Module 4 Ass, Rabago

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Angielica N.



1.Describe the tourism platform that you thinks has guided the development of:

 Boracay Island
- For me, the tourism platform that has guided the development of Boracay Island was the
Knowledge- based tourism platform. As you can see, this platform encourage a sustainable
tourism development concept. The priority of this platform is to sustain the natural beauty of
Boracay Island. We all know that in the recent years , the island of Boracay had undergo for
environmental rehabilitation due to the overtourism and improper waste management. This
comprehensive rehabilitation plan was produce in order to inforce laws and regulation, controll
and prevent pollution, rehabilitate and recover lost and damaged ecosystem, and sustain island
activities without going against the previous three parts. Because of this platform, Boracay
Island Boracay has become the model for sustainable tourism, and its success of the
rehabilitation program is a potential springboard for establishing a culture of environmentally
conscious tourism across the country.
 Puerto Princesa Underground River
- For me, the tourism platform that has guided the development of Puerto Princesa
Underground River was the Adaptancy platform. Because this platform acknowledge that mass
tourism has negative impact but these can be minimized or avoided by "alternative tourism"
which refers to low-volume low impact forms of tourism. This tourism spot has its own way to
control visitor access, they have a “No Permit, No Entry” policy which is strictly enforced by
their Management. It also has a carrying capacity of nine hundred visitors a day. This is to
ensure that the thousands of bats and swiftlet and other life forms and the environment itself
are not disturbed beyond their tolerable level.

2.Examine the goals and strategies of the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan. What theory
of tourism development do you think best describes it?

 Strategies of Philippine National Tourism Development Plan

Improving market access and connectivity
- Rapidly expand capacity of secondary international airports
- Expand connectivity between Philippines and its key growth markets
- Implement a strategic access infrastructure program between secondary international
airports and strategic destinations
Developing and marketing competitive tourist destinations and products
- Implement a sustainable tourism destination infrastructure program
- Develop diversified tourism products that engage local communities
- Implement a PPP-based mandatory tourism enterprise accreditation system and facilitate
tourism investment and lower cost of business
- Safeguarding natural & cultural heritage and vulnerable groups
- PPP-based marketing strategy and action plan
Improving tourism institutional, governance and human resource capacities
- Institutionalize roles and responsibilities of DOT and LGUs
- Develop a competent well motiveted and productive tourism workforce
- Improve governance in the aree of safety, security, and in dealing with tourists

 Goal of Philippine National Tourism Development Plan

- An environmentally and socially responsible tourism that delivers more widely distributed
income and employment opportunities as indicated by 6.6 M international arrivals and 34.8 M
domestic travelers generating PhP1,759 billion in total expenditure, contributing 6.78% to GDP
and employing 6.5 million people.

In my perspective, the theory of tourism development that best describe the Philippine National
Development Plan was the Advocacy theory that falls under Laissez Faire. Because, as you can observe
to the goal and strategies that I noted above, it clearly emphasizes on how tourism helps boosting our
country's economy without causing any harm to the environment and vulnerable groups.

3.How is sustainable tourism approach different from the other approaches? What is your opinion on
this approach in terms of practical application?

- In my perspective, unlike to other approaches of tourism, sustainable tourism approach

focuses on making a tourism area maintain its future viability. It means that the vital goal of this
approach is to preserve the natural beauty of a tourist area, to be able to give future generation,
the same experience that we had when we explore it. In terms of practical application, my
opiniom about this approach is that it can really help a certain attraction in order to maximize
positive impacts and minimize negative impacts.It is very helpful especially for the nature- based

4.Tourism plans are “just a waste of time and money”. What is your reaction to this statement?

- In my perspective, I strongly disagree that tourism plans are just a waste of money, on the
other hand I believe that having no plans in tourism makes it for a waste of money itself.
Because, without planning, it may create unexpected and unwanted impacts which can result
for environmental, economic, cultural, political and social problems. Tourism plan at all levels is
essential for achieving successful tourism development and management. These palns can
revitalize a certain tourism area and maintain its future viability. There are many benefits if
tourism was planned: first it will develop tourism so that its natural and cultural resources are
indefinitely maintained and conserved for the future. Second it will optimize and balance the
economic, environmental and social benefits of tourism, with equitable distribution of these
benefits to the society, while minimizing possible problems of tourism. And lastly this plan will
establish guidelines and standards for preparing detailed plans of specific tourism development
areas with its appropriate design of tourist facilities. With these benefits I can surely say that
tourism plan is not a waste of money, rather, it is a great way in order to save money.

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