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Odoo Community V.

14 Module PDF

~How to activate paid modules by Yonathan Noven Widayanto in Odoo 14~

For Odoo community must configure installation Accounting PDF Reports 14 & Odoo 14 HR
Payroll, MRP II, etc. For the step are down bellow:
1) Install Accounting PDF Reports 14, Odoo 14 HR Payroll, MRP II, etc.
2) Ekstrak Modul.
3) Copy file dan pindah file ke C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 14.0\server\odoo\addons atau
C:\Program Files\Odoo 14.0.20210120\server\odoo\addons (tergantung disimpan dimana).
4) Buka services by search di windows.
5) Cari odoo-server-14.0 dan restart service (Bisa klik 1 atau 2).

6) Buka http://localhost:8069 dan pilih menu apps (Jangan lupa activate developer mode).
7) Silang filter pencarian apps.

8) Pilih Update app list-Update-Refresh Website.

9) Install modul Odoo 14 Accounting PDF Reports .

Lakukan hal yang sama dengan Odoo 14 HR Payroll, MRP II, etc.

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