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Factor each of the following completely or state if the polynomial is prime

16. a^4 - b^6=(a^2+b^3 )(a^2-b^3 )
17. c^2 - 81 =(c+9)(c-9)
18. 4h^2 - 49=(2h+7)(2h-7)
19. 16j^2 - 81k^2 =(4j+9k)(4j-9k)
20. 1 -25q^4 =(1+5q^2 )(1-5q^2 )
21. 16r^4 - 121=(4r^2+11)(4r^2-11)
22. 0.01e^2 - f^2g^2=(0.1e+fg)(0.1e-fg)
23. 144h^2 - 49i^2= (12h+7i)(12h-7i)
24. (j+k)^2 - 400=(j+k+20)(j+k-20)
25. 1 - 1
- - x^2 =(1/6+1/3 x)(1/6-1/3 x)
36 9
B. Factor Each Completely
10.m^3 - 64 =(m−4)(m^2+4m+16)
11. 27 + 8p^3=(3+2p)( 9−6p+4p^2)
12. 125 + 8q^3=(5+2q)( 25−10q+4q^2)
13. t^3 + 125s^3= (t +5s)( t^2−5st+25s^2)
14. u^6 – 64= (u+2)(u^2−2u+4)(u−2)(u^2+2u+4)
15. 343v^3 + 27w^6=(7v+ 3w^2)( 49v^2−21vw^2+9w^4)
16. 8a^3 + (a + b)^3=(3a+b)(3a^2+b^2)
17. 27(c+d)^3 - e^3 =(3c+3d−e)(9c^2+18cd+9d^2+3ce+3de+e^2)
18. 0.008f^6 + g^3h^9=(0.2f^2+gh^3)(0.04f^4−0.2f^2gh^3+g^2h^6)
19. 216a^3b^3 - 512c^9=8(3ab−4c^3)(9a^2b^2+12abc^3+16c^6)
20. 8 x^6 - 125y^9=(2/9x^2−5y^3)(4/9x^4+(10/3x^2y^3+25y^6)
21. 0.027j^3 -0.216k^6=0.027(j−2k^2)(j^2+2jk^2+4k^4)

B. Complete each expression to form a perfect square trinomial

10. b^2 + 26b + _196
11. e^2 - 30c + _225
12. 25d^2 + _20d + 4
13. 64e^2 + _114ef + 49f^2
14. 4g^2h^2 + _60gh + 225
15. 4x^2 + _44x + 121
16. 25k^6 - 40j^4k^3 + _400j^8
17. 161^2 + _28(161) + 196
C. Find all integers "k" such that the trinomial is a perfect square trinomial
18. 4x^2 - kx + 25; k=20
19. 81x^2 - kx + 1; k=18
20. kx^2 + 6x + 1; k= 9
21. kx^2 - 4x + 1; k=4
22. 64x^2 +16xy + k; k=1/64y^2
23. 36x^2 + 60xy + k; k=25/36y^2
Test II Factor Each Completely //Sent As Image
29. (𝑎 + 3)(𝑎 + 3)
30. (1+ 4𝑐)( 1 +4𝑐)
31. (8𝑑 − 1)(8𝑑 − 1)
32. (8𝑑 − 1)(8𝑑 − 1)
33. (3𝑚 − 5𝑛)(3𝑚 − 5𝑛)
34. (5𝑝 + 6𝑞)(5𝑝 + 6𝑞)
35. (𝑥2𝑎 +3𝑦3𝑎 )(𝑥2𝑎 +3𝑦3𝑎 )
36. 0.01(2𝑚 + 13𝑛)(2𝑚 + 13𝑛)
𝑥 1 𝑥 1
37. ቀ − ቁቀ − ቁ
2 3 2 3
2𝑎 3𝑏 2𝑎 3𝑏
38. ቀ3 − 4 ቁቀ3 − 4 ቁ
39. 8(9𝑥 +3𝑥 + 25)
40. 5(4𝑥 +3)(4𝑥 + 3)
41. 3(7𝑥𝑦 − 2𝑧)(7𝑥𝑦 − 2𝑧)
42. 3𝑝(36𝑚4 + 30𝑚2𝑛 + 25𝑛2)
43. 5𝑧(9𝑦4 −48𝑥2𝑦 +64𝑥 2)
44. 16 (𝑎2 + 12𝑎 + 144)
45. 0.45𝑟(𝑝6 − 8𝑝3𝑞2 + 1560𝑞4)

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