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Health Questionnaire/Survey/Final (10% of you final grade)

60 points total (10 points each question, so be thorough, detailed, and specific)

A. One of the most important aspects covered in Health was around your Values. What are
some of your values and how do they align with every aspect of your
mental/emotional/social/physical health? (10 pts)

B. When it comes to stress, why is it so important to identify and address your stressors (be very
specific)? What are some strategies you learned or currently use to address your current
How does this connect to your values specifically?
C. What are at least 5 takeaways you learned from the nutrition unit? Be detailed and specific.
Include why and how…. and most importantly how YOU plan to use this information NOW and
in the future.
How does this connect to your values specifically?

D. Talk to me about what you learned in regards to drugs, alcohol, and most importantly how
YOU plan to use this information NOW and in the future.
How does this connect to your values specifically?
E. In our HGD unit we covered many topics such as LGBTQ, reproductive systems, STI’s,
pregnancy, consent, law, etc.
Give me one takeaway from each section, as well as how you plan to use this information now
and in the future?
How does this relate to your values?

F. Overall, were the knowledge and skills taught in Health Class beneficial to you?
How or Why?

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