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Research Assessment #1

Career/Industry Research Forecast and Interview Questions

Name: Vanshik Aluri

Date: September 4, 2020

Subject: Aerospace Engineering

MLA Citation:

Hall, Nancy. “Beginner's Guide to Propulsion.” NASA, NASA, 5 May 2015,

In Independent Study & Mentorship this year, I will be researching the topic of aerospace
engineering. I plan on searching for a mentor this year at aerospace engineering technology
companies such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. While aerospace is a specific branch of
engineering in itself, there are many subtopics that can be delved into in great depth. The specific
branch I plan on focusing on this year is the science of propulsion, and the various propulsion
systems that are used in aircraft and even spacecraft. A propulsion system on an aircraft produces
a force known as thrust, which propels the object in the forward direction, trying to overcome the
force pushing in the opposite direction, known as drag. Within the propulsion systems as a
whole, there are 4 different types of systems, which are the propeller, ramjet/scramjet, turbine/jet
engine, and rocket propulsion. The most commonly used propulsion system is undoubtedly the
jet engine, while the ramjet and scramjet are used in military aircraft that do not prioritize
efficiency over thrust. The propeller is an outdated form of propulsion, and is now used in
aircraft that do not need to carry an abundance of weight. The rocket propulsion system is self
explanatorily used in rockets, and it is the most powerful in terms of the amount of thrust it can

Questions to research:

1. What are some new propulsion technologies that are being tested?
2. Will a human mission to Mars be possible with the current resources we have?
3. What is in store for the aerospace engineering field in the future?
4. Will a version of alternative fuel be utilized to provide maximum efficiency?
5. What is the in depth science and physics behind propulsion systems, and how are they
applied to aircraft and spacecraft?
6. What space exploration agencies are on the rise and what do they bring to the table in
terms of aerospace technology?

Questions to ask professionals:

1. Can you describe the path that brought you to the job/career you currently uphold?
2. What skills do you feel are particularly important in doing your job?
3. What advice do you have for me or for someone just getting started in this field?
4. Would you consider recommending a colleague that I might interview as well? If so,
would you mind if I use your name when contacting him/her?
5. What are some of the current projects that you are involved in?
6. How often do you work with propulsion systems?
7. What is the difference between fluid dynamics and fluid mechanics?
8. What is the most difficult engine to build, and how long does the process take?
9. What is the process for testing the planes after they are fully built to see how effective
they are?
10. Is there a software that is used to predict the efficacy of an aircraft? If so, how does it
function, and what variables does it display?
11. What is your company's specific job when it comes to aircraft?
12. How similar or diverse are your workdays?

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