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Analytical Listening &

Speech Evaluation
Incredibles 2 (2018) - Dinner
Scene (2/10) | Cartoon Clips
1. What is the family talking
2. What are the sides/points of
each family member?
3. What ideas are emphasized by
the parents?
4. What does each family member
feel about this matter? How do
you say so?
5. Which side/argument do you
agree on?

When someone listens to us, we
often discover something about
ourselves. Often, we solve
problems when we are really
listened to and feel heard.
JLL page 117
• making a decision by looking at all the factors involved,
and examines the elemental parts of something related
to the study of small parts of a whole
• all about feeling and meaning
• involves close examination of aural elements to produce
an interpretation
• enables us to detect biases – Content, word choice,
gestures, and pitch and stress reveal the speaker’s
Factors to Consider in
Public Speaking p. 20
1. Purpose
2. Verbal Communication
3. Nonverbal Communication
4. Appearance
5. Interaction
Verbal Techniques in Public Speaking
1. A high or low pitch can indicate shifts in
emotional tone of the message.
2. Varying the volume, or loudness or softness of
the speaker’s voice, can draw the listener’s
attention to important points of the message.
3. Correct use of intonation, or variation in stress
and pitch, can express different shades of
emotion and meaning.
Verbal Techniques in Public Speaking
4. Pausing or slowing down the tempo or rate of
speech can allow the listener to absorb and
respond emotionally to the message; while
picking up the tempo can enliven the listener or
convey the urgency of certain points of the
5. Proper phrasing or blending of words can add
rhythm and clarity to spoken communication.
Non-Verbal Techniques in Public Speaking
1. Facial Expressions
2. Body Movement and Posture
3. Gestures
4. Eye Contact
Other Factors
• Fluency
- aspect of speech production that refers to continuity,
smoothness, rate, and effort
- speaking easily, reasonably quickly and without having
to stop and pause a lot
• Tone - the way a person is speaking to someone
• Cohesion - the “glue” the holds your ideas together
and allows them to flow smoothly; easy to follow
• Correctness - based from facts; accuracy
Written Work (Quiz 2)
1. Watch President Duterte’s address and another foreign president’s
address. (Choose from the given choices)
2. Compare and contrast the speeches according to the given criteria.
3. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS on a clean sheet of paper.
4. Take a picture of your output and submit it in Google classwork.
5. Submission on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 10:00 AM. NO LATE
6. Scoring:
 Content (Completeness and correctness of answers) – 10 pts.
 Organization – 8 pts.
 Grammar - 7 pts.
 Format (neatness & penmanship) – 5 pts.
Written Work (Quiz 2)
President Fluency Cohesion Correct Pitch/ Volume Intonation Tempo Phrasing Non-
/ Prime ness Tone verbal
Minister Cues
Pres. /
1. If you address the public, which speaker would you emulate? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
2. What characters/techniques would you emulate from him/her? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
3. What could be improved from the speaker/s? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
Written Work (Quiz 2)


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