Edited - Jireck P.LONG QUIZ

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NAME: Jireck Pagilagan SCORE/RATING:


I. Identification

Direction: Determine and identify the given statements. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.

Pattern 1. These are regular, repeated, or recurring forms or designs.

Symmetry 2. It indicates an imaginary line across an object and the resulting parts are mirror

images of each other.

Golden Angel's 3. Snail’s shell is an example of what Pattern?

21 4. Given Fibonacci, Fib(1) = 1 and Fib(2) = 1; What is Fib(8)?

13 5. Given Fibonacci, Fib(7) = 8 and Fib(9) = 21; What is Fib(8)?

Inductive Reasoning 6. It is the process if reaching a general conclusion by examining specific examples.

Deductive Reasoning 7. It is the process of reaching conclusion by applying general assumptions,


or principles.

18 8. Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15,

21 9. Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, .

Descriptive10. The statement “All positive numbers are greater than zero.” is an example of what


II. True or False

Direction: Identify whether the given statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if

it is not. Write your answer on the space provide before the number.

True 1. Relation is a “one-to-many” Function.

True 2. Function is a “one-to-one” relation.

False 3. Function is a “many-to-one” relation.

False 4. The 7th term in the sequence 2, 5, 8, 11, … is 20.

True 5. The 6th term in the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, … is 30.

III. Problem Solving

1. Follow the procedure: Pick a number. Multiply by 9, add 15 to the product, divide the sum by 3, add
5.(Show your

solution) Use deductive reasoning to make a conjecture. (5 points)

Step 1: original number : n

Step 2:multiply by 9 =9n

Step 3:add 15 =9n + 15

Step 4: divide by 3 = 9n + 15

3n + 5

Step 5: add 5 3n + 5 + 5

= 3n + 10

CONJECTURE/CONCLUSION: We started with n and ended with 3n + 10.

2. Use a difference table to predict the next term (5pts)

a. -4, -1, 14, 47, 104, 191, 314, ? 479

\ /\ /\ / \ /\ /\ /\

3 15 33 57 87 123 165

\ /\ / \ /\ /\ /\ /

12 18 24 30 36 42

\ / \ / \ / \ / \ /

6 6 6 6 6

3. Use Polya’s Problem-Solving Strategy. (20 points)

Melody picks a number. She doubles the number, squares the result, divides the square by 3, subtracts
30 from the

quotient, and gets 18. What are the possible numbers that melody could have picked? What operation
does Melody

perform that prevents us from knowing 100% certainty which number she picked?
Understand the problem: (5 points)

Devise a plan: (5 points)

Carry out the plan: (5 points)

Review the Solution: (5 points)

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