Violence Was Scripted by The Government

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'Violence a c ip ed b he go e nmen '

Januar 28, 2021 14:30 IST

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'O Ja a 22, he he a d f a ace, he fa e eade e e d b Ag ic e Mi i e Na e d a Si gh T a ha he g e e i a e a ed.'

'A d he did hi .'

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Fa e eade i ed i i e ce: P ice chief
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IMAGE: An injured securit person is taken a a after clashes ith protesting farmers during the latter's tractor parade in Ne Delhi on Republic Da . Photograph: Arun Sharma/PTI
After he i e ce in Ne Delhi on Republic Da , in hich about 400 policemen ere reportedl injured, it looks like farmers unions ha e lost the plot as far as public opinion is

Ho e er, that has not deterred the farmers, ho sa that onl 0.1 per cent of the protesters turned iolent during the tractor parade on Januar 26.

Though t o of the unions ha e i hd a from the joint protest, A h Dha a e, president of the All India Kisan Sabha, said, "Lakhs of farmers are still camping at Delhi borders.
Nobod has gone back."

In an inter ie ith Rediff.c m's S ed Fi da A h af, Dha ale said the agitation ill continue till the three contentious farm la s are repealed.
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P b ic ah f fa e i d i d i g af e he i cide a Red F a d he a f De hi Ja a 26. Wh did he e e ha e e i e ce?

99.9 per cent of the Kisan tractor rall as peaceful. It as onl 0.1 percent ( f he e ) that turned iolent.

It as a small section of the mo ement, hich as also set up b the go ernment ( hich ed i le ) and e ha e e idence to pro e it.

Dee Sidh is a Bharati a Janata Part agent. He as the election agent for BJP MP Sunn Deol in the 2019 election.

His photo ith Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also going iral.

S De ha ee ed he ha ' hi g d ' i h Dee Sidh .

E er bod sa s these things hen the get into trouble, but it is a kno n fact.

It is a kno n fact that Deep Sidhu as Deol's election agent in 2019. These facts cannot be denied.

I Dee Sidh a e be b a ed f he i e ce?

There is another organisation, the Kisan Ma door Sangharsh Samiti.

The did not come to the Delhi borders on No ember 26 ith other farmers' unions. The came 20 da s later.

The ere gi en a special place at ther Singhu border b the police. Wh ould the police do such a thing?

The did so because the could use this organisation as the anted.

I as there at the Sam ukta Kisan Morcha ( b ella b d f l i le fa e i ) meeting toda (Ja a 27) and all the Punjab farmer organisations said that this Kisan Ma door
Sangharsh Samiti is not a part of their united front.

The came to Delhi's border and put up a separate camp at the behest of the police.

And hen it as decided that the tractor parade ould start at 10 am on Republic Da , these people ent ahead at 7 am ith their o n cha.
The ere not stopped b the police.

Wha did he d ...?

(I e ) You tr to go to the Red Fort and tr to see hether ou can put up an ag there. You ill be shot do n b the police.

But the ere, in fact, encouraged b the police.

The securit as absent from the Red Fort and that too on Republic Da .

Fa e ' b bea he ice, ha i h he had f c e f he Red F .

That is rong. The police ere taking sel es ith agitators. There are photos a ailable of policemen taking sel es.

It is nonsense to peddle such narrati e ( f a ack lice e ).

Normall , not onl the police, but the arm too is posted at the Red Fort.

And ou think an one can just go in and put up a ag on Red Fort? It is impossible.

Y a e a i g ha e e hi g ha ha e ed Ja a 26 a he Red F a c i ed b he g e e defa e fa e ?

E er thing as scripted b the go ernment. Totall .

On Januar 22, hen the last round of talks took place, the farmer leaders ere told b Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar that the go ernment is also prepared.

And the did this. But such things don't ork for a long time.

People kno the truth no and s mpath for farmers ill be regained.

Ma fa e a e g i g bac i age af e ge i g di i i ed b he i e ce. I he e i ef a g fa e ?

There's absolutel no split in the unit of farmers.

Toda (Wed e da ), the press conference as attended b all the main farmer organisations.

Not a single organisation missed the meeting e cept those t o blacklisted ones ho took part in the iolence.

The ill be thro n out no and the ill ne er dare to come back again. E er one is determined to continue the struggle.

I am coming from the Singhu border, here lakhs of farmers are still camping. Nobod has gone back.

Ca e ha e bee ed agai fa e eade .

That as e pected. This is e actl the game of the go ernment.

The anted to manage this and do some kind of match- ing ith those t o organisations so that the could le cases against us.

We are not o erl orried about that.

And on Januar 30, the mart rdom da of Mahatma Gandhi, e ill ha e a big meetings in fa our of truth and non- iolence.

We ill also obser e a one-da fast.

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Re a ed Ne : Red Fort, Deol, Deep Sidhu, Narendra Singh Tomar, Sangharsh Samiti
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