and ads
 The different advertisement appeals:
 Personal appeal:
It is the attraction or appeal that helps you to influence others, for example, using
attractiveness, beauty, force of desire.
 Social appeal:
It is one of about twenty promotional tactics used by marketing experts to convince
customers to purchase a product or pursue a new service, such as denial of adoption,
statues and approval.
 Endorsement appeal:
This attempts to reassure customers by using actors or trustworthy individuals to promote
their business, such as allowing popular celebrities to expose you to the service.

 The difficulties that Royal is facing:

 Royal, by providing direct, indirect, and alternatives, faces a lot of competitors in its market.
Nevertheless, Royal faces all these rivals who will make royal tours become stronger by
meeting these kinds of challenges. Yet, after facing highly qualified firms that royal tours
may lack in order to keep up with its products, these types of rivals may have a pull back
against the company.
 The importance of social media:
 Increase perception of brand:
It has now become a natural place to meet new and intensely focused prospective clients,
with almost half of the world's people using social media. This has opened the way for royal
tours through these strategies to reach new markets and will help them build a brand image
with their initiative
 Increase website traffic
Social media posts and ads are key ways to drive traffic to your websites. Moreover sharing
Great content is one of the aspects that help your business to grow more and that what royal
tours focuses on through these days.
 Boost revenues of yours
By having such a small corporation like this agency it is incredibly important to improve the
revenue. Important for acquiring more market share and to draw potential clients or new
individuals to Company of yours

 Promote content
Promoting the content shared by this business Contributes in getting well-structured and a
well researched content in front of others by proving your expertise and growing your

 Go viral
As people start commenting sharing your content or even liking the stuff that you post this
helps your Business in becoming a trend. Moreover this would be an attention grabber
toward everyone, Furthermore as people share your content with their networks your content
spreads across the Internet.
 What kind of social media tools do Royal tours Uses?

 Facebook
Royal uses Facebook, in sharing all the latest news and feed and programs that are realized yet it is
recognized to be a placed where it gathers lots of people whom communicate and creates a social
networking around every aspect. Including latest events, dates, festivals

 Twitter
By using twitter as a platform in order to share their thoughts and what people retweet is one of the key
elements that royal uses in order to stay in touch with their audiences and target more, this has gave
twitter the capability to expand more and enter new markets.

 Instagram
Instagram is one of the main platforms that royal uses to expand their markets and try
To maintain relationships with their loyal customers moreover, Offer to their customers in order to
keep records and statements and try to improve more on themselves

 LinkedIn
LinkedIn has contributed in making royal more known than ever, through internet websites, or even
through search engine, for example like google, Bing yahoo all of these search engines helped royal to
be more known on the internet in order to connect more with people.

 Public relations and its purpose towards royal :

Public relations, including ads, aims to support organizational goods, services, and emerging brands.
The public partnership, however, plays a key role in determining the establishing relationships with
prominent people and organizations responsible for influencing the expectations of the market of the
sector or commodity in which the company works. This is why public diplomacy tends to aspire to do
the following:

 Constructing and preserving a positive image

 Informing target markets
 Holding good ties with influencers
 Generating goodwill among customers
 Stimulate a commodity, service, concept or even an organization's demand.
 Head of media attention that is critical or adverse
 When Royal tours does uses public relation:
Public relations is a perfect tool used to attract interest if something is done or newsworthy advertisers
share the viewpoint of the client and the view of the media in order to make decisions and establish
relationships with readers and authors who frequently cover the news on the organizational resources
that are often provided.
For example
 When royal uses the latest types of technology approach that is different and better
 One of your programs or services wins a prize
 By entering into partnerships with other organisations
 You merge with another company
 By conducting a research in order to understand
 By being more cost effective

 The communication tools used by royal Company :

One of the most important factors or capabilities is to be able to connect efficiently. Powerful, verbal
and non- verbal communicators are those with excellent leadership abilities and are also known to be
good with crowds. In order to produce greater comprehension, communication is described as
transmitting knowledge. In addition, all purchases derive from touch. To encourage others and yourself
to understand knowledge better, strong communication skills are important.

 What are the communication tools used by Royal :

 Mail
 Email
 Telephones cell phones
 SMS/Texting
 Video web conferencing
 Social networking sites

 The effective communication tools:

Email Messages /SMS Video Phone calls

Advantages Updating large Casual team Meetings Urgent matters
groups of discussions between
people dispersed
Disadvantage Time-sensitive Sensitive one to Routine check Situations
collaboration one business ins when you are
conversations able to use one
of the other
Works well Through Email, meetings Email, Video
with meetings collaboration conferencing
tools phone
 The advertising and media planning used by Royal tours:
Media strategy is the series, the method of guiding the promotional campaign to the intended audience
by using the appropriate medium at the appropriate moment, of the choice involved in presenting the
advertising to the prospective customer. And media preparation aims to control waste.

 The five steps that Royal uses to create a prefect media plan.
 Knowing their targeted audiences
 Define smart goals
 Using smart tools for media planning
 Determine the perfect media mix
 Evaluate the cost and execute the media plan

 Royal tours objectives using media planning:

This will obviously allow the enterprise to provide stronger market analysis and know how to identify
your target markets and analyze their propensity to interact with your brand, schedule the execution of
your marketing, and work effectively with realistic marketing budgets.

 Improvements that could be made by Royal tours:

 Travel assistance: Show your consumers some guidance on the kind of transport you have, what
services you sell, what the costs for the special programs are.

 Increase exposure by partnering with influencers : Partnership with influencers and other
established firms to gain greater success and greater access to other programs

 Cost saving: Aim to save more and get a better cash balance and more liquidity to go to more events
and build new services.

 Destination knowledge: Build videos of a destination that appeal to the right visitor and make more
catchy videos to draw more tourists

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