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Angielica N.



1. Discuss in your own way of understanding about the term “character” (own words, not from
internet or references)

Answer: In my own perspective, the term "character " can be associated to the word "persona" because
character is a combination of person's personalities that makes them unique from other person. In our
everyday lives, we possessed different characters on how we interact, behave and socialize with other
people. This characters that we have makes us who we really are and this can help other people to
describes us, and it can also help them in remembering us.

2. Cite examples of people whom you think have “character”. You can explore movies or series that
show people who have character.What makes these people different from others? What makes them
who they are? What problems do they face which tempt them to lose their character and become
unethical in their relationship with others?

Answer: Currently, I'm watching a Korean drama entitled " The world of married couple". The leading
actress named Sun Woo whom I adores a lot because of the chacracter that she have. In the drama, she
is very strong, brave, independent and she knows how to control her emotion despite of failed marriage
and traitor's friends. She is very consistent unlike to other woman in the drama who also experience a
failed marriage. The reason why she need to be like that was because of her love to his son. However,
there are some intances that she tend to lose her character for example, when her son became rebel. In
that case, she tend to forget how to control herself that makes her to be a failed mom to her son.

3. Discuss why ethics is difficult to maintain in society.

Answer: The reason why ethics is difficult to maintain in society was because of people's situation and
interest. Peoples situation makes them to do things which are unethical. For example, a father who has
a daughter that needs to have an immediate surgery operation but they don't have a finacial capabilities
to pay that. So because of the situation that he have, he tend to do some wrong things to have an easy
money. Another reason was people's interest, for example, some teenagers are interested in engaging
themselves into a different vices like drinking and smoking. So therefore, some interest can be right or

4. Can ethics be learned by children? How?

Answer: Yes, they can. Parents usually have a greater influence on how they can learn it. For example,
when you ask a four or five year old why stealing is wrong, and chances are that they'll respond:
"Because their parent says it's wrong" or "Because you will be spank if you steal it" Children tend to
define right and wrong in terms of what authorities say or in terms of reaping rewards or avoiding
unpleasant consequences.
5. List down unethical and ethical practices that lead to wrong and write socio-exonomic development
in the community and in the entire country.


Ethical Practices are the following:

1. Being honest.

2.Hold on to integrity.

3. Take responsibility and be accountable on their own actions.

4. Admit mistakes.

5. Protect the enviroment.

Unethical Practices are the following:

1. Talking about a friend behind his back.

2. Taking credit for work you did not do.

3. Cheating.

4. Stealing money.

5. Kill people's lives.

Socio-economic development in the community and in the entire country

1. Technological Advancement.

2. Globally competitive education.

3. Faster accessibility in terms of transpotation.

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