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Terrarium Observations

Date: Weather Outside:

Temperature Outside ​ ( ⁰C):

Soil Temp​​ ( ⁰C): Air Temp In the Class​​ ( ⁰C):

Plant Measurements Things to observe: (Plant Height, Depth of Roots (if they can be seen), # of leaves on the plant, # of new shoots) - Do
this for each plant in the container.

These results are QUANTITATIVE

(They should have a #)

Plant Health Things to observe: Colour of the plant leaves, spots, withering, upright?

These results are QUALITATIVE

(They should use a sense to be
observed and should be descriptive.)

Evidence of Animals Things to observe: Number of animals observed alive. Number of animals not observed.
Proof of animal presence: tunnels, movement, waste, webs etc.

Date: Weather Outside:

Temperature Outside ​ ( ⁰C):

Soil Temp​​ ( ⁰C): Air Temp In the Class​​ ( ⁰C):

Plant Measurements Things to observe: (Plant Height, Depth of Roots (if they can be seen), # of leaves on the plant, # of new shoots) - Do
this for each plant in the container.

These results are QUANTITATIVE

(They should have a #)

Plant Health Things to observe: Colour of the plant leaves, spots, withering, upright?

These results are QUALITATIVE

(They should use a sense to be
observed and should be descriptive.)

Evidence of Animals Things to observe: Number of animals observed alive. Number of animals not observed.
Proof of animal presence: tunnels, movement, waste, webs etc.
Terrarium Observations

Date: Weather Outside:

Temperature Outside ​ ( ⁰C):

Soil Temp​​ ( ⁰C): Air Temp In the Class​​ ( ⁰C):

Plant Measurements Things to observe: (Plant Height, Depth of Roots (if they can be seen), # of leaves on the plant, # of new shoots) - Do
this for each plant in the container.

These results are QUANTITATIVE

(They should have a #)

Plant Health Things to observe: Colour of the plant leaves, spots, withering, upright?

These results are QUALITATIVE

(They should use a sense to be
observed and should be descriptive.)

Evidence of Animals Things to observe: Number of animals observed alive. Number of animals not observed.
Proof of animal presence: tunnels, movement, waste, webs etc.

Date: Weather Outside:

Temperature Outside ​ ( ⁰C):

Soil Temp​​ ( ⁰C): Air Temp In the Class​​ ( ⁰C):

Plant Measurements Things to observe: (Plant Height, Depth of Roots (if they can be seen), # of leaves on the plant, # of new shoots) - Do
this for each plant in the container.

These results are QUANTITATIVE

(They should have a #)

Plant Health Things to observe: Colour of the plant leaves, spots, withering, upright?

These results are QUALITATIVE

(They should use a sense to be
observed and should be descriptive.)

Evidence of Animals Things to observe: Number of animals observed alive. Number of animals not observed.
Proof of animal presence: tunnels, movement, waste, webs etc.

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