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World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century

A The First World War (1914-1918)

1. Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following British cartoon was published in 1914. It was titled ‘The Triumph
of Culture’.

(1) Which country does the soldier in Source A represent? Cite one clue
from the cartoon to support your answer.

(2) What is the meaning of ‘Culture’ in the title of Source A? Explain your


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(3) What was the cartoonist’s attitude towards the soldier in Source A?
Explain your answer with reference to Source A.

(4) What can you infer from Source A about the purpose of the cartoon? Is
the view expressed in Source A objective?


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

2. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following extract is adapted from a history book:

As the Franco-Russian Alliance was established in 1894, Germany knew well

that any conflict would possible develop into a two-front war against France
and Russia. Therefore, it hoped to defeat France first before Russia could
mobilise its troops. Subsequently, then it would send its army by railway to
the Eastern Front to cope with a length war against Russia. However, the
border between Germany and France was hard to break through because it was
too short and was defended by military forces. In order to conquer France as
soon as possible., the German military had instituted a famous ‘Plan X’ to
make way to Paris through the neutral Belgium.

Source B
The following British cartoon was published in October 1914.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(1) Name the military strategy referred to in Source A.


(2) According to Source A, why did Germany invade France through


(3) What was Belgium’s attitude towards the German invasion? Explain
your answer with reference to source B.

(4) What was the consequence of the German invasion of Belgium?



World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

3. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following cartoon was punished in March 1915. ‘Lusitania’ was a British
commercial vessel.

Source B
The following extract is adapted from a history book:

Britain is an island country. Waterway is an important channel for importing

foreign goods. Therefore, during the First World War, Germany launched
submarine attacks in order to cut off foreign aid that was given by other
countries to Britain. There were massive attacks against British commercial
vessels. Since then submarine warfare has become a new way of combat.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

Source C
The following American cartoon was punished in March 1916.

(1) Which country did the submarine in Source A belong to?


(2) What was Lusitania’s purpose of flying the American flag? Explain your
answer with reference to Source B and using your own knowledge.

(3) Could Lusitania achieve the purpose you mentioned above? Explain your
answer with reference to Source C.

(4) What was the American attitude towards the incident in Source C? Cite
two clues from Source C to support your answer.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

4. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following British cartoon was published in 1917. It was titled ‘Reunion of

Source B
The following German cartoon was published in 1917.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(1) Which historical event does the ‘Reunion of Brothers’ in Source A refer
to? Cite two clues from Source A to support your answer.

(2) Explain the reason for the ‘Reunion of Brothers’ in Source A using your
own knowledge.

(3) Did the cartoonists of Sources A and B share the same view on the
‘Reunion of Brothers’? Explain your answer with reference to Sources A
and B.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

5. Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following Italian cartoon was published in 1915.

(1) Name the military camp of the First World War shown in Source A and
explain your answer. List another country that belonged to this military

(2) Why was Italy’s seat replaced by Turkey? Explain your answer using
your own knowledge.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(3) What was the cartoonist’s view on Turkey? Cite one clue from the
cartoon to support your answer.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

6. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following Germany cartoon was published in July 1919.

Source B
The following British cartoon was published in April 1919. It was titled ‘The


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(1) Identify the international treaty referred to in Sources A and B. Explain

your answer with reference to the publication dates of Sources A and B.

(2) What was the view of the cartoonist of Source A on the treaty you
mentioned above? Cite one clue from Source A to support your answer.

(3) What was the view of the cartoonist of Source B on the treaty you
mentioned above? Cite one clue from Source B to support your answer.

(4) Why did the two cartoonists hold different views on this treaty? Explain
your answer with reference to Sources A and B.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

7. Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following British cartoon was published in Februray 1919.

(1) Identify the military camp of the First World War represented by the two
policemen in Source A. Cite one clue from the cartoon to support your

(2) How did the policemen in the cartoon arrest Germany? Which historical
event did the arrest refer to?


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)


(3) What was the cartoonist’s attitude towards Germany? Explain your
answer with reference to Source A.

(4) Could Germany escape the arrest? Explain your answer using your own


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

8. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following American cartoon was published in 1918.

Source B
The following American poster was published in 1918.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(1) Why was the European continent in flames? Explain your answer with
reference to source A.

(2) What is the meaning of ‘work’ in Source B? Cite one clue from Source B
to support your answer.

(3) What can you infer from Sources A and B about the purpose of the
cartoon and poster? Explain your answer.

(4) Why did the author of source B describe the ‘job’ as victory? Explain
your answer with reference to source A and using your own knowledge.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

9. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following American poster was published in 1918.

Source B
The following American poster was published in 1918.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

Source C
The following American poster was published in 1917.

(1) What were the duties of the French women during the First World War?
Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B.

(2) Explain why the women took up the duties you mentioned above using
your own knowledge.

(3) According to Source C, what else did women contribute during the First
World War?

(4) How was women’s contribution during the First World War recognised?


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

10. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following poster was published during the First World War.

Source B
The following extract is adapted from Japan’s ultimatum to Germany
before declaring war in 1914:

 Germany should withdraw immediately from Japanese and Chinese

waters the German armed vessels of all kinds, and disarm at once those
which cannot be withdrawn.
 The German government should deliver on a date not later than
September 15th, to the Imperial Japanese authorities, without condition
or compensation, the entire leased territory of Jiaozhou Bay ( 膠 州 灣 ),
with a view to the eventual restoration of the same to China.

Source C
The following source shows the territorial arrangements of Germany made
in the Paris Peace Conference:

 To return Alsace-Lorraine to France.

 To return Northern Schleswig to Denmark.
 To return the Polish Corridor to Poland.
 Danzig became an international free city.
 To admit the independence of Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and
 The industrial region of the Saar was to be governed by the League of
Nations for 15 years, and its coalfields were given to France. After
15years, a plebiscite would be held to decide the future of the region.
 The German colonies in Africa would be administered by Britain and the
US. The German leased territories in China would be given to Japan.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

Source D
The following extract is adapted from a letter sent from the State Council
of the Republic of China in 1920:

3pm, 4 July. The final decision made by the meeting of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs about the refusal to sign the peace treaty.
Since we have not signed the treaty, the arrangement of Jiaozhou Bay should
not be proposed to Japan. Until 25 May 1915, the validity of the Sino-
Japanese Shandong treaties and the handover of Jiaozhou Bay should not yet
be concluded with haste. We should stay patient and figure out the resolution
after the return of our delegation.

(1) Which military camp of the First World War was shown in Source A?
Which Asian country joined this military camp? Explain your answer
with reference to Source A.

(2) Identify two Japan’s purposes of declaring war on Germany, as reflected

in Source B.

(3) Did Japan achieve the purposes you mentioned above after the First
World War? Explain your answer with reference to Source C and using
your own knowledge.

(4) Would China be satisfied with the territorial arrangements made in the
Paris Peace Conference? Explain your answer with reference to Source


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)


1. (1) Germany. The soldier is holding a flag of with an eagle, the national
emblem of the German Empire. This shows that he represents Germany.
(2) In Source A, the German soldier is cruelly stepping on the corpses of
civilians killed by him with a gun. The cartoonist used ‘Culture’ to
represent the violent and barbaric nature of Germany.
(3) The cartoonist held a negative attitude towards the German soldier. The
cartoonist portrayed the German soldier as a cruel killer. This shows that
he was disgusted with the barbaric behaviour of Germany. On the other
hand, Source A is a British cartoon and it was published during the First
World War when English and Germany were fighting against each other.
Therefore, we can assume that the cartoonist was hostile to the German
(4) This cartoon promoted the cruel image of the German soldier in order to
provoke the anti-German feelings among British people and to encourage
them to joining the military to fight against Germany.
Source A is an example of political propaganda. In order to emphasise the
enemies’ negative image, political propaganda often exaggerates or twists
the truth. Therefore, the view expressed in Source A is not objective.

2. (1) ‘Plan X’ refers to the Schlieffen Plan.

(2) To avoid a two-front war against France and Russia, Germany planned to
conquer France shortly and then send its main forces to Russia. However,
France had already disposed enormous troops along the short border
between France and Germany. Therefore, Germany decided to make its
way through the neutral Belgium so that France would be unaware of the
German invasion. This enhanced Germany’s chances of victory and
shortened the duration of war.
(3) In Source B, the German Kaiser tells the Belgian king that he has lost
everything. This hints that Belgium was conquered by Germany. However,
the Belgian king claims that he has not lost his soul. This shows that
Belgium did not succumb to the German invasion. The Belgian people
continued to fight hard till the end.
(4) The German invasion destroyed the neutrality of Belgium. This made the
major European powers very discontented. They successively declared war
on Germany, leading to the outbreak of the First World War.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

3. (1) The submarine in Source A belonged to Germany.

(2) Lusitania was a British commercial vessel. According to Source B,
Germany used submarines to sink British vessels in order to cut off the
shipment of supplies to Britain during the First World War. Besides, the
US was a neutral country in 1915 and had not yet entered the War. It was
possible that Lusitania flew the American flag to disguise as an American
ship so that it could avoid attacks from German submarines.
(3) No. Source C portrayed the sinking of an American ship by a submarine.
This shows that even the American ships would be attacked at that time.
Therefore, I think Lusitania was unable to escape the German attacks.
(4) The US would not tolerate the sinking of American ship anymore. The
sunken ship in Source C was named ‘The US Patience’. This implied that
the US would take action to stop further German attacks. On the other
hand, the cartoonist believed that the sinking shown in Source C might be
the last. This shows that the US would not let another attack happen again.

4. (1) In Source A, the British and America flags are pinned on the hat of Uncle
Sam representing the US. This indicates that the two countries were allies.
Also, the cartoon was published in 1917, the year when America joined the
First World War. Therefore, the ‘Reunion of Brothers’ refers to the
American entry into the First World War. The US was in alliance with the
Allied Powers to fight the enemies.
(2) From February 1917, Germany launched unrestricted submarine warfare in
which all ships in the war zone, including those from neutral countries,
would be sunk. Under this military strategy, a large number of American
ships were attacked by German submarines. This hurt the interests of the
US. As a result, the US gave up being neutral and joined the Allied Powers
to fight against Germany.
(3) They held different views. In Source A, the two soldiers representing
Britain and the US are smiling, and the cartoonist used the ‘Reunion of
Brothers’ to describe the relationships between Britain and the US. This
shows that he believed these two countries were willing to co-operate with
each other. On the contrary, in Source B, the US, manipulated by Britain,
was signing a document. The cartoonist suggested that the US was forced
to enter the War.

5. (1) In Source A, there are three men representing Germany, Turkey and


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

Austria. They were members of the Central Powers during the First World
War. Therefore, we can conclude that the Central Powers were shown in
Source A. Bulgaria was also a member of the Central Powers.
(2) When the First World War broke out in 1914, Italy belonged to the Central
Powers. Later the Allied Powers promised to reward Italy with some land
after the victory. As a result, Italy joined the Allied Powers in 1915 and
declared war on Germany. Turkey then took over the seat of Italy to
become one of the ‘Big Three’ of the Central Powers.
(3) In Source A, Turkey is portrayed as a shorter man compared with Austro-
Hungary and Germany. This shows that the cartoonist considered Turkey
as a relatively weak member of the Central Powers.

6. (1) Both Sources A and source B were published in 1919, the year when the
European powers convened the Paris Peace Conference in which the
Treaty of Versailles was signed. Therefore, these two cartoons referred to
the Treaty of Versailles.
(2) In Source A, Clemenceau, Premier of France, was portrayed as a vampire
drinking blood from Germany. The cartoonist believed that France
intended to squeeze a lot of interests from Germany through the extremely
harsh Treaty of Versailles.
(3) In Source B, the man emphasised that Germany would have made the
Allies pay 4 times the amount of reparations imposed by the Treaty of
Versailles in case Germany had won the War. The cartoonist criticised
Germany for not being able to reflect on its mistakes. He also believed the
Treaty of Versailles was rather tolerant towards Germany.
(4) Source A was a German cartoon. From the standpoint of German people,
the cartoonist considered that the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh
towards the defeated countries. On the other hand, Source B was a British
cartoon. From the standpoint of the Allies, the cartoonist desired Britain to
punish Germany and claim huge reparations. The Treaty of Versailles gave
Germany a just punishment and its terms were relatively generous.

7. (1) In Source A, the two policemen represent Britain and France respectively.
They were members of the Allies in the First World War. This shows that
the policemen represent the Allies.
(2) They tied the German criminal up with a rope of ‘Armistice terms’. The
arrest refers to the signing of armistice between Germany and the Allied in
November 1918.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(3) In Source A, Germany was portrayed as a cunning criminal who intended

to avoid being arrested by pretending to accept an armistice. It was
obvious that Germany was unwilling to accept the punishment after its
defeat in the War. Therefore, the attitude of the cartoonist towards
Germany was very negative.
(4) The great powers convened the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919
and later the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ was signed. According to the Treaty,
Germany was severely punished by giving up substantial territories and
paying heavy reparations. It was also forced to disarm and accept the sole
responsibility for causing the War. All these show that Germany was
unable to escape the ‘arrest’ at the end.

8. (1) Source A was published in 1918 during the First World War. Europe was
one of the major battlefields in the War. Therefore, the cartoonist depicted
Europe as a burning continent to show that it was in the midst of intense
(2) In Source B, the workers are building battleships. The ‘job’ clearly refers
to building battleship.
(3) The purpose of Sources A and B is to recruit more American people to
build battleship. In Source A, Uncle Sam emphasises that the US must
have at least 7,500,500 tons of battleship. The other people are building a
bridge to Europe with ships. This shows that the US urged more people to
join the production of ships. On the other hand, Source B put forward the
slogan of ‘build another one’ and called upon American people to
contribute to the construction of battleship.
(4) The author of Source B believed that ships were the key of success for the
US in the First World War. As shown in Source A, the US needed ships to
transport supplies, such as explosives, food and medicine, to the European
battlefields in support of its allies. On the other hand, naval war warfare
was also an integral part of the First World War besides the European
battlefield. Therefore, the US had to build a large number of battleships to
fight with the Central Powers on the seas and to send troops to Europe.

9. (1) According to Sources A and B, the French women took part in steel
production and wheat farming.
(2) After the outbreak of the First World War, most of the men in Europe were
enlisted to fight at the front. In order to solve the problem of insufficient
labour force and to maintain industrial and food production, many


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
2012 New DBQs threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

European countries encouraged women to work and take up jobs that were
traditionally done by men, such as steelworker and farmer.
(3) According to source C, women joined the military during the war to serve
as army nurses who looked after the injured soldiers.
(4) After the First World War, women’s wartime contributions to their
countries received unanimous recognition. Their social status gradually
rose, and certain countries even granted them the right to vote.

10. (1) In Source A, we can find the national flags of Britain, the US, France and
Italy. These countries were members of the Allies in the First World War.
This shows that Source A refers to the Allies. On the other hand, the
national flag of Japan is on the furthest right of the poster. It was obviously
that Japan was also a member of the Allies in Asia.
(2) Japan desired to get rid of the German military threat in Japanese and
Chinese waters. On the other hand, Japan wanted to take over the leased
territory of Jiaozhou Bay from Germany.
(3) After the War, Japan had achieved the purposes mentioned above.
Germany was forced to disarm after the War. The German naval power no
longer existed in Asia, and the threat to Japan was eliminated. On the other
hand, according to Source C, the powers decided to give Japan the German
leased territories in China.
(4) China would not be satisfied with these arrangements. According to
Source D, the Chinese delegation at the Paris Peace Conference did not
sign the Treaty of Versailles and China decided to postpone discussing the
issue of Jiaozhou Bay with Japan. This shows that China disapproved of
the territorial arrangement made in the Paris Peace Conference.


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