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Group Information.…………………………………………………..1
Information Gathering……………………………………………….3
Event Objective and Expected Outcomes…………….……………..4
Planning Process…..………………………………………………….5
Operational Plan……………………………………………………...6
Detail of Approach…………………………………………………....8
Marketing Plan………………………………………………………10
Financial Plan………………………………………………………..14
A. Staff Rundown
B. Timeline
C. Promoting Campaign schedule
D. The event floor plan
E. The reservation detail
F. Minute of Meeting
H. The Letters
I. Sponsorship and Charity
J. The comment Card
K. Poster and leaflet
Personal Reflection
Planning Process

Roles and responsibilities of the Organizing Team:

Function1: Responsible for general issue as well as contact different corporative organization eg.
charity, sponsors etc.

 Shirley- Team Leader.

 Diva- Secretary.
 Anne- Coordinator.
Funtion 2: Responsible for Food and Beverage needed in event.

 Kitto and Shakira- Catering Manager.

Function 3: Responsible for designing Ticket, Poster and leaflet as well as event decoration.

 Lianne and Iris- Marketing Manager

Moreover, every member is empowered. They have their own role and responsibilities. Apart
from the class meeting, there is group meeting at least once a week (see appendix F: minute of
meeting) in order to follow the each other work and discussing the further plan. However, in
each function, members that work together also often meet up
Also, when we do not have the right time to meet, during the weekend or during the weather
difficulty period, we often meet up online via Skype application. This application is a very useful
medium for us all to communicate at the same time like a real meeting. In this kind of meeting,
we add every member in the same conference room and all of us will use microphone to
communicate in front of our computer. Also, this program allows us to leave any message for the
other to see. Even though one is not at the computer at that moment, she can come back to see
that later.
Operational Plan
Due to the time constraint, we develop a work schedule called timeline (appendix A.) ,
after distributed roles and responsibility for every team member. This timeline allows everyone
to see their responsibilities that need to be done in each period of time in order to do another
work. This strategy will help us to work more systematically and reduce the time consumption as
everyone have to bear in mind that if they do not finish their work, it may affect the other works
and the whole event plan.
We intend to set up our event at the Lakeside Restaurant, in the School of Management
Building. The cost of hiring this venue is 150 pound including one kitchen supervisor, one
kitchen porter and one bar and supervisor. Only the restaurant part, the area can accommodate
around 100 to 110 people. Therefore, we wanted to use room 14MS01 as the staff’s room. In
order to avoid security problem, we will finish our event before 11pm.Therefore, our event will
end at 10.30pm in order to allow us to clear the place. We will set up the Lakeside Restaurant as
we plan in the floor plan (appendix D).
Charity and Sponsorship:
As our aim is not to make profit, but it is to learn how to organize an event and create a
memorable event for our guests, we will precede all the profit after we deduct our expenses to a
foundation. Therefore, we need the charity permission for using their name to raise contribution
and to sells the tickets. Along with finding a charity, we looked for sponsors to support our event
in the form of food, drinks or any things as they willingness as prizes for our activities.
We will use not many tables and chairs, and the Lakeside Restaurant provides these. We
need tables and chairs to set up for the buffet food and the customer seat. However, we need to
hire all equipments needed for entertainment from AVS. For example, Screen, Lighting,
Microphone and so on, dnd the DJ, will bring their own equipment.
Food and drinks supplier:
We looked for interesting menu and proposed our idea on the Food and Beverage menu
to Ms. Harris. the Lakeside will supply us the food and drink. However, there will be only 1 chef
to cook on the event day, so 3 of our team member will have to help in the kitchen.
Staff and Volunteers:
After we listed out the need in each area, we tried to utilize our team member before
finding helper. The remaining position, we ask our friends to volunteer to help in the event.
Moreover, there are several roles that we need the more professional person to do, namely, DJ,
MC, Camera and video man.
Dancing Period:
In the event, we would not want to have a proper performance for the customers because
we want the customers participate in our activities rather than sitting and only watch a show.
Therefore, as we think of opening the many kind of music (lower beat in the beginning and upper
beat in the latter time), we invited some guests be a dancer in our event. These guest will dance
for a few songs (Ball room types songs eg. Tango, Jazz), then when the upper beat they will
encourage the other guests to dance.
Selling the tickets:
First we planed to put half of our ticket in the University Bookshop and another half we
will group member to sell. If the tickets on hand are sold out, we will take some out from the
bookshop and sell it by us. In the last day of our promotion campaign, we will take the remaining
ticket in the bookshop out to sell in the promotion campaign.
As we do not want to spend a lot on any expense, we also tried to keep the promotion
expense as low as we can. Therefore, we wanted to promote mainly via word of mouth. By doing
this we will need to spread leaflets and poster around the university, set up a promotion
Campaign to get people recognition. And we will also post out advertisement in social
networking as well as send massive email to the MS students list.
Details of Approach
First of all, we made a booking of place at the Lakeside Restaurant in advance), in the
School of Management Building, with Miss Hillary. (See Apendix E.). The cost of hiring this
venue is £150 including one kitchen supervisor, one kitchen porter and one technician
supervisor. And, the location can accommodate 100 to 110 people.
Then, we start with sending an Email To Dr. Anthony Willis for our certify letter (appendix H.)
to prove our position in this class to show the charity and to ask for the sponsorship.
First, we selected the Ranger Charity Foundation, but because we there is no reply
from this foundation. We needed to change a charity foundation. We decided to send an email to
CHASE and Barnado’s foundation because we want our profit to supports the children. As
Shirley got a replied from Barnado’s first, we arranged with Barnado’s for using their name in
finding sponsor and promote the event.
We tried to find sponsors in Guildford town by walked in to shops, restaurants and
entertainment institute (Odien, Dusk, Casino, Laser Quest etc.) and leave our letter (Appendix
H.) and certified letter from Dr. Anthony. We also do the same with couple nightclubs in
London. As the results, we did not receive any call back from shops in Guildford, but we get a
sponsorship from the several places in London. First the famous nightclub in London, the Funky
Buddha, gives us a voucher worth £250 ( a VIP table for six Free-entry Guest with a bottle of
Champagne ) and two two-years membership Card. These contributions will be the prize for our
Second, the famous Chinese Restaurant, the Phonenix Palace, gives us a dining voucher up to
£200. Third, the Spa One gives us a voucher to receive treatment with them up to £90.
(appendix I)

Tables and chairs are provided by the Lakeside Restaurant. We use them to set up for the buffet
food and the customer seats.
However, we need to hire all equipment needed for entertainment. After we listed the
equipments we want to use, Faye and Lianne went to observe the hiring price. Then we decide
only the necessary. We contacted Audio Video Society (AVS) for hiring. We have to go pick up
the equipment in the morning of 6th December and returned in the late night after the event finish
The total cost for all equipments used is £60.
Food and drinks supplier:
In the second meeting with Ms. Harris at the Lakeside Restaurant, we discuss about food and
drinks in our event. We propose our idea on the Food and Beverage menu to Ms. Harris and she
informed us, what the Lakeside can supply for us, and the price they charge per guests. In this
meeting, we changed our decision of provided cocktail as welcome drink instead of wine in order
to cut cost. In summary, the Lakeside will supply us the food and drink at the price; £3 per guest
for food, £1 per guest for drink with alcohol and £0.6 with non-alcohol. However, there will be
only 1 chef to cook on the event day, so will have to find kitchen helpers. (appendix E. )
However, due to the bad weather condition, we were struggle in selling our tickets. Thus, we
cannot make sure the number of the customers, and delay to forming Ms. Harris by Friday the 3
of December. As a result, Ms Harris did not make an order for our special menu, so we have to
change our menu in the party to be a common menu that the Lakeside Restaurant often made for
many parties.
After we calculate the number of the poster and leaflet needed, we contact the printing shop in
the library to print our poster for us as needed. But for the ticket printing, we have to contact Mr.
Jade Johnson at the Student Union via email for printing and selling the tickets at the University
Bookshop. This process take a lot of time, as we cannot find anyone who respond for this issue
and they reply our email very slow. Nevertheless, in the last week we cannot find anyone at the
Student Union due to the adverse weather condition, and unable to take out our tickets from the
Promotion Process:
We set up several plans to promote our event two weeks before our event (appendix C.), but due
to the slow in our progress, there are only several strategies that follow the plan, namely, mass
email and social network. We post the poster only 4 days before our event day, and as the
following days after we poster the posters and issued the leaflet, the university was closed due to
the adverse weather. This also affects our plan to promote our event in the MS buildings and AP
building in the second week. Thus, we cannot make sure our number of tickets sold as we
wanted to set up the campaign to sell the ticket on the Monday the 6th of December before our
event start.
Selling the ticket:
After we printed out our ticket, we left half of the ticket in the university bookshop and we
separated another half to each members to sell to our friends. But again due to the slow in
advertising our event in public, we could not sell any ticket in the bookshops. Then when there is
an announcement that the university will be close, we could not take our tickets out from the
bookshop because we need someone from the student union to approve it. Also, no student can
see our poster and no student can buy the ticket in the bookshop. Therefore, the only way we
could sell the ticket is we had to sell to our friend by made a reservation for those who wish to
come. As the uncertain weather condition, many people could not decide whether they will come
or not, we have to allow them to made a reservation without payment and hope that the weather
will get better. As a result, some of them only made a reservation and did not show up.

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