Reading and Writing Actvity 2 Module 6 Bobby Urgino

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1. Delia is a wicked Based on what the author said 1-5 We can see from the citation
sister. that; that Delia is truly a wicked sister
1. She once pushed me because, how can someone in
so hard that I crashed against a their right mind hurt someone,
flimsy wall and the wall trampled not just hurt but in a cruel way,
over me. her own sister and feel nothing
2. She almost beat me to death about it or did not give any sign
in the past just because I of remorse in her eyes. A normal
accidentally torn the leg of her child cannot hurt or do
favorite doll. something cruelly like what Delia
3. She destroyed willfully does.
anything I liked.
3. she told Berto to kill my
monkey because it snickered at
her one morning.
4. She found my collection of
butterflies, dumped them, and
burned them.
5. Poor dog had been stabbed
by my sister’s stick.
6. I wept and Father had to call
my sister for an explanation. She
looked at me curiously, but she
did not say anything,
2. The author has no Based on what I read; Based on the citation we can
power over his sister. - I did not say anything when she clearly see that eventhough the
told Berto to kill my monkey author was so mad she did and
because it snickered at her one could not do anything. She can
morning. only held it inside just like what
- My father kept on reminding she always did.
me to put up with her whims
to keep her calm and quiet.
- I wept and Father had to call
my sister for an explanation.
- I held
myself, my throat swelled, but I
felt hate rear and plunge in its
cage of ribs.

3. Their father is One example from the text is; In the citation we can clearly see
overprotective of Delia. My father kept on reminding me that though the father knows
to put up with her whims how Delia was so cruel on her
to keep her calm and quiet. She sister the father carefully talk to
had a weak heart, and she must her because of her heart
not be condition and instead of
surprised. punishing Delia she turn to the
author to remind her to be
gentle to her sister. In that way
we can see how protective the
father is because in a normal
father he would berate Delia for
her cruelty.

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