Cover Letter

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Aayush Bharadwaj 
2232 Comstock Ln 
Naperville, IL 60564 
(773) 332-4195 

Dear Mrs. Amanda Dunham, 

If there is one thing I have learned from my class in marketing, it's that the most crucial part of a company is the 
brand. Everything involved in marketing, from creating an appealing product to pleasing the target audience, is to 
establish a reputable brand, and this is exactly what I plan to do at Legacy as the Chief Marketing Officer.  

Through my experience in Mr. Moreau’s class, I had many opportunities to present innovative marketing strategies for 
fields ranging from sports to music. I also have coding and website design skills, which I believe may be of use when 
making our product easily accessible to our customers. 

As a member of the senior patrol in my Boy Scouts Troop, I led a service project to build an outdoor classroom at our 
local elementary school. Managing 30 scouts within a limited time frame was a learning experience; I needed to 
constantly motivate and keep them focused on their tasks. Every summer, our troop attends a week-long summer 
camp. Many of the first-years experience homesickness, and as a leader in the troop my duty was to console them, 
and this taught me that compassion and empathy were key traits of being a leader. My experiences as a senior patrol 
member helped me develop my communication skills and confidence. 

Beyond my skills in marketing and leadership, I believe it is important to go above and beyond, and I plan to do this on 
every task I will receive. I also am aware that there are a lot of skills important to the job that I have yet to learn, but I 
am a quick learner, and I am confident in my ability to adapt to any unforeseen circumstances. 

All my prior experience culminates into me being a natural fit for the position of Chief Marketing Officer. I would 
greatly appreciate the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to Legacy. 


Aayush Bharadwaj 

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