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Apreciado estudiante en la siguiente actividad se presentará la forma correcta en que se

deben emplear los adjetivos y adverbios. Repasa la información y realiza los ejercicios de
completación. En caso de dudas te puedes comunicar con el docente, por el número que aparece
en la plataforma.

Los ejercicios de completación, los deberás subir en un documento word, debidamente

identificado. Valor de la actividad 50 puntos del total del corte.

Adjectives: comparative form

The comparative form at one-syllable adjective adds or.
young – younger fast – faster
smart - smarter short – shorter

The comparative form of adjectives with more than one syllable uses
beautiful – more beautiful interesting – more interesting
expensive – more expansive difficult – more difficult

However, two – syllable adjectives that end in y or ow add er, The y is

changed to I before the er is added.
heavy – heavier narrow – narrower
sleepy- sleepier deadly – deadlier

The comparative form of adjectives is followed by than.

She’s older than her sister. That’s more difficult than you think.
The adjectives good and bad have irregular comparatives: good -
better and bad – worse.
This movie was better than the other one.
The traffic in the city is worse than in the country.

Write the comparative form of the adjectives in parentheses, include

the word than.
1- Helen is (young) Rob. Younger than

2- This book is (interesting) that one. __________________

3- Oranges are (sweet) lemons. __________________

4- The weather today is (warm) it was yesterday. ___________________

5- This exercise is (easy) the last one. ___________________

6- Lisa is (intelligent) her sister. ___________________

7- The month of February is (cold) the month of March. __________________

8- I am (tired) I was last night. ___________________

9- Our classroom is (large) your classroom. ___________________

10- This lesson is (long) the next one. ___________________

11- You seem to be (busy) George. ___________________

12- Her cold is much (bad) mine. ___________________

13- A dish is (shallow) a bowl. ___________________

Adverbs: comparative form

Adverbs with one syllable take er in the comparative form.
Soon – sooner late – later

Adverbs with more than one syllable take more in the comparative form.
Rapidly – more rapidly easily – more easily
The comparative form of adverbs is followed by than.
He reads Spanish better than French.
I feel worse than yesterday.

Write the comparative form of the adverbs in parentheses. Include the word than.
1- We arrived at the party (late) they. later than

2- We will get there (soon) you. ____________________

3- He spoke (loudly) usual. ____________________

4- She answered me (quickly) I expected. ____________________

5- She plays the piano (well) her sister. ____________________

6- She also sings (beautifully) her sister. ____________________

7- The train arrived (late) ever before. ____________________

8- You can run (fast) I. ____________________

9- We speak much (slowly) the teacher. _____________________

10- Sue prepares her homework (carefully) I do _____________________

11- Yvonne works (hard) the other students. _____________________

12- I get up every morning (lazily) Hector. _____________________

13- You speak English much (well) I. _____________________

14- He can do the work (easily) I. _____________________

15- She returned (soon) we expected. _____________________

16- He goes there (often) I. ______________________

Vocabulary review:
Mistakes of fact 3
The items in boldface are mistakes. Change them to make the facts correct, and
write your answers in the blanks.

1- The capital of the United States is Philadelphia. Washington

2- The Atlantic Ocean lies south of the United States. ___________________
3- The opposite of cheap is poor. ___________________
4- In the word knife, the letter n is silent (not pronounced). ___________________
5- The past tense form of can is might. ___________________
6- The past tense form of speak is spoken. ___________________
7- There are fifty second in a minute. ___________________
8- On a watch or clock, the minute hand is shorter than the hour hand.
9- The English alphabet has twenty – four letters. ___________________
10- The superlative form of the adjective good is better. ___________________
11- The first president of the United States was Abraham Lincoln. ________________
12- There are two feet in a yard. ___________________
13- There are ten millimeters in one decimeter. ___________________
14- Mexico lies north of the United States. ___________________
15- We pronounce the word stopped as a word of two syllables. __________________
16- We pronounce the word wanted as a word of one syllable. ___________________
17- We accent the word auditorium on the second syllable. ___________________
18- April is the fifth month of the year. ___________________
19- To call up someone is to criticize him or her. ___________________
20- People see with their cars. ___________________
21- In the United States, the coldest season of the year is summer. _________________
22- Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States during the Revolutionary War.
Adjectives: superlative form
The superlative of one – syllable adjectives is formed by adding est.
warm – warmest high – highest.
big – biggest hot – hottest

The superlative of adjectives with more than one syllable is usually

made by using most.
interesting – most interesting difficult – most difficult
beautiful – most beautiful expensive – most expensive

However, two – syllable adjectives that end in y or ow add est. The y is

changed to I before the est is added.
heavy – heaviest narrow – narrowest
sleepy – sleepiest deadly – deadliest

The superlatives of good and bad are irregular: good – best and bad –
He uses the best mechanic in town.
I had the worst grade in the class.

Write the superlative form of the adjective. Be sure to use the word

1- Joy is (tall) girl in our class. The tallest.

2- She is (athletic) student in the school. __________________

3- New York is (large) city in the United States. __________________

4- Alice is (intelligent) girl in our class. _________________

5- Carlo is (good) student in our class. _________________

6- The Mississippi River is (long) river in the United States. __________________

7- August is (hot) month of the year in the United States. __________________

8- This exercise is (difficult) one in the whole book. _________________

9- Park Avenue is (wide) street in New York City. __________________

10- Mr. Gilbert is (busy) teacher in our school. __________________

11- Grace is (friendly) girl in our group. __________________

12- Miss Rice is (good) teacher of English in our school. __________________

13- That store is (large) store in town. __________________

14- He is (bad) student in our class. __________________

15- January is (cold) month of the year in the United States. _________________

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