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The Effects of Pandemic to the Quality of Sleep Among Senior High

School Students

A Quantitative Research Paper

Presented to the Senior High School Department

Our Lady of Lourdes College, Valenzuela City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Subject Practical Research 2


FALLER, Martin Eleazar T.

GASPAR, Ryan Dave D.

MERCADO, Russel Rob

CARLOS, Kim Trizzia P.

CAYABAN, Denise Bianca G.

LISING, Jermaine Maeve A.

SALES, Jazzie Marielle

VITTO, Joyce Angeline C.

STEM 12-1

January 2021

Sincere gratitude is hereby extended to the following that never

ceased helping until this paper is structured:

For our outstanding teacher, Mr. Michael Santillan Frondozo, the

research teacher that has unwavering guidance, the one who teaches

us to complete our paper. He always makes sure that we understand

the lessons very well. Without him, we cannot fully understand

research and we can't be prepared for our upcoming research studies.

We would like to acknowledge our principal Dr. Michael Figueroa

for giving us the permission to conduct this study. Without him, this

research wouldn't possible to made.

The respondents, who helped and voluntarily participate that

give answers to the questions that we gave to them, they are willing

to answer our question even they have a busy schedule.

For our parents that gives us emotional and financial support.

Because of their help we successfully finished this research paper.

Thanks to them.

Above all, in most appreciate to the Almighty God for his

unending guidance in this academic endeavor.

Lastly, the researchers in this research study, who gave all the

participation even though they are all busy in other subjects. But they
all give their best to finish this research. Thanks to them because they

are great.

The objectives of this research have been identified and the

findings of the data have been collected and discussed. The purpose of

this study was to identify the effects of the pandemic on the quality of

sleep among senior high school students particularly senior high school

students of Our Lady of Lourdes College. The researchers used

Quantitative research as the method and Causal-comparative research

as the design to know the cause-and-effect relationship of variables as

well as to gather the data and the information that the researchers

need to understand the effect of the pandemic in the sleeping of grade

twelve senior high school students. Researcher’s gathered data

through the use of survey forms as a data collection instrument, a

questionnaire to provide a clear set of instructions for the respondents

online. This study also used simple random sampling as the sampling

of this quantitative research.

After the data analysis and interpreting the findings from the

respective results from the respondents of the study, the researchers

found out that the pandemic affects the sleeping practices of the

female respondents negatively. And in pandemic, male and female

respondents experienced stress.


Introduction 1

Conceptual Framework 4

Theoretical Framework 5

Statement of the Problem 7

Hypothesis 7

Significance of the Study 7

Scope and Delimitations 8

Definition of Terms 9


Local Literature 10

Foreign Literature 17

Local Studies 20

Foreign Studies 25


Research Design 30

Research Locale 31

Samples and Sampling Technique Used 30

Instrumentation 35

Data Gathering Procedures 36

Statistical Procedure 37





Sleep is primary and a vital aspect of the everyday lives of a

human being. According to Mandal (2020), sleep is a physiological

behavior that is common in all animal species. It forms around one-

third of human life. It is not known the exact functions of sleep but it

seems to be essential for survival as prolonged sleep deprivation leads

to severe physical impairment followed by cognitive loss and

eventually death. It is vital and helps the body to produce energy and

rest the body for immense work from the things that each individual

does every day. As stated by Singh (2020), they suggest that healthy

adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Babies,

young children, and teenagers need more sleep to enable their growth

and development and people over sixty-five also need to have seven

to eight hours of sleep per night. But because of the tragedy that the

2019 novel coronavirus brought to the entire world, it causes tons of

catastrophic damage to many people. And as it said, it also affects the

sleeping habits of many people. One case is the medical front liners of

the country. According to Abdulah (2020), healthcare workers are the

one that is at high risk of developing sleep disorders and not having
enough amount of sleep during the coronavirus outbreak. Not only

they are sacrificing and risking their lives to save other people they

also sacrifice a huge amount of sleep and rest that a human must take

to have the proper energy that the body needs to function properly. As

stated by Health Essentials (2020), not having enough sleep could

cause a lack of impaired memory, lack of alertness, relationship stress,

excessive sleepiness during the day, and can affect the quality of life

of an individual. Respectively, sleep is a vital necessity for each

individual and it could cause certain negative effects on the body and

behavior of an individual if not taken and achieve properly. Inclined

with that because of the resume of the classes announce by the

Department of Education, the school systems also change drastically

as the per usual face to face classes have been transformed to online

classes as the announcement of the Department of Education.

This affects the usual habits and situations of every student in

the country, as it also affects the sleeping habits of many students.

Because of the quarantine measures, schools and institutions were

asked to their semester online. According to Cua (2020), There are

two types of online teaching and learning: synchronous, which

happens in real-time, and asynchronous, which has no interaction but

uses online channels. Some would actually mix the methods. And this

particular decision of the Department of Education has had positive

and negative feedback not just from the students but from the parents

as well. Many students had mixed emotions with regards to the pros

and cons of the new normal schooling of every student in the country.

Many disagreed because of the lack of financial stability to have a

proper connection and gadget that can be used. And many also oppose

it because of how it can affect the physical and mental aspects of their

health. And this includes the quality of sleep that every student can

receive in the new normal of the current setup of class which is now


This research is focusing on the effects of a pandemic on the

quality of sleep that the students get in their everyday routine with

regards to their online class. The main respondents will be the grade

12 senior high school students who do an online class in this state of a

pandemic. The purpose of this study is to help people to know the

effects of the pandemic on the quality of sleep to the students who are

doing an online class and also to boost awareness about the

importance of the quality of sleep must one have.

Conceptual Framework

Effects of Pandemic to
the Sleep Quality

Sleep Quality During Pandemic

Grade 12 Students’ Awareness

About the Pandemic

Figure 1.1 Concept Map of the Study

In this section of the study, the researchers conceptualize the

flow of the research on how are they going to achieve the effects of

pandemic to the sleeping quality of the students’ life habits and/or

routines whilst the pandemic is still on going.

Theoretical Framework

In a study of Brinkman, Reddy, and Sharma, entitled Physiology,

Sleep (2020), there are several theories out there that explains the

purpose of sleep. However, none of these were yet to be proven true.

Some of the theories they stated are Inactivity Theory, Restoration

Theory, Energy Conservation Theory, and Brain Plasticity Theory.

However, the researchers will only focus on two out of the four

theories as the two other theories, Energy Conservation and Inactivity

Theory, are almost not widely acceptable anymore.

An article from ErgoFlex in 2016, entitled Four Theories as to

Why We Need to Sleep, it dug deeper than Brinkman, Reddy, and

Sharma’s statements in the introduction of their study. The latter

researchers stated that sleep is for the brain to reorganize the

information acquired, growth of the brain and cognitive function. The

article suggested that brain does not rest when people sleep but sorts

out the information and activities happened during the day and make

it a memory to last longer. Several studies that discuss the low ability

to recall information when people lack in sleep, supports this theory.

This also make sense to why infants and children need to have a lot of

sleep as they need to learn constantly about their surroundings.

The Restoration Theory is the same old belief that during sleep

the body restores and repletes cells that was spent during the day.

This theory says that bodies need the opportunity to repair itself that

people could only get when sleeping. Experiments show that sleep is a

vital part of the body’s immune system to function better. It also

shows that major body restorative function, like protein synthesis,

tissue repair, muscle growth, and growth hormone release occur at


Statement of the Problem

In this part of the study, the following states the main questions

that will be answered in the conclusion. In order to do that, the

researchers must answer the following questions to achieve their goal

which is to find the effects of pandemic to the sleep quality of the


1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

 Age

 Gender

 Grade Level

 Economic Status
 How many minutes does it take before you get through a

profound sleep?

2. What are the effects of pandemic in the quality of sleep among

senior high school students?

 Positive

 Negative

3. How does the effect of pandemic change their sleeping



The following are the assumptions of the researchers according

to the topic. These are what the researchers believe to be the

conclusion at the end of the study.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the pandemic and the

quality of sleep among senior high school students in Our Lady of

Lourdes College

Ha: There is a significant relationship between the pandemic and the

quality of sleep students among senior high school students in Our

Lady of Lourdes College. Researchers believe that pandemic has

effects on the sleep quality of the grade 12 students regardless if it is

negative or positive. It could lead them to lack of sleep if they are not
affected by the pandemic if it has a great effect on their livelihood.

They could still have a leisure sleep when they have everything


Significance of the Study

Everyone needs to be aware about the situation of the students

during this pandemic as they are not only dealing with new type of

learning but also having to worry about their surroundings.

For the students. Since they are the target of this study, this

could be helpful on dealing with their sleeping routine amidst the


For the parents. For them to be aware about their child’s well-

being during the pandemic. Sometimes, parents forget that we are

also affected by the things happening around and think that we are

mainly focused on studying. This is to enlighten them that

environmental problems also affect students’ life.

For the teachers and school administrators. This study can

inform the school about the situation of the students that are

struggling during the pandemic. This is regardless of their capability as

a student but as a human who has struggles too.

For the future researchers. This study will stand as their

reference as they go for further and deeper understanding in the same

focus of research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will cover 100 answers of grade 12 students of Our

Lady of Lourdes College as respondents. Researchers will survey

questions that is connected to the statement of the problem to

determine the different effects of changing sleep quality during the


The study limits the respondents to grade 12 students only. It is

to spread awareness on the effects of pandemic not only in their lives

but also in their sleep and how could it affect their health.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined

for better understanding for the readers.

Sleep Deprivation – It is the lack of the normal or average

sleeping quality or quantity of sleep. This could be voluntary or

involuntary sleeplessness.
Circadian Rhythm – This physiological process of the body that

controls your daily schedule of waking up to sleeping in a 24-hour


Coronavirus Disease – It is also known as COVID-19. This is

known as disease caused by new coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 which

started in Wuhan, China as there are a lot of reported cases of a new

viral pneumonia.

Quarantine – This is limitation of movements or interaction of

people to each other as a precaution to prevent the spreading of a

virus or disease.

Sleep Quality - According to Kline C. (2013), sleep quality is

defined as one’s satisfaction of the sleep experience, integrating

aspects of sleep initiation, sleep maintenance, sleep quantity, and

refreshment upon awakening.

Pandemic – It is a global epidemic that spreads from continent

to continent and affects a large percentage of the application.



This part will bring information from different literature and

studies about the effects of the pandemic to the people and different

factors that could affect their quality of sleep. This will let people know

about literature and studies of different authors that are involve in this

specific topic. The literature and studies will serve as a guide for

information needed in this study. Also, the context will give more

explanation about the

Related Literature

In an article written by Suni (2020), insomnia is a sleep disorder

that affects as many as 35% of many adults. It is marked by problems

getting to sleep, staying asleep through the night, and sleeping as long

as you would like in the morning or night, having insomnia and not

having a good quality of sleep could lead to serious effects in the body.
Common causes of this sleep disorder include stress, irregular sleep

schedule, poor sleeping habits, mental health disorders such as

anxiety and depression, physical illnesses, medications, neurological

problems, and other sleep disorders that is embedded in insomnia.

Insomnia is not all the same for all people, some people can

experience this in distinct ways, some people experience a short-term

insomnia that happens only over a brief period, while the chronic

insomnia lasts for three months or more, and this could lead to a more

serious damage on the health of a person, many of the problems that

they encounter is falling asleep and staying asleep. Insomnia and

stress are also related to one another; stress can arouse a profound

stimulus to the body that could lead in affecting the quality of sleep of

a person. This stress attributes could come from the everyday

activities of a person such as in work, school, and social relationships.

The body’s physical response to stress contributes to the hyper arousal

and mental stress that could cause the inability to sleep and that

became harder to break the cycle of that stress and leads to insomnia.

Irregular sleep schedules also cause sleep disorders the body’s internal

clock, known as its circadian rhythm, closely follows the daily pattern

of day and night. Many people have sleep schedules that cause

misalignment of their circadian rhythm. The most common examples

that causes people to have irregular sleep schedules are work shift and
jetlag’s, jet lag disturbs sleep because the person’s body could not

adjust properly to the sudden change of time zone and the work shift

requires a person to work through the night and sleep during the day.

This cycle can both give rise to a disrupted circadian rhythm and could

lead to eventual sleep disorders like insomnia. Lifestyle also can affect

the quality of sleep of a person and eventually could develop insomnia

and other sleep disorders, playing too much electronic devices,

napping late in the afternoon and having trouble sleeping at night,

sleeping in later to make up for lost can confuse the body’s internal

clock, misuse of your bed for certain activities, too much caffeine,

alcohol, eating heavy meals and spicy foods that can be hard to digest.

These factors could cause the eventual mediocre sleep and developing

insomnia. Mental heal disorders like anxiety, depression, and bipolar

disorder frequently give rise to serious sleeping problems. It is

estimated that 40% of people with insomnia 5 have a mental health

disorder. This negative thoughts and disorders could lead to disturbing

your sleep and in addition studies indicate that insomnia

can exacerbate mood and anxiety disorders, making symptoms worse

and even increasing the risk of suicide in people with depression.

Physical illness and pain too, almost any condition that causes pain can

disrupt sleep, dwelling on pain when sleepless in bed may amplify

it, problems. Health complications related to Type II diabetes can be

part of an underlying cause of insomnia. Pain from peripheral

neuropathy, more frequent need for hydration and urination, and rapid

blood sugar changes can interrupt sleep. There is also a correlation

between diabetes and other health conditions that are known to

interfere with sleep including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

and depression. Lastly, medications sleeping disorders can be a side

effects of certain types of medications. Examples of these includes

blood pressure, anti-asthma medications and antidepressants. But not

just the people intaking the drugs could have this side effects some

people who stops taking certain medicines, withdrawal of their body

with this reaction also leads to difficulty in having a good quality of

sleep and leads into developing insomnia and other sleep disorders.

In an article by Ruaya (2020), sleep is essential to make our

body and brain function properly but most Filipinos today particularly

adults are among the most sleep-deprived individuals in the country.

In a survey conducted by Health Living Index in 2016, it shows that an

average adult Filipino only get 6.8 hours of sleep instead of the ideal

8.2 hours of sleep every night. In a study also by the Health grade Inc.

more than 10 million adults in the Philippines suffer from insomnia and

the country is considered as one of the highest rates of sleep

deprivation in the world. The factors that affect the inconsistent

sleeping habits of many Filipinos are caused but gadget used, caffeine
consumption, sleeping conditions, alcohol, stress, and smoking. In

recent studies many have shown that those who sleep less are more

prone to develop weight at any age. And depriving yourself from

getting a good quality of sleep could cause strange side-effects to your

body, not just memory loss but you could also develop cognitive

problems and chronic heart diseases. To be able to have a nice quality

of sleep you should also look for these factors, a research conducted at

Penn State University found that binge sleeping isn’t the right fix to

make up for lost sleep. Reducing your irregular sleeping habits at

daytime could help for your body clock to not be confused. Sleeping

positions also, sleeping on your left side can help reduce snoring and

even reduce heartburn, while the fetal position improves blood

circulation especially for pregnant women. Finding a comfortable bed

or mattress could also help and taking a nice warm bath or shower

could do to. Not going to bed also after a meal could help you to have

a proper sleep experience as well. Many supplements, including

lavender and magnesium, can help you relax and have better sleep

quality but if you are really having trouble sleeping, it is still best to

ask your doctor for the best sleeping position that can help.

In the report of Daily Inquirer (2020), most Filipinos experience

an immense amount of stress due to the outbreak of the coronavirus

disease (Covid-19) around the world. The survey of the Social Weather
Stations (SWS) that are conducted from July 3 to 6 by the use of

mobile phones and computer-assisted phones, they interviewed 1,555

Filipinos aging 18 years old and above, with a margin of error plus-

minus two percent. The result shows that 86 percent of Filipinos

experience stress because of the virus, 51 percent of great immense

stress, and 35 percent of much greater stress. And only 14 percent of

the survey felt little and no stress at all. The percentage that

experienced great immense stress are the Filipinos that had

experienced and sacrifice involuntary hunger in the past three months

of the lockdown. As well as with those Filipinos who did not have a job.

The great immense stress was higher in Metro Manila and Visayan

Region followed by Luzon and Mindanao. And those people who

experience great immense stress were also higher among the students

particularly high school students.

According to another report of Daily Inquirer (2020), Philippines

reached an unacceptable total COVID-19 case that is now on 300,000

plus cases from nearly eight months of the lockdown since the first

recorded case of the country from visiting Chinese woman. With the

world's longest lockdown, the country is still not ye significantly

reduced the number of cases. The Philippines is the only country in the

Western Pacific region that stretches to report cases in the thousands.

With the accelerating number of cases in March 2,804 were infected

and when the time Metro Manila came under the less strict community

quarantine the number of cases doubled more than 37,000 at the end

of June. And the country moved past the 100,000 mark a day after

they called for "timeout" on August 2, and on August 26, the number

of cases rise to 200,000.

And with that, the country is now prone to critique from other

countries because of the failure of the Department of Health to

manage the virus. But the country denied the allegations and told the

nation, that the reason for that is we have now more testing centers

and laboratories that test and analyze suspected cases from the virus.

And the DOH also told the nation to stay vigilant whenever they see an

improvement in the number of cases in the country. Everyone must

always be aware and conscious to not contact the virus.

According to the article of The Lancet entitled “A Novel

Coronavirus Outbreak of Global Health Concern” by Wang C., et al., in

December, 2019, in Wuhan, China, have turn out to be the centre of a

virulent disease of pneumonia of unknown cause, which raised

awareness not only inside the China but internationally. Chinese health

authorities did a proper away study to characterize and control the

disease, which incorporates isolation of human beings suspected to

have the disease, close to monitoring of contacts, epidemiological and

scientific information collection from patients, and development of

diagnostic and treatment procedures. Chinese scientists had isolated a

novel coronavirus (CoV) from patients in Wuhan. The genetic collection

of the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) enabled the rapid

development of point-of-care real-time RT-PCR diagnostic tests precise

for 2019-nCoV. Cases of 2019-nCoV aren't limited to Wuhan as nine

exported times of 2019-nCoV infection have been said in Thailand,

Japan, Korea, the USA, Vietnam, and Singapore to date, and in

addition dissemination through air excursion is likely. Confirmed

numbers had been consecutively stated in 32 provinces, municipalities,

and precise administrative regions in China, in conjunction with Hong

Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. These times detected outside Wuhan,

together with the detection of infection in at the least one own circle of

relatives’ cluster and the recently documented infections in health-care

humans traumatic for patients with 2019-nCoV mean human-to-

human transmission and as an end result the hazard of lots wider

spread of the disease. A whole of 835 times with laboratory-confirmed

2019-nCoV infection have been detected in China, of whom 25 have

died and 93% remain in hospital. The growing variety of instances and

widening geographical unfold of the ailment enhance grave worries

approximately the destiny trajectory of the outbreak, in particular with

the Chinese Lunar New Year speedy approaching. Under ordinary

circumstances, an envisioned three billion journeys might be made

with inside the Spring Festival tour rush this year, with 15 million

journeys taking place in Wuhan. The virus would possibly similarly

unfold to different locations for the duration of this pageant duration

and reason epidemics, particularly if it has obtained the cappotential to

efficaciously transmit from individual to man or woman.

Consequently, the 2019-nCoV outbreak has brought about

implementation of excellent public fitness measures to lessen similarly

unfold of the virus inside China and elsewhere. The suspension of

public transportation, with closure of airports, railway stations, and

highways withinside the city, to save similarly sickness transmission.

Further efforts in tour limit would possibly follow. Active surveillance

for brand new instances and near tracking in their contacts are being

implemented. To enhance detection efficiency, front-line clinics, other

than neighborhood centres for ailment manage and prevention, have

to be armed with established point-of-care diagnostic kits.

Rapid records disclosure is a pinnacle precedence for sickness

manipulate and prevention. A day by day press launch machine has

been installed in China to make sure powerful and green disclosure of

epidemic statistics. Education campaigns must be released to sell

precautions for travelers, together with common hand-washing, cough

etiquette, and use of private safety equipment (e.g. masks) while

traveling public locations. Also, the overall public have to be inspired

to record fever and different chance elements for coronavirus

contamination, inclusive of journey records to affected region and near

contacts with showed or suspected instances.

According to an article of Anadolu Agency (2020), the chairman

of Turkey Respiratory Research Association (TUSAD), Dr. Oguz

Kokturk, stated that the coronavirus has affected the lives of many

people and sleep is by far is the most concerning effect of this

pandemic. Sleeping and waking up late have consequences of either

insomnia or excessive sleepiness that cause functional losses. Dr.

Kokturk emphasizes the importance of circadian rhythm and the sleep-

wake cycle is compatible with day and night time as melatonin

(hormone that is responsible for regulation of circadian rhythms of our

body), the most important one reaches its highest level between 2:00

am and 4:00 am. Disruption of sleep during these hours could lead to

disturbance on production of melatonin and other sleeping problems

too. Maintaining a consistent circadian rhythm keeps our immune

system strong and prevents diseases.

Anxiety and obesity are two common cause of restless sleep.

Anxiety is a common condition experienced during pandemic causes

sleep deprivation and disturbs the circadian rhythm. One of the most

important risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea is obesity.

Obstructive sleep apnea is the top among sleep respiratory disorder.

The narrowing of the upper respiratory tract opening causes the

increase of sleep apnea and affects the accumulation of abdominal fat

and respiratory pattern in obesity.

An article about Circadian Rhythm of National Institute of

General Medical Sciences (, 2020), shed a light for more

understanding about it. Circadian rhythms help determine the patterns

of our sleep. The master clock of the body, or SCN, controls melatonin

production, a hormone that makes you sleepy. It receives information

from the optic nerves about incoming light, which relays information to

the brain from the eyes. The SCN tells the brain to produce more

melatonin when there is less light, like at night, so you get drowsy.

Researchers are studying how shift works and how mobile devices

expose light during the night.

Physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle

are circadian rhythms. In an organism's environment, they respond

primarily to light and darkness. An example of a light-related circadian

rhythm is sleeping at night and being awake during the day. In most

living things, including animals, plants, and many tiny microbes,

circadian rhythms are found. Chronobiology is called the study of

circadian rhythms.

Related Studies
In a research entitled “Insomnia During COVID-19 Pandemic and

Lockdown: Prevalence, Severity, and Associated Risk Factors in French

Population,” by Kokou-Kpolou, C.K., et al. (2020), at the times of virus

outbreak has an impact to both physical and mental health condition

that interfere sleeping quality/habits (Brooks et al., 2020; Cenat et al.,

2020). There are studies verified that loneliness during pandemic is

one of the major causes of clinical insomnia (Voltsidis et al., 2020).

Financial crisis and environmental stress influence the sleeping pattern

of individuals. Confirming that fear, loneliness and stress are the major

factor that causes anxiety that results to unbalance cardiac rhythm

and affects sleep quality (Kalmbach et al., 2018).

A research of Idirissi, J. A., et al. (2020) named “Sleep Quality

and Mental Health in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic and

Lockdown in Morocco,” the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)

lockout is linked with many stressful causes that can adversely impact

the quality of sleep and mental health of people. The researchers also

tried to search the impact on sleep disturbances, anxiety-related

symptoms, and depressive symptoms of respondents' views and

attitudes regarding sleep.

During the COVID-19 lockdown time, our research showed a

high prevalence of sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depressive

symptoms in the Moroccan population. The results highlighted

widespread false beliefs about sleep and the prevalence of sleep

disorders, anxiety, and depression-related symptoms within the

Moroccan population. False sleep comprehension assumptions were

widespread and posed a risk factor that contributed to sleep

disturbances, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.

Another research about effects of pandemic entitled

“Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines,” by

Tee M.L., et al. (2020), previous disease outbreaks caused generalized

fear to the public and induced fear-related behaviors and anxiety

(Shultz et al., 2016; Person et al., 2004). With the novel coronavirus

plaguing the world, there are so many uncertainties with the disease

with a possibility of a fatal outcome. There were reported

manifestations of distress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia in

general populations (Wang et al., 2020a; Wang et al., 2020b;

Rajkumar, 2020b). The systematic review and meta-analysis done by

Salari et al. (2020) among the general populations in Asia and Europe

showed that the prevalence of stress was 29.6%, anxiety was 31.9%

and depression was 33.7%.

Infection or death of family and friends could worsen the overall

mental health well-being of an individual (Ahmed et al., 2020).

Patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 may experience fear,

while those in quarantine might experience boredom, loneliness, and

anger (Xiang et al., 2020). Overwhelming deep emotional traumas and

socio-economic stressors brought about by the pandemic and the

lockdowns have even led the more vulnerable people to commit

suicide (Mamun & Griffiths, 2020; Mamun & Ullah, 2020; Miller, 2020;

Rajkumar, 2020a).

It is imperative to determine the prevalence of adverse mental

health issues in a society during this pandemic and mitigate its

psychological risks and consequences. To date, there are no studies

that examine the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to

the general population in the Philippines. Therefore, this study aims to

establish the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms and identify risk and

protective factors contributing to psychological stress among social

media users in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A research about “Effects of Lockdown on Human Sleep and

Chronotype During the COVID-19 pandemic,” by Leone, M.L., Sigman,

M., and Golombek, D.A. (2020), in Argentina, Sleep duration and

chronotype were evaluated during COVID-19 lockdown. It shows a

significant effect in sleep and circadian rhtyhms. Sleep and

chronotypes changes during lockdown. Some had appeared to have

longer sleep duration but with poor chronotype. Larger changes were

seen in younger subjects. In terms of working status, the working

schedule affects the duration of sleep and chronotype. Those who work
from home during lockdown, showed less social jetlag and

chronotypes. Having longer sleeps can also have lower social jetlag

and delayed chronotypes. Sleep duration improve in different factors.

However, chronotype was delayed during the pandemic due to less

exposure to sunlight. In Italy, a survey indicated sleep timing has

changed during lockdown, having lower sleep quality. This was later

correlated with higher levels of depression and anxiety in China, during

the lockdown. These factors have a disruptive effect on sleep that is

associated with the performance of individual and health.

In a study of Ingram, J., et al. (2020), entitled Changes in Diet,

Sleep, and Physical Activity are Associated with Differences in Negative

Mood during COVID-19 Lockdown, there’s a lot of people who says

that there is a negative effect of COVID-19 or pandemic which is still

experiencing right now. Lockdown conditions, are arising from the

developing COVID-19 situation. The threat of contracting COVID-19 is

an on-going stressor, through personal circumstances or conditions

regarding to work and home life of a person that may significantly

influence on how individuals can cope with it.

Restrictions and lifestyle changes during lockdown have been

associated with poorer psychological wellbeing. Reduced social contact,

feelings of isolation, and fear of contracting or spreading dangerous

viruses have been historically linked to poor wellbeing (Bai et al.,

2004; Hawryluck et al., 2004; Cacioppo and Hawkley, 2009; Chen and

Feeley, 2014). The time spent in quarantine during previous disease

outbreaks has been shown to have negative psychological effects

(Brooks et al., 2020). Psychological symptoms like stress, anxiety, and

depression have been shown to rise in tandem with time spent in

lockdown (Ozamiz-Etxebarria et al., 2020). López-Bueno et al. (2020)

proposed that poorer psychological wellbeing and mental health during

COVID-19 lockdown is associated with health behaviors such as

alcohol consumption, diet, sleep, and physical activity. We therefore

examined the relationships between socio-demographic circumstances

(e.g., living arrangements), COVID-induced changes in circumstances

(e.g., changes to working arrangements, shielding), and changes in

health behaviors. We also considered how changes to health behaviors

related to negative mood, and we monitored changes in negative

mood as lockdown restrictions eased. This study resulted and has been

identified that associations between COVID-19 induces change and

health behaviors, and differences in negative mood dependent on

changes to health behaviors. With the exception of sleep quality of a

person, health behaviors were inter-related. Also changes in diet,

sleep and physical activities had the clearest link to negative mood

states of an individuals.
When the analysis revealed that there was a significant

association between a change in work-status and a change in diet. For

those whose work-status had changed, more participants than

expected reported that their diet was “a little more unhealthy”, and

fewer participants than expected maintained the same diet; for those

participants reporting no change in work-status, fewer participants

than expected reported that their diet was “a little more unhealthy”,

and more participants than expected had maintained their pre-

lockdown diet.

Second, is in sleep, findings revealed that there was a significant

association between shielding status and lockdown changes in

perceived sleep quality. With respect to shielding group participants, a

greater number of participants than expected were sleeping “a lot

worse”, and fewer shielding participants than expected maintained

their pre-lockdown sleeping pattern; in contrast, fewer non-shielding

participants than expected were sleeping “a lot worse”, and more non-

shielding participants than expected had maintained their pre-

lockdown sleeping pattern.

Lastly, analysis revealed that there was a significant association

between student-status and changes in activity levels. The pattern of

observed vs. expected effects reveals that this is an association

marked by general decline in activity. For full-time students, a greater

number than expected reported being “a lot less” physically active, but

fewer than expected reported being “a little less” active; for non-

students, fewer participants than expected reported being “a lot less”

physically active, but more than expected reported being “a little less”

active than pre-lockdown.

According to Sinha, M., Pande, B., and Sinha, R., in the study

entitled “Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Sleep-Wake Schedule and

Associated Lifestyle Related Behavior” a state of social jetlag caused

by the Covid-19 pandemic lead to delayed sleep-wake, meal timings

and excessive digital media exposure among Indians. However, the

impact varies depending on gender and age group. On the younger

subjects, sleep onset-wakeup times and meals’ time was significantly

delayed. However, young individuals reported increased sleep duration

at this time. Evidently, there is an increase in digital media duration

was in all age groups, mainly in males. However, females reported

more delay in sleep onset-waking time and first meal timing with

longer sleep duration during lockdown.

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

The studies and pieces of literature support and represent the

interest of this research study. These studies and literature support

the researchers to be acquainted more with the research.

The lack of having a proper quality of sleep could cause

catastrophic damage to a person's health physically and mentally. The

importance also of having a proper circadian rhythm could help a

person to better his or her life. Circadian rhythms serve as the receiver

of information from the optic nerves in the body that the brain relays

information on. The abnormality in circadian rhythm could cause a lot

of catastrophic damage to someone's health physically and mentally.

Abnormality in circadian rhythm could affect people's lives in the long

run if they keep doing or performing irregular sleeping habits.

The impact also of the ongoing pandemic in the country by the

cause of the outbreak of the 2019-novel coronavirus put much weight

on the burden of many people to have a good quality of sleep. the

pandemic has been going for many months now and its anniversary is

no longer than two months. This pandemic increased the so much fear

to everyone and a lot of stress and anxiety that lead them to not

wanting to go out anymore. and they could not even sleep from

worrying so much about so many things and under a pandemic.

In this research, the researcher wants to know how much does

the pandemic affects the student's sleep quality aside from the stress

from the new system of an online class and academic works but from

the other factors of this pandemic that lead them to not have the

proper quality of sleep.



The researchers gather data to show an honest result. The

following procedure of research design and methodology will result an

orderly research study. In this chapter, it shows the process and

procedure of how the researchers collecting data, instrument, the

sampling techniques, the place of the study and the research design.

Research Design
In this research study, the researchers used descriptive method

as the appropriate kind of research design as it is based on what

people do and experience. It is suitable in this study because it will

describe and answer particular phenomena, particularly the pandemic

and its effect to the quality of sleep of senior high school students

specifically grade 12 students. This research study also used

quantitative causal-comparative research design wherein the

researchers will identify the positive and negative effects of the

pandemic to the quality of sleep of senior high school students.

Research Locale

The location of this study would be conduct in Our Lady of

Lourdes College which is a private educational institution. It is located

at 5031 General Tiburcio De Leon Valenzuela City. Our Lady of Lourdes

College was originally conceived by its founder which is Mr. Alfredo

Demetillo on limited scale. Through the continuous progress, this

learning institution has served good quality of education to its growing


It started in Pre-school (also known as Cherub Learning Center)

that opened in 1986 with the modest enrollment of a specific 17

kindergarten pupils. A year later, the Elementary School Department

was set up with an unexpected enrollment of 222 students. Four years

later, at the year of 1989, twenty pupils received their diplomas as the

first batch of the graduates. In 1993, there are 88 students enrolled as

the first batch of High School Department. And later on, the students

enrolled in Our Lady of Lourdes College counted more than a double.

The founders decided to establish the Senior High School department

that includes two tracks: Academic Track and Technical Vocational

Livelihood. The Academic Track includes: Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) Strand, General Academic Strand (GAS), Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand, and

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand. The TVL Track

on the other hand, is composed of Economics (HE) and Information

and Communication Technology (ICT).

As of today, Our Lady of Lourdes College offers a wide variety of

programs, reaching from preschool up to undergraduate degrees in the

fields of Education, Criminology, Information Technology, and Hotel

and Restaurant Management. As an academic institution, the school is

dedicated forming globally – competitive and productive citizens

through quality education. Since its establishment, Our Lady of

Lourdes College has been continuously producing champions as well as

passers in the country’s board examinations. (Our Lady of Lourdes

College, 2020)
Sample and Sampling technique

The study will use simple random sampling which refers to

probability sampling that makes a researcher base selection of

respondents on pure chance. Simple random sampling is the basic

selection process of sampling and is easiest to understand. Simple

random sampling assumes that the units to be sampled are included in

the list, also termed as sampling frame. This list should be number in

sequential order from one to the total number of units in the

population (Frerichs, 2008).

The researchers choose 100 Grade 12 students from Our Lady of

Lourdes College as respondents.

To get the number of samples to be used in our study, we will

use the Slovin’s formula here and its come up that our samples to be

used is N samples out of N total population.

The formula for Slovin’s formula are as follows:


1+ Ne 2
where: n is the sample size

N is the population size

E is the desired margin of error

N = 50

1+50 (0.05)2

= 50

1+50 (0.0025)

= 50


= 44


The instruments to be used is in a form of survey that is best for

obtaining relevant information regarding the specified research

questions. The grade 12 students should answer the survey through

google forms that is provided by the researchers regarding the effects

of sleep quality in the midst of the pandemic.

Data Gathered Procedure

Grade 12 students will be given informed consent form for them

to able to know the purpose of the study. The survey questionnaire will
last for 15 minutes for the respondents to be able to think with enough

period of time. It will be held online by using google forms.

The survey questionnaires will be given to 50 Grade 12 students

as respondents and after they answer the questionnaire, the

researchers will collect the questionnaires and will apply the next

procedures. The researchers will use simple random sampling where

every respondent in a population has an even chance of being selected

in the sample. After that, it will be analyzed using the different

statistical tools.

Statistical treatment

A causal comparative statistical analysis will be done to

effectively highlight the research findings and get to know the data's

description. The answers to the questionnaires are categorized as

nominal and ordinal values. Therefore, data presentation will be

limited to textual, tabular, and graphical representations. The following

are the components of the said representations:

A. Frequency

It is used to determine the number of times the specific answer

occurred or recorded per question.

B. Percentage
This is used to determine the percentage of the respondents'

demographic profile such as age, gender, grade level, and the

respondents' sleep quality Likert style scale, which is stating strongly

agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.



% = percentage

f = frequency

n = total number of respondents

A percentage frequency distribution is a data that specifies the

percentage of observations that exist in the presenting of data points.

The first process of this is to identify the total number of sample to be

needed. A weighted mean is used extensively in descriptive statistical

analysis such as index numbers. It is which each observation in the

data set is.

WM = ∑N


∑ ❑ fx = Summation of the product of frequency

N = Total number of respondents

Assigned multiplied by a weight before summing to a single

average value. In this process each quantity to be averaged is

assigned a weight that determines the relative importance of each


Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique that is

used to determine difference between means on a particular measure.

(Crossman, 2018)

Total df = N-1

Group df = k-1

Error df = N-k


Df = Degrees of freedom

N = Total number of populations

K = Total number of Groups



This chapter presents the data gathered, statistical analysis and

interpretation of the data gathered by the researchers. These are

presented in tables and it aims to know The Effects of Pandemic to the

Quality of Sleep Among Senior High School Students.

The first part is the profile of the respondents. It shows their

age, economic status, gender and how long does it take for them to

fall asleep. The second part shows their lifestyle and their experience

in sleeping before the pandemic. Third part shows their lifestyle and

their experience in sleeping during the pandemic.

1. Profile of Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

16 0 0%
17 16 36.36%%
18 25 56.82%
19 3 6.82%
20 0 0%
Table 1: Age of Respondents

The researchers select ages ranging 16-20 years old. Table 1

shows the percentage of both 16 and 20 years old is 0%. Age group

17 years old got 36.66%. While the age group 18 years old got

56.82% and age group 19 years old got 6.82%.

Economic Status Frequency Percentage

Upper Class 1 2.27%
Middle Class 40 90.91%
Lower Class 3 6.82%
Table 2: Economic Status of Respondents

Table 2 shows the economic status of the respondents. In upper

class there is a 2.27%. Respondents who are in middle class is 40 or

90.91% and for the lower class there are 3 or 6.82%.

Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 18 40.91%
Female 26 50.09%
Table 3: Gender of Respondents

Table 3 shows the percentage of male and female respondents.

Male consists of 18 people, with a percentage of 40.91%. And 26

females with a percentage of 50.09%.

Time Frequency Percentage

1-20 minutes 7 26.92%
30 minutes-1hr 10 38.46%
2-4 hours 9 34.62%
Table 4: How long does it takes for the female respondents to fall

asleep during pandemic.

Table 4 depicts the longevity of female respondents before

falling asleep. Wherein, 7 females or 26.92% says that they take 1-20

minutes. 10 females or 38.46% stated that they take 30 minutes to 1

hour. And, 9 females or 34.62% of the female sample population takes

2 to 4 hours to fall asleep.

Time Frequency Percentage

1-20 minutes 8 44.44%
30 minutes-1hr 8 44.44%
2-4 hours 2 11.11%
Table 5: How long does it takes for the male respondents to fall asleep

during pandemic.

Table 5 depicts the longevity of male respondents before falling

asleep. Wherein, 8 males or 44.44% says that they take 1-20 minutes.

8 males or 44.44% stated that they take 30 minutes to 1 hour. And, 2

males or 11.11% of the male sample population takes 2 to 4 hours to

fall asleep.

2. Table that consists of questions assessing their

sleeping experiences and lifestyle before pandemic.

Weighted mean Verbal

I am physically active 3.19 Neutral
I have a balanced 2.5 Disagree

Table 6: Lifestyle of female respondents before pandemic

Weighted mean Verbal

I have a 3.15 Neutral

profound/tight sleep
I am physically active 3.19 Neutral
I have a balanced 2.5 Disagree

I take longer than 20 3.65 Agree

minutes to fall asleep

I often find myself 2.54 Disagree

waking up several

times (two or more

times) in a night
I can sleep 7 hours 3.62 Agree

and up in one night

Table 6.1: Sleeping experiences of females before the pandemic.

Table 6.1 shows the sleeping experiences of females before the

pandemic. 3.15 weighted mean of the female population states neutral

in the statement I have profound/tight sleep. 3.19 weighted mean

stands neutral in the statement I am physically active. 2.5 weighted

mean disagrees on the statement I have a balanced diet. 3.65

weighted mean agrees on the statement I take longer than 20 mins to

fall asleep. 2.54 weighted mean disagrees on the statement I often

find myself waking up several times (two or more times) in a night.

And, 3.62 weighted mean of the female population agrees to the

statement, I can sleep 7 hours and up in one night.

Weighted mean Verbal
I am physically active 3.61 Agree
I have a balanced 3.22 Neutral

Table 7: Lifestyle of male respondents before pandemic.

Weighted mean Verbal

I have a 3.5 Agree

profound/tight sleep
I am physically active 3.61 Agree
I have a balanced 3.22 Neutral

I take longer than 20 3.33 Neutral

minutes to fall asleep

I often find myself 2.67 Neutral

waking up several

times (two or more

times) in a night
I can sleep 7 hours 3.95 Agree

and up in one night

Table 7.1: Sleeping experiences of males before the pandemic.

Table 7 shows the sleeping experiences of males before the

pandemic. 3.5 weighted mean of the male population agrees in the

statement I have profound/tight sleep. 3.61 weighted mean agrees in

the statement I am physically active. 3.22 weighted mean stands on

neutral in the statement I have a balanced diet. 3.33 weighted mean

says neutral on the statement I take longer than 20 mins to fall

asleep. 2.67 weighted mean stands on neutral in the statement I often

find myself waking up several times (two or more times) in a night.

And, 3.95 weighted mean of the male population agrees to the

statement, I can sleep 7 hours and up in one night.

3. Table consists of the effects of pandemic to the

quality of sleep and how pandemic changes their

sleeping practices.


Weighted mean Verbal

I am physically active 2.61 Neutral
I have a balanced 2.58 Disagree

Table 8: Lifestyle of female respondents before pandemic


Weighted mean Verbal

I have a 2.81 Neutral

profound/tight sleep
I am physically active 2.22 Disagree
I have a balanced 2.58 Disagree

I take longer than 20 3.65 Agree

minutes to fall asleep

I often find myself 3.46 Agree

waking up several

times (two or more

times) in a night
I can sleep 7 hours 3.19 Neutral

and up in one night

Pandemic causes 4.27 Strongly Agree

Table 8.1: Sleeping experiences of female during the pandemic.

Table 8 shows the sleeping experiences of females during the

pandemic. 2.81 weighted mean of the female population stands

neutral in the statement I have profound/tight sleep. 3.69 weighted

mean agrees that their physical activity decreased. 2.58 weighted

mean disagrees on the statement I have a balanced diet. 3.65

weighted mean agrees on the statement I take longer than 20 mins to

fall asleep. 3.46 weighted mean agrees on the statement I often find

myself waking up several times (two or more times) in a night. And,

3.19 weighted mean stands neutral to the statement, I can sleep 7

hours and up in one night. And, 4.27 weighted mean of the female

population strongly agrees on the statement, pandemic causes stress.

Weighted mean Verbal

I am physically active 2.61 Neutral
I have a balanced 3.06 Neutral

Table 9: Lifestyle of male respondents during pandemic.

Weighted mean Verbal

I have a 3.39 Neutral

profound/tight sleep
My physical activity 3.39 Neutral

I have a balanced 3.06 Neutral
I take longer than 20 2.94 Neutral

minutes to fall asleep

I often find myself 2.89 Neutral

waking up several

times (two or more

times) in a night
I can sleep 7 hours 3.78 Agree

and up in one night

Pandemic causes 4.11 Agree

Table 9.1: Sleeping experiences of males during the pandemic.

Table 9 shows the sleeping experiences of males during the

pandemic. 3.39 weighted mean of the male population stands neutral

in the statement I have profound/tight sleep. 3.39 weighted mean

stands neutral on the statement my physical activity decreased. 3.06

weighted mean stands neutral on the statement I have a balanced

diet. 2.94 weighted mean stands neutral on the statement I take

longer than 20 mins to fall asleep. 2.89 weighted mean stands neutral

on the statement I often find myself waking up several times (two or

more times) in a night. And, 3.78 weighted mean agrees to the

statement, I can sleep 7 hours and up in one night. And, 4.11

weighted mean of the female population agrees on the statement,

pandemic causes stress.

Legend of Likert Scale

Scale Range Symbols

5 4.21-5.00 SA
4 3.41-4.20 A
3 2.61-3.40 N
2 1.81-2.60 D
1 1.00-1.80 SD


The purpose of this study is to know or to find out if the pandemic

causes changes to the quality of sleep of senior high school students.

Summary of Findings

1. Profile of the Respondents

The senior high school student who answered the survey

questionnaire are 17-19 years of age, majority came from

middleclass family. Majority of the respondents experienced

physical inactivity, sleep disturbance, and stress during


2. What are the Effects of Pandemic in the Quality of Sleep

among Senior High school Students?

The results show that majority of the female respondents

experienced physical inactivity, sleep disturbance, and stress

during pandemic. While, most of the male respondents

experienced stress during the pandemic.

3. How does the Effect of Pandemic change their Sleeping

Having regards to the result, the sleeping practices of the female

respondents were affected negatively. Most of them experienced

sleep disturbances. Male respondents answered mostly neutral.

Which implies that the respondents neither agree nor disagree

on the statements. Thus, undetermined.


After the summarization, interpretation, and analyzation of

data, the researchers, therefore concluded that:

1. Pandemic affects the sleeping practices of the female

respondents negatively.

2. In pandemic, male and female respondents experienced



In accordance to the results, the following are highly


1. Larger sample size for data accuracy.

2. Add more specified questions to accurately depict the effects of

the Pandemic.

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 Ergoflex (2016). Four Theories as to Why we Need to Sleep.

Retrieved from


 Brinkman, J.E., Reddy, V., Sharma, S. (2020). Physiology,

Sleep. Retrieved from



 The Lancet (2020). A novel coronavirus outbreak of global

health concern. Retrieved from


 Inquirer Research (2020). 84% of Pinoys stressed by COVID-19

pandemic. Retrieved from


 Yee, J. (2020). Longest lockdown, lost opportunities: PH COVID-

19 cases go past 300,000. Retrieved from




 Hatice Senses (2020). Sleep-wake disorders more common

during pandemic. Retrieved from




 Psychiatry Res (2020). Insomnia during COVID-19 pandemic and

lockdown: Prevalence, severity,and associated risk factors in

French population. Retrieved from
 Sleep Med (2020). Sleep quality and mental health in the

context of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Morocco.

Retrieved from

 Micahel et al. (2020). Psychological impact of COVID-19

pandemic in the Philippines. Retrieved from


 NIGMS (2020). Circadian Rhythms. Retrieved from




 Leone, M.J., Sigman, M., Golombek, D.A. (2020). Effects of

lockdown on human sleep and chronotype during the COVID-19

pandemic. Retrieved from



 Front. Psychol., (2020). Changes in Diet, Sleep, and Physical

Activity Are Associated With Differences in Negative Mood During

COVID-19 Lockdown. Retrieved from




 Sinha, M., Pande, B., & Sinha, R. (2020). Impact of COVID-19

lockdown on sleep-wake schedule and associated lifestyle

related behavior: A national survey. Retrieved from


Address: Lot 19, Blk. 9, Brgy. 160, Libis Baesa,
Caloocan City
Contact Number: +639755730070

To obtain high education attainment and be equipped enough

Personal Information

Gender : Male
Age : 17 years old
Date of Birth: October 28, 2003
Place of Birth: Caloocan City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height : 5’ 5”
Weight : 97 lbs
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
Senior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2019 – 2021
5031 Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City
Junior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2015 – 2019
5031 Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2009 – 2015
5031 Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Skills and Qualifications

 Good in Communication, Cooking, ESC Scholar, Home



 3rd Honorable mention, S. Y. 2014-2015, Our Lady of Lourdes

College, March 28, 2015
 With Honors, S.Y. 2016-2017, Our Lady of Lourdes College,
March 2017
 With Honors, S.Y. 2017-2018, Our Lady of Lourdes College,
March 2018
 With Honors, S.Y. 2018-2019, Our Lady of Lourdes College,
April 2019


BSP Scout leader

SECA Club Member
KAMSIFIL Club Member
C.A.T Officer

Contact Reference

Ms. Leslie Aguilar Teacher

Our Lady of Lourdes College

Mrs. Vangie Bernardino Teacher

Our Lady of Lourdes College

I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful

to best of my knowledge and belief.


Address: 306 Ignacia St. Sta. Quiteria
Caloocan City
Contact Number: 09095167912


Responsible, positive thinker and ambitious stem student that acquire

valuable knowledge and skills to be able to strive my goals in the

Personal Information

Gender : Female
Age : 17 years old
Date of Birth: February 13, 2003
Place of Birth: Chinese General Hospital
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height : 5’0”
Weight : 110.23 lbs.
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
Senior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2019-2021
Junior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2015-2019

Sta. Quireria Elementary School S.Y. 2009-2015
Skills and Qualifications
Determination, active listening, creativity, and positive attitude.

Seminars Attended
2018-2019 Grade 10 CAT
Our Lady of Lourdes College
Gen. T. De Leon Valenzuela City
2018-2019 Red Cross Seminar

Work Experience
 None

 7th Honorable mention, S.Y. 2015-2016, Our Lady of Lourdes

 4th Honorable mention, S.Y. 2016-2017, Our Lady of Lourdes
 6th Honorable mention, S.Y. 2017-2018, Our Lady of Lourdes
 2nd Honorable mention, S.Y. 2018-2019, Our Lady of Lourdes
 Honorable mention, S.Y. 2019-2020, Our Lady of Lourdes
 Performing Arts (Teatro Klasiko), S.Y. 2018-2019, Our Lady of
Lourdes College
 CAT Duty Award, S.Y. 2018-2019, Our Lady of Lourdes College
 Best in Costume in Dance Revo 2017, Our Lady of Lourdes
 Champion Dance Revo 2018, Our Lady of Lourdes College
 Champion Dance Revo 2019, Our Lady of Lourdes College
 Best in Costume in Dance Revo 2019, Our Lady of Lourdes
 CAT Officer
 Teatro Klasiko Officer
Contact Reference

Ms. Leslie Aguilar Teacher

Our Lady of Lourdes College
I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful
to best of my knowledge and belief.


Address: 11 reparo st. brgy 155, Caloocan
Contact Number: 09397116182


. She is a Senior High School student who wants to pursue

Industrial Engineering. She chose the STEM Strand to find out and be
more aware of the future that she is pursuing.

Personal Information

Gender : Female
Age : 17 years old
Date of Birth: July 31, 2003
Place of Birth: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height : 5'4"
Weight : 45 kg
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Secondary Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2019-2021

San Francisco High School S.Y 2015-2019

Elementary St. Michael Learning Center S.Y 2013-2015

Lord’s Jubilee Christian School S.Y 2010-2013
Cabayugan Elementary School S.Y 2008-2010

Skills and Qualifications

She dares to try. Perseverance, consistency, and vision are key traits
that she possesses for the attainment of future endeavors."

 Top 1 Grade 1 and Grade 2

 Top 3 Grade 3
 Top 2 Grade 4 and 5
 With honors Grade 6 and Grade 10


Girl Scout
Student Journalist

Contact Reference
Ms. Leslie Aguilar
Our Lady of Lourdes College

Ms. Jinky H. Claveria

Dona Rosario High School

I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful

to best of my knowledge and belief.


Address:Brgy.163 Altavista Homes Caloocan
Contact Number: 09217048186


He is now Senior Highschool students who wants to take

Medicine for his future that is why he is studying under STEM Strand to
make him aware and know what his future will become.

Personal Information

Gender : Male
Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth: September 1,2002
Place of Birth: Novaliches Quezon City
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5'10"
Weight : 61 kg
Religion : Christian

Educational Background

Secondary Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2015-2021

Elementary Saint Dominic Savio School S.Y. 2009-2015

Skills and Qualifications

 He is a good listener, have a determination, perseverance,

creativity and he wants to experience new things.

Seminars Attended

C.A.T training
Basketball training
Taekwondo training
Acting rehearsal
Camp Crame


 Top 3-Grade 1 to 3
 Top 4-Grade 6
 Top 1- Grade 7
 Top 3- Grade 8
 With Honors- Grade 9
 With Honors- Grade 10
 Battle of the brain 6th place
 Champion in science academic
 Best in computer


CAT member

Contact Reference
Ms. Leslie Aguilar Teacher
Our Lady of Lourdes College

I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful

to best of my knowledge and belief.


Address: 4251 Jade St. Hillside Ville, Ugong
Valenzuela City
Contact Number: +639054351535

To gain and give knowledge throughout my journey. Not only as a
student but also as an adult, in the future. I aim to search for my
purpose and help me and not only myself but also the people
around me.

Personal Information

Gender : Female
Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth: October 19, 2002
Place of Birth: Valenzuela City
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’ 4”
Weight : 114 lbs
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
Senior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2019 – 2021
Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Junior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2015 – 2019
Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Elementary: St. Catherine College of Valenzuela S.Y. 2009 – 2015

Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Skills and Qualifications

 Proficiency in Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint, basic

knowledge in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Lightroom,
basic knowledge in Sony Vegas Pro, can draw and paint,
graphic and visual editing, handcrafts and paper crafts skills,
fast learner, and have quick understanding in math than the

Seminars Attended

 Student Leadership Training Program

 Citizenship Advancement Training
 Student Anti-Drug Council

Work Experience


 Academic Excellence Awardee (2nd Honor), S.Y. 2015-2016,

Our Lady of Lourdes College, March 2016
 Academic Excellence Awardee (With Honors), S.Y. 2016-
2017, Our Lady of Lourdes College, March 2017
 Academic Excellence Awardee (With Honors), S.Y. 2017-
2018, Our Lady of Lourdes College, March 2018
 Academic Excellence Awardee (With Honors), S.Y. 2018-
2019, Our Lady of Lourdes College, April 2019
 Best Company Commander (Citizenship Advancement
Training), S.Y 2018-2019, Our Lady of Lourdes College, April


Contact Reference
Mrs. Evangeline Bernardino Grade 10 Coordinator, Our Lady of
Lourdes College 09178332575

Ms. Leslie Aguilar Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes College


Mr. Ramil Rublico LIS Coordinator, Brainshire Science


I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful

to best of my knowledge a
Address: 5104 B. Juan St. Ugong
Valenzuela City
Contact Number: 09219806125


A stem student who is enhancing his skills for his future course in the
medical field. A dedicated and hard-working student who is focusing
on accomplishing his goals and visions in life.

Personal Information

Gender : Male
Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth: December 15, 2002
Place of Birth: Sta. Maria Bulacan
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height : 5’7’’
Weight : 119 lbs.
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Senior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2019-2021
Junior High School: Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2015-2019

Silvestre Lazaro Elementary School S.Y. 2009-2015

Skills and Qualifications

Hard working, patient, dedicated and an inspired student who is ready

to drive himself to limits and ready to learn and try new things to grow
and be more meticulous in everything he does.
Seminars Attended
2018-2019 Grade 10 CAT
Our Lady of Lourdes College
Gen. T. De Leon Valenzuela City

Work Experience
 None

 1st Honorable mention, S.Y. 2015-2016, Our Lady of Lourdes
 4th Honorable mention, S.Y. 2016-2017, Our Lady of Lourdes
 1st Honorable mention, S.Y. 2017-2018, Our Lady of Lourdes
 Grade 10 Academic Excellence Awardee with High Honor, S.Y.
2018-2019, Our Lady of Lourdes College
 Filipino Academic Champion, S.Y. 2018-2019, Our Lady of
Lourdes College
 CAT Loyalty Award, S.Y. 2018-2019, Our Lady of Lourdes
 5th Place Battle of the Brains, S.Y.2016-2017, Our Lady of
Lourdes College

 CAT Officer
 SADAC Officer

Contact Reference
Ms. Leslie Aguilar Teacher
Our Lady of Lourdes College

Mrs. Evangeline O. Bernardino Grade 10 Coordinator

Our Lady of Lourdes College

I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful

to best of my knowledge and belief.


Address: 404 P De Guzman Parada
Valenzuela City
Contact Number: +639995444030


Rob Mercado is now a Senior High School student that wants to pursue
maritime for his future that is why he is studying under STEM Strand
to make him an engineering student and to employ as an engineer and
business man.

Personal Information

Gender : Male
Age : 19 years old
Date of Birth: Jan 19, 2002
Place of Birth: Valenzuela City
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’ 7”
Weight : 58 kg
Religion : Catholic

Educational Background

Tertiary Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2019 – Present

Valenzuela City

Secondary Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2015 – 2019

Valenzuela City

Elementary Saint Mary Angel College S.Y. 2010 – 2014

Valenzuela City
Skills and Qualifications

 An all-around student which can do anything and make

excellence of work in academics and co-curricular activities in
school while being a team captain of the badminton team in Our
Lady of Lourdes college. An academic awardee for many
consecutive years while being a student Athlete. Computer
literacy (software and hardware), can be athletic, fluent in
speaking in English, can act and while maintaining being a
working student from Industrial sales.

Seminars Attended

2020 Adelino Industrial Sales

Sobel Hotel, 03 General Pio St., Valenzuela City

Work Experience

2019 Summer job

R5M Power tools and Trading
Valenzuela City


 Top 5 (Grade 8) S.Y 2016 - 2017, Our Lady of Lourdes College

 Top 1 with honors, (grade 9) S. Y 2017 – 2018.Our Lady of

Lourdes College

 With Honors, (Grade 11) S.Y 2019 – 2020, Our lady of lourdes

 With Honors, (Grade 10) S.Y 2018 – 2019, Our Lady of Lourdes

 Chess Champion, (grade 8 and 9) S.Y 2016 – 2018, Intramurals

 Badminton champion (grade 10 and 11) S.Y 2019 – 2020, Unit

meet and VALPRISAA

Contact Reference
Mrs. Rossette Mercado Professor and head of
Our Lady of Lourdes College

Mr. Raymundo Jr Mercado Sales Agent and owner of a business

ASCD industrial sales
R5M Power tools and Trading

I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful

to best of my knowledge and belief.



Address: #152 BAI Compound Marulas,

Valenzuela City
Contact Number: 09453979587


Jazzie Marielle is a Senior High School student that wants to be a doctor

in the future that is why she is studying under STEM Strand to make her
aware on what future she will encounter.

Personal Information

Gender : Female
Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth: November 04, 2002
Place of Birth: Caloocan City
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’ 0”
Weight : 121 lbs.
Religion : Catholic

Educational Background
Skills and Qualifications
TERTIARY Our Lady of Lourdes College S.Y. 2019 – Present
 Highly focused and responsible
Valenzuela Campus student, ready to discover new
things and determined to do anything to achieve goals. Able to
deal with
SECONDARY Ourproblems calmly and
Lady of Lourdes efficiently.
College S.Y. 2015 – 2019
Valenzuela Campus
Seminars Attended
PRIMARY Marulas Central School S.Y. 2009 - 2011
2018 Nationwide Mass Training on Cardiopulmonary
Pio Valenzuela St. 1440 Valenzuela City
Amphitheater Valenzuela City
San Francisco Elementary School S.Y. 2011-2013
People's Park MacArthur Highway, Valenzuela
117 San Pedro, San Francisco Del Monte,
AchievementsQuezon City

 Marulas
Rank Central
4 (Grade School
5), S.Y. 2013 - 2014, MarulasS.Y. 2013-2015
Central School
 Pio3Valenzuela
Rank (Grade 6),St. 1440,
S.Y. 2014Valenzuela City Central School
- 2015, Marulas
 Top 6 (Grade 7), S.Y. 2015 - 2016, Our Lady of Lourdes College
 Top 3 (Grade 8), S.Y. 2016 - 2017, Our Lady of Lourdes College
 Top 2 with honors (Grade 9), S.Y. 2017 - 2018, Our Lady of
Lourdes College
 Top 1 with honors (Grade 10), S.Y. 2018 - 2019, Our Lady of
Lourdes College
Our Lady of Lourdes College
5031 Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Jermaine Maeve A. Lising

Address: 388 Lucas Cuadra St.
Sta Quiteria Caloocan City
Contact Number: 09156201794


A Senior High School Student aiming to become an architect in the

future, studying under Stem to further develop my skills in the field of
Science and mathematics

Personal Information

Gender : Female
Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth: October 25, 2002
Place of Birth: Uganda, East Africa
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’5’’
Weight : 114 lbs.
Religion : Iglesia Ni Cristo

Educational Background

Our Lady of Lourdes College (SHS, 11) S.Y. 2019-2020
Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Our Lady of Lourdes College (JHS, Completer) S.Y. 2018-2019

Gen T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

Sta. Quiteria Elementary School S.Y.2014-2015
Sta. Quiteria, Caloocan City

Skills and Qualifications

Our Lady of Lourdes College
5031 Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela City

A student who is willing to learn, can work under pressure, creative

and can handle problems calmly and efficient

Seminars Attended
2018-2019 Grade 10 CAT
Our Lady of Lourdes College
Gen. T. De Leon Valenzuela City

Work Experience

 None


• Top 3, Grade 1 ( S.Y. 2009-2010)

• Top 1, Grade 2 ( S.Y. 2010-2011)
• Top 3, Grade 3 ( S.Y. 2011-2012 )
• Top 4, Grade 4 ( S.Y. 2012-2013 )
• Top 3, Grade 5 ( S.Y. 2013-2014)
• Top 2, Grade 6 ( S.Y. 2014-2015 )
• Top 1, Grade 7 ( S.Y. 2015-2016)
• Top 6, Grade 8 ( S.Y. 2016-2017 )
• With Honors Grade 10 (S.Y. 2018-2019)
• 2nd Place in Arts, Poster Competition
• 1st Place Debate Competition
• 2nd Place Quiz Bee
• With Honors Grade 11 (S.Y. 2019-2020)

 CAT Officer
Contact Reference

Ms. Leslie Aguilar Teacher

Our Lady of Lourdes College

I hereby certify that the information above is compelling and truthful to best
of my knowledge and belief.


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