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Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur

Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2ndYear Syllabus Unit # 1
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 1
T- Marks - 40 Time: 35 - M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10 X

1. If f(x) = x²-2x+1, then f(0) =?

a 0 b 1 c -1 d 2
2. C:R →R defined byC(x) = 2, ∀ x ∈ R is a function :
a Identity b Linear c Constant d None
3. The Range of function y = cosx is ___
a ] 1,-1] b ] 1,-1[ c [1,-1[ d [1,-1]
4. F(x) = sinx is a function ____
a Odd b Even c Both d None
5. X = acost any y = asint are equations of:
a Parabola b Circle c Ellipse d None
6. x²+xy+y² = 2 is an example of :
a Linear function b Quadratic c Explicit function d Implicit function
7. The function f(x) = 1/x+2 is discontinuous at x =
a 1 b 2 c -2 d All real numbers
8. lim =
x→ ∞ x
a ∞ b 0 c 1 d Not defined
9. The notation y = f(x) invented by:
a Fuler b Leibniz c Both d None
10. Degree of polynomial P(x) = 2x2-3x³+2x-1 is:
a 8 b 5 c 3 d None

Q#2 Short Questions 10 × 2 = 20

1. Determine that f(x) = x²/³ +6 is even or odd.
2 x +1
2.f(x) = , x > 1 find f-1(x)
3. Find the domain and range of f-1(x) if f(x) = √ x+ 2
lim x +3
4. Evalute x→ 3
√ x− √3
lim 1−cos x
5. Evaluate x → 0
sin x
1 n
( )
6.Evaluate lim 1+
n→∞ n
7. Define even function with 1 example.
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Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:
lim e x −1
8.Evaluate x→0 , x<0
e +1
9. f(x) = x²-x. Find f(x²+4)
10.Show that x = a cosθ, y = b sinθ represent the equation of ellipse x²/a² +y²/b² = 1.

Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10

mx , x< 3
1. Find m and n so that f(x) =

lim tanθ−sinθ
{ n , x=3
−2 x +9 , x >3
, f is continuous at x = 3.

2. Evaluate θ→0
sin ³ θ .

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 2 (1st half)
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 2
T- Marks – 40 Time: 35 - M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10 X

1. Y= f(x) ;the dependent variable is:

a x b y c Both d None
2. Notation “ f(x)” used by _____
a Leibniz b Newton c Cauchy d None
3. Derivative of any constant term is :
a 0 b 1 c 2 d Not defined
4. d/dx (xⁿ)= nx is a rule ______
a Product b Power c Addition d All
5. d/dx (x +1)=
a 3x4 b 4x³ c 4x² d 4x
6. d/dx (tan x) =
a Cosx b Sinx c -Sec²x d Sec²x
7. d/dx(cos x) =
a Cos x b -cos x c -sin x d Sin x
8. Which one is a chain rule:
a dy / dx = dy/dx ×dy/du b dy/dx = dy/du×dx/du c dy/dx = dy/du ×du/dx d All
9. d/dx (cot −1 x ) =
a 1 b 1 C −1 d None
1+ x ² 1−x ² 1+ x ²
10. d/dx (5x²)=
a 0 b 5x c 10x² d 10x
Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:

Q#2 Short Questions 10 × 2 = 20

1. Differentiate w.r.t ‘x’ (√ x – )²
2. Find if 3x+4y+7=0
3. Find if y=xcosy
4. Differentiate sin x w.r.t. cotx.
−1 x
5. Differentiate w.r.t ‘x’ cot
6. If y = tan(p tan x ) show that (1 + x²)y2 – p(1 + y²) = 0.

2 x−3
7. Differentiate w.r.t. ‘x’
3−4 x
8. Find by definition, the derivative w.r.t of m
9. Find by definition, the derivative w.r.t ‘x’ of x-100.
dy 1
10. Find if x= θ + and y = θ + 1.
dx θ

Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10

dy 1+t ² 2t
1. Prove that y dx + x=0 if x = 1−t ² y = 1+ t ² .
dy y y −1 x
2. Show that dx = x if x = tan y

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 2 (2nd half)
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 3
T- Marks – 40 Time: 35 - M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10 X

1. d/dx(aˣ)=
a aˣ b a ˣ ln x c a ˣlna d Alna
2. Log eˣ is names as logarithms ________
a common b Natural c Both d None
3. d/dx (sinh2x) =
a 2xcosh2x b 2coshx c 2 cosh2x d None
4. d/dx (tanh -1x) =
Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:
a 1/(1+x²) b 1/(1-x²) C -1/(1-x²) d 1/(x²-1)
5. Y``` represents the derivative:
a 1st b 3rd c 4th d None
6. 1 + x + x²/2! + x³/3! + …. Is Maclaurin series of:
a Sinx b Cosx c eˣ d e²ˣ
7. F is said to decreasing on (a, b) if f(x1) < f(x2) whenever :
a x1 > x2 b x2 < x1 c Both d None
8. Any point where f is neither increase nor decrease is called a point:
a Empty b Inflection c Both a & b d Stationary
9. y= xˣ has a minimum value at x =
a E b 1/e c 1/a d None
10. If y= 10x² then y2 = ______
a 10x b 20x c 10 d 20

Q#2 Short Questions 10× 2 = 20

1. Find f ' ( x ) if f(x) = e √ x−1
2. Find if y = x esinx
3. Find if y=(ln tanhx).
4. Find y₂ if x³ + y³ = a³.
5. Apply Maclaurin series to prove cos x = 1- x²/2! + x⁴/4! – x⁶/6!+
6. Determine the intervals in which f is increasing or decreasing
f(x) = cos x ; x ∈ (-π/2,π/2).
7. Divide 20 into two parts so sum of their squares will be
8. Show that 2x+h = 2ˣ {1 +(lnx)h + (lnx)² h²/2!+….}
9. Find if y = sinh⁻¹(x³).
10. Find y4 = if y = sin3x.

Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10

dy 2 ¿
1. Find if y = ( √ x −1)(x +1)¿ 3/ 2
dx ( x ¿¿ 3+1) ¿
2. Show that y = has maximum value at x = e.

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 3 ( 1st half)
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 4
T- Marks - 40 Time: 35 - M Obtained M
Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10 X

1. d/dx and ∫…dx are operations of each other:

a Converse b Inverse C Both d None
xⁿ ⁺ ¹
2. ∫ xⁿ dx = is true for all n except:
a n=0 b n=1 C n = -1 d n=½
3. Differential of y = 2x is:
a dy=2 b dy =dx C dy =0 d dy =2dx
4. ∫ tan x dx =
a Lnsecx b lncosx C Lnsinx d sec²x
5. ∫ sinxdx =
a Tan x b Secx C Cos x d -cos x
6. ∫x²dx =
a 2x b 3x³ C x³/3 + c d x²/3
7. ∫cos2xdx =
a sin x b sin 2 x C −sin 2 x d None
2 2 2x
8. ∫3x²dx =
a 3x³ b x³ C x² d 3x
9. ∫ dx=
√ 1−x ²
a Tan x b sin x C Sin-¹x d Cos -1x
10. ∫ dx =
a ²+ x ²
a 1/a tan x/a b 1/a tan-1 x/a C Tan -1x d 1/a tan-1a/x

Q#2 Short Questions 10× 2 = 20

1. Evaluate ∫ tan²xdx.
2. Evaluate ∫ dx.
ax ²+2 bx+ c
sec ² x
3. Evaluate ∫ dx.
√ tanx
cosx (lnsinx)
4. Evaluate ∫ dx.
3 x +2
5. Evaluate ∫ dx.
6. Using differential find dy/dx and dx/dy, xy + x = 4
7. Using deferential find approximate value of cos29.
8. Evaluate ∫ lnx.dx .
9. Evaluate ∫ eˣ (cosx + sinx) dx.
Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:
10. Evaluate ∫ dx.
√ 4+ x ²
Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10
1. Show that ∫ = ln (x +√ x ²−a ² ¿ +c
√ x ²−a ²
2. Evaluate the integral ∫x³e5ˣ dx.

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 3 (2nd half)
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 5
T- Marks – 40 Time: 35 - M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10 X

1. ∫ f ( x )dx=
a a
a 0 b c d 1
∫ f ( x )dx ∫ f ( x )dx
b b
2. ∫1 dx=
a 2 b 0 c 1 D -1

3. ∫ f ( x ) dx =
a 2a b A c 3a d 0
4. ∫ sin x dx=
a -2 b 2 c 0 d -1
5. ∫e²ˣdx =
a e²ˣ b e²ˣ/2 c 2e²ˣ d Zero
6. Which one is a differential equation :
a y +2x=0 b dy c 2x =0 d none
+ 2x= 0
7. The order of differential equation is y dy/dx+2x=0
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a 1 b 2 c 0 d 3
8. The degree of differential equation is y d²y/dx² +(dy/dx)³+2x =0 is ____
a 1 b 2 C 0 d 3
9. Y2+ y1 + 2x = 0 is differential equation of order :
a 2 b 1 C 0 d None

10. ∫ f ( x ) dx is an integral ________:

a Indefinite b Definite C Both d None

Q#2 Short Questions 10× 2 = 20

1. Evaluate ∫3x+1/x²-x-6. dx
2. Evaluate ∫ dx
−1 (2 x−1)²
3. Define differential equation? Write one example.
4. Write the order and degree of the differential equation (d²y/dx²)³ - y1 + 2x = 0
5. Find the area bounded by cos x function from x = -π/2 to x=π/2.
6. Solve differential equation (eˣ + e-ˣ) = eˣ - e-ˣ
y ² +1
7. Check that y = tan(eˣ + c) is a solution of dy/dx= −x or not.
8. Find area between X-axis and the curve y = 4x-x²
9. Evaluate ∫ .
0 x ²+9
10. 10. Evaluate ∫ x √ x ²−1dx

Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10

1. Evaluate ∫ cos 4t dt.
1 dy 1
2. Solve the differential equation = ( 1+ y²).
x dx 2
Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 4
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 6
T- Marks – 40 Time: 35 – M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10× 1 = 1

1. In P(-2,5) ‘-2’ is called :

a Ordinate b Abscissa c Origion d None
2. (-2,-7) lies in which quadrant of plane:
a IV b I c III d II
3. Two lines are parallel if their slopes are:
a Equal b Not equal c Negative d All
4. Slope of vertical line is:
a 0 b ∞ C -∞ d None
5. If line is parallel to y-axis then inclination :
a 90° b 0° c 180° d 60°
6. Slope – intercept form is :
a Y=m+c b Y=x+c c y =mx+c d All
7. Two non-parallel lines intersect each other at point :
a 2 b 3 c 1 d 5
8. The equation of x-axis is:
a y=0 b y=1 c y=2 d y= ∞
9. Line is horizontal if m=
a 0° b 90° c 180° d 270°
10. If Slope of AB and BC are equal then A, B, C are points :
a Collinear b Non-collinear c All d None

Q#2 Short Questions 10× 2 = 20

Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:
1. Find mid point of A(-8,3), B(2,-1). 2. P(-2,6) ; (-3,2) Find XY-cordinates.
3. Write the inclination of horizontal and vertical line. 4. Find Slope of A(-1,-3), B(1,5).
5. Find equation of line through A(-6,5) having slope 7.
6. Convert 4x + 7y – 2 = 0 into slope intercept form.
7. Find whether the given points lies above or below the line (5,8) , 2x - 3y + 6 = 0.
8. Find distance between A(5,8) and (-7,1)
9. Define Hemogeneous equation. 10. Define inclination and slope of line.

Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10

1. Find the interior angles of a triangle whose vertics are A(6,1), B(2,7), C(-6,-7).
3. Find ‘h’ such that points A(h, 1), B(2,7) and C(-6,7) are vertices of a right triangle
with Right angle at vertex A.

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 5
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 7
T- Marks - 25 Time: 35 – M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 5

1. The symbol used by inequality are:

a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
2. Corner point is also called _____:
a Vertex b Origion c Focus d Point
3. (0,0) is the solution of inequality :
a 7x + 2y > 0 b 2x – y > 0 c x+y ≥0 d 3x + 7y > 0
4. If x>b then:
a -x > -b b -x < b c x<b d -x < -b
5. The number of variables in ax + by ≤ c are:
a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:

Q#2 Short Questions 5× 2 = 10

1. Define corner point.
2. Graph the solution set of 5x – 4 y ≤ 20.
3. Graph the solution set of 3x + 7y ≥ 21 and x – y ≤ 2.
4. Graph the solution set of x + y ≤ 5; -2x + y ≤ 2; x ≥ 0; y ≥ 0.
5. Define objective function.

Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10

1. Graph the following also find the corner points : x + 3y ≤ 15; 2x + y ≤ 12; 4x + 3y ≤ 24;
x≥ 0 ; y ≥ 0
2 .Minimize z = 2x + y subject to constraints x + y ≥ 3; 7x + 5y ≤ 35; x ≥ 0 ; y ≥ 0

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 6
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 8
T- Marks - 40 Time: 35 – M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10
1. If e =1, then conic is a:
a Parabola b Ellipse c Circle d None
2. Angle in a semi circle is an angle :
a Straight b Right c Acute d All
3. Normal lines of a circle pass through the ____ circle :
a Radius b Diameter c Center d None
4. If 0<e<1, then conic is an:
a Ellipse b Parabola c Both d None
5. The centre of circle x² + y² = r² is at :
a (0,0) b (1,1) c (2,2) d (3,3)
6. A circle is called point circle if its radius =
a 0 b 1 c 2 d 4
7. A unit circle has radius :
a 1 b 0 c 2 d 4
8. Standard equation of circle is:
a (x-h)² +(y+k)²=r² b (x-h)²+(y-k)²=r² c (x-h)²+(y-k)=r d (x-h)²-(y-k)²=r²
9. Centre of circle is 5x²+5y²+24x+36y+10=0
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Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:
a (-12/5,-18/5) b (12/5,18/5) c (-12/5,18/5) d None
10. A tangent is a curve that touches at points :
a One b Two c Four d All

Q#2 Short Questions 10× 2 = 20

1. Define circle and point circle.
2. Find an equation of circle with centre at (√ 2 ,-3√ 3) and radius 2√ 2
3. Find centre and radius of circle 4x²+4y²-8x+12y-25=0.
4. Write equation of tangent to circle x²+y²=25 at (4,3).
5. Define diameter and chord of circle also draw by diagram.

Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10

1. Find length of chord cut off from line 2x+3y=13 by the circle
2. Show that the circles x²+y²+2x-2y-7=0 and x²+y²-6x+4y+9=0
touch externally.

Student Name____________________ Roll No: ________________ Date:

Class 2nd Year Syllabus Unit # 7
Subject: Mathematics Chapte
Test: 9
T- Marks - 40 Time: 35 – M Obtained M
Objective Type
Q#1 Encircle the Correct Option 10

1. A unit vector has magnitude :

a 0 b 1 c 2 d None
2. The initial point of a position vector is :
a (1,1) b (0,0) c Both d None
3. Cos²α+cos²β+cos²γ =
a 0 b 1 c -1 d None
4. a . b =
a 1 b 0 c -1 d 2
5. If U.V = 0, then U and V are vectors:
a Parallel b Perpendicular c Both d None
6. If U and V are parallel vectors then U × V =
a 5 b 0 c 1 d Not define
7. i × j =
a K b -k c 0 d 1
Chak No.281-83/W. B Dunyapur
Cell# 03430167381 e-mail:
8. V̈̑ =
a V/V b V/|V| c V/|V| d None
9. If two rows or column in scalar triple product are same then product :
a 1 b -1 c 0 d all
10. Work done: W =
a F. r b F×r c F • d d F×d

Q#2 Short Questions 10× 2 = 20

1. A force F= 7i +4j-3k is applied at p(1,-2,3). Find its moment about the point
2. Prove that a ×(b+c) + b×(c+a) + c ×(a+b) = 0
3. Find α so that U and V are perpendicular U=αi + 2αj – k , V = i+αj+3k.
4. If V = 3i+2j+2k and W =5j-j+3k .Find |3V + W|
5. Find a unit vector in the direction of V= i+2 j – k.
6. Find constant ‘a’ so that vectors V = i – 3j + 4k and W = ai + 9j – 12k are
7. Find direction cosine of v = 3i – j + 2k.
8. Find the magnitude of U = [3, 4].
9. Define position and Null vector.
10. Define the volume of tetrahedron.
Q#3 Long Questions 2 × 5 = 10
1. Prove that the vectors i – 2j +3k ; -2i +3j -4k and i – 3j + 5k are coplanar.
2. Prove that in any triangle ABC b² = c² + a² - 2ca cos β

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