V Speeds

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The speed beyond which the takeoff should no longer be aborted.
V1 [7][8][9]
(See V1 definitions below)
Takeoff safety speed. The speed at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with
V2 [7][8][9]
one engine inoperative.
V2min Minimum takeoff safety speed.

V3 Flap retraction speed.

Steady initial climb speed. The all engines operating take-off climb speed used to
V4 the point where acceleration to flap retraction speed is initiated. Should be
attained by a gross height of 400 feet.
Design maneuvering speed. This is the speed above which it is unwise to make
VA full application of any single flight control (or "pull to the stops") as it may generate
a force greater than the aircraft's structural limitations.
Indicated airspeed at threshold, which is usually equal to the stall speed
VS0 multiplied by 1.3 or stall speed VS1g multiplied by 1.23 in the landing
Vat configuration at the maximum certificated landing mass, though some
manufacturers apply different criteria. If both VS0 and VS1gare available, the higher
resulting Vat shall be applied. Also called "approach speed".
VB Design speed for maximum gust intensity.

VC Design cruise speed, used to show compliance with gust intensity loading.

Vcef See V1; generally used in documentation of military aircraft performance.

VD Design diving speed, the highest speed planned to be achieved in testing.

Demonstrated flight diving speed, the highest actual speed achieved in

VDF [7][8][9]
VEF The speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail during takeoff.

VF Designed flap speed.

VFC Maximum speed for stability characteristics.

VFE Maximum flap extended speed.

VFTO Final takeoff speed.

VH Maximum speed in level flight at maximum continuous power.

Maximum landing gear extended speed. This is the maximum speed at which a
VLE [7][8][9][15]
retractable gear aircraft should be flown with the landing gear extended.
Maximum landing gear operating speed. This is the maximum speed at which the
VLO [7][9][15]
landing gear on a retractable gear aircraft should be extended or retracted.
VLOF Lift-off speed.
Minimum control speed. Mostly used as the minimum control speed for the takeoff
configuration (takeoff flaps). Several VMCs exist for different flight phases and
airplane configurations: VMCG, VMCA, VMCA1, VMCA2, VMCL, VMCL1, VMCL2. Refer to
the minimum control speed article for a thorough explanation.
Minimum control speed in the air (or airborne). The minimum speed at which
steady straight flight can be maintained when an engine fails or is inoperative and
with the corresponding opposite engine set to provide maximum thrust, provided a
small (3° - 5°) bank angle is being maintained away from the inoperative engine
VMCA and the rudder is used up to maximum to maintain straight flight. The exact
required bank angle for VMCA to be valid should be provided by the manufacturer
with VMC(A) data; any other bank angle results in a higher actual V MC(A). Refer to
the minimum control speed article for a description of (pilot-induced) factors that
have influence on VMCA. VMCA is also presented as VMC in many manuals.
Minimum control speed on the ground is the lowest speed at which the takeoff
may be safely continued following an engine failure during the takeoff run. Below
VMCG, the throttles need to be closed at once when an engine fails, to avoid
veering off the runway.
Minimum control speed in the landing configuration with one engine
VMCL [9][16]
VMO Maximum operating limit speed.

VMU Minimum unstick speed.

VNE Never exceed speed.

VNO Maximum structural cruising speed or maximum speed for normal operations.

VO Maximum operating maneuvering speed.

Rotation speed. The speed at which the pilot begins to apply control inputs to
cause the aircraft nose to pitch up, after which it will leave the ground.
Used instead of VR (in discussions of the takeoff performance of military aircraft)
Vrot [14]
to denote rotation speed in conjunction with the term Vref (refusal speed).
Landing reference speed or threshold crossing speed.
(In discussions of the takeoff performance of military aircraft, the term Vref stands
for refusal speed. Refusal speed is the maximum speed during takeoff from
which the air vehicle can stop within the available remaining runway length for a
specified altitude, weight, and configuration. ) Incorrectly, or as an abbreviation,
some documentation refers to Vref and/or Vrot speeds as "Vr."
Stall speed or minimum steady flight speed for which the aircraft is still
VS [7][8][9]
VS0 Stall speed or minimum flight speed in landing configuration.

Stall speed or minimum steady flight speed for which the aircraft is still
VS1 [7][8]
controllable in a specific configuration.
VSR Reference stall speed.

VSR0 Reference stall speed in landing configuration.

VSR1 Reference stall speed in a specific configuration.
VSW Speed at which the stall warning will occur.

VTOSS Category A rotorcraft takeoff safety speed.

VX Speed that will allow for best angle of climb.

VY Speed that will allow for the best rate of climb.

Other V-Speeds (Some of these V-speeds are specific to particular types of aircraft and are
not defined by regulations).

Best endurance speed – the speed that gives the greatest airborne time for
fuel consumed.
Best power-off glide speed – the speed that provides maximum lift-to-drag
ratio and thus the greatest gliding distance available.
Best range speed – the speed that gives the greatest range for fuel
consumed – often identical to Vmd.[20]

VFS Final segment of a departure with one powerplant failed.[21]

Vimd Minimum drag[22]

Vimp Minimum power[22]

Maximum landing light operating speed – for aircraft with retractable landing

Vmbe Maximum brake energy speed[22][23]

Minimum drag (per lift) – often identical to VBR.[20][23] (alternatively same as


Vmin Minimum speed for instrument flight (IFR) for helicopters[17]

Vmp Minimum power[23]

Minimum sink speed at median wing loading - the speed at which the
Vms minimum descent rate is obtained. In modern gliders, Vms and Vmchave
evolved to the same value.[25]

Vp Aquaplaning speed[26]

Maximum speed at which whole-aircraft parachute deployment has been


Vra Rough air speed (turbulence penetration speed).[9]

VSL Stall speed in a specific configuration[9][23]

Vs 1g Stall speed at 1g load factor

Vsse Safe single engine speed[28]

Vt Threshold speed[23]

VTD Touchdown speed[29]

VTGT Target speed

VTO Take-off speed. (see also VLOF)[30]

Vtocs Take-off climbout speed (helicopters)[17]

Vtos Minimum speed for a positive rate of climb with one engine inoperative[23]

Vt max Max threshold speed[23][31]

Vwo Maximum window or canopy open operating speed[32]

Best angle of climb speed with a single operating engine in a light, twin-
engine aircraft – the speed that provides the most altitude gain per unit of
horizontal distance following an engine failure, while maintaining a small bank
angle that should be presented with the engine-out climb performance data.[28]
Best rate of climb speed with a single operating engine in a light, twin-engine
aircraft – the speed that provides the most altitude gain per unit of time
following an engine failure, while maintaining a small bank angle that should
be presented with the engine-out climb performance data.[15][28]

VZRC Zero rate of climb speed in a twin-engine aircraft[23]

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