3 Usci 7

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Name: Grade & Section:

Teacher: Miss Mara M. Labandero Score:

General Direction: This is a 50-item test, read each direction written in every type of test, answer this test in one hour.

I. Classify the following as vectors or scalar.

1. Length
2. Force

3. Acceleration
4. Height

5. time
6. Speed

7. Temperature
II. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is an example of scalar quantity.

a. Acceleration b. force c. velocity d. volume

2. Is an example of a vector quantity.

a. Density b. force c. mass d. volume

3. A scalar quantity is .

a. Shows direction b. always has mass

b. c. does not have units d. quantity that is completely specified by its magnitude

4. The distance between one point on a wave and the nearest point moving with the same speed and direction is the

a. Frequency b. intensity c. pitch d. wavelength

5. Is a unit of speed .

a. Kg b. s c. m/s d. hr

6. Which of the following is a measure of velocity?

a. 30 s b. 30 south c. 30m/s d.30m/s, south

7. It describe how objects move .

a. Motion b. mechanics c. kinematics d. dynamics

8. Among the following quantities, which has both magnitude and direction.

a. Distance b. speed c. time d. acceleration

9. Which of the following shows deceleration?

a. A car moving 60 kph in a straight path.

b. A bus moving 40 kph around a curve.

c. . A typhoon moving at 60 kph northwest and changing its path to 80 kph west.

d. . A jeepney moving on a straight road, slowing down to stop.

10. What is the acceleration of a van that maintains a constant velocity of 100kph for 10 s?

a. 0 b. 10 km/h/s c. 10 m/s 2 d. 1000 kph

11. Which of the following is a longitudinal wave?

a. Sound wave in air c. wave produced from up and down movement of a slinky ( string)

b. Wave traveling in a string d. none of the above

12. The two measurements necessary for calculating speed are .

a. Velocity and distance c. distance and acceleration

b. distance and time d. acceleration and time.

13. Noni walks 4 m/s south. Which of the following best describes Noni’s travel?

a. Distance b. speed c. time d. velocity

III. Identify the parts of figure 1 . Write on the blanks the letters that describe the given points.

a. Crest b. Trough c. Amplitude d. Wavelength

1. Point B

2. From point A to point E

3. From the equilibrium position to point D

4. Point D

5. From point B to point F

6. From the equilibrium position to point F

7. From point C to point G

8. From the middle line to point B

IV. Problem solving. ( 5 points each)

Instruction: Show your own solution in a 1 WHOLE SHEET OF PAPER.

1. What is the speed of a rocket that travels 9000 meters in 12.12 seconds?

2. What is the speed of a jet plane that travels 528 meters in 4 seconds?

3. A ball rolls down a ramp for 15 seconds.  If the initial velocity of the ball was 0.8 m/sec and the final velocity was 7
m/sec, what was the acceleration of the ball ?

4. A trip to Cape Canaveral, Florida takes 10 hours. The distance is 816 km. Calculate the average speed.

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