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Sample Related Literature Module 1

Leadership Preparation Program

An important aspect of leadership expertise is to propel student learning (Murphy & Vriesenga,
2006). However, reviews founds that the effect of school leaders without leadership preparation on
student achievement is near zero (Morris, 2010). Some authors like Grogan and Andrews (2002), Hess
and Kelly (2005) express that many preparation programmers have been relatively slow in preparing
future school leaders.


What are the blind spots/ conflicting areas?

Sample Related Literature

Leadership Preparation Program

The recognition of school principal role to improve students learning remains inevitable. In this
sense, formal and structured initial orientation as well essential leadership training is still in need for
principals (Khan, Ahmed, Ali, Fayyaz-ur Rehman, 2011). However the preparation program for student
learning and school improvement received very little attention from educators, policy makers and
government officials due to the lack of principal leadership preparation (Atlam and Hoque, 2010).


What is the blank/unexplored area?

Sample Related Literature

School personnel have long talked about the need for “parent involvement”. In recent years the
language has shifted to “family involvement” in order to honor that many other family members
(Ferguson, n.d.) parents, grandparents foster parents Hammond and Koki, n.d; Carlisle, Stanley and
Kemple, 2006). Support and nurture children and youth and may play significant roles (Ferguson, n.d.).
However, Epstein (2005) cited that school, family and community partnership is a better term compared
to parental involvement in to recognition of the fact those parents, educators, and others in the
community share responsibilities for students learning and development with this approach, there is a
wide range of responsibilities for parent involvement school activities with the support of the


Can you identify the synoptic and argumentative parts?

Documentation Style

Throughout the research, the published researches of other researcher are cited to credit those
who prepared the foundation for your work. To present someone else’s ideas or work as your own is to
Module 1
commit plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious breach of ethics. Reference citations (giving others credit
when credit is due) must be included in your paper wherever else’s ideas or work has influenced your
thinking and writing, (Gravetter & Forzano, 2006).

The American Psychological Association (APA) is a popular style commonly used by researchers
in documentation or reference citation. The APA format is also called the author date method of
parenthetical documentation or in-text citation.

Documentations refers to the acknowledgement of sources. These sources are cited as direct
quotations or as indirect quotations. (paraphrases).

Colleges, universities, and institutions make their own choice of documentation style. This may
be defined as style of citation or acknowledgement of authorities or sources, reference citation will be
discussed in full in Chapter 14.

Paraphrasing is using or putting in one’s own words to restate the author’s ideas, and
acknowledging the source to give credit to the original author (de Belen, 2015).


 Is used when we want to express someone else’s idea in our own words.
 Uses different words to express the same idea.
 Is rewriting the text in order to simplify focusing not only on what is said but also on how it is
 Makes the understanding of the source text less difficult by breaking down the information into
manageable units.

Paraphrasing Techniques

Replace a word with a synonyms

 Paraphrasing can be longer or shorter than the original. Concentrate on the meaning not on the
 Verbs and adjectives have counterparts that are interchangeable with the authors’ original
 Not all synonyms have exact meanings (look at a thesaurus and double check with a dictionary)
 Avoid using abstract words – they come as weak words.Use of synonyms is a problem in
scientific writing because often there is only one word to describe a certain action or object. It is
better to keep the important words and change the sentence structure.

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