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Choose the graphical engine

This page is used to select one of two graphic engines. Click one of the following two buttons to select the
DIRECTX or OpenGL graphic engine:

The graphical engine choice depends on the PC's hardware configuration (such as the graphics card) and on the CAD
models that have to be processed by the software. To determine the most suitable processor to use:

- Choose one of the two graphical engines from the setup assistant.
- Run the software.
- Open a typical CAD file that you would usually use.
- Select the rendering display mode generally used (solid or wireframe).
- Hold down the keys + simultaneously and click on zoom in the 3D View toolbar. The
workpiece will begin to revolve on the screen.
- As the workpiece stop revolving, the software displays the selected graphical engine refresh per second:

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Choose the graphical engine file:///C:/Users/kadar/Desktop/ReadMe-Lisezmoi/ENU/DxOpengl.htm

- Repeat this procedure with the second graphical engine without changing the 3D View size.
- Compare the results and choose the graphical engine that gives the best results (DirectX in the example above).

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Metrolog XG 5 release notes

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Geometrical Features
Free Form Features
Probes management
GM2 and DMIS Part Programs
Import - Export
Laser Tracker and Portable CMM
CAD file Functionalities
Optic sensors
CMM Interface

Important : the functionalities marked with * are software options.

Geometrical Features

Possibility to measure a projection plane on the fly when manually measuring a 2D feature
(circle, arc, rectangle, slot, etc.).

1 / 29 2021. 01. 21. 8:03

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Option to automatically measure a feature by clicking on CAD model improved.

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Clearance Planes algorithms improved.

Measurement of Gasket scan, using point to point or scanning mode, specific method for
programming scanning path.

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GD&T : Support of Composite Tolerances.

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Free Form Features

Possibility to define sections by clicking on CAD model curves.

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Measuring sections in continuous mode.

Surface points new projection mode : Scribe Line.
Possibility to modify the projection surface for a group of selected surface points from the
features database.

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Probe radius automatically taken into account in the search distance for surface point projection.
New rules for surface point Normal Deviation calculation (can be based on probing direction, or
on CAD normal or on definition alignment).


Edit views in report editor (modify zoom, stickers, display options, etc. and save modifications in
view or in program).
Wizard for creating reports.

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News modes for positioning stickers : sticker can be automatically created from a selection of
feature and positioned close to the feature.

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Use the active sticker’s parameters to define the default parameters for all stickers.
Sticker features symbols can be customized.

Probes management

Error management during probe calibration is improved.

Scanning speed and probing speed in scanning mode are two separate parameters.

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Zeiss DSE probe head is supported*.


New degree of freedom for Best-Fit Alignment function: Scale Factor.

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Best-Fit’s Scale Factor is supported in the Expansion/Shrinking function.

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Possibility to define alignments by selecting imported alignment entities in the CAD database.

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GM2 and D.M.I.S. Part Programs

DMIS engine: Extreme Point Construction function is implemented (CONST/EXTREM).

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Use variables in the construction of planes by offset.

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Open Working Session command supported into a part program.

DMIS engine: when constructing features, nominal values are automatically recorded into

DMIS engine: program is generated based on default Precision Parameters.

Following DMIS commands are supported:
- OBTAIN/SA(MyProbe),10
- DMESW/COMAND,'FAMILY',MyNewFamilyName,Feat1,Feat2,Feat3.

Import - Export

Import DMIS 4.x to DMIS 5.0 (mainly for scanning instructions).

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IDP (Intelligent Data parser) to import any generic ASCII files*.

Possibility to choose features to export, different from those to be printed.

Export points with detailed information (Metrolog for Leica only).

Export working session results to MM3 file format* improvement.

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Laser Tracker and Portable CMM

Circles and arcs can be measured with 1 point and rectangles and slot with 2 points.

More detailed information in the feature’s Detailed View about probing, when using a Laser
Tracker (reflector used, temperature, humidity, etc.).

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Assistant for measuring gravity plane (Metrolog for Leica only).

Function "take a $ point" is implemented, $ point is now displayed in 3D view.

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Commands Initialize, Go Birdbath, Switch to Face1/Face2 supported in program.

Spatial or Temporal modes are implemented when scanning points using a Laser Tracker.
"Stable measurement" mode is implemented. Point is automatically taken as soon as reflector is
in a stable position, using a Laser Tracker.

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New mode to detect probing direction on Faro arms.

Probes changes are automatically detected on Romer Sigma arms.
Lasers Trackers are virtually displayed in 3D view (Metrolog for Leica only).

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CAD file Functionalities

Import of CAD files assembly by created separated (*.su3) files for both Catia V5 and ProE via
toolkit files.

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Import of CatProduct including both Catia V4 and Catia V5 files.

Possibility to visualize surface direction of a CAD model using colors and can invert this direction
directly on 3D view.
Create layers in a CAD file containing entities all of which have the same color.

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Catia v5 "Datum Targets" are supported.

IDEAS (SDRC) dimensional tolerances are supported (displayed in 3D view).
Alignment data imported and supported in CAD database (IGES, Catia V4 and V5 formats).

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Optical sensors

Optical laser scanner sensors are supported (definition, calibration,...)*.

Cloud of points acquisition by scanning.

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Geometrical features extraction from cloud of points*.

Cloud of points are displayed in the 3D view.

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Cloud of points can be exported/imported*.

Beam is displayed in the DRO window.

Datapixel (Optiscan), Kreon (KZ25, KZ50, KZ100), Perceptron and Metris (LC et XC) sensors

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Parameter set-up in Setup Assistant.

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CMM interface

Zeiss MZ 1060*.
Coord 3 Ethernet*.
API Tracker III*.
Leica via emScon 2.3*.
LK via driver 4.1*.
SIP* : possibility to define stylus orientation, calibration by learning probing points and via


On line help and documentation completely updated.

New setting in 3d View to change Color Mapping display.

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Comma decimal separator is supported in feature definition windows.

Expansion/Shrinking function improved (scale factor, distance, etc.).

Default name incrementing can be modified.

DMIS Script Engine improvement.

Top of page Summary

29 / 29 2021. 01. 21. 8:03

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