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Online Education in Nepal

“Online education is electronically supported learning

that relies on the Internet for teacher/student
interaction and the distribution of class materials.”
Online education, an option in contrast to physical classes. Online
education has been one of the best technology for education during
pandemic situation. In this situation online education has been getting
popular and students are adapting online learning. Many schools have
started online-class for students in online platforms such as Zoom,
Microsoft Teams, Google class etc. From online education students can
turn anywhere with internet access, electricity, and mobile or personal
computer (PC) into a classroom.

Online Education in Nepal

Online education in Nepal during this pandemic situation has not been effective.
Online class has not been started in many schools and students outside Kathmandu
valley are not well attended. The online classes were conducted only by schools in
the city and they were not very effective. Government school teachers have not
shown interest in adapting online education. Private school teachers have started
adapting online class and teaching students even though they have not been paid
since chaitra. With the shift towards online education in Nepal there are many
challenges as Many students are not attending online classes because they do not
have internet facilities, mobile, and laptop. Some students have more than one
student at home. Those students continued their learning through radio and

Tika Puri, president of the Private and Residential Schools Organization Nepal
(PABSON), says, "Online education in private schools in the Valley is satisfactory,
but the situation is not good across the country. Outside the valley, only about 25
percent are present."
Governmental E-learning portal

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has launched an

e-learning portal for classes 1 to 10 students in schools which contains
materials and contents on all topics. It will be operated and controlled by
the Education and Human Resource Development Center (EHRDC).
Students can download the contents and read it would be easier
for the students to learn after the opening of the school as the contents of
the books read by the students in the school are kept in this portal.
E-Pustakalaya is an education-focused digital library containing full-text
documents, books, images, videos, audio files, and interactive educational
software that can be accessed through the Internet. E-pustakalaya Aim to
improve children's reading skills and develop a reading culture in schools by
giving them free and open access to age-appropriate reading materials .

As we are seeing this situation Collegeinit has started uploading notes, interesting blogs and
information about courses. Collegeinit is a digital platform in Nepal for students connecting
colleges. colleginit has various features for students.

Some features of Collegeinit for students

Map : Allows students to locate colleges nearby them in Nepal. Maps are provided for
students to navigate the location of the college and check the college profile. Find the best
college near you.

Course : Allows students to find interesting course and know more about courses in
Nepal. Students can also find colleges offering course. Students can find eligibility, job
prospect, scope and learning outcome of course.

Admission & Scholarship : Colleges can manage their Admission, Scholarship, and
directly receive admission applications from students.students can find various admission
of various courses.

Notes : Colleges can upload Notes, Syllabus, Questions, and Answers for their students.
Notes of colleges are provided which can be studied digitally. Students can also upload
notes to share them.

Blog : You can find interesting blogs and read them in collegeinit. You can find the latest
news and information on various things.

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