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UDC 691.32 :620.193.2/.5 :620.193.

92 DEUTSCHE NORM June 1991

Assessment of water, soil and gases DIN

for their aggressiveness to concrete
Principles and limiting values
Part 1

Beurteilung betonangreifender Wässer, Böden und Gase; Grundlagen und Grenzwerte This standard,
together with
DIN 4030 Part 2,
June 1991 edition,
supersedes DIN 4030,
November 1969 edition.

In keeping with current practice in standardspublished by the International Organizationfor Standardization (ISO), a comma
has been used throughout as the decimal marker.

This standard has been prepared jointly by Section VI1 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau and DeutscherAusschul3für Stahlbeton
of the Normenausschuß Bauwesen (Building and Civil Engineering Standards Committee).
References to DIN 4030 Part 2 are to the June 1991 edition.


Page Page
1 Scope and field of application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3.2 Soil .......................................... 3
1.1 General information .......................... 1 3.3 Gases ....................................... 3
1.2 Freshly placed concrete ...................... 1
1.3 Reinforced concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 4 Assessment of aggressive substances ......... 4
4.1 General information .......................... 4
2 Aggressive substances and their effect ......... 2 4.2 Water ....................................... 4
2.1 General information .......................... 2 4.3 Soil .......................................... 5
2.2 Acidic water ................................. 2 4.4 Gases ....................................... 5
2.3 Sulfates ..................................... 2
2.4 Magnesium salts ............................. 2 Standards and other documents referred t o ........ 6
2.5 Ammonium salts ............................. 2
2.6 Soft water ................................... 2 Previous editions ................................. 6
2.7 Fats and oils ......................
Amendments ..................................... 6
3 Aggressive media.. .................
3.1 Water ....................................... 3 Explanatory notes ................................ 6

1 Scope and field of application aggressiveness of such substances [2] may be based on
1.1 General information the principles specified here.
This standards deals with the assessment of the agressive- 1.3 Reinforcedconcrete
ness of water, soil and gases which may contain aggressive
The relevant standards dealing with reinforced and pre-
substances acting on hardened concrete (as defined in
stressed concrete contain specifications relating to the
DIN 1045). The term 'water' as used here does not include
corrosion protection of reinforcement.
concentrated solutions such as some types of industrial
effluents, but is understood to be water of mainly natural Although aggressive constituents of water and soil may
origin. It is essential that, at the planning stage or prior to reduce the effectiveness of the concrete cover,theywill not
starting construction work, a check be made whether adversely affect the reinforcement, provided the,.concrete
assessment as specified in this standard is required. cover is sufficiently thick and has been properly placed.
However, concrete carbonation or chloride penetration
See DIN 1045 for requirements relating to plain or rein-
shall be prevented by suitable means, as these may affect
forced concrete exposed to chemical attack by water, soil
corrosion protection.
or gases.
The reinforcement is susceptible to corrosion only if
exposed to sufficiently large amounts of oxygen and mois-
ture at the same time, ¡.e. members which are permanently
1.2 Freshly placed concrete [l] and completely immersed in water are not in danger of
Freshly placed concrete should generally not be exposed corroding due to the lack of oxygen. In dry areas (where the
to water containing aggressive substances. However,in the relative humidity does not exceed io%, or less in the case
case of structural members (such as cast-in-situ piles in of concrete containing chloride), the risk of corrosion is low,
contact with aggressive groundwater) such exposure is even if concrete carbonation extends to the reinforcement,
unavoidable. In these cases, assessment of the degree of or if the critical chloride is exceeded.

Continued on pages 2 to 6

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Page 2 DIN 4030 Part 1

The rate at Which chlorides penetrate hardened concrete carbonic acid present attacks the concrete and is thus to
depends not only on the chloride content of the surround- be determined separately for its lime-dissolving capacity
ing medium, but also to a large extent on the water perme- (cf. subclauses 4.9 and 5.2.9 of DIN 4030 Part 2).
ability of the concrete. The critical concentration of chlo-
2.2.7 Organic acids
rides (i.e.the concentration they must reach to start corrod-
ing the reinforcement) varies as a function of the ambient Organic acids such as acetic, lactic and butyric acid
conditions and of the concrete composition and perme- (cf.subclause 3.1.7) dissolve calcium out of the constituents
ability and thus cannot be specified here. of the hardened cement paste to form the corresponding
salts, but they are generally less aggressive than mineral
Failure of the corrosion protection is more likely near cracks.
acids. Those organic acids which form insoluble calcium
However,the loss of metal under the conditions described
salts (e.g. oxalic acid, tartaric acid) do not attack concrete
in the 3rd paragraph is generally small if the requirements
since they form protective layers.
relating to the quality and thickness of the concrete cover
and to crack width limitation are met. 2.2.8 Humic acids
There is an exceptionally high risk of corrosion if chloride- Humic acids do not generally attack hardened concrete,
containing water seeps through cracks near the reinforce- but they may affect the hardening of fresh concrete.Some-
ment (e.g. crevices in parking decks). times, they exchange their hydrogen ions forthe cations of
neutral salts to produce acids (cf. subclauses 3.1.4 and
2 Aggressive substances and their effect
2.1 General information 2.3 Sulfates
Water and soil may attack concrete if they contain free Sulfates react with some calcium and aluminium
acids (cf. subclause 2.2), sulfides (cf. subclause 2.2.3), compounds in the hardened cement paste to form calcium
sulfates (cf. subclause 2.3). magnesium salts (cf. sub- aluminosulfate hydrates or gypsum, and this may result in
clause 2.4), ammonium salts (cf. subclause 2.5), or certain expansion.
organic compounds (cf. subclause 2.7).
2.4 Magnesium salts
Concrete may also be attacked by sofi water (cf. sub-
Magnesium salts, such as magnesium sulfate and chloride,
clause 2.6) and by the combined action of gases and mois-
dissolve calcium hydroxide out of the hardened cement
ture if the gases contain, for example, dihydrogen sulfide
paste to form a soft gelatinous material consisting of
(cf. subclause 2.2.3), sulfur dioxide (cf. subclause 2.2.4). or
magnesium hydroxide (cf. subclause 3.1).
hydrogen chloride (cf. subclause 2.2.5).
2.5 Ammonium salts
2.2 Acidic water With the exception of ammonium carbonate, ammonium
2.2.1 General information oxalate and ammonium fluoride, ammonium salts are
Water containing free acids with a pH value of less than 7 mainly responsible for leaching calcium hydroxide out of
tends to dissolve hardened cement paste and aggregates the hardened cement paste.This releases ammonia which,
containing carbonate,and is classed as aggressive ifthe pH although it dissolves in water, does not attack concrete
value is less than 6,5.The acids and acid-forming agents (cf. subclause 3.1.5).
most commonly found in water are listed in sub-
clauses 2.2.2 to 2.2.8. 2.6 Soft water
Soft water having a hardness of less than 30 mg of Ca0 per
2.2.2 Mineral acids litre, ¡.e. water which contains little or no dissolved calcium
Mineral acids such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and and/or magnesium salts, may dissolve the calcium hydrox-
nitric acid are strong acids, which dissolve hardened ide in the hardened cement paste. However, provided it
cement paste and aggregates containing carbonate. does not contain lime-dissolving carbonic acid or other
aggressive substances in harmful amounts, it has more or
2.2.3 Dihydrogen sulfide less no effect on water-resistant concrete whose water/
Dihydrogen sulfide is a weak acid and as such has less cement ratio does not exceed 0,60 (cf. DIN 1045).
effect on concrete. However,it may penetrate dry concrete Rainwater may have a low pH value, but because of its low
in gaseousform or dissolve in the waterthat moist concrete solvent power, it does not generally attack external struc-
contains, and eventually form sulfuric acid and sulfates in tural members (as defined in DIN 1045).
the presence of air. Even sulfides which are insoluble in
water (e.g. pyrites, marcasite), may be gradually oxidized to 2.7 Fats and oils
form sulfates and sulfuric acid in the presence of atmos- 2.7.1 General information
pheric oxygen and moisture. The effect of fats and oils on concrete varies with their
origin, chemical composition and physical nature.
2.2.4 Sulfur dioxide
2.7.2 Vegetable and animal fats and oils
Sulfur dioxide may penetrate dry concrete in gaseous form
or dissolve in moist concrete to form sulfurous acid and sul- Vegetable and animal fats and oils may attack concrete
fites, which may oxidize in the presence of oxygen to form because they are esters of fatty acids and form calcium
sulfuric acid and sulfates. salts (calcium soaps) with the calcium hydroxide present in
the hardened cement paste. However, they do not attack
2.2.5 Hydrogen chloride waterproof concrete having a waterlcement ratio of not
Hydrogen chloride may penetrate dry concrete in gaseous more than 0,60(cf. DIN 1045) to any significant extent.
form or dissolve in moist concrete to form hydrochloricacid 2.7.3 Mineral oils and fats
(ci. subclause 2.2.2). Provided they are free of acids, mineral oils and fats do not
attack concrete 1).
2.2.6 Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid (cf. subclauses 3.1.3 to 3.1.5) attacks con- 1) Cf. ‘Vorläufiges Merkblatt über das Verhalten von Beton
crete chiefly by dissolving the calcium hydroxide in the gegenüber Mineral- und Teerölen’ (Information sheet on
same way as other weak acids. However, only part of the the effect of mineral and tar oils on concrete).


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DIN 4030 Part 1 Page 3

2.7.4 Coal tar oils um compounds. High concentrations of dihydrogen sulfide,

The medium and heavy coal tar oils generally contain ammonium and aggressive organic compounds are only
phenol and its homologues (phenol derivatives) which may encountered in water contaminated by waste water or
attack concrete to form phenolates. They do not attack matter originating from dumping sites (cf. subclauses 3.1.7
waterproofed concrete having a waterlcement ratio of not and 3.2.4).
more than 0,60 (cf. DIN 1045) to any significant extent. 3.1.6 River water
Although river water can be very pure, it may also contain
3 Aggressive media the substances listed in clause 2. However,the concentra-
3.1 Water tions are usually negligible.
3.1.1 Sea water 3.1.7 Waste water
The main constituents in sea water aggressive to concrete Domestic sewage may contain ammonium compounds and
are magnesium compounds and sulfates. The Baltic and dihydrogen sulfide, which are aggressive, although the
North Sea have the approximate concentrations shown in sewage itself may be onlyslightly aggressive, provided that
table 1. the usual drainage requirements are met, such as an ade-
Table 1. Composition of sea water (guideline values) quate pipe gradient and suitable means for proper filling
and venting of the pipework (cf.DIN 1986 Part 3). In the case
of systems where domestic sewage remains in the pipe-
work for fairly long periods, a separate examination is to be
carried out of the sewage and of the gases present.
Constituent (North Sea; (Baltic; Although the ammonium content of liquid manure maycon-
Helgoland) Kiel Bay) siderably exceed the upper limiting value for the 'highly
aggressive category' as specified in table 4, practical expe-
Na+ 11 O00 5 O00 rience has shown that it is to be classed as being of low
aggressiveness 2).
K+ 400 200 Commercial and industrial waste water may contain very
high concentrations of various aggressive substances, the
400 I 200 I temperature of the waste water also being afactor in deter-
mining the degree of aggressiveness.
Mg2+ 1300 600 After leaving the premises and being fed into public sewer-

age systems (e.g. receiving waters or sewers), industrial

CI- 19 900 9 O00 waste water may attack concrete even if the discharge con-
ditions specified in ATV-Merkblatt A 115 (ATV Instruction
SO2+ 2 800 1300 sheet) are complied with. Likewise, the temperature of the
waste water is also a factor in determining the degree of
pH value >8 >7 aggressiveness.
Cf. subclause 3.2.4 for leachate (from dumping sites).
3.2 Soil
3.2.1 General information
Among the aggressive substances present in soil are iron
The composition of sea water may differ considerably from sulfides (pyrites, marcasite) and constituents which form
the values given in table 1which were obtained from several acids as a result of hydrogen exchange.
analytical series (cf. subclause 3.1.2).
3.2.2 Soil containing sulfates
3.1.2 Water in estuaries and brackish water
Soil containing sulfates are chiefly encountered in
The composition of water in the estuaries of rivers and Zechstein, Triassic, Jurassic and tertiary formations, where
canals and of brackish water may differ considerably from the deposits contain anhydrite andlor gypsum. The more
that given in table 1. If no analytical results spanning several , readily soluble sulfates, such as magnesium sulfate and
years are available for assessing the variations in salt sodium sulfate, primarily occur around salt deposits.
content, the water shall generally be classed as highly
aggressive (cf. table 4) and HS type (sulfate-resisting) 3.2.3 Peat soil
cement (cf. subclause 4.6 of DIN 1164 Part 1, March 1990 Peat soil mainly contains the substances mentioned in
edition) used for mixing the concrete. Otherwise, the water subclause 3.1.4, possibly together with iron sulfides.
may be assessed on the basis of table 4. If the analytical Sewage sludge contains humic acids.
resultscomplywith thevalues given in table1,thewateristo
be classed as highlyaggressive but it will not be necessary 3.2.4 Dumping sites
to use an HS type cement. Depending on its origin, industrial waste, rubble, refuse and
slag,ash and mining tips may contain large amounts of the
3.1.3 Mountain and spring water substances listed in clause 2.Thus. leachate from dumping
Mountain and spring water (cf.subclause 2.6) do not usually sites is likely to be aggressive to concrete.
contain substances which attack concrete, but they may
occasionally contain carbonic acid (cfsubclause 2.2.6)and 3.3 Gases
sulfates. 3.3.1 Waste gases
Combustion and industrial waste gases may contain gase-
3.1.4 Peat water
ous and solid constituents (dust) as well as aerosols,which
Peat water often contains aggressive constituents such as may partially or completely dissolve in the condensate
carbonic acid, sulfates and humic acids. when the temperature drops below the dew point. Depend-
3.1.5 Groundwater and other forms of soil water ing on the type and qualityofthe dissolved substances,the
Groundwater and other forms of soil water (e.g. perched 2) Cf. 'Merkblatt Stahlbeton für GÜ//ebehdter' (Instruction
water) often contain carbonic acid, sulfates and magnesi- sheet on reinforced concrete for liquid manure containers)

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Page 4 DIN 4030 Part 1

condensate may then contain mineral acids, organic acids Table 2. Scope of testing as specified in DIN 4030 Part 2
or salts in varying concentrations. However,the acidity may
be buffered by dissolved salts. Depending on composition
and concentration, the solutions produced in a smoke
stack or in its immediate vicinity may attack concrete to
varying extents.
The level of pollution by gaseous constituents originating
from waste gas and exhaust air emission is low and
decreases in inverse proportion to the distance from the
Colour + +

I + I +
source of emission.This is due not only to the high degree Odour
of dilution, but also to the buffering action frequently (original sample)
produced by dust.Thus, normally the gaseous constituents
or the constituents dissolved in the precipitation will Temperature
probably not have any marked effect on concrete when
used in external applications. Potassium
Waste gas constituents that are aggressive to concrete permanganate
include sulfur oxides (SO,), nitrogen oxides (NO,) and pro- consumption
cess dust containing water-soluble salts such as ammo-
I 1 + 1 +

nium compounds, and alkali metal and alkaline earth sul-

fates, nitrates and chlorides. Hydrogen halides (e.9. HCL,
HF), dihydrogen sulfide and vapours from organic sub- Temporary
stances are usually present in waste gases only in relatively hardness
+ +
low concentrations, but local increases in the HCI concen-
tration of combustion gases are to be expected if chlorinat- Difference
ed plastics burn during a fire. between
Carbon dioxide, which is present in high concentrations in permanent +
combustion gases, is more or less insoluble in the conden- and temporary
sate and is thus not aggressive to concrete. In fairly high hardness 1)
concentrations, carbon dioxide may, however, accelerate
the carbonation of concrete and consequently affect the Chloride (Ci-) + +
corrosion protection of the reinforcement.
3.3.2 Digester gases
I Sulfide (S2-)- 1 -1 +
Gases producted in septic tanks and in drains and sewers
may contain dihydrogen sulfide which may be transformed I p~ value I + I +
into sulfuric acid as a result of bacterial oxidation.
4 Assessment of aggressive substances
4.1 General information Ammonium ("4')
To assess the characteristics of subsoil with respect to its
aggressive constituents, it will generally be sufficient to
I Magnesium (Mg'+) I + 1 +
collect and examine water samples (cf. subclause 4.2).
However, if it is suspected that the soil contains such sub-
stances (ctsubclause 4.3.1) and it is not possible to collect
I) Referred to as non-alkaline hardness in previous
water samples but there is a risk or periodic infiltration, soil
editions of this standards.
samples shall be examined (cf. subclause 4.3.2). Where
required, both water and soil samples shall be collected
(cf. subclause 3.3 of DIN 4030 Part 2). the filtered sample (with the exception of domesticsewage),
a determination of the sulfide content or, possibly, expert
4.2 Water assistance may be necessary. See table 3 for the approxi-
mate potassium permanganate consumption of the various
4.2.1 General characteristics
types of water.
The presence of aggressive constituents may be indicated
The data given in table 3 are only guideline values not to be
bya dark colour,salt precipitations,a putrid smell.rising gas
generalized since local conditions may result in values far
bubbles (methane or carbon dioxide) oran acidic reaction,
above or far below the average. Oxidizability is not a
but such can be confirmed only by chemical analysis
measure of the degree of aggressiveness.
(cf. DIN 4030 Part 2).
The data on the permanent and temporary hardness of the
4.2.2 Chemical analysis water may be used as an additional aid in assessing the
The chemical analysis of water shall cover general charac- degree of aggressiveness indicated by the lime-dissolving
teristics of the water and the parameters listed in table 2.To capacity. Chloride in water of mainly natural origin is not
assess the degree of aggressiveness as specified in table 4, aggressive to concrete.
the content of the aggressive constituents shall be deter- Water of mainly natural origin may first be subjected to the
mined. rapid site test specified in clause 4 of DIN 4030 Part 2.
The general characteristics include colour, odour,tempera- Where all the criteria shown in figure 1 of that standard are
ture and the content of oxidizable Constituents. The last assessed, and where no noticeable changes occur to the
item is assesses by determining the consumption of potas- odour or colour of the water, it shall be considered not to be
sium permanganate,which oxidizes dihydrogen sulfide,sul- aggressive to concrete. More extensive examinations may
fides and organic compounds. If the odour test indicates then be dispensed with. Otherwise, a fresh sample shall be
the presence of dihydrogen sulfide andior the potassium collected and examined by the detailed method specified
permanganate consumption exceeds a value of 50 rngll in in clause 5 of DIN 4030 Part 2.

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DIN 4030 Part 1 Page 5

Table 3. Potassium permanganate consumption Table 4. Limiting values for assessing the degree of
aggressiveness of water of mainly natural origin
1 2
1 2 3 4
Type of water
KMn04 consumption,
in mgll I Degree of aggressiveness

Spring water 5to 10 Parameter Extremely

Drinking water 1 to 15 checked high

Groundwater loto 50
Below 5,5 Less than
River water loto 50 pH value 6,5 to 5,5
up to 4 3 4,5
Domestic water 150 to 300
Industrial waste water 50 to 50000 Carbonic
acid (COn),
in mgli
I 15to40
Over 40
up to 100
Over 100
4.2.3 Degree of aggressiveness of water of mainly
natural origin
With the exception of rainwater (cf. subclause 2.6, item 2),
test ï41) I
the aggressiveness of water of mainly natural origin shall be Ammonium
Over 30
assessed on the basis of the values given in table 4.These (NH4+), in 15 to 30 Over 60
up t o 60
are valid for stagnant and gently flowing water which is mgll
present in large amounts and to which the concrete is per-
manently exposed.
The assessment of the watershall be based on the values of
the parameters specified in lines 1to 5 of table 4.The value
(Mg''), in
I 3oo to
Over 1000
up to 3000
Over 300C

which falls in the highest degree of aggressiveness cate-

goryshall be used todefinethe aggressiveness ofthewater,
even if this value represents only one of the parameters.
Where two or more values are above the upper quartile of
a particular category (or the lower quartile in the case of
Sulfate 1)
(SO,'-), in
200 to
Over 600
up to 3000
Over 300C

pH), the water shall be assigned to the next highest level per litre of water (except in the case of sea water), an
(which does not apply to sea water as defined in table 1). HS type cement is to be used.
A higher degree of aggressiveness is likely at elevated tem-
peratures and pressures, and where the concrete is 4.3.3 Aggressiveness of soil
exposed to mechanical abrasion by fast-flowing or turbu- The degree of aggressiveness of soil frequently subject to
lent water.There is a lower degree of aggressiveness where infiltration shall be assessed on the basis of table 5. Low
the water temperature is low, and where there is so little infiltration andlor permeability of the soil may reduce the
water present that the movement of aggressive consti- aggressiveness.
tuents is minimal, as in soil of low permeability (¡.e. with a See subclause paragraph for the assessment of
coefficient of permeability, k , less than m/s) [3]. soil with a high sulfide content.
Table 5. Limiting values of assessing the degree of
4.3 Soil aggressiveness of soil
4.3.1 General characteristics I l I I

Aggressive soil is usually easy to identify since it is not I I 1

brown to yellowish brown like common soil. Black to grey
I I I Degree of aggressiveness
soil may be questionable, particularly if it also exhibits
reddish rusty patches. Light grey to bleached strata under-
neath dark brown to black top soil are indicative of an acidic
Parameter checked
Low I Extremely

Due consideration shall also be given to geological and Baumann-Gully

pedological charts suggesting that the concrete will be in 1 acidity [5], in mi Over 200 -
contact with soil strata containing gypsum, anhydrite or per kg of air-dry soil
other sulfates.
Sulfatel), in mg 2000
2 per kg of air-dry to Over 5000
4.3.2 Chemical analysis soil 5000
Chemical analysis of soil shall include the following:
a) Baumann-Gully acidity [5];
b) sulfate, in mg of Sod2- ions per kg of air-dry soil;
c) sulfide, in mg of S2- ions per kg of air-dry soil;
d) chloride, in mg of Cl- ions per kg of air-dry soil 4.4 Gases
These analyses cover soilcharacteristics and constituents Constant exposure to aggressive gases may result in a
most likely to cause chemical attack. In the case of indus- gradual enrichment of the aggressive constituents in the
trial waste landfills and soil having a sulfide content concrete. If the concentration of such gases is likely to be
exceeding 100mg of S2-) ions per kg of air-dry soil high,a gas analysis shall be carried out and the aggressive-
(1.e. exceeding 0,OlO/o S2-, expert assistance may be neces- ness assessed by a specialist, due allowance being made
sary. for local conditions.


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Page 6 DIN 4030 Part 1

Standards and other documents referred to

DIN 1045 Structural use of concrete; design and construction
DIN 1 1 64 Part 1 Portland, Portland blastfurnace, blastfurnace slag and trass cement; concepts; constituents, require-
ments and supply
DIN 1986 Part 3 Site drainage systems; operation and maintenance
DIN 4030 Part 2 Assessment of water, soil and gases for their aggressiveness to concrete; collection and examination
of water and soil samples
ATV-Merkblatt A 1 1 5 Hinweise für das Einleiten von Abwasser in eine öffentliche Abwasseranlage (Instructions on the dis-
charge of waste water into public sewerage systems), obtainable from Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Abwassertechnik, Markt 71,D-5205St. Augustin 1.
Vorläufiges Merkblatt über das Verhalten von Beton gegenüber Mineral- und Teerölen, prepared by Committee Öleinwirkungen
of the Verein Deutscher Zementwerke (Association of German Cement Manufacturers), and published in beton, 1966:16 (Il),
Merkblatt Stahlbeton für Güllebehälter (Instruction sheet on reinforced concrete for liquid manure containers), issued by the
LandwirtschaftskammerSchleswig-Holstein (Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Agriculture). Kiel.
[l] Weigler, H. and Karl, S.Beton (Concrete), Berlin: Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften, 1989.
[2] Rechenberg,W. Junger Beton in ‘stark’ angreifendem Wasser (Freshly placed concrete in ‘highly’ aggressive water), pub-
lished in beton, 1975:25 (4),143-145.
[3] Grube, H. and Rechenberg, W. Betonabtrag durch chemisch angreifende saure Wässer (Wear of concrete by aggressive
acidic water), published in beton, 1987:37 (ll),446-451 and (12),495-498.
[4] Heyer, C. Ursache und Beseitigung des Bleiangriffs durch Leitungswasser; chemische Untersuchungen aus Anlaß der
Dessauer Bleivergiftungen im Jahre 7886 (Cause and elimination of the attack of lead contained in tap water; chemical
analyses following the Dessau lead poisonings in 1886),Dessau: Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Baumann, 1888.
[5] Gessner, H. Vorschrift zur Untersuchung von Böden auf Zementgefährlichkeit (Procedure for examining soil for its aggres-
siveness to cement). Report No.29 issued by the EidgenössischeMaterialprüf- und Versuchsanstalt(Swiss Materials Test-
ing Institute), Zürich, 1928.

Previous editions
DIN 4030:

The following amendments have been made to DIN 4030,November 1969 edition.
a) The standard has been subdivided into two Parts,one dealing with principles and limiting values (Partl) and the otherwith
the collection and examination of water and soil samples (Part 2).
b) Subclauses 1.2,1.3,2.2.5,3.1.1,3.3.1,and 3.3.2have been included.
c) Table 2 has been included for the first time and makes reference to the rapid and detailed tests described in DIN 4030
Part 2.

Explanatory notes
In preparing this standard, the responsible technical committee decided to retain most aspects of the current assessment
method, since it is easy to use and has been proven in practice.To facilitate application of this standard, the sampling and
chemical analysis of water and soil are covered separately in Part 2.Although the scope ofthis standard still covers mainlythe
assessment of substances aggressive to concrete, users must often also have information on the corrosion protection
required for reinforced concrete. Therefore, information in this regard, along with information on the behaviour of freshly
placed concrete in contact with aggressive water and soil, has been included in clause 1.
Information on rainwater and on the water in estuaries and brackish water has been included since the composition of such
water is often markedly different from that of sea water.The specifications regarding waste water have also been revised to

include reference to regulations relating to the discharge of such water into watercourses, the sea, etc., those covering the
aggressiveness of gases having been considerably expanded.
Although the specifications of clause 4 are largely identical to those of the previous version of the standard, reference is now
made to a site test permitting rapid assessment of water, details of which are given in DIN 4030 Part 2.In future, the detailed
method will have to be used only in cases where the values specified in Part 1 are not complied with. With due consideration
being given to experience made at international level, the committee decided to extend the range of limiting values for
carbonic acid and forthe magnesium content in table 4 and to raise the maximum sulfate content in footnote 1 to this table,
above which HS type cement is to be used.

International Patent Classification

E 04 B 1/92
E 04 D 1106
E 04 G 21/24
G O1 N 33/18
G O1 N 33/38

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