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Course Code L T P Credits


1004174105 APPLICATIONS 3 1 0 3

Course Overview:The purpose of this course is to impart knowledge on IoT Technology and
Architecture, Internal communication protocols, corrections with other technologies, real time
applications ad study practical design and implementation issues
Course Objectives:
The main objective of course make student to understand the IoT basic concepts, standards,
communication protocols, technological relation and real time applications and their design,
implementation and deployment issues.
Course Outcomes:

Cognitive Level as
Course outcome per Bloom’s PO

CO1 To Understand the Architecture,

Understand PO1
protocols and applications of IoT.
CO2 To Analyse the communication
protocols and standards used in IoT Analyse PO2

To analyse and design the simple

CO3 IoT applications to monitor or Design and Creative
control IoT devices using thinking
simulation or hardware
CO4 To implement the real time IoT Design and PO4,PO5,PO11,
applications. Deployment PO12

Unit-I:Introduction to IoT, Need of Internet of Things, Internet of Things ERA,

Characteristics of Internet of Things, architectural view of Internet of Things, Technologies
behind Internet of Things – Server- End Technology – Major Components of IoT system –
Development Tools – API and device interfacing components, Sources of IoT, Examples of
IoT – Smart Watch – Smart Home – Smart Phone.
Unit-I Outcome: Understand the characteristics, physical and logical of IoT and their
Activity/Event on Unit-1: Identify physical and logical components involved in IoT
Unit-II Outcome: Analyze and design hardware and software components of IoT application

Activity/Event on Unit-2: Identification day to day embedded devices along with hardware
and software components
Unit-III:M2M communication – M2M to IoT – M2M architecture – software development
tools, Communication Technologies – Wireless communication technologies – Wired
Communication, Physical Design of IoT – Things in IoT – IoT Protocols, Logical design of
IoT – IoT functional blocks – IoT communication models.
Unit-III Outcome:Analyze and design the communication protocols of IoTapplications

Activity/Event on Unit-3: Identification of communication styles of variousIoT Protocols

Unit-IV: Basic building blocks of an IoT devices, Introduction about the Raspberry Pi Board,
Operating systems for Raspberry Pi, Interfaces for IoT – Serial Interface – SPI – I2C, IoT
Design Methodology – Requirements – Process – Domain Model – Information model –
service – Functional View – Operational View – Device & components Integration –
Application development.
Unit-IV Outcome:Construction of IoT systems with raspberry pi and simulation tools
Activity/Event on Unit-4: Hands-on setup of IoT Systems using Raspberry pi

Unit-V:Case Studies: Home Automation – Smart lighting – Home intrusion detection, Cities
– smart parking, Environment – Weather monitoring system – Air Pollution Monitoring –
Forest Fire Detection, Agriculture – smart irrigation system.
Unit-V Outcome: Understand physical and logical aspects of real time IoT applications.

Activity/Event on Unit-5: Mini project on IoT applications for monitoring/control devices

Text Books:

 Internet of Things: A hands-On Approach, ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti, 2014

edition, University Press.
 The Internet of Things: Enabling technologies, Platforms and Use cases, Pethuru Raj
and Anupama C. Raman, 2017 edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
 Introduction to Embedded Systems, Shibu K V, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc-Graw hill Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Internet of Things: Architecture and design Principles, Raj Kamal, Tata Mc-Graw hill
2. Embedded Systems: Architecture and applications, Raj Kamal, Tata Mc-Graw hill

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