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JL. P.Senopati No. 42/47 Kota Magelang. Kode Pos : 56123. Telp/faks : (0293) 362709/312635
Surat elektronik :, Laman :


Tahun Pelajaran 2019/ 2020

Mata Pelajaran : SASTRA INGGRIS (LM)

Kelas : X (Sepuluh)
Hari / Tanggal : Jum'at, 27 Maret 20120
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.30 WIB
Program : IPS 3

Petunjuk Umum
1. Tulis jawaban pada selembar kertas folio.
2. Gunakan bulpen hitam untuk menulis jawaban, tulisan yang jelas dan mudah dibaca.
3. Foto lembar jawab, kemudian kirimkan foto ke ketua kelas masing-masing.
4. Folder foto lembar jawab satu kelas dikirim ke guru mapel palinh lambat jam 13.00.
5. Dilarang bekerja sama dan membuka catatan ketika mengerjakan soal PTS.
6. Kertas Lembar jawab dikumpulkan hari pertama masuk sekolah.

Petunjuk Khusus

Answer the questions based on the text!

I planned to have holidays in Bandung last months. However, my parents didn't allow me.
Father said that is was too expensive to go to Bandung from Solo. Therefore, father gave an idea
to have holidays in Yogyakarta. Our grandparents live there. We decided to go there by car. Our
car was big enough to transport six people. However, something happened. My aunt wanted to
go with us. She begged my mother to allow her. She was too fat to enter the car. Then my father
asked her to go by train., but she was angry. Then. I decided to go by train with my sister. It was
fun enough to travel by train.

1. Why did the writer's father not allow her to go to Bandung? Because ...
2. What vehicle did they first choose to go to Yogyakarta?
3. The writer's aunt is not ... enough to enter the car.
4. " ... my parents didn't allow me."
What does the underlined word refer to?

Complete the following incomplete text with the word provided! This is for number 5 to 8!
There is a (5) ..library in my neighborhood. The library is very good. It has (6) ... many books to
read, but I just can (7)...two of them. The place is good enough. It has many facilities, such as
reading rooms and internet rooms. However, I suggest you not to go there on Saturday. There
are always many people who want to borrow books. The parking area is large enough, but you
will be (8) ... to park your bicycle on Saturdays.

A. enough D. too
B. difficult E. too many
C. borrow F. public

SastraInggris-X-IPS 3-Penilain Tengah Sem-Genap-TP.2019/2020 SMA Negeri 4 Magelang


Complete the following sentences with the suitable adjective !

9. I can't hear the music. The radio isn't ... enough to listen.
10. Let's get a taxi! It's too ... to walk home from here.
11. I think the shoes are ... enough for me. I buy it.
A. far D. loud
B. fit E. complete
C. warm F. safe

Complete the following sentences with too or enough!

12. It is ... difficult to ask the Indonesia people to stay at home during this situation.
13. Wash our hand use the hand soap as many as possible is beneficial ... to prevent the spread
of covid 19.

Identify the functions of expressing suffiency and excess!

14. Let's help the government manage the situation. It can stop the spread of Covid 19.
The function is ....
15. Gather many people is very dangerous now. Don't hold it nowdays.
The function is ....

Complete the sentences with enough to or not enough to! Do as the example!
Example :
You ... (beautiful /participate) in the beauty pageant. You should try it.
You are beautiful enough to participate in the beauty pageant. You should try it.

16. You ... ( adult/understand) this difficult situation.

17. Apply physical and social distancing ... ( important / stop the spread of covid 19.

Do as the example!
Example : The sweater is too big for Wina.
The sweater is not small enough for Wina.

18. It is too dangerous for us to go outside nowdays.

This text is for number 19 to 23!

Avalon High School
Street Art Fair
Actual Demonstrations
 Potter's Wheel
 Silk Screen
 Weaving
 Painting
 Drawing
In the street on AVALON HIGHWAY
(from Avalon High School to Avalon Park)
Saturday – Sunday
7 am. To 10 a.m

In conjuction with Bargain Days, you can't afford to miss this combination of
a unique Street Act Fair and Superb Bargains in the Avalon Highway stores.

Sponsored by Candy Art Association and Art Stores.

SastraInggris-X-IPS 3-Penilain Tengah Sem-Genap-TP.2019/2020 SMA Negeri 4 Magelang


Answer the following questions based on the text!

19. What does the ad promote?
20. Who are the committee of this event?
21. What can the target audience do in the event?
22. Which part shows persuasion?
23. Will you restate this event free?

This text is for number 24 to 26!

Fill inn the incomplete text with the provided words in the box! (write the letters and the
Do you want to donate your money for orphans and the poors while you enjoy a concert?
Join us for this second annual charity 24) ... benefiting Street Sense on March 20, 2020bat 7
p.m. at Potters's house is in Adam's Morgan at 1658 Columbia Road North West, 2009.
Columbia Heights Metro Station. Event scheduled from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. 25) ... capcity and
open seating, so come 26) ....

A. early C. soon D. feast

B. fair D. concert E. Capacity

This text is for number 27 to 30!

Answer the questions based on the text!
Announcer : The possibility of blindness is one of the greatest fears. As we get older, the
health of our eyes becomes more important. Have you had questions about the
health of your eyes?
Male : Yes. Is there anything new to help me with my low vision?
Announcer : We have the answer. Don't miss this eye-opening seminar Saturday, April 11,
2020 at 10 a.m at Silk Ballrom, Wright Hote, 382 Sixth Avenue, Manhatan. Take
This opportunity to learn more about your vision and how to protect it, and
Your questions answered by a doctor. To make reservation, call 329-9302. That's

27. Where can we that advertisement?

28. What is advertised?
29. What is the benefit of participating in the event?
30. "... to learn more about your vision and how to protect it, ..."
What is the synonym of the underlined word?

SastraInggris-X-IPS 3-Penilain Tengah Sem-Genap-TP.2019/2020 SMA Negeri 4 Magelang

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