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By the end of this lesson,

you will be able to:

Believe It Compare animals using

or Not! comparative and superlative


1 What's your favorite animal? Why?

2 Do you have any pets? Which one/s?

3 Do you think animals can be a part of the

Describe the pictures using these words.



blue whale


sea urchin

Let’s learn how to compare animals using adverbs. Do you remember?

For adverbs with the same form

Comparison of superiority/inferiority as adjectives, we add -er to
form the comparative and -est
subject + verb (simple present) + adverb + than + subject + but + to form the superlative.
subject + verb (simple present) + superlative adverb
• The lion runs faster than a tiger.
• The garden snail moves slower than the giant tortoise but the sloth moves the slowest.
• The cheetah runs the fastest.

Comparison of equality
subject + verb (simple present) + as + adverb + as + subject + but + With –ly adverbs we form the
comparative and superlative
subject + verb (simple present) + superlative adverb forms with more/less and
• The gazelle runs as fast as the lion but the cheetah runs the fastest. most/least:

• The bird sings more tenderly

than the penguin.

• The turtle runs the least quickly

of all animals.
Which of these sentences are incorrect? Can you correct them?

1 The rabbit moves faster than the snail but the sloth moves the slower.

2 The monkey screams as loud the elephant but the blue whale screams the loudest.

3 Sharks eat more than pigs but the blue whale eats the most.

4 The puma jumps as highest as the dolphin but the goat jumps the high.

5 The gazelle runs faster than the puma but the cheetah runs the fastest.

6 The giant tortoise lives longer than the iguana but the red sea urchin lives the longest.
Put it all
Compare the animals using the words in the box.
Example: The goat runs fast but the cheetah runs the fastest.
Words to use
move scream
run jump
live eat
Put the animals in the correct ecosystem using the information below.

Lifespan: 38-40 years Lifespan: 10 years Lifespan: 25 years Lifespan: 45 years Lifespan: 30 years
Speed (km/h): 30 Speed (km/h): 50 Speed (km/h): 80 Speed (km/h): 40 Speed (km/h): 45
Food: 80 kg. Food: 20 kg. Food: 40 kg. Food: 50 kg. Food: 15 kg.
Age: 15 Age: 11 Age: 12 Age: 8 Age: 5

• The animal that eats the most lives in ecosystem 1. hippo

• The animal that runs the fastest lives in ecosystem 2. _____________

• The animal with the most distinctive black and white striped coat lives in ecosystem 3._____________

• The youngest animal lives in ecosystem 4. _____________

• The animal that lives the longest is in ecosystem 5. _____________

What animal is it? Read the descriptions and name the animal.

1 2 3 4

I can jump higher 5 I'm the biggest

6 animal in the
than a puma in
the mountains. I jungle. I have
have horns. big teeth.

I'm bigger than a cat.

I scream as loud I'm black and white. I'm the slowest I run fast but the
as an elephant. I I run as fast as a animal in the world. cheetah is faster than
have a long tail. horse. I live in the forests. me. I have stripes.
Look at the animals and compare them based on their distinctive characteristics.
Example: The gazelle runs fast but the _______ runs the fastest.

Words to use
fat long
tall high
fast slow

Let’s review what we have

Putting it all together:
learned today.
1 What kind of superlatives did we review

2 Which animal runs the fastest?

3 Which animal can jump the highest?

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