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Write down the steps of what constitutes “Due Process” for grievances

against teachers. Use the algorithm/pseudocode format.

Grievances shall be processed by working through the 3 steps to finality as follows:

(1) Step I . Evaluator

a. Written grievance submitted to evaluator no later than 15 days from the end of the

summative evaluation.

b. Administrative investigation and fact finding.

c. Decision clearly communicated in writing to grievant within fifteen (15) days of receipt

of the complaint.

d. To allow disputes to be resolved at the lowest level possible, the Evaluator may take

any action necessary, based on the circumstances, to immediately correct any

procedural errors made in the evaluation process.

(2) Step II . The Director of Schools or his/her designee who shall have had no

input or involvement in the evaluation for which the grievance has been filed.

a. Written grievance and prior step decision submitted to the Director of Schools or

his/her designee within fifteen (15) days of receipt of decision from Step I. The designee

cannot be used in cases involving a principal’s evaluation.

b. Informal discussion or hearing of facts, allegations, and testimony by appropriate

witnesses as soon as practical.

c. Investigation, fact finding, and written final decision communicated to grievant in

writing within fifteen (15) days of discussion.

d. To allow disputes to be resolved at the lowest level possible, the Director of Schools

may take any action necessary, based on the circumstances, to immediately correct any

procedural errors made in the evaluation process.

e. Minor procedural errors, as defined in section (a), shall not be grieved beyond this


(3) Step III . Local Board of Education

a. Teachers and principals may request a hearing before the local board of education by

submitting a written grievance and all relevant documentation to the local board of

education within fifteen (15) days of receipt of decision from Step II.

b. The board of education, based upon a review of the record, may grant or deny a

request for a full board hearing and may affirm or overturn the decision of the Director of

Schools with or without a hearing before the board;

c. Any hearing granted by the board of education shall be held no later than thirty (30)

days after receipt of a request for a hearing;

d. The local board of education shall give written notice of the time and place of the

hearing to the grievant, Director of Schools and all administrators involved;

e. The local board of education's decision shall be communicated in writing to all

parties, no later than thirty (30) days after conclusion of the hearing.
2. Reflect on the truth of the following (2) assertions: 1. “Teachers are

overworked and over-exploited”. 2. “The job of the school

administrator/principal/school head is to enforce directives and orders”.


The one who initiates and guides learning are the teachers. Teachers

have played a vital role from way back when. Furthermore, back from the old years,

teachers are considered as one of the most highly regard in the society. However, in

today’s generation, when you are a teacher you will be underestimated by those people

saying words like “Teacher ra ka?” or “Pag education nalang”. They have never seen

the relevance of a teacher. The statement says Teachers are overworked and over

exploited is quite true because being a teacher is not just merely teaching but aside

from that there are a lot of professions or obligations hidden under it such as; being a

second parent, a nurse, a lawyer, a chef, an agriculturist, a carpenter, and many more.

That are just obligations done inside the classroom setting but there are also obligations

that we have as at teacher such as doing forms, chasing deadlines of reports, seminars,

workshops, trainings, many to mention and yet we are still taken for granted because

we have to do these things in order to uphold the magna carta for teachers that we are

always ready to serve the best for our learners, environment and community. We most

of the times have to bring our work at home such as checking the outputs, recording

and even creating a grade. We sometimes use our weekends just to finish our undying

reports and other reports. The obligations we have as a teacher really stresses us a lot

and yet we are not being paid enough for the things we have offered the service.
Sometimes we have to get our own budget from our pockets in order to provide the

needs of our learners.



A school will not fully function without a leader and we call them as our Principal

or School Head. The school principal is the highest-ranking administrator in an

elementary, middle, or high school. Principals typically report directly to the school

superintendent, but may report to the superintendent's designee, usually an associate

superintendent, in larger school districts. Principals are responsible for the overall

operation of their schools. Some of their duties and responsibilities are delineated in

state statutes. States and school districts have also set expectations for principals

through their principal evaluation criteria and procedures. With schools facing increased

pressure to improve teaching and learning, the duties and responsibilities of principals

expanded further to include the responsibility for leading school reform that would raise

student achievement. Principals are also responsible for facilitating their school's

interactions with parents and others in the school community. This responsibility

includes working with parents when disciplinary issues arise, when students are not

succeeding academically, and when parents have concerns. Principals also interact

with parents who serve on school advisory boards, parent/teacher organizations, and

booster clubs. Principals continue to be responsible for the management of their

schools even though their primary responsibility has shifted. One major management

responsibility is school safety. This responsibility includes ensuring that facilities and

equipment are safe and in good working order, the development of overall school
discipline policies and the enforcement of those policies, and the assignment of

supervisory responsibilities among school personnel.

3. The proposition: “Schools are open systems”- Write an easy detailing your

position (agree, disagree) with three (3) specific and well supported points

of rationalization.


Schools are important organizations that prepare our children for adult

roles. Their working mechanism has a strong effect on the quality of education.

school systems were associated with open systems perspective. Furthermore,

one of the advantages that the school is an open system it is because it is

directly linked with the community. The school interacts with the community

through various activities, and decision making structures should be well

organized in an open context. All these systems are mutually dependent on each

other and are highly interactive. An open system of school functioning opens it up

to the entire society. Contributions of the school to the society and what the latter

contributes to the former are widely considered in an open system, and this

affects the general decision making process. Hence, learners within the society

can have an easy access to education and have the right to be educated.

Schools must have an open system most especially if the institution is owned by

the government. The disadvantage of this is that some institutions may have an

open system but with limited access or restrictions such as prestige universities

owned by private sectors and the like.

4. Take the perspective of the school administrator/principal/ school head

within the context of school operations. Come up with your own policy

(describe in one paragraph) on how to handle official interaction with 1.

Teachers, 2.students, 3. Local community.


Policy 1. (Official Interaction with Teachers).

“The school head has the right to have an observation of classes

announced or unannounced to promote quality education based on

teachers performances”

This policy is actually one of the duty and responsibility of the school head

that He/She must be fully aware of the performances of his/her teachers. This is

to assure as well the clientele which is our students that they will receive good

services from the school.

Policy 2. (Official Interaction with Students).

“The school head shall cater the queries of the students if he/she

had already taken action first from the Guidance Counselor’s Office”

One of the duties that a school head must uphold is to promote peace and

order of his or her school. But this policy is also stating the importance of the

process of dealing issues from the students and the Teacher as well as the

Guidance Counselor must first take the action before proceeding to the higher

office of the school which the Principal’s office.

Policy 3. (Official Interaction with Local Community).

“The school head must have a monthly meeting or gathering with the

local community as stakeholders of the school to ensure them with the

updates and access information in the school”.

This policy is to promote the strong relationship between the school and

its local community. Furthermore, this is to let the local community fully aware of

the obligations that they have to also to offer in the school. The school head must

also have the effort to reach out with its stakeholders or the local community

some are the ways of reaching out is to support the events that can benefit the

learners created by the local community or vice versa.

1. Propose your own theory on “How learning happens to a child”. Use your

own perspective from your observation (or from your teaching practice-if

you are a teacher) and based on established learning theories.

Concrete experiential theory. The child learns through their experiences and how

they apply their learning in a manipulative and concrete ways. They learned more if they

are hands on about the things that they need to learn. This theory will correspond to the

Dewey’s learning by doing. This theory instils that knowledge is created through the

alteration of experience. Their learning will result from the combination of grasping and

transforming experience. In other words, experiential learning focuses on the idea that

the best ways to learn things is by actually having experiences. Hence, this allows

students to immediately apply things they are learning to real-world experiences.

According to some experts, experiences and hands-on activities help learners retain the

information better. This theory will be also called as hands-on approach to learning that

moves away from just the teacher at the front of the room imparting and transferring

their knowledge to students. It makes learning an experience that moves beyond the

classroom and strives to bring a more involved way of learning.

2. How do you teach and why do you do it that way? (Describe your teaching

style and rationalize it.)

I am more on collaborative and innovative approach in teaching. I used these

approaches because I’m more on learner-centered way of teaching. I teach my students

to construct their own meaning of the said information and I want them to discover

things based on their own perspectives. I used collaboration in my classrooms so that

my students will have the opportunities to grow in their ability to communicate. Each

student will learn the most from theirs peers and counterparts. Through collaborative

learning, they are able to ask questions, bounces ideas off one another, and receive

feedback are fundamental to the learning process. They ultimately help one another to

grasp complex concepts much faster than they could only simply listen to lectured

discussions, taking tests, and doing homework. In fact, research shows that educational

experiences that are active, social, contextual, engaging, and student-owned lead to

deeper learning.
3. Refer to the K-to-12 curriculum. Select three (3) competencies (from your

field of specialization or subject load) that are particularly difficult to

deliver. Propose three (3) specific changes that will enhance the prospects

of delivering these aforementioned competencies.

I chose the competencies of Music subject. The following are the

competencies that are difficult to deliver:

- Plays simple ostinato patterns continually repeated musical phrase or

rhythm with classroom instruments and other sounds sources

- Distinguishes between thinness and thickness of musical sounds in

recorded or performed music

- Maintains a steady beat when replicating a simple series of rhythmic

patterns in measures of 2s, 3s and 4s. These competencies are difficult to deliver

because there is a lack of musical instrument to perform the said rhythm or

musical phrases. In today’s situation, it is much more difficult because the mode

of delivery is modular approach. Learners have difficulty in understanding lesson

if mainly by reading the notes or discussion in the modules. To ease the difficulty

in delivering the said competencies, the school should invest proper musical

instruments for effective teaching. Having proper sources allow students to have

hands-on experience in doing the activities. In modular approach, teacher should

have supplement learning resources. They need to record musical phrases on

how to distinguish the different musical patterns. Second, teachers should

undergo more trainings and seminars regarding music competencies in order for

them to have deeper learning. They should not rely only to the books. Third,
teachers should realign the competencies to the objectives made. Teachers

should make sure that the strategies and approach that they use will be

appropriate to objectives and competencies.

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