Goverments of BD

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Goverments of Bangladesh

 On 10 April 1971 the government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was formed
through a proclamation of independence issued from Mujibnagar .
 Confirmed the declaration of independence earlier.
 Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman who was imprisoned then imprisoned in
Pakistan was elected president, Syed Nazrul Islam vice president and Tajuddin Ahmed
Prime Minister.
 On 17 April 1971 Bangladesh Government held a formal ceremony at the
Baidyanathtala(renamed Mujibnagar) under the present Meherpur district.
 A few platoons of EPR and freedom fighters were deployed for presenting the Guard of
 Syed Nazrul Islam hoisted the flag.
 This Government has worked till return of Bangabandhu at home on 10 January 1972 .

Bangabandhu sheikh MujiburRahman(1972-1975)

 Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman came to office with immense personal popularity but
had difficulty in transferring this popularity into po;itical strength.
 He needed to function as the head of the government.
 The 1972 Constitution adopted as state policy the AwamiLeague(AL) four basic principles of
nationalism, socialism, secularism and democracy.
 The first parliamentary elections were held in March 1973 in which Awami League won a
massive majority.
 Introduced one party system (BAKSAL).
 In August 1975, Mujib and most of his family members were assassinated by mid level army

KhandakerMostakAhmed(15 Aug,Nov,1975)
 After Bangladesh’s independence, Mostak Ahmed became a member of the cabinet.
 First he was appointed foreign minister of Independent Bangladesh. Later he was
appointed minister of power irrigation and flood control.
 In 1975, he was made the Commerce Minister.
 He was a conservative leader.
 He opposed the ideology of socialism, secularism and pro-Indian policies.
 After August 15,1975Khandaker immediately took control of the government
proclaiming himself as President.
 He replaced the national slogan of Joy Bangla by “Bangladesh Zindabad” slogan.
 And also changed BangladeshBetar to “Radio Bangladesh”.
 On November 3, known as “Jail killing Day” the four imprisoned leaders Tajuddin
Ahmed, Syed Nazrul Islam, A.H.M Qamruzzaman and Muhammead Mansur Ali were
 On 6 November Mostak was ousted from power by KaledMosharraf and ShafatJamil.
 He was imprisoned until 1978.
 Upon his release he formed Democratic League.
 He died on March 5, 1996.

ZiaurRahamn (1975-1981)
 ZiaurRahamn emerged as a powerful military leader after solider uprising of 7
November 1975.
 On 28 November 1976, Zia assumed the charge of the Chief Martial Law
 On 21 April 1977 a Martial Law promulgated and held the post of president.
 Parliament was dissolved.
 He restored discipline in the and put down repeat coup attempts.
 He integrated the RakkhiBahini with the military and made Hussain Muhammad
Ershad his deputy.
 The collaborators Order of 1972 were repealed and a general amnesty declared
releasing a large number of people arrested under Collaboration Act. It also lifted
ban on political parties.
 Zia was able to pick up the support of the National Awami party of Bhasani.
 In July 1976, after negotiating political support from different parties, political
activities were permitted on a limited scale.
 The 23 number of political parties were permitted to operate the indoor political
 The constitution Order, 1977 brought forth some remarkable changes in the
constitution these are :
a) the amendment changed the identity of citizens of Bangladesh from “Bengali”
to “Bangladeshi”
b) dropped “secularism” as a state principal substituting trust and faith in
almighty Allah and BismilllahirRahmanir Rahim was inserted in the
c) Socialism was redefined to mean ‘economic and social justice’
d) The state shall endeavor to consolidate, preserve and strengthen fraternal
relations among Muslim countries based on Islamic solidarity.
e) Nationalization and acquisition of properties would be duly compensated.

 Under his patronization Vice President Justice AbdusSattar formed a party named
JatiyatabadiGanatantrik Dal in February 1978.
 Which later came to be known as Bangladesh National Party (BNP) on that year in
 A several elections were held under Martial law, among these a national referendum
in 1977, a presidential election in 1978.
 On 18 February 1979 second parliamentary elections were held and BNP got 207
seats out of 300.
 He laid emphasis on Gram Sarkar (village government)
 Zia was killed in Chittagong on 30 May 1981.

Sattar Government(1981-1982)
 After Zia’s assassination Vice president AbdusSattar became the Acting President. Later
on he was elected president.
 Under pressure of the army Sattar agreed to set up a “National Security Council”
consisting of the president, vice president, prime minister and chief of the three service.
 On 24 March 1982 Ershad declared martial law and suspended the constitution and
became the Chief Martial Law administrator.

Sahabuddin Ahmed Government (December 1990 April 1991)

 The power was transferred to an Acting President acceptable to the combined
opposition.The opposition chose Chief Justice Sahabuddin Ahmed as the acting
President to oversee a free and fair election.
 A neutral Caretaker Government was formed under Chief Justice Sahabuddin and thus
as the first time a government was changed through popular uprising.
 Within 90 Days neutral caretaker government was able to arrange a parliamentary
 This election was declared by all observers local as weel as foreign to be the most free
and fair election ever held in Bangladesh.
 In this election BNP won 144seats, the Awami League 88, Jatiya Party 35, and jamaat-
i-Islam 18 seats.

Khaleda Zia Government(1991-1996)

 The 1991 election, BNP under Begum Khalada Zia formed the government with the support of
 During the Khaleda Zia government notable progress was introduction of free and compulsory
primary education, free education up to X for female students.
 Prime Minister Khaleda’smain challenge was task of translating into reality the promise of
democratic governance.
 In March 1994 , the Awami League refused to accept the results of Parliamentary elections.
 Civil society groups and the international donor community stepped inas referees to break the
continuing deadlock between the two major political parties.
 Khalada Zia dissolved the parliament in December 1995 and the sixth parliamentary elections
were held in February 1996.
 The seventh parlia,mentary elections were held in 1996 and andAwami League won 146 seats
and BNP won 116.

Sheikh HasinaGovernment(1996-2001)
 On 23 June 1996, Awami League formed the government under the leadership of Sheikh
 Parliament effected with justiceShahbuddin Ahmed as the president of Bangladesh.
 Sheikh Hasina took initiative to form all party government.
 BNP refused but two other parties refused.
 New industrial and health policies were approved.
 Elections to union Parishads were held.
 Signed a thirty years Gangas water sharing treaty with India.
 BNP regularly boycotted parliamentary elections.They also refused to participate in
parliamentary by election.
 In 1996 and a peace accord relating to the Hill Tracts in 1997.
 In the middle of July 2001 over handed over to the caretaker government.
 In the election held on 1 October 2001, the BNP led four alliances got 214 seats out of

Khalada Zia Government(2001-2001)

 For the first time in Bangladesh’s history average GDP growth rate during 2002-2006 period
remained above 6%.
 The per capita income rose from 374 US dollar in 2000-01 to 482 in 2005-2006.
 Between 2001 and 2006,the population below poverty line in the country declined by around
 The BNP government recognized the Dawra certificate of QuaumiMadasas and made Fazil-
kamil degrees equivalent to bachelors and masters degree respectively.
 A Poverty Redution Strategy was formulated by the government.
 15 new upazillas were created by BNP.
 BNP constituted anti corruption commission.
 The post of a Tax Ombudsman was created by the government for the first time in the
 The government was the introduction of a new national pay scale for government servants in
 Then the leader of the opposition Sheikh Hasina narrowly escaped death at Bangabandu
Avenue, Dhaka, on21 August 2004.

Caretaker Government(2007-2008)
 The caretaker rule started following the end of BNP government on 28 October 2006 lasted
for two years.
 President Iajuddin Ahmed himself took charge of the caretaker government as its chief
adviser on 29 October 2006.
 President Iajuddin Ahmed steeped down from the post of adviser and declared emergency
rule in the country on 11 January 2002.
 Dr. Fakruddin Ahmed was sworn as a chief adviser and continued until the election on 29
December 2008.
 A total of 80 million voters were registered and issued with national ID cards within
November 2008.
 The country was hit by two consecutive waves of devastating floods in July and August
 As people started to grapple with the aftermath of floods came cyclone “SIDR” on 15
November 2007,the fiercest cyclone since 1970.
 The caretaker government released both Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia on parole in June
and September respectively in 2008 after keeping them in jail for around 1 year.
 Then caretaker government held 9th parliamentary election on December , and Awami league
won by 263 Seats.

Awami League-led Government(2009-2014)

 The success of the Awami league government in relation to the electoral pledges made has
been mixed up at 2010 end.
 She was seriously rattled when 74 people including 57 army officers were killed in an
abortive mutiny led by lower ranked troops of Bangladesh Rifels at Peelkhana.
 The “one home, one Farm” project has been taken up again by Awami League.
 The Right to Information Act 2009 passed in the parliament.

Awami League-led Government (2014……

 General elections were held in Bangladesh on 5 January 2014, in accordance with the
constitutional requirement.
 The elections were controversial with almost all major parties boycotted and 154 seats being
 On 25 November 2013, the Bangladesh Election commission announced that 10 th general
election would be on 5 January 2014.
 Arounf 21 people were killed on the polling day.
 This government will prevail until 2019 parliamentary election.

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