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ART. 1106 that the right does not really exist.

it is a mode of acquiring ownership and other real rights 1. While prescription is concerned with the FACT of
through the lapse of time in the manner and under the delay, laches deals with the EFFECT of unreasonable
conditions laid down by the law. In the same way rights delay.
and conditions can be lost through prescription.
2. No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or
Article 1118: Possession should be (a) in the concept of co-heir against his co-owners or co-heirs so long as
an owner (b) public (c) peaceful and (d) uninterrupted. he expressly or impliedly recognizes the co-
ownership. [Art. 494, CC]

LACHES 3. In determining whether a delay in seeking to

it is an unreasonable delay of bringing a cause of action enforce a right constitutes laches, the existence of a
through the courts of justice. As defined by the confidential relationship between the parties is an
Supreme Court – it a negligence and omission to assert important circumstance for consideration. A delay
a right within a reasonable period of time, warranting a under such circumstance is not as strictly regarded
presumption that the persons entitled thereto have as where the parties are strangers to each other.
already abandoned or declined to assert such rights.
4. Prescription is a matter of time; laches is
principally a question of inequity of permitting a
claim to be enforced, this inequity being founded on
the same change in the condition of the property or
A. Rationale: It is founded on the grounds of public
policy which requires for the peace of society, that the relation of the parties. Prescription is statutory;
laches is not. Laches applies in equity, whereas
there are circumstances or juridical relations susceptible
of doubt which may give rise to disputes – be fixed and prescription applies at law. Prescription is based on
fixed time; laches is not.
established after the lapse of determinate time so that
ownership and other rights may be certain for those
Equity – Justice outside legality
who have claim in them.

B. Proof Needed: since prescription is an extraordinary 5. Prescription does not run against the state,
mode of acquiring ownership, all the essential especially because the recovery of unlawfully
ingredients, particularly the period of time, must be acquired properties has become a state policy.
shown clearly.
6. Prescription must yield to the higher interest of
C. Reasons or Bases for Prescription.
1. Economic Necessity
7. Filing of the complaint, even if merely for
2. Freedom from judicial harassment (occasioned by
claims without basis) purposes of preliminary examination or
investigation, suspends and interrupts the running
3. Convenience in procedural matters (in certain
instances of juridical proof is dispensed with) of the prescriptive period.
4. Presumed Abandonment or waiver (in view of the
owner’s indifference or inaction) ART. 1107
D. Classification A. Who may acquire Property or Rights by Prescription
(a) as to whether rights are acquired or lost: (a) those who can make use of the other modes
1) Acquisitive prescription (ownership) of acquiring ownership.
a) ordinary
b) extraordinary (b) Minors and other incapacitated persons,
2 Extinctive prescription (action) either personally or through their parents, guardians or
legal representatives.
(b) as to the object or subject matter:
1) Prescription of property B. Reason for No. 1: If a person can become an owner
a) real property by donation, he can also become an owner by
b) personal rights prescription. However in a case where donation was
2) Prescription of rights received from a paramour which is void, only
extraordinary prescription not ordinary prescription
III. LACHES since the latter would be lacking the element of just
title. No title at first hand since they are incapacitated
A. Rationale: if a person fails to act as soon as
possible to assert an alleged right, it is possible to donate to each other.
Reason for No. 2: This is because only juridical capacity As a general rule, even if the child is neither insane nor
is required for possession, not capacity to act. Thus, incapacitated, an adverse possession cannot be
even discernment of intent to possess is not required predicated on the possession of the parent as against
for such personal acquisition. This is so because the law the child, or in the possession of the child as against its
makes no distinction. parent.

ART. 1108 C. Between Guardian and Ward

No prescription runs between them during the
A. Prescription, both acquisitive and extinctive, runs continuance of the guardianship. This is so even if the
against: guardian expressly repudiates the guardianship
(1) Minors and other incapacitated persons who have (without court approval); otherwise, the trust
parents, guardians or other legal representatives; relationship would be rendered nugatory.

(2) Absentees who have administrators, either ART. 1110

appointed by them before their disappearance, or
appointed by the courts; Prescription, acquisitive and extinctive, runs in favor of,
(3) Persons living abroad, who have managers or or against a married woman. This article refers to a
administrators; married woman and a stranger.

(4) Juridical persons, except the State and its ART. 1111

Persons who are disqualified from administering

theirproperty have a right to claim damages from their
legal representatives whose negligence has been the
cause of prescription.

B. Minors without Parents, etc:

These people may still bring the action within a number
of years after their disability has been removed.
3 years – in case of recovery of land
2 years – in other civil actions

C. State and its subdivisions

No prescription can run against them, except with
reference to patrimonial property. (ART. 1113)

ART. 1109

A. No Prescription Between Husband and Wife

Reason: The close relationship between them,
engendered by affection or influence, may prevent one
from suing the other. Even if there has been a
separation of property for the same reluctance to sue
each other may still exist.

Separation of property even in the consequence of legal

separation since the law does not distinguish. Both
instances would be by judicial decree.

Exceptions: When prescription is specifically provided

for by law such as:
a) an action for legal separation – within 5 years
from and after the date when such cause occurred.
b) Alienations of husband without consent of
wife – within 10 years for the transaction questioned.

B. Between Parents and Children

No prescription shall run between them during the
MINORITY or INSANITY of the latter. A sensu contrario
prescription runs if the legal disability does not exist

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