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Optimization of Antennas Using Genetic Algorithm

and Classical Optimization Method with Matlab and IE3D

Milan Drahovzal, Milan Polívka

Dept. of Electromagnetic Field at Electrotechnical Faculty of Czech Technical University in

Prague, Technická 2, 166 27 Prague 6, Czech Republic,

Matlab script for the optimization and design of dual-band or generally multi-band planar
patch antennas of predefined shapes have been realized based on the combining of genetic
algorithms and simplex method. Program IE3D is used to analyze antenna structure in
implemented Matlab optimization loop.

Growth of mobile services and usage more frequency bands demand dual-band or multi-band
antennas. Planar (or patch) antennas are often used. Basic model of patch antenna is single-
band and narrow-band. Patch antenna can be implemented as dual-band or wide-band when
some slots are added to basic shape or some passive elements are added near to antenna. This
article deals with numerical code that is written in Matlab program, and serves to optimize
predefined patch antenna shapes in conjuction with planar MoM simulator IE3D. Article
treats how to call analysing program, how to code designing structure and how to code results
from analyses to one number calling quality. These basic steps are showed and verified on the
optimization of rectangular patch antenna shape with two T-slots operating with TM10 and
TM21 modes.

Optimization and analysis of patch antennas

Optimization algorithm is written in Matlab as a script that launch planar IE3D simulator for
the analysis of the structure. Simple Genetic Algorithm with elite principle and scaling and
classic optimization based on simplex method are used. If the best individual in genetic
optimization is not improved in two consecutive generations simplex optimization is used in
further steps. Optimization loop operates on principle of maximization of Quality Function
(QF) that comprise of impedance matching on both designed frequencies (s11|f1 and s11|f2) and
maximization of electric field strength in the direction normal to the patch surface. QF is done
by relation:
QF=(1-s11|f1)*(1-s11|f2)*(1-E1|f1)* (1-E1|f2)* (1-E2|f1)* (1-E2|f2)* E3|f1* E3|f2* E4|f1* E4|f2
where the value of electric field strength E1=Eϕ (υ=45°, ϕ=90°) and E2=Eυ (υ=45°, ϕ=0°),
that needs to be minimized and E3=Eϕ (υ=0°, ϕ=0°), E1=Eυ (υ=0°, ϕ=90°) that needs to be
maximized. Six variables are optimized: length and width of rectangle patch, width and length
of T slot, their distance from border of patch and position of coaxial feed on y-axis. Every
variable is discretized on 8 bits. Technological minimum of etching is some about 0.1 mm. It
means, when we shifting with variable about 25 mm, than discretize step is technological
minimum of etching.
Antenna is symmetrical according to x-axis. Number of individuals in generation has been
choosing to 60. Probability of crossing is 80%. Shape of the radiator, parameters of dielectric

layer and any other parameters needed for analyze by IE3D simulator are generated by Matlab
script. Results from IE3D simulator are read to Matlab and they are evaluated.

IE3D by Zeland Software, Inc. is simulation program that serves to analyze and optimize
generally planar structures with possibility to model 3D metallic structures. Numerical
method used to analyze is moment method in frequency domain. Microstrip antennas with
coaxial or microstrip feed can be analyzed with the software very easily. Designed antenna
can contain several feed ports and can be compose by a few dielectric layers and a few
metallic layers. IE3D contains built-in optimization procedures. Random, Powel and Genetic
Algorithm are implemented optimization schemes. Till the IE3D 9.x versions you can select
several groups of vertexes and define magnitude and direction of their movement. Antennas
with known shape can thus be optimized. But new shapes of antenna can’t be created.
Designed Matlab optimization procedure employs the capability of IE3D to be called
externally. In command line has to be written following instruction.
“c:\program files\zeland\exe\ie3d.exe” “c:\ie3d\samples\rectangle.sim”
When first part indicates a path to program IE3D and second part indicate a path to sim file.
Sim file contains information about other needed files, frequency etc. Sim file is not only one
file which IE3D used. Geo file has to be generated before IE3D is activated. It contains
complete information about antenna’s geometry (A part of geo file is on appendix 1). And
IE3D forms .sp, .log, .cur, and .pat files. Sp file contains information about s-parameters, cur
file about current distribution and pat file about radiation pattern. Log file contains
information about simulation. This file is interested only in some problems.

Microstrip antenna modeled on air substrate of height h=1.5 mm with two T-shape slots has
been optimized. 3.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz resonation frequencies have been choosen. Patch
dimensions are (Fig. 1): width W = 54.5 mm, length L = 32.7 mm, slot length and width
ls = 20.4 mm, ws = 1.0 mm, slot distance from patch edge d = 2.6 mm and position of feed
lf = 6.4 mm. Patch radiator is symmetrical according both x and y axis except of feeding. Fig.
2 shows calculated reflection coefficient MS11dB versus frequency. Simulated radiation
patterns have broadside radiation at both design frequencies (Fig. 3). Radiator exhibits
directivity about 9.6dBi and 11.8dBi in corresponding frequency bands.
Optimization loop has been analyzed approximately 400 antenna shapes. Just about 300
shapes have been analyzed in first part that used GA. And just about 100 antennas have been
analyzed in second part that used simplex method.

Predefined shape of patch radiator has been optimized to match the antenna at two selected
frequencies as well as with criterion of broadside linearly polarized radiation.
Reflection coefficient MS11dB is better then -13 dB on both design frequencies. MS11dB is
equal to -32 dB on 3.5 GHz an -15 dB on 5.5 GHz. Suppression of cross polarization is better
then 20 dB on both frequencies.

New shape of microstrip antennas will be created using evolution optimizing method in next
step. Any slots can be added to antenna or any passive elements can be added near antenna,
applied principle in Appendix 1.

[1] PETERKA, I.: „Genetické algoritmy“, Diplomová práce UK, Praha 1999
[2] ŠKVOR, Z.: „CAD pro vf techniku“, vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha 1998
[3] ČERNOHORSKÝ, D., RAIDA, Z., ŠKVOR, Z., NOVÁČEK, Z.: „Analýza a
optimalizace mikrovlnných struktur“, nakladatelství VUTIUM, Brno 1999
[4] POLÍVKA, M.: „Kompaktní uspořádání patch antén, dissertation thesis”, CTU in Prague,

This work has been conducted at the Department o Electromagnetic Field of the Czech
Technical University in Prague and supported by the grant GACR No. 102/03/H086 “Novel
Approach and Coordination of Doctoral Education in Radioelectronics and Related
Disciplines” and by GACR grants No. 102/04/P131 “Multiband planar antennas with
compact-shaped radiators”.

Fig.1 Layout of dualband microstrip patch

radiator Fig.2 Simulated reflection coeficient
MS11dB of the dualband patch antenna

a) b)
Fig.3 Simulated radiation patterns at a) 3.5 GHz, b) 5.5 GHz frequencies

Appendix 1
Part of geo file defines geometry of patch antenna.
4 % it means structure is tetragon
a b h % first vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis
-a b h % second vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis
-a -b h % third vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis
a -b h % fourth vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis

5 % it means structure is pentagon

a b h % first vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis
-a b h % second vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis
-a -b h % third vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis
a -b h % fourth vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis
0 0 h % fifth vertex x-axis, y-axis, z-axis

Variables a, b or h can be changed. Any shape of microstrip antennas can be created. Value of
dielectric constant can be defined in other part of geo file.


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