REVIEW TEXT Tugas Rio Efendi

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Maze runner is a movie which is adapted from James

Dashner novel with the same name. This movie tell us
about a group of people who tried to get out from a
place called Glade, but they need to go through the
maze which have a danger creature called Grievers.

This movie tells about a boy named Thomas, wakes up

inside an underground service elevator with no
memory of his identity.
A group of male youths greet him in a large grassy area
called the Glade that is enclosed by tall, stone walls.
Every month, a new boy and supplies arrive in the
The boys, called Gladers, have formed a rudimentary
society with each assuming specialized tasks, they have
been in the Glade for about three years.
Alby, their leader and the first to arrive in the Glade,
says every boy eventually recalls his name, but none
remember their past. The boy learns that a vast Maze
surrounding the Glade may provide the only way out.
During the day, designated Runners search the Maze
for an escape route, returning before nightfall when
the entrance closes. No one has ever survived a night
inside the Maze.
Then, the condition of the Glade starting to change
when a female named Teresa come as the last person
in the Glade. One day, the leader Alby get stung by a
Then Thomas replace Alby place as the runner and he
become Minho’s partner. The two of them then try to
find way out from the maze.

The acting of all the casts is awesome. The

development of the character is also good. But, the
movie would be more alive if there is a romance scene.
Because, as we know that romance is often catch the
audience attention.

I think this movie is a great science-fiction movie. The

movie shows us how to fight for life. The movie also
shows that we can live with any races. For example are
Minho and Alby. So, this movie is good for anyone to

Maze runner merupakan sebuah film yang diadaptasi
dari novel James Dashner dengan nama yang sama.
Film satu ini bercerita mengenai sekelompok orang
yang mencoba untuk keluar dari tempat bernama
Glade, namun mereka harus melewati labirin yang
mempunyai makhluk berbahaya bernama Grievers.

Film satu ini mengisahkan mengenai seorang anak
lelaki yang bernama Thomas, terbangun di dalam lift
layanan bawah tanah tanpa ingatan identitasnya.
Sekelompok pemuda pria kemudian menyambutnya di
kawasan berumput besar yang disebut sebagai Glade
yang dikelilingi dengan tembok – tembok batu yang
Setiap bulan, seorang bocah baru dan persediaan tiba
di lift. Anak laki – laki, yang disebut Gladers, sudah
menciptakan suatu masyarakat yang belum sempurna
dengan masing – masing memiliki tugas yang khusus,
mereka sudah berada di Glade selama sekitar tiga

Alby, yang merupakan pemimpin mereka serta

pertama tiba di Glade, mengatakan setiap anak laki –
laki akhirnya ingat namanya, namun tak ada yang ingat
masa lalu mereka.
Bocah tersebut mengetahui jika Labirin yang luas yang
mengelilingi Glade mungkin menjadi satu – satunya
jalan keluar.
Di waktu siang hari, maze yang ditunjuk mencari
Labirin untuk rute pelarian, kembali sebelum malam
pada saat pintu masuk ditutup. Tak ada yang pernah
selamat semalam di dalam Labirin.
Lalu, keadaan Glade mulai berubah pada saat ada
seorang wanita yang bernama Teresa datang sebagai
orang terakhir di Glade.
Suatu hari, pemimpin Alby disengat oleh Griever. Lalu
Thomas menggantikan tempat Alby sebagai pelari serta
ia menjadi mitra Minho. Keduanya lalu mencoba
mencari jalan keluar dari labirin.
Akting dari seluruh pemain sangat mengagumkan.
Perkembangan karakter juga sangat bagus. Namun,
filmnya akan lebih hidup apabila diselipkan adegan
percintaan. Sebab, seperti kita ketahui jika romansa
sering menarik perhatian kaum audiens.

Saya pikir film ini merupakan film fiksi ilmiah yang
sangat hebat. Film satu ini menunjukkan terhadap kita
bagaimana berjuang untuk hidup. Film satu ini juga
menunjukkan jika kita bisa hidup dengan ras apa pun.
Sebagai contohnya Minho dan Alby. Sehingga, film satu
ii bagus untuk ditonton siapa saja.
Maze runner is a movie which is adapted from James
Dashner novel with the same name. This movie tell us
about a group of people who tried to get out from a
place called Glade, but they need to go through the
maze which have a danger creature called Grievers.

This movie tells about a boy named Thomas, wakes up
inside an underground service elevator with no
memory of his identity.
A group of male youths greet him in a large grassy area
called the Glade that is enclosed by tall, stone walls.
Every month, a new boy and supplies arrive in the
The boys, called Gladers, have formed a rudimentary
society with each assuming specialized tasks, they have
been in the Glade for about three years.
Alby, their leader and the first to arrive in the Glade,
says every boy eventually recalls his name, but none
remember their past. The boy learns that a vast Maze
surrounding the Glade may provide the only way out.
During the day, designated Runners search the Maze
for an escape route, returning before nightfall when
the entrance closes. No one has ever survived a night
inside the Maze.
Then, the condition of the Glade starting to change
when a female named Teresa come as the last person
in the Glade. One day, the leader Alby get stung by a
Then Thomas replace Alby place as the runner and he
become Minho’s partner. The two of them then try to
find way out from the maze.

The acting of all the casts is awesome. The
development of the character is also good. But, the
movie would be more alive if there is a romance scene.
Because, as we know that romance is often catch the
audience attention

I think this movie is a great science-fiction movie. The
movie shows us how to fight for life. The movie also
shows that we can live with any races. For example are
Minho and Alby. So, this movie is good for anyone to


1. What text being discussed ?

A.Review text
B.Narrative text
C. Recount text
D. Report text
E. Explanation text
ANSWER : A. Review text

2. What is title of the text

A. Score Footbal
B. Maze Runer
C. Shaun the sheep
D. Counter strike
E. Zombie
ANSWER : B. Maze runer

3. This Film is adapted from ?

A. Novel
B. Poetry
C. Book
D. Short story
E. Film
ANSWER : A. Novel

4. Who is the main character in the film ?

A. Jhons
B. Phillip
C. Ema
D. Jimmy
E. Thomas
ANSWER : E. Thomas

5. What are they doing there ?

A. Trying to get out of the maze
B. Played
C. Singing
D. Sport
E. War
ANSWER : A. trying to get out of the maze

6. How leads them there

A. Jimmy
B. Ema
C. Alby
D. mr. Parker
E. Jhonny
ANSWER : C. Alby
7. Who replaces the phropet as leader ?
A. Thomas
B. Minho
C. Gladers
D. Parker
E. Jhonny
ANSWER : A. Thomas

8. Who is the creacture blocking them from the

A. Grievers
B. Zombie
C. Alien
D. Monster
E. killer
ANSWER : A. Grievers

9. How long have they been in the glade ?

A. one years
B. Two year
C. Three years
D. Four years
E. Five years
ANSWER : C. Three years

10. Whether they can get through the maze ?

A. Was successful
B. Success
C. was be failed
D. failed
E. Do not
ANSWER : A. Was succesful

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