Good Morning, AB-POL-PSYCH! : Please Cite Your References

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Good morning, AB-POL-PSYCH!

It’s supposedly our last meeting, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to see you.
Anyway, here’s the exam.

Just a reminder, this will be graded based on the response to the topic,
understanding and use of the passage, quality and clarity of thought,
organization, development, and support. In addition, grammar usage and
mechanics is a plus.

Please cite your references.

There’s no need to print this. Please compile your work and let one of your
classmates (PRESIDENT OF THE CLASS?) send all the files to me via gmail

THANK YOU and Good luck!

Name: Galima, Jowelyn jade Q. Date: April 1, 2019

1. Read the given situation carefully and answer the questions that follow.

A man who had a limited number of days to live had the option of using his insurance money to fund
medication which would prolong his life by a few months. However, if he cashed in on the insurance,
his family would be left with nothing following his eventual death. So, he decided to end his life
immediately, with the assurance that his family would be left with and benefit with the insurance
 What makes the decision of the man morally right?
He consider the welfare of his family and he thinks that sooner or later he will be gone
eventually so he decided to be selfless in order for his family to have his money for their
settlement in time that he will be gone.
 What can be considered as the moral failure in the given situation?
He shouldn’t end his own life immediately because he has a limited time he should use
that short time to enjoy and saviour his limited days with his family, killing your own
self is one of the greatest sin that people do because only God can decide when we will
die because he is the one who give us life.
 What Filipino trait/s and Universal value/s were being manifested in the situation? Then, as a
student, how can you contribute to the propagation of the Filipino culture (values)?
So based on the given situation the Filipino traits that the character manifested is
Prioritizing family before self (pagpapahalaga sa pamilya) in the way of he think his
family’s sake than his and Pagpaparaya because instead of prolonging his life he
consider his family that he will leave soon. The universal value that I think the situation
has is Benevolence, because he preserves the welfare of his family and Security,
because he secures his money for the sake of his family.
Well as a student and a youth also social media and internet is the most demand and
easily flat form that can be use to share an information to other people. I will use social
media to spread information about our Filipino culture (values) .
2. The situation inside the box highlights the fundamental tension between two schools of moral
thought: Utilitarianism and Deontology. Read the passage carefully.

A runaway trolley is heading down the tracks toward five workers who will all be killed if the
trolley proceeds on its present course. Charles is standing next to a large switch that can divert
the trolley onto a different track. The only way to save the lives of the five workers is to divert the
trolley onto another track that only has one worker on it. If Charles will divert the trolley onto
the other track, this one worker will die, but the other five workers will be saved.

 Should Charles flip the switch, killing the one worker but saving the other five? What could be
the possible consequences?

1. Utilitarian perspective:
In utilitarian perspective Charles will divert the trolley onto the other track and save
five workers but will kill one worker because and utilitarianism its belief that a morally
good action is one that helps the greatest number of people but the end doesn’t justify
the mean there’s no justice in killing one’s life saving five lives is indeed heroic but
killing one is murderous.
2. Deontological perspective:
Deontological perspective, Charles will not pull of the switch to divert the trolley
because in deontological way you will not going to sacrifice life to save others life, but
the consequence of this for me is very great because those five lives might have great
responsibility and seeing them being killed will kill your conscience and also their
relatives may start vengeance if they will know that for the sake of one life Charles
choose to kill five lives.

( - October 16, 2017 - 3:32pm

MANILA, Philippines — Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno lamented that it is the poor who are
vulnerable to injustice.
"It is injustice that hits the poor mostly," Sereno said Monday in a media forum in Quezon City.
The chief justice shared that she grew up in the Kamuning area and is not indifferent to the plight
of the poor.
"When I was young, I already have a concept of fairness. I know when power is being abused,"
said Sereno in a mix of English and Filipino.
She warned: "For every injustice done to a breadwinner in a family, you destroy fine lives."
Sereno illustrated how one man might be framed, stripped off of dignity and be jailed "without
proper investigation." She said this man's wife would scour every district for her husband and
eventually lose her job. Their children would be forced to look after one another and quit school.
"When kicked out of school, in his or her young mind, [his or her] future has been ruined,"
Sereno said.
"Young people will start thinking dark thoughts. So there are a few things in life that are very
very important and one is justice," the chief justice said.
"So I was thinking if bread is so important to our people, if the need for bread is a heartfelt need,
what more [is] justice," Sereno said, stressing that the soul would not be fed properly if there is

'Justice should come alive for Filipinos'

The chief magistrate also moved for the public to do their part and tell people in positions of
authority "what justice means to the ordinary people and help monitor or track the reform
program of the justice sector."
"That is why I am here, to hammer on the significance of justice," Sereno said, adding that to fill
one's spiritual and psychological being is just as important as filling one's physical hunger.
Sereno urged the people to open a program that would explain justice to the larger audience.
"We have always wanted fairness. We wanted clear rules, that's why we need to help each other,
help the nation for the ordinary Filipinos."

 Based on the article, the foundations of justice can be traced to the notions of social stability,
interdependence, and equal dignity. Why? Provide some details from the article to support
your answer.
Atty. Sereno has a great perspective to have a better justice, she observed that the
justice system here in the Philippines is not in favour when it comes to lower class of
the society and she wants to end that kind of justice because she explained the what
if scenario which is very realistic in what is really happening in our nation she
example about the bread winner of the family who accused falsely and the effect of it
to its family.
 What kind of justice is being referred to by Chief Justice Sereno? How is that being implied in
the article?

'Justice should come alive for Filipinos'

The rights of poor when it comes to justice, she express her opinion base on what she
observe while growing up near the places of poor people, she wants fairness for all she
stated "We have always wanted fairness. We wanted clear rules, that's why we need
to help each other, help the nation for the ordinary Filipinos." And this statement I
think says all she wanted to say.

 If you are the decision-maker in a certain organization, what model of mental frames are you
going to use in solving the problems mentioned above? Articulate what virtue ethics you
included in your mental frame.
Political Egalitarianism, because the member of society are equal standing in terms
of political power or influence in this kind of mental frame the justice will be fair to
all no high or low class will be having a favour in law and justice will be fair to all.

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