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Theme Papers 77| Co living spaces as an

affordable rental housing
03| Urban sustainability-
option - a study of Pune
agenda for future growth
Mr. Jit Kumar Gupta
Prof. Ramakrishna Nallathiga 
Mr. Aditya Goyal Mr. Manas Swarup
14| Affordable housing Mr. Rahul Pandey
and sustainable Urban
88| Linking conservation of
development in India-
heritage, urban change and
50 years of HUDCO’s
sustainability - a case of
contribution to nation
building Delhi
Dr. Akshaya Kumar Sen Mr. A K Jain

My Opinion Special Feature

31| Affordable housing 97| URBAN INDIA 2050: COroVADIS?

and Sustainable urban - Some Rambling Thoughts
Prof. Ranganathan Narayanaswami
Theme development
Mr. M Nagaraj
This special issue of ‘Shelter’ is being Book Review
published as part of the golden jubilee
year of HUDCO and the theme is Policy Review 100| Housing and community
‘Affordable Housing and Sustainable planning- design,
37| Assessing the benefits and construction and
Urban Development’. The significance
costs of program verticals infrastructure (Author-
of housing and urban development
of Pradhan mantri awas Mr. A K Jain)
sector for the overall development of a
nation is well documented, which can yojana (urban) Reviewed by Mr. J D S Sodhi
give a ‘big push’ to the economy, as it Prof. Amitabh Kundu
acts as a major stimulant for generating Dr. Arjun Kumar 101| Climax City: master planning
employment and income through its and the complexity of urban
multiplier effects. This year’s theme aims 45| Sustainable and inclusive growth (Authors - David
to give wider coverage to the various rural development Rudlin and Shruti Hemani)
aspects involved in the twin issues of programmes - insights of
housing and urban development. Reviewed by Prof. Chetan Vaidya
national RUrban mission
The world is going through very difficult Ar. Jawale Madhuri Vasudev
times due to the Covid19 Pandemic
resulting in huge loss of lives and Ms. Ritu Singhai
livelihoods and India is no exception. The
European economies, faced with utter
51| Affordable housing in Tamil
devastation after the Second World War, Nadu - emerging issues IN THE BOX
began the reconstruction process largely Prof. Dr Inderjeet Singh Sodhi • DoPT Training “Financing Urban
based on housing. The multiplier effects Infrastructure & Services in India” 02
of housing investments drove growth 60| Affordable housing: Policy
• HUDCO Welcomes its new Director
from construction materials to consumer and Scope Finance, Mr. D. Guhan 30
durables. In India also, it has been Mr. Abhyuday Singhal
established that the construction sector • ITEC Training Programme
has strong ‘backward’ and ‘forward’ “Formal Solutions to Informal
Settlements” 44
linkages with about 250 ancillary Case Studies
industries implying that its growth • ITEC Training Programme
would provide significant stimulus for 69| Rental housing for low- “Realizing the Right to
Adequate Housing” 59
several other sectors to grow. What is income households - the
more important in the context of large Nexus between economic • HUDCO Marks its Golden Jubilee 68
informal sector workers in India is that for development, informality • General Guidelines : Checklist for
every lakh rupee invested in the housing and labour mobility in Submission of Articles 87
sector, 4.06 new jobs are created in the Indian cities • HUDCO Contributes Rs.50.28 crore
economy, out of which 3.95 jobs are for to PM CARES Fund 96
the informal sector workforce (NCAER, Ms. Banashree Banerjee
2014). India’s various Urban Missions
would also help tide over the temporary
joblessness and economic shock arising
The views expressed in this publication are the personal views of authors and do not necessarily reflect
out of Coronavirus pandemic.
the official views and policies of HUDCO / HSMI. Articles or any other material in the publication may be
reproduced so long as the credit is given and tear sheets are provided to the editor. All photo credits are by
the authors unless otherwise specified.
oN “FiNANciNG URBAN INFRAStRuctuRE ANd SERVicES iN INdiA”, 16th – 20th DEcEmBER, 2019
HUDCO’s HSMI completed participated in the Training analysis of infrastructure projects;
‘One-Week Department of Programme. The Programme Innovative financing options for
Training & Personnel (DoPT) was inaugurated at 10.00 am on Urban infrastructure including
In-service training programme 16th December 2019 by the chief land value capture financing,
for All India Service Officers’ on guest Prof. O.P. Mathur, Senior capital market instruments, Public
Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences Private Partnerships for financing
‘Financing Urban Infrastructure
and former Director, National infrastructure including PPP in
and Services in India’ during 16th
Institute of Urban Affairs, in the Railway Station Development;
-20th December 2019 at Sammelan
presence of Director Corporate Road Infrastructure and its
Kaksha, HUDCO Bhawan, India Planning-HUDCO Shri M. financing; Risk Management of
Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Nagaraj and other senior officers infrastructure Projects; and Case
13 officers (12 IAS and 1 IFoS) of HUDCO. Studies and Best Practices in
financing urban infrastructure
As part of the Programme, full
day field visits to two urban
infrastructure projects: Waste to
energy project at Okhla, New
Delhi; and the Delhi International
Airport Limited, both developed
on PPP basis, by Jindal Group
and GMR Group respectively
were organised.

The programme was highly Government of India Urban

interactive and various experts Missions: SCM, AMRUT, PMAY-
and resource persons were invited HfA; Overview of finances of
to interact with the participants. ULBs and strengthening resource
Keys covered during the course base of cities; Project Financing
include: Urban infrastructure in Structure, documentation and Field Visit to Delhi International Airport Ltd
India: Trends, Issues and Policies; process; social cost benefit (DIAL), a PPP projects by GMR Group

The programme concluded with

the valedictory address by Dr.
M. Ravi Kanth, Chairman &
Managing Director of HUDCO
and distribution of Certificate
of Participation to the course
Field Visit to Okhla Waste to Energy Plant managed by Jindal Group

2 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

-Agenda for Future Growth

As definer of art, architecture, global population, urban areas

MR. JIT KUMAR GUPTA culture and development, cities are growing at a much faster
have been globally recognised for pace. Year 2007 created an
their potential and contribution in important milestone in global
promoting economy, generating demography, when half of
employment, providing state of art the world population lived in
No city can be amenities and services. Cities are also urban areas. By 2030, 60% of the
sustainable and a great known to be storehouse of dualities global population is projected to
place to live unless it is and contradictions; containing make urban settlements as their
poverty, prosperity, slums, exclusion,
made inclusive and self preferred place of living (United
planned, unplanned and haphazard
sufficient, catering to Nations, 2014). As a hub for ideas,
development. As a space, having high
the basic needs of all its trade & commerce, culture,
density, concentration of population,
citizens, irrespective of science and productivity, cities
buildings and activities, cities have
their economic states, have enabled people to advance
emerged as large consumers of energy
socially and economically.
gender, sex, caste, creed and resources besides generators of
Operating as ever-evolving
and place of residence waste. Consuming more than 75%
of global energy and generating 70% and ever-devolving dynamic
etc. physical, economic and social
of carbon footprints, global warming
and climate change can be largely systems, contributing about 60
attributed to the cities. Unsustainable percent of global GDP, cities are
resource consumption, pollution, fast emerging as powerhouses
homelessness, and segregation are of economic growth. Known
the major challenges posed by cities. for bringing economies of
Majority of urban ills have their scale, technological innovations
genesis in the manner cities are and transportation efficiency,
planned, developed and managed. For urbanization is also known to be
making cities more liveable, humane, breeding ground for exclusion,
sustainable, promoters of quality poverty and pollution. With
environment and ecology, this paper every fourth urban resident
looks at the options of rationalising living in slums (2018), 2 billion
urban planning process; making people having no access to
Key Words: Compact cities,
cities compact; creating options for waste collection, half (53%) of
environment, Green buildings, Green
green mobility; and green built urban residents having access
environment. to public transport, over half of
Mr. Jit Kumar Gupta (jit.kumar1944@ urban population exposed to air
INTRODUCTION pollution levels 2.5 times higher is the former Director, College
of Architecture, IET Bhaddal, Punjab Led by massive increase in than prescribed safety standards, 3

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 3

Theme Paper

and basic infrastructure/services its massiveness and numbers. metros numbering around 100
eluding majority of urbanites, With 378 million persons, and 10-million plus cities count
cities are fast emerging as the constituting 11% of global at 9. Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi
storehouse of physical, social urban population residing in would rank globally, among
and environmental problems. 7,935 urban centres, India has largest urban centres, both in
Known to occupy just 3 per cent emerged as second largest economy and population.
of earth’s land, cities account urban system in the world
Looking at the urbanisation,
for 60-80 per cent of energy after China, despite level of
urban India suffers from
consumption and 70 per cent of urbanization standing at 31.11%.
various developmental maladies
carbon emissions, making them Census 2011 will be known in
involving acute housing
vulnerable to impart climate the Indian demographic history
shortage and high deficiency
change and natural disasters. for two distinct milestones.
in provision/delivery of basic
Large concentration of people For the first time, Urban India
amenities and infrastructures.
and activities in densely built-up added more population (91
The 54th round of National
urban spaces, tend to come with million) as compared to Rural
Sample Survey observed that
challenges of their own in terms India (90 million) and secondly,
only 72% of urban households
of social and economic disasters, recorded largest increase of
had access to potable water
both natural and manmade 52% in urban centres, with
supply, 26% households had
(United Nations University of numbers going up from 5161
no access to latrines, only 60%
Environment and Human Security- to 7,933. With 53 metropolitan
municipal solid waste generated
UNU-EHS). Looking at the centres holding more than 43%
daily is lifted; every fifth
entire context of prevailing of urban population, Indian
urbanite is a migrant whereas
growth and development, urbanisation is also called
every sixth urbanite is a slum
cities have emerged as major metro-led urbanisation. Last
dweller. Open spaces available
determinants and propellers of eleven decades (1901-2011),
in cities are merely 2.7sqm/
poverty, pollution, exclusion have witnessed enormous
person when compared to the
and global warming. With change in the demographic
specified norm of 9 sqm (World
urbanites projected to rise to 5 contours of India, with urban
Health Organisation). Migration-
billion by 2030, it will be critical population increasing 15-
led Indian urbanisation is known
that efficient urban planning fold from 25.8 million to 377.1
to be urbanisation of population,
and management practices are million; urbanization level going
poverty and pollution.
put in place to deal with the up merely three fold- from 10.84
Considering the fact that by
challenges posed by massive to 31.15% and number of urban
2031, Urban India will be home
urbanization, for ushering an centres multiplying by a factor
to 13% of global population,
era of sustainability and making of 4 from 1917 to 7,933 (Census
contributing 70% to the national
urban areas inclusive, safe, 2011). Considering the massive
GDP. Accordingly, it will be
sustainable and resilient. differential between urban and
critical that appropriate policy
rural growth rate (2.1% against
framework is immediately put in
INDIAN 0.7%), number of urban and
place to make urban settlements
URBANISATION rural dwellers projected to
more productive, efficient,
Globally known for its share parity by 2050. Next three
liveable and sustainable.
uniqueness, peculiarities decades will witness enormous
and complexities, Indian growth in numbers, size and
urbanization is characterized by population of urban centres with

4 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

URBAN citizens, besides creating options prevailing urban dualities/

SUSTAINABILITY for planned development to contradictions and to promote
usher an era of global and local development based on equity
Globally, urbanization is
sustainability. The ‘2030 Agenda and inclusiveness. New order
considered a panacea and
for Sustainable Development’, of urban planning shall focus on
essential condition for
enunciated by United Nation making cities human-centric and
leveraging growth and poverty
Organisation for promoting functional besides creating large
reduction. If planned and
sustainability at global level, also public spaces for promoting
rational urbanisation is a
places cities at the central stage social interaction, to make cities
bliss, rapid and unplanned
with the inclusion of a stand- great places to live and work.
urbanisation is known to cause
alone Goal 11, recognising that Planners have also to revisit
numerous challenges for the
cities are the string that connect their planning tools to usher
communities. While urban
all other goals. an era of urban sustainability.
centres act as the generators of
economic growth, uncontrolled Master Plans, used by planners
and accelerated pace of as the panacea to overcome all
urbanization create burden on the urban ills, will have to be
the existing natural resources; Urban planning aims at rewritten, redrawn /redefined
demand for mass transportation; rationalising the growth with appropriate innovations/
increase in commercial and and development of cities to changes made in their intent,
industrial activities; pressure make them both, orderly and contents and scope. New order
to use the vacant urban land; sustainable. Urban planning of Master Plans will not be
destroy natural landscape; is also known for its role in merely land-use plans, defining/
eliminate water bodies; increase making cities elite, exclusive freezing the city’s future for next
energy consumption and and promoters of dualities and two decades. They will be drawn
cause severe damages to the contradictions. Accordingly, adopting a ‘whole city’ approach
quality of air, water and other urban planning has to be carried to planning, focussing on the
natural resources, making out with care and caution. urban form, shape and typology
human settlements vulnerable Existing practices of planning to make cities sustainable. Since
to natural disasters. Since, in India has done more damage cities are dynamic entities, they
urbanization is known to be than good with urban growth will require plans which would
closely associated with global largely marked by unplanned be provider of in-built flexibility
warming, accordingly new and haphazard development. to cater to ever evolving urban
pattern of urban planning and Considering the complexity dynamism. Accordingly, Master
development has to be evolved, of cities, a new order of urban Plans would be growing and
defined and put in operation planning would be required evolving with the growth of
to make cities sustainable. for making cities sustainable, towns. Preparing new breed of
Rationalising urbanisation liveable, productive and Master Plans would invariably
would call for reducing urban efficient. New order of planning involve using state-of-art
sprawl; making cities compact would involve making planning technologies and defining a
and inclusive; creating green transparent, community distinct vision, evolved after
buildings; promoting green oriented, resource/ energy detailed study, analysis and
public transport; reducing efficient and environment understanding of the city fabric,
carbon footprints; and providing friendly, sustainable and flexible. duly supported by detailed
better quality of life for its Its focus shall be, to minimize planning and development

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 5

Theme Paper

guidelines. Each development will be planned with minimum and outward looking city can
project shall be evaluated within carbon footprints on the basis ever be sustainable, efficient
the framework of defined vision of inclusiveness, self-reliance and productive. Horizontally
and guidelines, by a multi- and self-sustainability, to make spread cities are known to be
disciplinary team of experts/ value addition to environment cost- intensive, energy and land
stakeholders before accepting. and ecology. Considering inefficient. These cities promote
City planning shall not be major energy and resources larger travel demand and make
dictated exclusively by planners implications of urban areas, the trip lengths longer, adding large
but by a group of experts, new regime of planning will number of private vehicles on
representing different hues and focus on minimising travel; the urban roads causing traffic
shades of city planning, growth creating green buildings; congestion and pollution. Large
and management to rationalize defining parameters of quality number of vehicles make cities
decision making. Architects, liveability; efficient delivery major consumers of resources/
urban designers, landscape of urban services/ waste energy; generators of green
experts, service providers, management; making adequate house gasses; promoters of
environmentalists, transport provision of green spaces etc to global warming and pollution,
experts, conservationists, art ensure urban sustainability. adversely impacting health,
and culture historians and hygiene and quality of life of
sociologists etc. will have major MAKING CITIES the residents. Horizontality
role in conceptualising and COMPACT invariably makes cities
planning the sustainable cities. Prevailing patterns of massive environmentally unsustainable,
New order of urban planning urbanization, uncontrolled socially disintegrated and
will be geared to make cities population growth and urban operationally inefficient. For
compact for reducing travel planning strategies have facilitating social, economic, and
and minimising the extent led to promoting enormous environmental sustainability,
of service network to bring urban sprawl and large urban cities must be made compact,
economy and operational conurbations. Irrational spatial absorbing more population
efficiency. With people as the distribution of people and by increasing their densities.
focus, urban planning shall resources; improper use and Compact cities offer distinct
be geared to promote better consumption of land; less dense advantages in countering global
relationship between living and more inefficient land use warming by saving precious
and working by adopting the patterns; car-centred urban land resource; accommodating
mechanism of transit oriented models; pure land-use zoning, growing population in smaller
development towards mixed have cumulatively promoted ecological footprints; providing
land use. In the new order, spatial spread and horizontality agglomeration advantages;
housing, offices, work areas, in cities. Horizontal cities, minimising dependence on
commercial and institutions perpetually suffer from large personalized vehicles; making
shall be juxtaposed along the external negativities involving, city life supportive of social
mass transport network, within inadequate infrastructure and living; overcoming the two worst
walking distances. Green spaces rising social disaggregation, disadvantages of urbanization-
on the defined norms shall form making them developmentally travel and traffic; improving
integral part of urban living, cost- intensive, operationally health of residents besides
for promoting highest order of inefficient and functionally making cities more humane and
environment and ecology. Cities non- sustainable. No horizontal liveable. In addition, compact

6 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

Figure 1: Compact City neighbourhoods more cohesive,

lively, and attractive. Compact
cities offer higher order of
safety to human life, property
and liberty as compared to
horizontally spread cities.
Requiring less manpower to
manage the city, makes compact
cities operationally economical
and efficient. Largely dependent
upon non-mechanised vehicles,
compact cities would have
low car ownership, requiring
cities, lower costs of providing looking cities; promoting high much less area under traffic
infrastructure and services; density development; creating and transportation/parking
reduce mobility demand; ensure large built up area, using of vehicles. Area thus saved
energy efficiency; promote minimum land; supporting/ can be utilised for providing
pedestrianisation, cycling and protecting environment and better amenities and facilities
mass transportation. Through rationalising urban open for the urban residents. Cities
agglomeration, compact cities spaces. It would also include; of Singapore and New York
innovate, generate wealth, suburban densification, brown have clearly demonstrated the
enhance quality of life and field development; allowing distinct advantages of vertical
accommodate more people in a taller structures and providing development in promoting
sustainable manner. Compact adequate public spaces. Well- quality of life and higher order
cities also make business sense designed public spaces not of operational efficiency in
because of lower financial only improve the overall visual urban areas. For making city
cost/resources involved in city character, invigorate economic development inward and
development while making activities but also enhance vertical, Singapore carried
adequate provision for basic the functionality of the city. out digital survey of the city,
infrastructure/amenities/ High density neighbourhoods identified low rise buildings,
services and their effective with adequate public space, evolved a policy and provided
operation and maintenance. infrastructure and public incentives to owners to put
transport facilities, encourage high rise buildings to overcome
Making cities compact (Figure-1) the problem of high cost of
would however require; walking and cycling, thereby
reducing carbon emissions and living besides providing more
innovative approach to planning; dwelling units in the city. City
defining realistic norms and global warming.
of New York permitted sub-
standards for land use planning, Provision of pedestrian division of land and construction
amenities and basic services; friendly streetscapes and public of studio apartments on the
ensuring optimum quality of structures, where residents can terraces of the existing buildings
life and providing basic services/ gather for sports, recreation, to create more housing space in
amenities for all. Compact cities or cultural activities, promote the city. Though system of re-
will be planned, designed and social connectivity and densification of the existing cities
developed as vertical and inward diversity, thus making these may be slow and cumbersome

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 7

Theme Paper

but new and green field cities Figure 2: Inclusive City

offer enormous opportunities
to be planned and developed
as vertical cities. Developing
compact cities will be vital for
India, because India owns merely
2.4% of global land with 17.3%
of global population to hold/
support. India would require
land resource to be preserved,
conserved, protected, using
land on 24×7 basis for ensuring
sustainability and survival of
the nation. However, planning
and developing compact city
has its own limitations. Striking
a balance between compactness
unplanned development; excess for living and to do business. No
and access to nature is the major
and lack of open spaces/amenities city can be sustainable and great
challenge faced by such cities
etc. Accordingly, rapid growth place to live unless it is made
globally. However, compact
and mushrooming of slums, inclusive and self-sufficient,
city is a model that promotes
dilapidated housing, inadequate catering to basic needs of the all
urban development without
basic infrastructures; poor its citizens, irrespective of their
compromising with the benefits
quality of life; informal housing; economic status, gender, sex,
of nature, water, infrastructure
informal shopping; lack of open caste, creed, place of residence
and land for urban dwellers.
spaces, poor amenities and etc.
MAKING CITIES services etc. are some of visible
signs of exclusions displayed by GREEN MOBILITY
majority of cities. For making Globally, mobility has emerged
Despite being powerhouse of cities sustainable they have to be as the major activity in everyday
economy, employment and inclusive (Figure-2), providing life of people in cities. Cities
infrastructure, cities also promote appropriate options of living are known to be engines of
poverty, unemployment and and gainful employment to the economic growth and
lack of access to basic services its residents so as to enable transportation as wheels of that
on large scale. With rising cost them have decent living/ engine. Accordingly, efficiency
of land and living, large cities wages/adequate resources to of any city is contingent upon
believe in marginalising vast meet their day to day needs. the efficacy and efficiency of its
majority of population. Cities Sustainable cities are known to traffic and transportation system.
believe in welcoming elites and offer their citizens opportunities Majority of the cities in India
people with resources. Cities and a sense of personal pride, are suffering from traffic blues
remain largely stratified, duly belonging and ownership for including pollution, congestion,
showcased by areas having the place. Cities should make delays, accidents, parking etc.
good infrastructure and poor provision for adequate spaces, Studies have indicated that
infrastructure; good housing duly marked and developed, to cities are largely responsible
and bad housing; planned and enable all its residents, a place

8 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

for green house gas emissions, removing all on-street parking of fatal accidents. Sustainable
with majority of contribution and narrowing car lanes, to cities would have different
coming from transportation build new bicycle paths and travel order/priority, led by
and buildings. Using traditional prioritise pedestrians. Increased pedestrianisation followed by
fuels, transportation sector alone use of environment-friendly cycling. Travel options in such
contributes about half of the total public transport and halting of cities shall be: totally integrated,
carbon emissions. Challenges urban sprawl can make cities connected, convenient; time-
posed by transportation sector sustainable. A Study conducted and energy-efficient; affordable;
accordingly remain daunting in 2014, by Central Road Research safe and eco- friendly; product
and formidable. To make cities Institute (CRRI), revealed the mix of numerous public and
cleaner and greener, urban efficacy, efficiency, role and private transport; development
transport systems must be made importance of rail based mass and management of rational
more rational and sustainable. transportation in promoting land use policies; incentivising,
Planning sustainable cities urban sustainability and quality discouraging, or eliminating
would essentially revolve of life in Delhi. The Study certain mobility choices besides
around, providing safe and clean concluded that Delhi Metro, testing and implementing new
transport for all and promoting with daily ridership of over 27 technologies, which provide
sustainable transport based on lakh, has helped in taking off 3.9 more efficient and less polluting
twin principles of ‘planning for lakh vehicles from roads, saving modes of transport and involving
people and not for vehicles’ and Rs 10,364 crores in terms of fuel, communities and stakeholders.
‘promoting accessibility rather than pollution/passenger’s time and It would also include leveraging
mobility’. Sustainable transport annual reduction of 2.76 lakh information technology to
would prioritise pedestrians and tonnes in fuel consumption reduce mobility by using homes
bicycles over cars, as has been besides bringing down travel as offices, schools, libraries,
done in Copenhagen, where a time of each commuter by 32 monitoring traffic etc.
bridge exclusively dedicated minutes. Besides making Delhi
cleaner and greener, study GREEN BUILDINGS
to bikes (Figure 3), has been
constructed. Oslo city centre states that metro has made the Buildings, as definer of urban
has been made car-free, by city safer by reducing number fabric, consumer of energy and
Figure 3: Green Mobility resources, are major contributor
to the climate change and
determinant of environment
and urban sustainability. Built
environment is known to
deeply impact the quality of life,
because 80% of human life is
spent within building envelop.
According to World Energy
Council Report 2016, buildings
consume over 40% global energy,
30% raw materials, 25% timber
harvested, 16% fresh water
withdrawal, 35% of world’s CO2
emission, 40% municipal solid

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 9

Theme Paper

Figure 4: Green Building

waste and 50% ozone depleting in the levels of energy/resource techniques; using energy
Chloroflorocarbon ( C F C ) , consumption to promote efficient equipment; rational
besides making 30% residents sustainability. Accordingly, lighting, heating, ventilation;
sick. Large consumption of buildings need to be made leveraging solar energy/air
resources and generation of energy/resource efficient besides movement; landscaping; etc.
waste can be attributed to minimum generators of waste would form part of integrated
the way built environment (Figure-4). approach to building design.
is designed, constructed and Planning with nature and However, building design would
operated. Considering the using natural elements besides vary from region to region, state
contours of Indian urbanisation, adopting an integrated approach to state and within regions
requirement of built space is to design can reduce energy and states, based on prevailing
rising sharply. Studies made implications of buildings. climatic conditions. For making
by McKinsey Global Institute Planning with nature would optimum use of solar and wind
reveals that annual built space essentially involve, making energy, site planning must be
requirement for meeting various optimum use of Panchbhutas- carried out considering local
urban needs of urban India Prithvi (site), Agni( energy), Jal climatic conditions to ensure
will be in the range of 700– 900 (water), Vayu (air) and Aakash that majority of sites have best
million sqm. Enormity of built (Space). Whereas rational orientation. In addition, ratio
area requirements, calls for site planning; optimising between width and depth of plot
close scrutiny and monitoring orientation, low surface to should be so fixed, as to ensure
of building/construction sector, volume ratio; efficient structural that entire building gets access
for effecting overall economy design; adopting passive to natural day light.

10 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

Green buildings offer is known to play critical role solutions; promoting safety,
best option to make cities in helping cities become more security and transparency.
sustainable, because such sustainable, resilient, and Globally, successful cities are
buildings have genesis in using inclusive. Technology has extensively using Information
practices and processes that are been leveraged globally for; Communication Technology (ICT)
environmentally responsible and promoting effective and efficient to promote good governance;
resource efficient throughout planning; ensuring state of bringing transparency in decision
the building’s life-cycle. Green art development; promoting making; reducing pollution
buildings promote urban qualitative management and and green house gas emissions;
sustainability through enormous ensuring efficient operation monitoring service delivery and
energy and water saving, both at and good governance of cities. plugging leakage in services.
building and city level besides Technology creates better, Technology has been leveraged
generating less waste. Green cost-effective, cheaper, time- to generate enormous data and
buildings with green roofs are efficient, faster, scalable and use it for planning and decision
also known for their capacity to easy to use solutions for making. Technology also helps
prevent heat island and floods. everyday problems facing in bringing broad spectrum of
Considering importance of cities. Adopting sustainable expertise including financing,
Green Buildings, Singapore has development practices along urban planning, architecture,
prepared a Master Plan targeting with proven technologies transport and energy on the same
80 percent of its buildings to be and business practices, can platform for conceptualising
certified green by 2030 for saving catapult cities move forward, and implementation of
35% electricity consumption. both economically and socially various projects to make cities
Retrofitting of existing buildings (David Jonker). Globally, cities sustainable. Smart technologies
also offer great opportunity are looking at ever evolving/ create opportunities for
to make cities sustainable. devolving technologies, which collaboration; revolutionising
Retrofitting Empire State Building can transform social, economic the way cities operate; way
(New York) has led to achieving and environmental quality of people interact; bringing city
reduction of 3.5 MW of cities and communities. For authorities, businesses and
electricity load besides reducing making cities, sustainable, citizens on same platform besides
green house gas emissions by user-friendly and supportive empowering people. Innovations
1,00,000 tonnes over a 15-years of higher order of productivity, in Cape Town, have shown how
period. Besides, economising on they have to make technology data from sensors in water
resources, energy and improving integral part of the planning, utilities, electrical smart meters
productivity of occupants, green development and management etc. can be leveraged to improve
buildings make business sense process besides day to day basic services and improve the
and are known to create win- operations/policy formulation. financial management of taxes
win situation for owners, users, Technologies create two-way and other revenues. Delhi and
tenants, cities and communities. communication, bridging Boston, are showing, how mobile
gap between government and apps can deliver city services to
SMART citizens; building cities of residents and collect information
TECHNOLOGIES citizens’ choice; creating pool about the state of roads and
In this era of globalisation, of resources and collective other infrastructure. Pune, is
liberalisation and complexity of intelligence for resource using mobile technology for
urban operations, technology optimisation; providing smart carrying out census of trees-

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 11

Theme Paper

crucial to improve air quality are accountable and responsive governance at local level, clear
and quality of life. Parking apps to their citizens; transparent ownership needs to be created.
are being used extensively to in their reporting on the use of Looking at the ground realities,
inform drivers about the nearest public resources and decision ULBs emerge only institutions
available parking spots, saving making; create opportunities that have intimate knowledge
commuter’s time, gas, emissions for participation in policy of city fabric and accordingly,
and money, while easing flow and service delivery; foster a deserve to be vested with
of traffic. City guide app, with climate of respect for universal exclusive ownership at local
information about museums, rights; promote inclusion for level. Capacity to perform is the
parks, landmarks, real-time disadvantaged citizens; provide key to good urban governance.
traffic etc. launched by Baltimore, political and institutional However, urban local bodies
Ottawa, Charlotte and New context for realizing sustainable in the present format have
Orleans, have helped citizens development; ensure poverty little capacity, capability and
and tourists to improve their reduction; promote inclusive resources for ensuring good
experience in the city. growth; protect natural urban governance. Accordingly,
resources and tackle inequality they need to be adequately
GOOD GOVERNANCE (Mark Robinson). Studies have strengthened in terms of their
Good, fair and effective urban revealed that sustainability leadership, administrative,
governance is pre-requisite for of cities is largely contingent managerial, structural, fiscal,
any city to become sustainable upon the qualitative governance techno-legal, manpower and
and to ensure that development and excellent leadership political capacities to enable
benefits, both people and the they had (Figure-5). United them to emerge as institutions of
planet. Good Governance offers a Nations Economic and Social good governance and discharge
powerful impetus for promoting Commission for Asia and the all their obligations to urban
reforms in policies/ programs Pacific has emphasised the centers with effectiveness and
for sustainable development; role of Good Governance as the efficiency. 74th Constitutional
entails processes, decisions and panacea for all urban ills and Bad Amendment Act has already
outcomes that sustain natural Governance as one of the root causes mandated and laid down a
resources, alleviate poverty and of all evil within our societies/ framework for action, which
improve the quality-of-life. The cities. The Commission has need honest implementation
real test of good governance is listed eight fold pre-requisites to make urban local bodies
when citizens feel secure and for achieving good governance effective institutions of self-
trust governments to conduct which include Transparency, governance for promoting urban
public affairs in the best interests Accountability, Consensus, sustainability.
of society; when governments Responsiveness, Effectiveness &
Efficiency, Equitable, Inclusive CONCLUSION
Figure 5: Good Governance
and following the rule of law. India is urbanising at a rapid
Ownership remains another pre- pace. Already one third is
requisite for good governance. urban. Half of India will live
In the Indian context, with large in cities by 2050. Cities are
number of agencies operating known to be economic power
at local level, ownership of houses, having large ecological
urban areas remains diluted footprints. With ill effects of
and hazy. For promoting good urbanisation and climate change

12 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

converging in dangerous ways, adopting circular ecosystem able Development, Feb 18, 2015.
nations and communities are initiatives; and mixing housing &
• David Jonker (2015), How tech-
heading for disasters. Search mixing people to counter social
nology can help cities become
for solutions to make urban segregation. These approaches more sustainable, World Eco-
settlements sustainable will will cumulatively overcome nomic Forum, November 25,
be critical. For achieving the combined adverse effect of rapid 2015.
goal of the 2030 Agenda for urban development, increased
Sustainable Development of urban sprawl and pollution to • IEREK(2016), Compact City a
prosperity within planetary make cities sustainable, healthy, Sustainable Urban Form, August
boundaries, cities will have to low carbon, inclusive and more 3, 2016.
lead the way. Considering vital accessible, pleasant and safest • Rodrigue Jean-Paul, Transport
role of urban areas in promoting places to live and work. For and Sustainability; The spatial
sustainability, it becomes making urban sustainability organization of transportation
important that the entire gamut a distinct reality, India has and mobility, https://transport-
of urban planning, development to put in place appropriate
and management is, critically policy, legal and institutional
• Sheng Yap Kioe, What is Good
and objectively looked at and framework, duly supported
Governance? United Nations
new agenda put in place to by dedicated manpower and Economic and Social Commis-
promote urban sustainability. resources. However, creating sion for Asia and the Pacific
Strategy to promote urban sustainable city will always be
sustainability should essentially a complex process. There is no default/files/good-governance.
revolve around adopting state single solution. Thousands of pdf
of art urban planning; making small steps would be needed for
cities compact; creating green making cities sustainable. • Peter (2015), Using ICT to Make
Smart Cities Smart, August 19,
buildings; and redefining
. 2015
order of mobility with focus
on planning for people not References • Christopher William Reeves- Ed-
for vehicles. In addition, itor, What makes a Sustainable
• McKinsey Global Institute (2010),
cities will have to focus on City- Nordic solutions to global
India’s Urban Awakening: Build-
enhancing people’s everyday challenges.
ing Inclusive Cities, Sustaining
lives; applying practices that Economic Growth, April, 2010. • Gupta JK & Sharma AK, Com-
bring city and nature under pact City-As an Option for Mak-
one umbrella; using natural • United Nations (2014), World
ing Indian Cities Smart and Sus-
landscape as the underlying Urbanization Prospects- Revi-
principle for urban development; sion 2014.
balancing adaptation and • Gupta JK, Strategies for Promot-
• Government of India, Census
mitigation for safeguarding ing Urban Sustainability, Pub-
-2011, Registrar General of India.
cities against climate change; lished paper, Chandigarh Col-
• United Nations (2012), Urban- lege of Architecture.
focusing on the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions izations and climate change;
increasing opportunities for
biodiversity and recreation;
developing resilience through • Robinson, Mark (2015), The Role
multifunctional urban spaces; of Good Governance in Sustain-

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 13

Theme Paper


- Fifty Years of HUDCO’s Contribution to Nation Building
Affordable housing and sustainable about 31.16% of the population.
urban development have been The pace of urbanisation in India
DR. AKSHAYA KUMAR SEN two key priority areas of action can be gauged from the fact that
of the Government of India since whereas the total population of
independence. The history of India has grown by 3.4 times
The housing and housing and urban development during the period 1951 to 2011,
urban development in India is closely related to the i.e. from 361.2 million in 1951
activities in India history of HUDCO, which was set to 1,210.2 million, the urban
rapidly accelerated with up in 1970 as a specialised sectoral population has grown 6 times
the establishment of Institution for comprehensively during the same period i.e.
HUDCO in 1970 and dealing with the problems of growing from 62.4 million in 1951 to
it can be said that the housing shortages, rising number of 377.1 million in 2011. Similarly,
history of housing and slums, deficient urban services and the level of Indian urbanisation
for fulfilling the pressing needs of increased from 17% in 1951 to
urban development in
the economically weaker sections 31% in 2011 and projected to
India is closely related to
and lower income groups of the cross 50% by around 2040. While
the fifty years’ history of society. This paper tries to give a urbanization has been a catalyst
HUDCO. brief account of various policies and for economic growth across
programme initiatives taken by the the globe and particularly true
government of India for provision of in India with the contribution
affordable housing and sustainable of urban economy to India’s
urban development in the country. GDP has increased from 29
The sustained role of HUDCO as % in 1950-51 to above 66%
the unique and largest financial today due to localisation,
intermediary in the public sector for agglomeration and economies
nation building in last 50 years has of scale effects, it is also true
also been documented in this paper. that rapid urbanisation in the
Indian context is synonymous
Introduction with severe shortage of housing
Keywords: Urbanisation, Affordable and basic services like potable
Increasing urbanisation trend
Housing, Sustainable Urban water, well laid out drainage
in India is one of the key
Development, Urban Infrastructure, system, sewerage network,
components of demographic
Urban Mission. sanitation facilities, electricity,
dynamics in India. In 2011, India
roads, transport and appropriate
Dr. Akshaya Kumar Sen (akshayasen. had a total population of 1.21 is Joint General solid waste disposal. In view of
billion out of which 377.1 million
Manager(Econ.) & Fellow, HUDCO’s this, sustainable management
lived in urban areas, constituting
HSMI, New Delhi. of urbanisation has become

14 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

an overarching governance, rehabilitation, development of HOUSING AND URBAN

management and financial safe, inclusive and greener cities, DEVELOPMENT
challenge for urban planners etc. to be achieved by 2030. SECTORS AS GROWTH
and policy makers in India in the Another significant ACCELERATORS
last several decades. Therefore, development is the adoption of
provision of affordable The significance of housing and
the ‘New Urban Agenda – Quito urban development sectors for
housing and sustainable urban Declaration on Sustainable
development in the country has the overall development of a
Cities and Human Settlements nation is well documented. As
become priority area of action by for All’ during the Habitat-III
the Government of India since one of the three basic needs of a
Conference at Quito, Ecuador human being, the access to and
independence. in October 2016. The Quito the quality of housing and urban
Declaration enlists commitments basic services directly influence
from member Nations for the quality of life of people, their
actions towards promoting productivity levels and growth
SUSTAINABLE URBAN sustainable cities and human potential. In fact, Housing
DEVELOPMENT settlements for all in the next is regarded as an ‘engine of
One of the major global two decades. The commitments economic growth’ which can
developments in this decade has are in sync with the SDG 11 give a ‘big push’ to the economy,
been the adoption of Sustainable and cover broadly affordable as it acts as a major stimulant for
Development Goals (SDGs) by housing, infrastructure generating employment, output
United Nations in September provision including water and income. This has been
2015, with 17 ambitious goals supply and sanitation, housing, witnessed in many countries.
and 169 indicators, covering a infrastructure, basic services, The European economies, faced
broad range of interconnected food security, health, education, with utter devastation after the
issues, which requires every jobs creation, safety, and natural Second World War, began the
country to judiciously prioritize, resources, among others. reconstruction process largely
and adapt the goals and Some of the other key global based on housing. The multiplier
targets in accordance with conventions that focus on effects of housing investments
local challenges, capacities and sustainable habitat include the drove growth from construction
resources available. India is Paris Agreement on climate materials to consumer durables.
committed to implement the change (COP21) in 2015, the In India, it is estimated that
SDGs. One of the key goals, Sendai Framework for Disaster the housing sector has strong
which is also called the Urban Risk Reduction in 2015; ‘backward’ and ‘forward’
Goal, is Goal 11 “Make cities and and the 2015 Addis Ababa linkages with more than 250
human settlements inclusive, Action Agenda for financing ancillary industries, implying
safe, resilient and sustainable” and creating an enabling that its growth provides
with targets such as affordable environment at all levels for significant stimulus for several
and adequate housing and basic sustainable development in other sectors to grow. As per
services for all, transportation, the spirit of global partnership a Study by IIM Ahmedabad
human settlement planning and solidarity. All these recent (July 2000), housing investment
and management, cultural global discourses resolve around has inter-industry linkages
and natural heritage, disaster sustainable urban development. and investment in housing/
management, mitigation and
construction sector has strong

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 15

Theme Paper

multiplier effects on generation Figure-1: Inter-linkage effects of per capita income and urbanisation level across states in 2011
of income and employment in 75.00 y = 21.50ln(x) - 204.6
Indian economy. A unit increase R² = 0.614

in the final expenditure on 65.00

the construction sector would

Urbanization levels 2011 (%)

generate additional income in
Tamil Nadu
the economy as a whole which 45.00 Kerala

would be almost 5 times as high Karnataka

35.00 Haryana
as the direct income generated Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
within the construction sector 25.00 Jharkhand
Jammu & Kashmir
itself. Further, investment in Uttarakhand
housing has an employment 15.00 Assam
multiplier of almost 8. As per Himachal Pradesh
another Study (NCAER, 2014), 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000
Per Capita GSDP 2011
through direct, indirect and
Source: Metropolitan Cities in India, HSMI & HUDCO-Chair NIUA Collaborative
induced effects, the output Research Report, 2014
and income multipliers for urbanisation is the way forward. per cent today, which is further
housing sector are 5.11 and 2.84 expected to increase to about 75
As can be seen from Figure-1,
respectively. Every additional per cent by 2031 (Table- 1).
the relationship between
rupee invested in the housing
urbanisation and State per The Twelfth Five-year Plan
sector will add Rs. 1.54 to the
capita income has a strong (2012-17) of India has noted that
GDP and with household
correlation with R-square, or urbanisation would be central
expenditure considered, this is
the explanatory power, being to India’s strategy of achieving
going to add Rs. 2.84.
0.614, indicating that cities hold faster and more inclusive
It has also been realised that in the key to economic growth. growth because agglomeration
the rapidly urbanising world, Urbanisation is gradually and densification of economic
urban centres are fast becoming aligning itself with the economic activities (and settlements)
the engines of economic growth processes in India. The stimulates economic efficiencies
development as well as catalysts contribution of urban economy and provides more opportunities
for social change and cultural to India’s GDP has increased for earning livelihoods; and
transformation. The fact that from 29 per cent in 1950-51 to 63 thereby enables faster inclusion
urbanisation and the state per cent in 2011 and to about 66 of more people in the process of
domestic products have quite
Table-1: Share of Urban Sector in National Income
high positive inter-linkage effects
in India has been brought out by Year Share of Population (%) Share of National
a collaborative research study by Income (%)
HSMI & NIUA (2014) through the 1951 17.3 29.0
logarithmic regressions between 1981 23.3 47.0
urbanisation and per capita 1991 25.7 55.0
gross state domestic product 2001 27.8 60.0
(PCGSDP), thus providing 2011 31.16 63.0
proof to the hypothesis that
2031 (Proj.) 40.0 75.0
cities are the engines of growth;
Source: Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment, Govt of India (now MoHUA) &
and therefore, sustainable HPEC Report (2010), MoHUPA, GoI

16 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

economic growth. up State Housing Boards (SHBs), should be involved in housing not
Development Authorities, so much to build but to promote
But, the inter-linkage effects are
Urban Improvement Trusts, and housing activity. For orderly
still quite low by international
specialised Boards such as Water and regulated functioning of
standards, indicating the fact
Supply Boards, Sewerage & the housing sector, the National
that the positive impact of
Drainage Boards, etc. for taking Housing Bank (NHB) was set
agglomeration economies on
up public housing schemes up in 1989, as a fully owned
urbanisation is far from being
with special attention to the subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of
saturated. Thus for a developing
economically weaker sections, India (RBI) as a regulator of the
country like India, the next few
lower-income groups and housing activities and Housing
years present great challenges
urban development activities. Finance Companies (HFCs).
but even greater opportunities,
One of the key institutional With the onset of liberalisation
because only the successful
developments during this phase in 1991, the economic landscape
exploitation and harnessing
of planned development is the of India underwent a sea change.
of the growth potential of the
establishment of the Housing The economy witnessed high
agglomeration and urbanisation
and Urban Development growth rates in GDP and Per
economies can catapult it to
Corporation Limited (HUDCO) Capita Income and with that
a high growth path and help
as a public sector enterprise the aspiration levels of people
sustain the growth momentum
by the Government of India have soared. The market interest
in 1970 to provide long term rates fell from very high levels to
HOUSING & URBAN techno-financing service to state reasonable levels in consonance
DEVELOPMENT IN public agencies for housing, with the policy changes. As
especially for housing projects competition emerged, Banks
for economically weaker sections and many Housing Finance
Recognising the importance of (EWS) and lower income groups Companies (HFCs) came into
housing and urban development (LIG) of the society as well as lending for housing sector
in the economy, the government urban development projects. especially in retail housing.
of India has been promoting Another important institutional The government aided the
housing and urban development development is the establishment funds flow to housing sector by
activities as one of the priorities of Housing Development Finance intervening on both the demand
areas of action right from the Corporation (HDFC) in 1977 and supply side. On the demand
starting of the national planning in the private sector to provide side, the government of India
framework in 1951. From first individual loans for housing. provided incentives in the form
(1951-56) till the sixth plan (1980- of tax rebate on interest outgo
The second phase of housing
85) period, the government and principal repayment on
and urban development in India
played a direct role in the housing loans. On the supply
came about from seventh five-
provision of housing in India, side, real estate developers were
year plan (1985-90) onwards
which can be categorized as given various tax exemptions
which can be called the
the ‘Government-led housing on profits. As a result of all
‘market-led housing and urban
and urban development’ in these developments, housing
development’ with Government
India. Housing and the related sector started to flourish and
as a facilitator and enabler and
subjects of land and urban basic many large private developers
enhanced participation of the
infrastructure are state subjects. came into the housing sector
private sector. The focus of this
In this regard most states had set delivering houses. Government
phase was that the Government

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 17

Theme Paper

liberalised its foreign direct (PPP) models for urban projects positive results in the overall
investment (FDI) policy by such as water supply, sewerage, living conditions of the urban
allowing foreign investment into roads, etc. citizens, especially the urban
integrated townships in January poor at large. Some of the key
The last almost 70 years of
2002. The urban development housing programmes since the
planned development in India
activities, including the urban first five-year plan are given in
has seen many programmes and
infrastructure and services, also Table-2.
policies initiatives in the housing
found market players including and urban development sector These schemes are implemented
the development of various which have had significant by the State Governments
public private partnerships
Table-2: Major Housing Programmes in India

Sl. No. Major Scheme Year since

1. Subsidised Industrial Housing Scheme (Revised in 1966) 1952
2. Low Income Group Housing Scheme 1954
3. Subsidised Housing Scheme for Plantation Workers(Revised in 1967) 1956
4. Slum Clearance and Improvement Scheme 1956
5. Village Housing Projects Scheme 1957
6. Middle Income Group Housing Scheme 1959
7. Land Acquisition and Scheme 1959
8. Rental Housing Scheme for State Government Employees 1959
9. Jhuggi & Jhopri Removal Schme (in Delhi) 1960
10. Rural House Sites-cum-Hut construction Scheme for landless Workers 1971
11. Environmental Improvement of Urban Slums (EIUS) 1972
12. Workshed-cum-Housing Scheme for artisans & Handloom weavers 1974
13. Integrated Low Cost Sanitation (ILCS) 1980
14. Fishermen Housing Scheme 1985
15. Night Shelter Scheme for Foothpath Dwellers in Urban areas 1988
16. SHASHU (NRY) (discontinued in 1997) 1989
17. Indira Awas Yojana (exclusively for rural areas) 1990
18. EWS Housing Scheme for Beedi workers & Hamals 1991
19. Shelter Upgradation under PMIUPEP (discontinued in 1997) 1996
20. National Slum Development Programme (NSDP) 1996
21. Two-million Housing Programme for EWS/LIG 1998
22. Prime Ministers Gramin Yojana- Gramin Awas Yojana 2000
23. Valmki Ambedkar Awass Yojana (VAMBAY) 2001
24. Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) 2005
25. Interest Subsidy Housing for Urban Poor (ISHUP) 2009
26. Affordable Housing in Partnership 2009
27. Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY)- Slum-Free India Mission 2012
28. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)- Housing for All (Urban) 2015
Source: Author’s Compilation

18 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

through state level public housing Figure-2: Key Constitutes of India’s Urban Future
agencies viz. Housing Boards,
Development Authorities,
Improvement Trusts, Slum
Clearance/ Improvement
Board, etc. with Government
budgetary support and loans
from financial institutions,
particularly Housing and Urban
Development Corporation Ltd
(HUDCO). The public agencies
of the States broadly followed Source: Twelfth Five Year Plan Document, Volume II, Planning Commission,
Govt. of India, 2013
the financing pattern of HUDCO
in respect of social housing inclusive and sustainable urban Mission of 2014.
schemes. development - governance, The Government also acted
planning, financing, capacity on the supply side to tackle
The Twelfth Plan (2012-
building and innovation implementation problems
2017) further reaffirmed that
(Figure-2). holding up large infrastructure
urbanisation will be central to
India’s strategy of achieving The focus on provision of projects. In view of the importance
faster and more inclusive affordable housing and of the urban transport, various
growth because agglomeration infrastructure including urban schemes/projects were mooted
and densification of economic basic services was more evident under the Twelfth Plan such
activities (and habitations) in in the 12th plan with the as: all urban transport projects
urban conglomerations would announcement of new housing including urban road projects
stimulate economic efficiencies programme of Rajiv Awas and related activities including
and provide more opportunities Yojana (RAY) for a slum-free provision of buses, which
for earning livelihoods. The 12th India along with more fiscal improves public transport were
plan recognized that though the incentives to boost housing admissible components under
proportion of urban population activities. RAY mandated JNNURM-II; and Provision for
concentrated in larger cities giving ‘property rights’ to slum metro rail projects and rapid
continued to remain high, dwellers by suitable enactment rail transport system (RRTS).
there was some evidence that within a year of the project Further, the 12th plan also aimed
other urban growth nodes were being sanctioned. The 12th at substantially improving the
emerging that underscored Plan Period also witnessed the urban basic services such as
the need for adequate policy launch of key urban missions Water Supply, Sewerage, Storm
attention to smaller cities and in 2015 by the Government of Water Drainage, and Solid Waste
peri-urban areas as against the India for transformation urban Management.
narrow focus of concentrating India, namely, Pradhan Mantri The 12th plan also mooted
on large ‘Mission Cities’ as was Awas Yojana (PMAY)- Housing the idea of merger the of the
followed in the Eleventh Plan for All (Urban); Smart Cities Ministry of Urban Development
period. Therefore, the strategy Mission (SCM) and Atal Mission with that of the Housing and
for the Twelfth Five Year Plan for Rejuvenation and Urban Urban Poverty Alleviation, as
focused on strengthening the Transformation (AMRUT), urban development, housing
five enablers for planned, in addition to Swachh Bharat

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 19

Theme Paper

and poverty alleviation are inter- supply and reaching the basic the first National Housing
related subjects and therefore services like roads, water, Policy (NHP) in India was
a concerted effort must be power, sewerage and other formulated in 1988, which was
made for convergence of the municipal services to the people. approved by the Parliament
programmes and initiatives of The NCU also suggested several of India in August 1994, after
both the Ministries. The merger changes in the laws affecting several rounds of modifications.
happened in 2017 when the housing, including the Urban The long-term goal of the NHP
Ministry of Housing and Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) was to eradicate houselessness,
Affairs (MoHUA) was formed. Act, 1976 and Rent Control Act. improve the housing conditions
Ultimately all schemes run by Taking a comprehensive look at of the inadequately housed and
different Ministries of the States the past trends in housing and provide a minimum level of
and the Central Government urban sector, the Commission basic services and amenities to
must converge on ground at the made specific recommendations all.
municipal level. on a broad range of policy
National Housing & Habitat
interventions which could
Policy, 1998
NATIONAL POLICY generate rapid economic
INITIATIVES growth with social justice. The NHP 1994 was reviewed and
The Commission identified in July, 1998, another housing
The post-independence India has
329 urban centres whose policy in the name of ‘National
seen the gradual development of
economic and fiscal bases need Housing & Habitat Policy
housing and urban development
consolidation, strengthening -1998’(NHHP) with the aim to
sector with some key policy
and expansion. In the field create surpluses in housing stock
initiatives such as National
of housing, the Commission either on rental or ownership
Commission on Urbanisation
recommended that the housing basis and provision of quality
in 1986, formulation of three
policy must aim at increasing and cost effective housing and
national housing policies, urban
the supply of serviced land and shelter options to the citizens,
transport policy and the recent
low-cost shelter, improving and specially the vulnerable group
national urban policy.
upgrading slums and conserving and the poor. NHHP-1998 was
National Commission on the existing housing stock. announced with some landmark
Urbanization, 1986 Apart from providing access to initiatives like involvement
A comprehensive study on land, the housing programme of multi-stakeholders, repeal
various issues relating to must also provide for finance, of Urban Land Ceiling Act,
housing and urban development infrastructure development and permitting FDI in housing and
sector was undertaken when the community facilities. real estate sector, etc.
Government of India appointed National Housing Policy, 1994 National Urban Housing &
the National Commission on Habitat Policy, 2007
Urbanization (NCU) in 1986. The Global Shelter Strategy
adopted by the United Nations In the year 2007, NHHP-1998
In its final report in August
in 1988 called upon national was modified as the National
1988, the NCU included the
Governments to take steps for Urban Housing and Habitat
rural-urban nexus, the growing
the formulation of a National Policy(NUHHP)-2007, to
problems of slums and urban
Housing Policy (NHP) to specifically cater to the urban
poverty, principal constraints of
achieve the goals of the Global sector with the goal of providing
land supply and finance which
Shelter Strategy. Accordingly, ‘affordable housing for all’. This
impede the pace of housing

20 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

policy sought to earmark land consequential requirement, Cities are Clusters of Human
for economically weaker sections introducing Intelligent Capital; (ii) Cities require a
(EWS) & lower income groups Transport Systems (ITS) for ‘Sense of Place’ (i.e. Indianness);
(LIG) in new housing projects for traffic management, raising (iii) Not static Master Plans but
provision of affordable housing. finances through innovative evolving Ecosystems; (iv) Build
Many state governments such mechanisms, establishing for Density; (v) Public Spaces that
as Rajasthan, Odisha, Uttar institutional mechanisms and encourage Social Interaction; (vi)
Pradesh, Haryana, Telangana, building capacity for enhanced Multi-modal Public Transport
etc. have also brought state coordination in the planning Backbone; (vii) Environmental
Affordable Housing Policies. and management of transport Sustainability; (viii) Financially
Housing policy in India also focus systems. Self-Reliant; (ix) Cities require
on simplification of procedures National Mission on Clear, Unified Leadership; and
for issue of construction permits Sustainable Habitat, 2008 (x) Cities as Engines of Regional
with an approach of single Growth. Secondly, the ten sutras
As part of the National Action are applied to ten functional
window clearance with increased
Plan on Climate Change areas or pillars of urban space
automation. Building Codes and
(NAPCC) 2008, the Government and management. These ten
byelaws have also been modified
of India launched eight “National pillars are: Urban Economy;
and now incorporate provisions
Missions”, one of which is the Physical Infrastructure; Social
for ‘green buildings’, natural
‘National Mission on Sustainable Infrastructure; Housing and
disaster resilience and inclusive
Habitat’ (NMSH) with Affordability; Transportation
design for the elderly and the
objectives of promoting energy and Mobility; Urban Planning
differently abled. Incorporating
efficiency in residential and and Design; Urban Finance;
all these, the Government of
commercial sectors, developing Urban Governance; Urbanization
India has recently brought out
a comprehensive approach to and Information System; and
Model Building Bye-laws for
managing water, solid waste and Environmental Sustainability.
adaptation by the states.
wastewater and refurbishing Within each functional area, the
National Urban Transport urban transportation to increase status quo and its challenges
Policy 2006 usage and energy efficiency. are analysed, key priorities are
The Government of India In line with the NAPCC, 27 formulated, and specific possible
introduced the National Urban States have prepared their State actions points suggested.
Transport Policy (NUTP)- 2006 Action Plans for Climate Change
(SAPCCs). The vision underpinning NUPF
which focuses on planning for 2018 is to see cities as complex
people rather than vehicles, National Urban Policy and changing agglomerations
by providing sustainable Framework, 2018 of people who are constantly
mobility and accessibility to interacting with each other, with
The Ministry of Housing & Urban
all citizens to places of work, socio-economic institutions and
Affairs, Government of India has
education, social services and with the built environment. The
come out with a National Urban
recreation at affordable cost and NUPF recognizes that the urban
Policy Framework (NUPF)-2018
within reasonable time. This evolution takes place slowly
which is structured along two
involves incorporating urban but, once embedded, its impact
lines. Firstly, at the NUPF’s core
transportation as an important can remain in place for decades
lie ten sutras or philosophical
parameter at the urban planning or even centuries. Therefore,
principles, which include: (i)
stage rather than being a

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 21

Theme Paper

this Policy framework would Table 3: Growth of Urban Households and Urban Housing Stock
go a long way for sustainable Census Year No. of Decadal Urban Growth Rate
urbanisation in the country. Households Growth Rate Housing (%)
(Mn) (%) Stock(Mn.)
POSITIVE RESULTS 1971 19.10 28 18.50 39
AND EMERGING 1981 29.30 53 28.00 51
CHALLENGES 1991 40.70 39 39.30 40
The various policies and 2001 53.69 32 52.06 32
programmes undertaken by 2011 78.87 47 78.48 51
the Government of India have Source: Census of India, and Report of the Technical Group on Urban Housing Shortage
had significant positive results for the 12th Plan period, MoHUPA, Govt. of India, 2012
in the overall living conditions
houses and households being The challenge ahead for the policy
of the urban poor at large.
marginal (0.39 million in 2011), makers and government of India
The urban housing stock has
the urban housing shortage has is not only to fulfil the target
increased from 52.06 million in
increased considerably due to of providing 20 million houses
2001 to 78.48 million in 2011,
housing congestion (in terms of by 2022 but also better quality
an increase of 51% in just one
no exclusive rooms for married housing providing for women
decade (Table 3). The absolute
couples, etc.) and obsolescence privacy and better amenities
housing shortage in terms of the
factors (temporary as well to ensure sustainable human
difference between the number
as dilapidated houses which settlements development. Over
of households and number of
require new construction) as the years, the development
housing stock in urban areas
mentioned in Table 5. According of urban basic services and
has significantly reduced from
to the estimation of the Technical infrastructure services like water
1.63 million in 2001 (3% of the
Group on Urban Housing for supply and sanitation facilities,
households) to 0.39 million
the 12th five-year Plan period, transportation, power, etc. have
(0.5% of the households) in 2011.
the total urban housing shortage also not kept pace with the
The gross credit deployment
in the country in 2012 was 18.78 growth of population. As per the
to housing sector by Banks has
million dwelling units, and estimates of High power Expert
increased from US$ 1.7 billion
about 96 per cent of this shortage Committee (2010) Report (Table
in 1997 to US$ 69 billion in 2011.
pertains to the economically 6), a total investment of INR 39.2
This increased availability of
weaker sections and the lower trillion ($ 650 billion) at 2009-
funds to the housing sector has
income groups of the society. 10 prices would be required for
enabled in increased housing
stock in urban areas. Table 4: Percentage of Households with access to Various Amenities
In addition to the huge growth
Urban Scenario 2001 2011
in urban housing stock, there
Water Source within Premises -- 65.4
has also been substantial
improvement in access to urban Water with Taps 68.7 70.6
amenities (Table 4). Electricity for Lighting 87.6 92.7
Bath Room within House 70.4 77.9
In spite of the appreciable growth
Latrine within House 73.7 81.4
in the urban housing stock in
comparison to urban households, Kitchen within House 76.0 82.0
and the difference between Source: Census of India,2011

22 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

Table 5: Urban Housing Shortage in India in 2012 India launched a Pan-India

Housing Shortage
campaign on 2nd October 2014
in the name of ‘Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan’ or ‘Swachh Bharat
Households living in Non-serviceable Kutcha (Temporary) 0.99
Mission’ (SBM) both in rural as
well as urban areas. In addition
Households living in Obsolescent Houses 2.27
to the construction of household,
Households living in Congested Houses requiring new 14.99 public and community toilets, the
houses Mission also aims at modern and
Households in Homeless conditions 0.53 scientific municipal solid waste
Total Urban Housing Shortage in 2012 18.78 management, eradication of
Source: Report of the Technical Group on Urban Housing Shortage for the 12th Plan manual scavenging, behavioural
period, MoHUPA, Govt. of India, 2012 change and awareness regarding
urban infrastructure services commercial borrowings, need to healthy sanitation practices,
over the 20-year period (2010- be found. capacity augmentation of local
30). bodies, and creating an enabling
RECENT IMPETUS TO environment for private sector
In addition, funds required
HOUSING & URBAN participation. Sustained efforts
for meeting urban housing
DEVELOPMENT under SBM have yielded
shortage would be in the range
significant positive results. In
of Rs. 10 trillion to 22.50 trillion, With the aim to eradicate open
the urban areas, as on 10th April
assuming different cost per unit defecation by 2nd October 2019,
2020, 61.39 lakh individual
for different income categories. the 150th birth anniversary of the
toilets, 5.82 lakh community
It is also estimated that an Father of the Nation, Mahatma
& public toilets have been
investment of US$ 115 billion Gandhi, the Government of
constructed; 4324 cities have
(INR 7000 billion) would be
required for developing 100 Table 6: Investment Requirement for Urban Infrastructure and Services in India (2010-30)
smart cities over 20-years period Sectors Investment
with an annual investment Requirement
requirement of US$ 5.75 billion. (Rs. lakh cr.)
With such mammoth need for Urban Roads (44.1%) 17.29
housing and city infrastructure Urban Transport (11.5%) 4.49
development, there lies the Renewal & Redevelopment including Slums (10.4%) 4.08
opportunity for Development
Water Supply(8.2%) 3.20
Finance Institutions like
Sewerage (6.2%) 2.42
HUDCO to scale up financial
Storm Water Drains (4.9%) 1.91
assistance for the sector. The
public sector efforts have to be Capacity Building (2.6%) 1.01
supplemented by private sector Traffic Support Infra. (2.5%) 0.98
investment as well. Methods to Solid Waste Management(1.2%) 0.48
augment municipal resources Street Lighting (0.5%) 0.19
as well as raise resources Other Sectors (7.9%) 3.09
through PPP mode and market TOTAL 39.18
sources including capital
Source: High Powered Expert Committee Report on Urban Infrastructure & Services,
market borrowing and external 2010, MoHUPA, GoI.

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 23

Theme Paper

been declared open-defecation land as a resource and of 10.3 million units, 3.21 million
free; out of 84,358 wards, 81,135 additional FSI/FAR/TDR; units have been completed.
(96%) now have 100% door-to- Government of India launched
(ii) Promotion of Affordable
door waste collection; almost 61 the Smart Cities Mission on
housing for weaker section
megawatts (MW) of energy is 25th June, 2015 with a broader
through credit linked
generated from waste-to-energy objective to promote cities
subsidy with interest
(WTE) projects; and the waste- that would provide core
subvention of 6.5% by the
to-compost production stands at infrastructure and decent quality
Government of India;
31,82,435 metric tonnes. of life to its citizens, a clean and
Affordable Housing in
In the year 2015, three significant sustainable environment and
Partnership with public
urban missions were launched application of Smart Solutions.
and Private sectors;
by the Government of India for The core infrastructure elements
transformation of urban India, (iv) Subsidy for beneficiary- in a Smart City include water
namely, Pradhan Mantri Awas led individual house supply, electricity supply,
Yojana (PMAY) -Housing for construction with central sanitation, including solid
All (Urban) for provision of 20 assistance of INR 150,000 per waste management, efficient
million affordable houses by housing unit constructed urban mobility and public
2022; Smart Cities Mission (SCM) by the beneficiary; transport, affordable housing,
for development of 100 smart A Technology sub-mission has been especially for the poor, robust IT
cities to enhance the quality of set up under Pradhan Mantri connectivity and digitalization,
urban life and to provide a clean Awas Yojana (Urban) to facilitate good governance, especially
and suitable environment; and adoption of modern, innovative e-Governance and citizen
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and green technologies and participation, sustainable
and Urban Transformation building materials for faster and environment, safety and security
(AMRUT) of 500 cities of above quality construction of houses. of citizens, particularly women,
100,000 population to create Similarly, towards incentivising children and the elderly, and
infrastructure that has a direct commercial banks and financial health and education. As on 10th
link to provision of better institutions to lend to the April 2020, for 100 smart cities,
services to the people. urban poor, the Government projects worth Rs. 2.05 lakh crore
of India implemented a ‘Credit have been sanctioned consisting
In order to providing affordable
Risk Guarantee Scheme’ of Rs. 1.64 lakh crore for area-
housing for all by 2022 and
whereby lending institutions based development projects and
creating slum free cities across
are guaranteed against the loan pan-city solution projects worth
the country, the ‘Pradhan Mantri
default to the extent of 90 per Rs. 38,914 crore which will cover
Awas Yojana (Prime Minister’s
cent. As on 10 February 2020, almost 10 crore urban population.
Housing Scheme): Housing for
under PMAY-Urban, 21,566 Similarly, under AMRUT, as on
All (urban)’ Mission, addresses
projects involving investment of 10th April 2020, work completed
the housing requirements of
Rs. 6.16 lakh crore and central for 2,619 projects for basic urban
urban poor including slum
assistance of Rs. 1.63 lakh crore infrastructure projects including
dwellers through 4 programme
for construction of 10.3 million affordable housing projects
housing units under the above worth Rs. 9783 crore and 2,766
(i) Slum rehabilitation of slum projects in progress worth Rs.
4 verticals have been sanctioned
dwellers with participation 64,216 crore. Total State Annual
by the Government of India. Out
of private developers using Action Plan under AMRUT is

24 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

already Rs. 77,604 crore for 4,672 services and creating well year Plan of India recognised
projects which will substantially planned Rurban clusters. the need for providing long term
improve the urban infrastructure housing finance. It was in this
In order to provide uniform
situation in 500 small and context that Government of India
regulatory environment to
medium cities. established HUDCO on 25th April
protect consumer interests, help
1970 as a specialised Housing
The government of India has speedy adjudication of disputes
Finance Company in the public
introduced more missions and ensure orderly growth of
sector for comprehensively
such as HRIDAY, DAY-NULM, real estate sector, the Real Estate
dealing with the problem of
NRuM, etc. for better and (Regulation and Development)
growing housing shortage,
sustainable living conditions Act 2016 has been enacted which
rising number of slums and for
in urban areas. The aim of mandates setting-up of Real
fulfilling the pressing needs of
Heritage City Development and Estate Regulatory Authorities
the economically weaker section
Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) and Real Estate Appellate
of society. The Union Budget
is to undertake strategic and Tribunals for the sector. This is
of 1970-71 declared that ‘An
planned development of expected to bring in transparency
Urban Development Corporation
heritage cities. Currently 12 in the sector. Further, with
(HUDCO) with an authorised share
cities are being developed under a vision to create a vibrant,
capital of Rs.10 crores is being set
HRIDAY. Under the Deen Dayal sustainable and inclusive rental
up. The Corporation will borrow in
Upadhyay Antodaya Yojana- housing market in India, a draft
the market to supplement its share
National Urban Livelihoods National Urban Rental Housing
capital and to set up a revolving
Mission (DAY-NULM), urban Policy- 2018 has been prepared
fund for financing activities, such as
poor are organized in Self- by the Ministry of Housing and
slum clearance, housing and urban
Help Groups, imparted skill Urban Affairs, which would
land development’. A scheme for
training for self and wage encourage promotion of rental
improvement of infrastructure
employment and assisted to set housing for various segments of
was also undertaken to provide
up self-employment ventures by incomes and suiting their needs.
basic amenities in cities across
providing credit at subsidised
the country.
rate of interest. Also, the Mission EMERGENCE AND
provides for shelters for urban CONTRIBUTION OF Since its establishment in 1970,
homeless and infrastructure for HUDCO HUDCO now has a Pan-India
street vendors. presence with a networking
The Housing and Urban
of 21 regional offices and 11
Drawing upon the lessons learnt Development Corporation Ltd
development offices across
from the past programmes (HUDCO) is celebrating the
the country in addition to its
and in order to have symbiotic Golden Jubilee of its glorious
Corporate Office and Research
balanced regional development, existence. The housing and
& Training Institute (HSMI) in
the Government of India urban development activities in
Delhi and has a Vision ‘to be a
has launched the National India rapidly accelerated with
leading techno-financial institution
Rurban Mission which is being the establishment of HUDCO in
promoting sustainable habitat
administered by the Ministry of 1970 and it can be said that the
development for transforming
Rural Development and aimed history of housing and urban
the lives of people’ and a Mission
towards making villages smart development in India is closely
to ‘promote sustainable habitat
by stimulating local economic related to the fifty years’ history
development to enhance the quality
development, enhancing basic of HUDCO. The Fourth Five-
of life’.

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 25

Theme Paper

HUDCO has been playing a (DPRs). units sanctioned by HUDCO

catalytic role in formulation and pertaining to rural areas.
Fourth, it has developed housing
implementation of the National
norms, standardized housing Ninth, it has been assisting the
Housing and Habitat Policies
designs, construction practices, country in times of natural
and has became a powerful
etc., which aim at containing calamities like cyclones,
vehicle for carrying out the
the costs and bringing housing earthquakes, tsunamis etc. by
mandate of the Government of
within the reach of the common picking up pieces from the
India flagship programmes and
man. The norms advocated by scattered lives of the affected
urban missions to the length and
HUDCO are location-specific and giving them a shape and
breadth of the country, in both
and responsive to the social and hope all over again.
the rural as well as urban areas
cultural needs of the people.
through several ways: Finally, HUDCO has been
Fifth, HUDCO has been providing training and capacity
First, it has been involved in
designing comprehensive building support to its borrowing
the formulation of the all three
mechanisms for providing credit agencies such as urban local
National Housing Policies and
and improving living conditions bodies, housing boards and
National Urban Policy acting as
of the urban poor in the slum development authorities to
a brain trust as well as facilitator
settlements. initiate changes in their priorities
in deliberations on outcomes of
Sixth, considering the fact that and programmes in a manner
various issues of the Policies.
supply of services at an affordable that they truly play the role
Second, it has evolved a financing of a facilitator and an enabler
price is a critical input for
pattern which reflects the so that other actors, namely
housing activities, HUDCO has
priorities arid concerns as laid households, private builders,
been financing land acquisition
down in these National Policies. corporate houses, cooperatives,
and development schemes with
Third, it has been providing revealed bias in favour of low- etc., play their role efficiently
significant support, in income households. and effectively. For this
implementation of various purpose, the Human Settlement
Seventh, since 1989 HUDCO Management Institute (HSMI),
government of India flagship
has been providing financial the Training & Research Division
programmes and missions
assistance for urban of HUDCO, set up in 1985,
such as Jawaharlal Nehru
infrastructure schemes including has been playing active role in
National Urban Renewal
water supply, sewerage, solid imparting customised training
Mission(JNNURM), Rajiv Awas
waste management, integrated to over 47,000 local, national
Yojana (RAY) and Pradhan
area development, etc. It has also and international professionals
Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) -
been making a concerted effort engaged in the habitat sector as
Housing for All (Urban), Smart
for promoting sustainable urban well as carrying out collaborative
Cities Mission, Atal Mission
development with an emphasis research through national
for Rejuvenation and Urban
on recycling of resources and institutes of repute. HSMI
Transfor¬mation (AMRUT),
overall financial viability of has also established HUDCO
ranging from planning to
schemes. Chairs in various academic and
viability gap funding, from
appraisal to monitoring, and Eighth, HUDCO has been in professional institutions in the
from designing to preparation of the field of rural housing since country.
City Development Plans (CDPs) mid-1970s, with around 60 A broad spectrum of functions
and Detailed Project Reports per cent of the total dwelling and products of HUDCO is

26 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

Figure 3: Schematic view of HUDCO’s Functions and Products

Source: HUDCO Corporate Plan 2022.

given at figure 3. projects to various housing and outstanding of HUDCO was Rs.
Starting with a paid up capital urban development agencies, 52,783 crore as at end of March
of Rs. 2 crore in 1970, the total facilitating the construction of 2019. Considering the total
resource base of the Company has nearly 19.34 million housing number of occupied residential
reached Rs. 70,857 crore as on 31st units, 6.70 million sanitation census houses of 236 million
March 2019. Cumulatively, it has units, over 2322 infrastructure units in the country as per 2011
sanctioned financial assistance projects and over 0.65 million census, it can be said that every
of Rs. 20,259 crore for 17,264 residential plots in different 12th house in the country is a
housing and urban development parts of the country, as at end HUDCO-financed house.
of January 2020. The loans

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 27

Theme Paper

Figure 4: Share of Housing Units and sewerage, solid waste for senior citizens; and HUDCO
sanctioned by HUDCO
management. Gradually Nav Nagar Yojana (HuNNY) for
LIG - HIG HUDCO has expanded and financing urban extensions and
  entered into Transport, Power, new townships.
MIG Commercial Infrastructure and Some of the innovative financing
 LIG other infrastructure projects. of housing projects include: (i)
HIG Therefore, water supply projects Financing Zila Parishads (District
MIG alone financed by HUDCO Panchayats of Rajasthan)
EWS constitute 25% of the total urban for construction of 6.8 lakh
 infrastructure financing (Figure houses in rural areas for below
5) and roads, bridges and poverty line (BPL) households
transportation projects constitute and convergence with other
34%. These are followed by schemes for sanitation facilities
The social orientation of HUDCO social infrastructure projects such as centrally sponsored,
is reflected in the fact HUDCO (7%) and sewerage, drainage ‘Total Sanitation Campaign’
has financed over 93% housing and solid waste management and Mahatma Gandhi National
units pertaining to economically projects (6%). Rural Employment Guarantee
weaker section and lower
Act (MGNREGA) Scheme; (ii)
income groups (Figure 4), with HUDCO’S INNOVATIVE
Financing Rs. 420 crore to Tamil
lower interest rates and longer FINANCING
Nadu Slum Clearance Board
repayment period. Apart from its traditional (TNSCB) for construction of
Similarly, starting its urban products, recently HUDCO 20,000 Green Houses for EWS
infrastructure division in 1989, has developed three innovative Households in Town Panchayats
initially HUDCO provided schemes, viz, Rent to Own of Tamil Nadu in 2015-16 where
finance to the core urban scheme which is a rental-cum- the innovative features include
infrastructure sectors which ownership scheme; Senior repayment of HUDCO loans out
were otherwise not catered Citizen Homes Scheme to finance of the expected revenues to the
to by the private sector such the senior citizen homes along tune of Rs.24050 million through
as water supply, sanitation with the special care equipment sale of Transfer of Development
Figure 5: Share of Sector-wise UI sanctioned by HUDCO
Rights (TDR) in the market and
solar lighting system as the
green component provided free
of cost by the Government’s
renewable energy unit; (iii) A
loan assistance of Rs.3345 crore
to the Telengana State Housing
Corporation Ltd for construction
of 60,000 units of two-bed room
houses with dwelling unit size
of 560 sft for BPL in urban &
rural areas in Telengana, where
the scheme was implemented by
dovetailing the funds available
under Government of India

28 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Theme Paper

housing programmes, vis. Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Maharashtra Suvarna Jayanti

Rs.35,000 available under Indira Development Fund Act, Nagarothan Mahabhiyan for
Awas Yojana (IAY) in rural areas 2011 under which 20% of the Underground Sewerage line and
and Rs. 1,00,000/- available under additional tax on Value Added Sewerage Treatment project. In
PMAY for urban areas, apart Tax (VAT) collected under the this project, the debt is serviced
from the loan from HUDCO as provisions of Punjab VAT Act, by revenues generated from
viability gap funding; (iv) a loan 2005 to be credited to the Fund Sewage Cess and sale of recycled
assistance of Rs.1500 crore under equivalent to Rs. 220 crore every water. Deficit, if any, will be met
the cash loan scheme to the Uttar year, for a period of 10 years. from identified revenue stream
Pradesh Rural Housing Board Under a second model of Water (Property Tax & Local Body Tax)
for construction of 60,000 houses Supply Schemes of Different with 150% of repayment amount
for SC/ST/OBCs Households in Cities/Towns in the State of as pass through revenue. The
rural areas of the State, in the Punjab with a HUDCO loan of Debt Reserve Fund (DRF) is
name of ‘Lohia Housing Scheme’ Rs. 2,000 crore, a special State established for timely repayment
where the innovative features of level Act – Punjab Municipal of loans.
this Beneficiary-led construction Fund Act, 2006 (PMF) was
model include the convergence introduced under which about INTERNATIONAL
of this Lohia Housing with other 10% of the VAT collected kept in & NATIONAL
Schemes such as Nirmal Bharat a separate fund of Rs. 550 crore RECOGNITION
& MNREGA for provision of every year to service the debt;
In recognition of HUDCO’s
sanitation and quality living; and
(ii) Madhya Pradesh Model of impressive and lasting
Solar lighting system through
innovative model of financing contribution towards low
additional grant of Rs.30,000
urban development project for income housing and use of
per DU provided by the State
water supply in selected Urban cost-effective technologies and
Local Bodies of Madhya Pradesh transfer mechanisms, the United
Apart from the innovative with a HUDCO loan component Nations Centre for Human
housing finance models, of Rs. 1,000 crore. 75% of the Settlement (Currently known
HUDCO has also financed HUDCO loan is served by State as UN-Habitat) accorded the
urban infrastructure projects in Government through Budgetary ‘World Habitat Award Scroll
innovative ways, some of which Provision and remaining 25% of Honour, to HUDCO in 1991.
include: has to be paid by ULBs, collected Growing collaboration with
(i) Punjab Model of innovative through reform measures KFW of Germany, OECF of
financing for Infrastructure such as metering of water of Japan, IHS of the Netherlands,
Provision and improvements all consumers within 1 year the CITYNET are some of the
in ULBs of the State of Punjab, of completion of scheme, and more significant initiatives
in which for repayment appropriate Water Charges for aimed at further intensifying and
of HUDCO loan of Rs.700 recovery of dues and for O & M expanding the role of HUDCO
crore, was done through Tax of scheme; and within the country and beyond
Incremental Financing (TIF) (iii) Aurangabad Model of its frontiers. Nationally, as an
model where there is no burden innovative financing for acknowledgement of HUDCO’s
to the State Government. The Sewerage Treatment Project, sustained outstanding
State Government introduced with HUDCO loan of Rs. 192 performance and profitability,
a special State level Act – crore to Aurangabad City under Government of India conferred
the ‘Miniratna’ status to HUDCO

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 29

Theme Paper

in August 2004. HUDCO is an ISO the government of India as well of Housing & Urban Affairs, GoI,
9001:2015 certified organisation as state and local governments National Council of Applied Economic
Research, April 2014
and it has always been quality for the last glorious 50 years
3. NIUA (2014), Metropolitan Cities
conscious in its endeavors. in serving and building assets
in India, HSMI & HUDCO-Chair
for the nation. HUDCO is fully NIUA Collaborative Research Report,
CONCLUSION committed and geared up 2014
With the pressure of rapid for substantial contribution 4. Planning Commission, Various Five
by addressing the financial year Plan documents, Government of
urbanisation and its consequent India
urban challenges for provision requirements of different
5. Planning Commission (2013), Twelfth
of housing and urban services, it stakeholders for the success Five Year Plan Document, Volume I &
is imperative that the sustained of all the urban missions as II, Govt. of India, 2013
efforts need to be taken by well as state level programmes 6. HUDCO (1996), Corporate Story
all the urban stakeholders in line with its motto of of HUDCO, published in 1996 by
for promoting affordable ‘Profitability with Social Justice’
7. HUDCO (2013), Corporate Plan
housing and sustainable urban for furtherance of affordable
development. Further, as India housing and sustainable urban
8. Census of India, Population and
is a signatory and committed development in India. Housing Statistics for various years,
to implement the SDGs and Registrar general of India, Govt. of
the Habitat III New Urban
9. MoHUPA (2007), National Urban
Agenda with targets to be References Housing & Habitat Policy 2007,
achieved by 2030, this is the 1. IIM Ahmedabad (2000), Impact of Ministry of Housing & Urban
opportune time for India as well Investment in Housing Sector on GDP Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India,
and Employment in Indian Economy, 2007
as HUDCO to make cities and
Study sponsored by HUDCO, Indian 10. MoHUA (2018), National Urban
human settlements inclusive, Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Policy Framework, Ministry of
safe, resilient and sustainable July 2000) Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt. of
by providing affordable and 2. NCAER (2014) Impact of Investments India, 2018
adequate housing and basic in the Housing Sector on GDP and 11. MoHUPA (2012), Report of the
Employment in the Indian Economy, Technical Group on Urban Housing
services for all. In its part,
Study sponsored by DFID & Ministry Shortage for the 12th Plan period,
HUDCO has been an able ally of MoHUPA, Govt. of India, 2012.

HUDCO Welcomes its new Director Finance, Mr. D. Guhan

Mr. D. Guhan assumed the charge of Director (Finance) of HUDCO Limited with effect from December 31, 2019. He has
been associated with our Company since May 1, 1987 initially selected as Trainee Officer (Finance). He has over 32 years of
experience in our Company, having rich experience of working in Corporate and Regional offices
at different capacities in all the sections and departments of Accounts, Finance and heading
the Regional office. He has wide exposure in credit appraisal and financing of Housing and
Infrastructure projects. He has handled multiple assignments including resource mobilization,
hedging of foreign currency exposure, loan accounting, treasury management, compilation &
preparation of balance sheet, investor relations and IPO Management.
Mr. D Guhan is a fellow member of Institute of Cost Accountants of India. He also holds a
Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Honours) from Delhi University, Master’s degree in Commerce
from University of Rajasthan, Post Graduate Diploma with commendation in second position
in the order of merit in Housing, Planning and Building from Institute of Housing and Urban
Development Studies (IHS) Rotterdam,The Netherlands. He was also conferred Honours
Diploma in Network Centred Computing,with Excellent Performance evaluation from National
Institute of InformationTechnology (NIIT).
We wish Mr. D. Guhan all the best as Director (Finance) of HUDCO Ltd.

30 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
My Opinion

Expert Opinion of Mr. M. Nagaraj on

Mr. M Nagaraj, is the Chairman & Managing Director (Additional A critical requirement globally for addressing
Charge) and Director (Corporate Planning) of Housing & Urban
Development Corporation. He is a qualified Cost Accountant &
the challenge of providing housing for all:
Company Secretary and also a certified Banker having qualification Provision of affordable housing is a global
of CAIIB. He holds Post Graduate degree in Management i.e., MBA challenge with about 1 billion people - a seventh
with Specialisation in Finance. He has varied experience of around 30
years in multitude of sectors such as Housing, Infrastructure Finance, of total world population living in slums in 2018
Skill Development & Micro Finance in Social Sector, and International and as per the SDG 11 Synthesis Report of UN-
Trading. He has strong fundamentals in Managerial Capabilities and
e-governance for corporate sector. Prior to joining HUDCO, he was
HABITAT (2018), it could double to 2 billion by
Chairman-cum-Managing Director of PEC Limited (formerly Projects 2030 and 3 billion by 2050, if nothing is done.
and Equipment’s Corporation of India Limited) under the Ministry of Moreover, Asia has the largest number of slum
Commerce and Industry. Prior to that, he was Managing Director in
National Safai Karmacharis Finance and Development Corporation dwellers overall, which is around 554 million. The
(NSKFDC) under the aegis of Ministry of Social Justice and urban population globally has increased to more
Empowerment. Before that, he was Director in IIFCL Projects Limited (a than 50% and countries all over the world are
group company of India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited) and
also General Manager in IIFCL under Ministry of Finance, handling addressing the affordable housing needs under
the Portfolios of Project Finance especially Take-out Finance Scheme of sustainable habitat development. In this context,
IIFCL, Board Secretariat, Vigilance Activities, Business Development,
etc. Excerpts of the interactions of Mr. M. Nagaraj, CMD HUDCO
recent global conventions such as Habitat III
with the Editorial team on wide ranging issues pertaining to affordable New Urban Agenda (NUA) focus on progressive
housing and sustainable urban development. realization of the right to adequate housing as a
component of the right to an adequate standard
of living. India is the second largest urban system
in the world with 377 million people living in
7935 towns and cities in 2011. The decadal slum
growth is at 34% that has resulted in shortage of
18.78 million housing units (2012), characterized
by 95% shortage in EWS and LIG houses. The
Urban population in India was reported at 34.03
% in 2018, according to the World Bank collection
of development indicators. This poses an immense
challenge to provision of adequate housing to all
in urban areas. India is a signatory to the New
Urban Agenda (NUA) of Habitat III, which was
adopted in October 2016 by the UN-Habitat, for
sustainable urbanization. The implementation
of NUA contributes to the implementation and
localization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development in an integrated manner, including
Goal 11 of making cities and human settlements

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 31

My Opinion

inclusive, safe, resilient and policies to achieve the targets PMAY is flagship Mission of
sustainable. Implementation of under different SDGs. The SDG the Government of India for
all these global agendas requires lndia lndex is prepared under bringing urban transformation
huge resources, sensitization, the leadership of NlTl Aayog by providing affordable housing
awareness, apart from capacity partnered with United Nations to the urban poor eligible
building of all stakeholders. to assess the performance of families through the States and
One of the targets of SDGs is State and Union Territories with UTs. This is the biggest housing
to substantially increase the regard to achieving the localized programme in the world in
number of cities and human framework of the Sustainable terms of its scale. A milestone
settlements adopting and Development Goals. Under achievement of the scheme was
implementing integrated policies SDG 1 ‘No Poverty’, access to the sanction of more than 1 crore
and plans towards inclusion, safe housing is a critical part houses in the four year period
resource efficiency, mitigation of essential services, which is from 2015-2019 under 4 housing
and adaptation to climate ensured under the initiative verticals catering all sections of
change, resilience to disasters, “Housing for All by 2022”. the society, especially the poor,
and develop and implement, in Under SDG 5 ‘Gender Equality’, needy and vulnerable sections
line with the Sendai Framework efforts to ensure access to of the society. Under the PMAY
for Disaster Risk Reduction essential services, such as food (Urban) the MoA has been
2015-2030, holistic disaster risk security, primary education signed with 35 Union Territories
management at all levels. and health care, housing, water and States for 4427 Cities which
Localizing SDG framework- and sanitation, are underway include 472 Class I Cities. State
to address challenges affecting Level Nodal Agencies (SLNA)
Linkages of the PMAY scheme women and girls. PMAY has have been established in all
with the contribution of India: made a mandatory provision for these States/ UTs and State Level
The 17 SDGs have 169 indicators the female head of the family to Sanctioning and Monitoring
that comprehensively address all be the owner or co-owner of the Committees (SLSMC) have been
the development issues whether dwelling unit under this mission. formed. 21.93 Lakh Houses have
social, economic, governance Under SDG 11 ‘Sustainable Cities been sanctioned in 100 Smart
or environment related. lndia and communities’ to ensure Cities & 49.87 Lakh Houses in
has been leading discussions on adequate, safe and affordable 487 AMRUT cities. The Hon’ble
critical issues such as poverty, housing and basic services for Prime Minister had expressed his
south-south cooperation and all and upgrade slums by 2022, desire to utilize new cost effective
climate justice, at the global the Government of India has construction techniques for
level. The Ministry of Statistics launched Pradhan Mantri Awas faster and cheaper construction
and Programme lmplementation Yojana- Housing for all in urban of houses. He had also expressed
(MoSPl) is responsible for areas. Housing is at the centre the need for change management
developing and maintaining the of the Sustainable development of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
National lndicator Framework agenda. - Urban (PMAY-U) beneficiaries
(NlF) for monitoring the progress during their life transformation
of the SDGs and associated Prime Minister Awas Yojana
(PMAY)- phase. Taking his vision forward
targets. Statistical indicators of Shri Hardeep S Puri, Hon’ble
NIF help in monitoring of SDGs Progress towards addressing Minister for Housing and Urban
at the national and state level the problem of inadequate Affairs, launched the Global
and providing a feedback of the housing in urban India: The Housing Technology Challenge

32 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
My Opinion

on 2nd March 2019 and world’s largest programme for solar plant. The installation
‘ANGIKAAR’ a campaign for the poor as per a recent report of solar panels on roof tops of
change management for PMAY by NIPFP, focus on investment all housing projects is a huge
(U) beneficiaries on 29th August in housing is paramount since potential for renewable energy
2019. Progress of PMAY(Urban) that impacts 21 sectors of the generation of the PMAY (U).
–has been stupendous with 104.7 economy fuelling employment. Though the funding mechanism
lakh houses sanctioned, 64 lakh The total employment of the PMAY has delivered
houses grounded, 33.5 houses generation through PMAY (U) housing to the EWS and LIG,
completed of which in 15.08 lakh in 2019-2020 is 120 lakh person still more spread can be achieved
houses new technology has been days including direct and through devising innovative
deployed. The total investment indirect, skilled and un-skilled financial mechanisms and
has been Rupees 6.31 lakh labor. The construction sector policy initiatives for achieving
crore and the central assistance adds tremendously to the carbon greater financial inclusion for
released has been Rupees footprint and use of green, reaching the poorest of the
69,585 crore. The numbers of resource efficient materials poor. The most important and
CLSS (Credit Linked Subsidy and technology has a huge potential area of focus for PMAY
Scheme) beneficiaries are more potential for sustainable urban is the provision of security of
than 8 lakh and many more development. The growing tenure to the homeless, women
applications are under process. built up spaces being added empowerment, better quality of
To resolve the grievances of the to urban areas offer challenges life for the urban poor, affordable
public, which are mostly related and potential to the architects cities with adequate physical
to status of their application, and planners for optimizing and social infrastructure.
the government has launched design and planning for
Real Estate Sector- forward and
CLSS Awas Portal (CLAP) on culturally sensitive and climate
backward linkages, which can
25th November 2019. The portal responsive development. The
boost the Indian Economy
has been designed, developed convergence of the PMAY (U)
and implemented by MoHUA Mission with AMRUT, HRIDAY, The real estate market faces
in consultation with NIC and SCM, SBM and NULM has the many Land, Governance,
CNAs. It is a transparent and potential for enormous urban Finance and Developer &
robust Real-time web based transformation, thus justifying Construction related current
system, with application the financial investment of Rs. challenges of real estate housing.
status tracking and real time 6.31 lakh crore under PMAY(U). The Indian real estate sector
data integration amongst all To position itself in the list of is expected to contribute 13
stakeholders. It has increased Developed Nations India is percent to the country’s gross
standardisation in process striving towards its goal of 5 domestic product (GDP) by
through a uniform system for all trillion dollar economy by 2025 2025 as predicted by subject
CNAs. Moreover 30 Lakh BLC and the real estate sector is a experts. It is very important that
houses have been geo-tagged major growth driver. India is the consumers and developers
using Bhuvan Mobile App and now investing more in solar are aware of their rights and
1,100 AHP/ISSR projects geo- energy than coal thus leveraging provisions of the Act. The real
tagged using the NIC Mobile the power of renewables. India’s estate agents are an interface
App. renewable energy capacity has between the homebuyers and
doubled in less than 3 years and developers; they are required
Potential areas of focus: For
it has built the world’s largest to register themselves with
the PMAY- a Mission that is the

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 33

My Opinion

RERA since their role is vital now there is also a realization which varies across the regions
in bringing transparency. Real among the developers that they and states in India. Out of about a
estate is a growth engine for and their every project has to be hundred million, total intra-state
development and stimulator registered with the Regulators and inter-state migrants in the
of the economy of over 250 under the RERA. This is a country during the last decade
ancillary industries. Most significant paradigm shift in the of twentieth century, 61 million
importantly, Real estate growth real estate sector. have moved to rural areas
gives boost to construction, steel and 36 million to urban areas.
Innovative schemes - Rental
and cement sectors. RERA, the There is not only wide scope for
Housing for providing
Real Estate (Regulation and Rental Housing filling gaps in
affordable housing in India
Development) Act, 2016 was the affordable housing but also
notified on May 1, 2016 and The Ministry of Housing & opportunity for Institutions like
went into effect from May 1, Urban Affairs, Government of HUDCO to spread and diversify
2017. It is a landmark legislation, India has drafted a National its business to other areas like
which is designed to regulate Urban Rental Housing Policy affordable Rental Housing for
and reform the real estate sector. -2018 which aims at facilitating different target groups .
The aim of the legislation is to provision of 3 types of rental
housing options: Social Rental HUDCO’s involvement-
ensure and encourage greater
transparency, citizen centricity, Housing, Need-based Rental Contribution and future
accountability and financial Housing; and Market-based roadmap for improving the
discipline in the real estate sector. Rental Housing. The draft housing sector in the country:
It is a requirement of the Act to Policy envisages a large market The history of housing and
collect amount from buyers and for the Rental Housing within urban development in India is
deposit 70 percent in an escrow affordable housing segments, closely linked with the history
bank account for construction especially for need-based rental of HUDCO. Established in
of that project only. Refund of housing for migrant labourers. 1970 as the wholly owned
amount in case of delay in giving The lockdown imposed by the Government of India enterprise,
possession as per the provisions Indian government to counter the this year HUDCO completed 50
of the sale deed and stringent threat of the Covid -19 pandemic years of its glorious existence
penal provisions against the exposed the vulnerability of and contribution to the nation
promoter in case of any violation the migrant population to building. HUDCO has a vision
of or non-compliance with any disasters- natural, man-made or to promote sustainable habitat
provisions of the Act would biological. The rental housing development to enhance quality
infuse financial discipline in choices of migrants are based on of life and cumulatively has
the real estate sector. All these their economic conditions and provided techno- financial
regulatory mechanisms would education requirements, which assistance to 17,264 numbers
enhance the credibility of the determine their livelihood of multifarious housing and
genuine developers and boost choices leading to relocation infrastructure schemes across
the confidence of the financial from their native villages. Since India having varied scales for
institutions in real estate these migrants may in the proactively providing support
sector and in turn, channelize long-term decide to make the to city level infrastructure
investment into the sector. As of native village the final place of projects as well as social
now, 23 states and UTs have set residence, they stay in rental housing with a special thrust on
up the Real Estate Regulators and accommodation, the nature of providing housing to the weaker

34 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
My Opinion

sections i.e. EWS and LIG. The rehabilitation, landscape and and economic infrastructure.
cumulative loans sanctioned conservation. HUDCO has The pandemic has lead to
from 1970- 2020 are Rs. 2,14,853 taken up significant initiatives economic losses and the impact
crore. HUDCO has supported for post-disaster rehabilitation is still to be ascertained. To
more than 19.35 million houses involving construction of houses bring about a recovery the
in the country, both in rural and and community build ings as requirement of investment
urban areas, out of which 93% well as organization of training would be huge both in housing
have been financed to EWG and programmes for capacity and urban development sector
LIG categories. HUDCO offers augmentation. HUDCO has and HUDCO is geared up for
many products for benefitting been extensively involved in this.
the masses under an extensive design and planning of tourism
Policies and products of
gamut of programmes of urban circuits, greening of cities,
HUDCO for promoting
& rural housing, staff rental rejuvenation of Haridwar Ghats,
affordable housing and
housing, Shelter for Urban Poor, provision of facilities in and
sustainable urban development
Pay and Use Toilets, HUDCO around heritage areas like Ajanta
in the various regions and
Niwas, Land acquisition for caves, Mahabalipuram, Somnath
states: HUDCO has ably
housing. HUDCO is also a temple, Taj Mahal. HUDCO
supported PMAY (U) through
Central Nodal Agency of the has received Prime Ministers
viability gap funding, raising
Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme National Award for “Excellence
extra budgetary resources, etc.
under the PMAY-HfA(U). In the in Urban Planning and Design”,
along with innovative financing
Infrastructure sector, it offers Journal of the Indian Institute
mechanisms that will go a long
support for Integrated Land of Architects (JIIA) Award for
way in achieving the goal of
acquisition and development, Applied Research, Journal of
‘New India 2022’, which aims to
Environmental improvement the Indian Institute of Architects
emerge India as ‘Swachh, Swastha,
of slums, utility infrastructure, (JIIA) Award for Excellence
Shikshit, Sampann, Saksham and
social infrastructure, economic in Architecture, Best Practice
Surakshit by 2022’. HUDCO’s
and commercial infrastructure. Award of UNCHS, Aga Khan
vision is “to be a leading techno–
HUDCO has advocated International Award to name
financial institution promoting
cost effective and alternate a few. HUDCO has through
sustainable Habitat Development
technologies for the built its Research and Training
for transforming the lives of people”
environment through its Wing “Human Settlements
and the Mission is “to promote
building centre movement and Management Institute”
sustainable habitat development
in its Consultancy assignments. infused professionalism and
to enhance the quality of life”.
It has provided Building strengthened capacities for
HUDCO provides housing
Technology support at grass- sustainable development in the
finance for Social housing-
root levels through capacity built environment by providing
EWS&LIG in rural & urban
building, technology transfer a knowledge platform and
areas of the country; Housing for
and funding to Building networking forum for national
MIG &HIG; Rental housing for
Materials industry. HUDCO and international organisations
employees by govt. and public
consultancy has undertaken in the urban sector.
agencies; Land acquisition by
a number of projects in the
HUDCO is poised to play a more govt.& public sector agencies for
areas of cost effective housing,
proactive role in tiding over the housing projects and Individual
environmental improvement,
Pandemic and help the country Housing Loans. HUDCO is a
development plans, post disaster
in putting up a robust healthcare Central Nodal Agency (CNA) for

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 35

My Opinion

channelizing the subsidy under urban services to the vulnerable better connectivity, reduced
CLSS component of PMAY(U) population. Though the elite, emphasis on physical travel,
for providing Housing for All educated and well informed lower need for commercial and
as well as supporting other urbane citizen is quick to adapt office spaces, larger spaces for
3 verticals of PMAY(U) in to the new norms like wearing homes inside and outside are
financing and technical areas. In masks, gloves and following some of the paradigms that shall
2018-2019 HUDCO sanctioned hygienic practices but bringing balance the sensitive equation for
viability gap financing to 2 about a similar behavioral welfare of earth and humanity.
PMAY(U) projects with project and habitual change in the The densification of residential
cost of Rs.2147.48 crore to lower strata requires immense areas may have to be stalled if
Kerala and Andaman & Nicobar mentoring and hand holding not totally reversed by giving
Islands, offering a loan of Rs.1064 efforts. The insightful perception it higher priority and larger
crore for construction of 50,555 offered by this event of Covid-19 chunks of land in the planning
housing units. Upto 31st March, is not lost on our minds that process than the commercial
2019, conducted site inspections have observed the renewal of the spaces that historically took
of 551 Night Shelters under environment and ecosystems the lion’s share on the grounds
Shelter for Urban Homeless brought around by the reduction that these activities earned
component of Deendayal of anthropogenic activities at the better rentals. Similarly the
Antyodaya Yojna-National global scale. The improved air public open space that offers to
Urban Livelihood Mission in quality indices, water quality of the urban population a respite
respect of 20 States/UTs and rivers flowing through urban from the congestion, to the
undertook site inspection and areas, ozone hole reduction, and children a release from their
wildlife proliferation even in
DPR scrutiny of 125 projects, indoor school schedules and
urban areas are a few examples
for construction of 2.06 lakh to the entire society a place
of the rejuvenation witnessed
housing units in 20 states/UTs, for interactions has to be re
by the planet. There is 17%
resulting in fee based income designed for more functionality,
drop in carbon emissions due
of Rs.2.64 crore. Cumulatively better pedestrian access,
to the confinements globally
till December 2019, the total inclusivity and accessibility. The
as reported in an International
housing units sanctioned by crossroads of difficult choices
Study. Now the human race has
HUDCO are 190 lakh units of are often an opportunity for
observed the visible changes in
which 93% are to EWS & LIG i.e. resurrection and a meaningful
nature and faces the challenge to
180.35 lakh units, justifying its dialogue and debate must go on
sustain this improvement in their
raison d’être of Profitability with for the provision of affordable
quality of life while balancing the
social justice. economic activities essential for housing and sustainable urban
survival of even the poorest of development. Predictions,
Conclusion theories of mass upheavals
the poor of us. The Hon’ble PM
Affordable Housing has been Shri Modiji gave a clarion call for and researches on possibility
at the center stage of the urban being “vocal for local” for greater of disastrous pandemics in the
agenda for ensuring a good self reliance in our economy. The future along with the onslaught
quality of life in the inclusive construction sector that is so vital caused by the ongoing
and just cities. In the aftermath for the economy has to take the worldwide contagion are a
of a global disaster the national lead for use of local materials, sentinel of the change, which is
priorities are for the provision technologies, resources and the need of the hour.
of affordable housing and labour. The requirements of

36 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review


This article discusses the state of social more equitable living conditions
PROF. AMITABH KUNDU housing in urban India and assesses for all through four programme
DR. ARJUN KUMAR1 the progress of Pradhan Mantri vertical such as: (i) In-situ Slum
Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U) Redevelopment (ISSR); (ii)
with a focus on its three Centrally Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
Sponsored Scheme (CSS) verticals. (CLSS); (iii) Affordable Housing
These are In-situ Slum Redevelopment
The results of the in Partnership (AHP); and (iv)
(ISSR), Affordable Housing in Beneficiary-led Construction or
present analysis suggest
Partnership (AHP) and Beneficiary-led enhancement (BLC). The CLSS
the urgent need for the Construction or enhancement (BLC).
implementing agencies is the central sector scheme
It attempts to quantify the benefits
to address the issue whereas the other three are
and costs of these three CSS program
under the centrally sponsored
of slow progress in verticals under PMAY-U for selected
scheme (CSS) for social housing.
slum redevelopment large cities of India and compare their
The different categories of
programme, wherein relative advantages, by computing
beneficiaries under PMAY-U
the benefits per rupee their benefit-cost ratios (BCRs), using
alternate rates of discount. Based on
include economically weaker
of investment are much section (EWS) household with
these, certain recommendations for the
higher than the other income upto Rs. 3 lakh and
social housing sector in urban India and
two CSS verticals under for PMAY-U have been made to achieve housing unit size of 30 sqm;
PMAY-U. the goals of ‘Housing for All’ by 2022. and lower income groups (LIG)
household with income from Rs.
INTRODUCTION 3-6 lakh and housing unit size of
60 sqm. However, the States/UTs
The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
have the flexibility to redefine the
(PMAY)-Housing for All (Urban)
annual income and house size
Mission, was launched by the
criteria as per local needs. For
Government of India in June
the CLSS vertical of PMAY-U,
Key Words: PMAY-U, Affordable, 2015 with a mission to provide
the benefits have been extended
Slum Redevelopment, CLSS, AHP, Housing for All by 2022, the
subsequently to middle income
BLL. year when the Nation completes
groups (MIG) whereby MIG-I &
Prof. Amitabh Kundu (amitabh.kundu@ 75 years of its Independence.
MIG-II are categorized as having is Distinguished Fellow, The Mission, launched by the
Research and Information System for annual household income slabs
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi. of Rs. 6-12 lakh and Rs. 12-18
Dr. Arjun Kumar (arjun@impriindia. seeks to address the housing
lakh respectively. A technology
org) is Director, Impact and Policy requirements of all sections of
sub-mission under the Mission
Research Institute (IMPRI), New Delhi urban poor including homeless
& China-India Visiting Scholars Fellow, has also been devised to
population, slum dwellers for
Ashoka University. promote cost effective and 37

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 37

Policy Review

modern building materials and construction/enhancement and High-Powered Expert

consrtruction technologies. (BLC) - Poor households Committee’s (HPEC) Report
having legal land entitlement, on Indian Urban Infrastructure
BENEFIT COST can construct/extend their and Services, 2011, Housing
ANALYSIS OF THE houses as per sanctioned and Urban Development
VERTICALS UNDER plan, and claim a central Corporation (HUDCO),
THE CENTRALLY government subsidy of Rs.1.5 National Buildings Organisation
SPONSORED lakh. (NBO), National Buildings
HOUSING SCHEME This article attempts to quantify Construction Corporation
the benefits and costs of the (NBCC), Construction Industry
The key characteristics of the CSS Development Council (CIDC),
aforementioned CSS program
verticals i.e. ISSR, AHP and BLC Circle rates, Management
interventions for urban poor
under PMAY-U are described Information System (MIS)
and compare their relative
below: data from Mission Directorate
advantages. For this purpose,
1. In-situ Redevelopment of it computes their benefit-cost PMAY-U, among others.
existing slum dwellers using ratios (BCRs) for select large Some parameters have been
land as a resource through cities of India, using alternate determined in consultation with
private participation (ISSR) rates of discount. These the officials of various public
– This is undertaken by a verticals envisage differential agencies, select subject experts,
public agency jointly with levels of engagement by the functionaries in concerned civil
private developers using public agencies. While ISSR society organisations and other
land as a resource. The is operationalised through stakeholders engaged in slums,
engagement of the slum public-private partnership and social and affordable housing
community is encouraged community engagement, BLC projects at ground level.
under this vertical. The central and AHP are led by individual More specifically, the housing
government subsidy is Rs. 1 beneficiary and private prices used in this study is
lakh along with certain other developers respectively. The sourced from RESIDEX of the
benefits given to developers benefits and costs are estimated NHB. The assessment prices for
such as extra Floor Area Ratio based on the guidelines and Q1 2017-18, reported in June
(FAR). operational procedures under 2017 for 50 select large cities
2. Affordable Housing in the respective verticals (Kundu are considered. To deal with
Partnership (AHP) - Projects2 & Kumar, 2018 a; Kundu & the problem of extreme cases
are to be undertaken in Kumar, 2018 b). or outliers, 5 cities out of these
partnership with public Officially available information 50 cities are excluded, bringing
and private sectors, with 35 have been used for computation the number of large cities to 45
percent of the houses within of benefits and costs, sourced in order to arrive at the all-India
the project reserved for the from National Housing Bank house prices. Prices are available
poor. The central government (NHB) RESIDEX, Census of in Rs. per sq. ft. for carpet area
subsidy is Rs. 1.5 lakh with India 2011, National Sample for houses with less than 60 sq.
some additional benefits to Survey 60th and 71st round, mt. (applicable for EWS and
private developers. Labour Bureau, Ministry of LIG houses under PMAY-U). To
Subsidy for Beneficiary- Urban Development (MoUD) arrive at the average house price
led individual house Reports on Minimum Standards in large cities at national level
and Service Level Benchmarking from these 45 cities, weights

38 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

are given to cities as per their and 8%. at market price, household
respective population, obtained • Benefits stream taken under health, employment
from the population Census of different verticals are value opportunities and re-utilisable
2011. of a planned ownership building material, whereas
Distinctive Features of Benefit dwelling unit at market the costs are construction
Cost Analysis3 used in the study: price, household health, of the dwelling unit, of
employment opportunities, the internal and external
• Costs and benefits are infrastructure, community
re-utilisable building
calculated on a per house mobilisation, project
material, and benefits to
basis for urban poor, under management and completion
the builder. The sum total
each vertical for large cities of procedures, and provision
of benefits stream accruing
of India. Size of the dwelling of transit accommodation and
to a resident household
unit is taken to be 300 sq. rehabilitation. Land cost is
is considered equivalent
ft. The time required for not included, as it will be an
to the value of a planned
construction of a house is in-situ development.
dwelling unit at market price.
assumed to be 1.5 years. This
Additional benefits would • The benefits that have been
time period would be realistic
accrue to the poor households considered under AHP are:
only if the concerned agencies
in terms of savings in health value of a planned ownership
implement the projects with
care, improved employment dwelling unit at market price
a sense of urgency, and is
opportunities that are not and benefits to the builder.
backed up by political will (as
reflected in the housing Costs include that of land,
envisaged under the Mission),
prices in the market. construction of the dwelling
which could lead to a further
Furthermore, those shifting unit, internal and external
reduction in the time taken.
from an unauthorised slum infrastructure, community
Aided by modern technology,
or squatter settlement would mobilisation, project
it is even possible to construct
realise the benefits of re- management and completion
a house in six months, with
utilisable building materials. of procedures.
the caveat of the complexities
Finally, under AHP, a builder • The benefits that have been
in the Indian institutional and
would realise a margin of considered under BLC are:
bureaucratic structures.
profit. value of a planned ownership
• The unit costs are taken
• Costs would include: land, dwelling unit at market
from projects that involve
construction of the dwelling price and costs include:
building average number of
unit, internal and external costs of land, construction
units where efficiency level is
infrastructure, community of the dwelling unit, internal
reached and not stand-alone
mobilisation, project infrastructure, community
units. Estimation of benefits
management and completion mobilisation, project
have been computed taking
of procedures, and provision management and completion
time horizon of 10 years after
of transit accommodation and of procedures.
house possession.
rehabilitation. The benefit-cost analysis carried
• The net present value (NPV)
• The benefits that have been out for the three verticals in
of the stream of benefits and
considered under ISSR large cities of India reveals that
costs have been worked out
include: value of a planned AHP enjoys a distinct advantage
after discounting by different
ownership dwelling unit over BLC in terms of the BCRs
rates of interest viz. 3%, 5%

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 39

Policy Review

(Table 1). Similarly, the ISSR Table 2 Vertical wise Summary of BCRs for Large Cities in Andhra Pradesh (Vijayawada)
has BCRs, significantly above Interventions Benefit Cost BCR
the other two. The figures for BLC 12.63 10.02 1.26
ISSR work out to be slightly
AHP 11.83 7.23 1.64
more than double of BLC. This
ISSR 10.74 4.34 2.48
implies that any resource re-
allocation from BLC to AHP Table 3 Vertical wise Summary of BCRs for Large Cities in Rajasthan (Jaipur)
would result in greater net social
Interventions Benefit Cost BCR
benefit. Understandably, if ISSR
BLC 9.95 8.32 1.20
is accorded a greater priority
(which we recommend) the AHP 9.49 6.39 1.49
benefits to the society would be ISSR 8.92 4.05 2.20
manifold as compared to BLC Notes: All figures assume a 5% discount rate. Benefits and Costs are in Lakh (hundred
and AHP. thousand) Rupees.
Similar results were also found PMAY-U (submitted by each
The quality of evidence for this
while performing the BCR city) (Ministry of Housing and
study is quite strong. It uses data
exercise for large cities in Andhra Urban Affairs (MoHUA), 2018).
from credible formal secondary
Pradesh (Vijayawada) and Out of this, the MoHUA has
sources, official information
Rajasthan (Jaipur) respectively finalised the validated demand
generated and gathered through
(Tables 2 and 3). for about 120 lakh units. It
a system of cross-validation,
must be pointed out here that
and intensive discussion with
PMAY-U: PROGRESS a comprehensive information
a variety of stakeholders. The
AND ASSESSMENT about this demand survey
sensitivity analysis carried
As on January 1, 2018, the highlighting the disaggregation
out shows that the rankings of
demand survey for housing in by program verticals, city, state,
the three interventions do not
urban India recorded 168.4 lakh profile of beneficiaries, etc.
change with the adoption of
housing needs as evidenced are not available in the public
different rates of interest for
from the MIS database of domain, which could foster
detailed policy analysis.
Table 1 Vertical wise Summary of BCRs for Large Cities in India The houses sanctioned during
Intervention Discount Rate Benefit Cost BCR 2015-2020 has demonstrated
(%) exponential growth as well as
BLC 3 14.00 10.59 1.32 compounded development as
5 13.59 10.56 1.29 per the planning of phase-wise
implementation of the mission
8 13.01 10.51 1.24
harnessing scale. Moreover,
AHP 3 13.06 7.47 1.75
the progress towards achieving
5 12.68 7.42 1.71 the revised target has been
8 12.14 7.35 1.65 phenomenal, especially in the
ISSR 3 11.91 4.40 2.70 recent years.
5 11.47 4.36 2.63
The monitoring of progress
8 10.87 4.30 2.53 report from Mission Directorate
Notes: All Benefits and Costs are in Lakh Indian Rupees. of PMAY-U4 provides some
Source: Author’s Calculation.

40 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

information across program towards AHP, too, has not seriousness in achieving overall
verticals for analysis, as on been satisfactory because of targets for housing shortage
February, 2020. As per the report, the low level of participation owing to human, social, economic
4302 cities have been included in of the private sector and their and political considerations.
the PMAY-U4, with a total of 469 reluctance to adhere to various The total benefit accruing to the
Class-I cities. Around 103 lakh stipulations, as envisaged under country attributable to PMAY-U
houses have been sanctioned, the Mission. would, however, depend not
of which- 32 lakh is completed, The Mission also notes that at just on the total number of units
60 lakh houses grounded for the slum decadal growth rate constructed but on the nature of
construction, 15 lakh houses of 34%, the slum households the verticals through which this
using new technologies, since are projected to go upto 18 is achieved.
the launch of the mission (June million and 2 million non- The total investment (as on
2015 onwards). It demonstrates slum urban poor households February 2020) in projects stands
significant acceleration in are proposed to be covered at around Rs. 6.2 lakh crore, and
sanctions of houses, especially under the Mission6. Hence, total the central assistance sanctioned
on the account of BLC and AHP housing shortage envisaged to is around Rs. 1.65 lakh crore7.
verticals. be addressed through the new The budget estimate allocation
Across verticals, the houses mission is 20 million. With only of PMAY-U have also been
sanctioned under ISSR, BLC, about 4.6 lakh houses sanctioned allocated accordingly (and for
AHP and CLSS are 4.6, 62, 28, 8.2 so far, the ISSR vertical has FY 2020 stands at around Rs.
lakh respectively. The average clearly not kicked off at a pace 7000 crore) and the Affordable
cost of per house sanctioned that was expected. This has been Housing Fund under the NHB
under the mission is around attributed to the problems related (announced in the budget 2018-
Rs. 5.4 lakh. It comes out to be to legislative and administrative 19) is raising Rs. 25,000 crore
Rs. 3.6, 7.4, 6.245 and 10.7 lakh difficulties in providing land in extra budgetary resources
for BLC, AHP, ISSR and CLSS, title to slum dwellers, private (outside general budget) for the
respectively (MoHUA, 2018). sector participation, civil society implementation of PMAY-U.
It is also interesting to note that involvement, the absence of
The MoHUA has also taken
the importance given to the four agencies coordination dealing
several measures for social and
verticals designed under the with land and such projects at
affordable housing industry:
Mission, has undergone changes city and state levels, etc.
under the Goods and Services
in the process of implementation. The central assistance involved Tax (GST) (the effective rate
Remarkably, BLC has made in the mission verticals per being 1% for affordable
significant progress because the house are highest for CLSS (upto housing and 5% for other than
public institutions have found it Rs. 2.67 lakh), followed by BLC affordable housing), Real Estate
easier to deal with households (Rs. 1.5 Lakh), AHP (Rs. 1.5 (Regulation and Development)
with access to land for providing Lakh), and lowest for ISSR (Rs. 1 Act, 2016 (RERA8), draft National
housing assistance. The success lakh). This reiterates the need for Urban Policy Framework, draft
has been modest in CLSS due dedicated planning to tackle the National Urban Rental Housing
to lack of affordability among urban housing scenario among Policy, dedicated Affordable
the poor as well as middle various verticals and prioritising Housing Fund for financing
class to repay even the heavily them. the mission, geo-tagging,
subsidised loans. The progress The government has showcased discussions of utilising vacant

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 41

Policy Review

government lands and buildings authorities at the central greater focus is also required in
for housing the urban poor, etc., and state level must take the area of providing affordable
launch of the Global Housing immediate steps in upscaling and adequate planned non-
Construction Technology the interventions with regard ownership (rental) housing,
Challenge, Housing for All to slums redevelopment. The workers housing, hostels,
Knowledge Lab9, Draft Model states must examine the hurdles dormitories and so on, especially
Tenancy Act 201910, PMAY being encountered in the slum for migrant and marginalised
Urban Gurukul - Knowledge redevelopment projects and take families and citizens in cities.
Lab11, Compilation of Success appropriate steps to overcome
The vertical-wise trends under
Stories and Best Practices12, the legislative hindrances and
PMAY-U which suggests high
incentivizing and promoting bureaucratic delays, proactively
sanctioning of BLC and slow
good initiatives and practices by facilitate such projects, as well
progress under ISSR, reveals an
the local bodies, etc. as increase the subsidy amount
opposite picture to the findings
provided, which is abysmally
from the benefit cost analysis,
CONCLUDING low under the ISSR vertical.
where ISSR has highest return
REMARKS Failure to do this would only
followed by AHP and BLC.
lead to a continuation of serious
The results of the present These suggest that there is an
deprivation of slum dwellers
analysis suggest the urgent need urgent necessity to reprioritise
and serious deficit in achieving
for the implementing agencies the verticals in order to maximise
Sustainable Development Goals
to address the issue of slow their impact in terms of social
(SDGs). This would also imply
progress in slum redevelopment well-being in the area of urban
large slum land being put to
programme, wherein the benefits housing.
suboptimal utilisation, thereby
per rupee of investment are Overall, the houses sanctioned
leading to huge social costs.
much higher than the other two (103 lakh out of target 120
CSS verticals under PMAY-U. It would also be important to
lakh) during 2015-2020 (till
The goal for the government examine the factors responsible
February 2020) demonstrates
must, therefore, be not just for slow progress in affordable
unprecedented exponential
meeting the overall target of housing projects. We suggest a
growth as well as compounded
housing shortage but also ensure pro-poor thrust in this vertical
development as per the planning
that the programmes under ISSR and a reservation of over
of phase wise implementation
and AHP are streamlined, and 35% of houses for the poor
of the Mission, harnessing
the bottlenecks at ground level in AHP projects. This would
scale and technology. This pace
are resolved urgently. ISSR ensure higher social return
and scale would be one of the
must have the top priority in the than building houses for the
best examples in the world
Mission, because of the enormity households having title to land
in terms of any large public
of the benefits accruing to the under BLC. Finally, given the
program in general and social
society under this, as compared fact that housing poverty in
housing in particular. The
to BLC and AHP. India is largely because of the
complex and challenging issues,
congestion factor (married
While the upsurge in house across the globe, pertaining to
couple sharing room with an
construction activities is redevelopment of slums and
adult family member), the thrust
welcome, it would be important unplanned settlements (eg. land,
of BLC ought to be on expansion
to monitor the composition of community mobilization, private
or addition of room rather than
the verticals. The concerned sector participation, gestation
constructing a new house. A

42 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

period, project finances, Kundu, Amitabh (2014), Exclusionary UN-Habitat (2015), Housing at the
identification of beneficiaries) Growth, Poverty and India’s Centre of the New Urban Agenda,
Emerging Urban Structure, Social Nairobi: United Nations Human
require thrust from all the Change, 44(4), pp. 541–566.g Settlements Programme, Housing
stakeholders and acted upon. & Slum upgrading Branch,October,
Kundu, Amitabh & Arjun Kumar
For this, the active role of state 2015.
(2017), Housing for the Urban Poor?
government and urban local Changes in Credit-linked Subsidy, Lomborg, Bjorn & ManoramaBakshi
bodies as well as communities Economic & Political Weekly, 52(52), (2018), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana:
is of paramount importance, pp.105-110. The arithmetics of housing for
learning from the best practices all, in ET Commentary, Economic
Kundu, Amitabh & Arjun Kumar
Times, June 3, 2018 (https://blogs.
and bad experiences. PMAY-U (2018 a), Cost-benefit analysis of
along with Government of India’s housing vertical interventions for
urban poor in large cities of Rajasthan,
flagship schemes would be Rajasthan Priorities, An India
gamechanger for the achievement for-all/).
Consensus Prioritization Project,
of SDGs in the world, which is Copenhagen Consensus Center Housing and Land Rights Network
inherent in the vision of New (https://www.copenhagenconsensus. (2016), Housing and Land Rights in
com/sites/default/files/raj_social_ India: Status Report for Habitat III,
India. Understandably, the pace
housing_formatted_sm.pdf). New Delhi: Housing and Land Rights
and performance of the PMAY- Network, 2016.
Kundu, Amitabh & Arjun Kumar (2018
Housing for All (Urban) Mission
b), Cost-benefit analysis of housing Tiwari, Piyush & J. Rao (2016),
and its impact sets the stage for vertical interventions for urban poor Housing Markets and Housing
achieveing the goal of $ 5 trillion in large cities of Andhra Pradesh, Policies in India, ADBI Working Paper
economy and providing ease of Andhra Pradesh Priorities, An India 565, Tokyo: Asian Development Bank
living to each citizens in Indian Consensus Prioritization Project, Institute, 2016 (
Copenhagen Consensus Center publications/housing-markets-and-
cities. (https://www.copenhagenconsensus. housing-policies-india/).
JLL & ICC (2016), Affordable Housing
REFERENCES in India: Key Initiatives for Inclusive
Kumar, Arjun (2016), India’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Housing for All. Jones Lang LaSalle
Residential Rental Housing, Affairs (2018), Monitoring of Progress (JLL), Indian Chamber of Commerce
Economic & Political Weekly, 51(24), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (ICC), February, 2016 (http://www.
pp. 112-120. (Urban), Mission Directorate, PMAY
(U), DRMC-MoHUA, JS & MD (HfA), india/Affordable-Housing-ICC.pdf).
Kundu, Amitabh (2011), Politics New Delhi: Ministry of Housing and
and Economics of Urban Growth, Ministry of Housing and Urban
Urban Affairs, Government of India,
Economic and Political Weekly, Poverty Alleviation (2016), India
January 2018.
46(20): pp. 10-12. Habitat III National Report 2016, New
Patel, Shirish B. (2016), Housing for Delhi: Ministry of Housing and Urban
Kundu, Amitabh (2013), Making All by 2022: Assignment Delivered, Poverty Alleviation, Government of
Indian Cities Slum-Free: Vision and Accountability Nil, Economic& India (
Operationalisation, Economic & Political Weekly, 51(10), pp. 38-42. uploads/Habitat-III_India-National-
Political Weekly, 48(17), pp. 15-18. Report.pdf).

Authors would like to thank the India Consensus Prioritization Project under Copenhagen Consensus Centre and Tata Trusts for sanctioning this research
work. The authors also thank the eminent panel members and other participating experts for their kind comments at the presentation of this work at Jaipur
and Vijayawada, and Bibek Debroy, Rajiv Kumar, Vivek Bhandari, P C Mohanan, Darshini Mahadevia, M Dinesh Kumar, Kuldeep Singh among others. We would
also like to acknowledge kind guidance and support from Dr. Akshaya K Sen.
Under AHP, eight PPP options, including six for promoting affordable housing with private investments using government lands have been suggested by the

Full research paper is available on ( or https://www.copenhagenconsensus.
com/sites/default/files/ap_social_housing_formatted_sm.pdf and or

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 43

Policy Review

Excluding Jharkhand figures, which was exhorbitantly high and subject to some error.

International Training Programme for Overseas Professionals on

“Formal Solutions to Informal Settlements” from 4th November 2019
to 13th December 2019
The Human Settlements Manager (Projects) and Ms. Pooja also the Minto Hall. The participants
Mangement Institute (HSMI), the Nandy, Deputy General Manager also visited the Habibganj railway
Research and Training Wing of (Projects) & course coordinator. station under PPP project of IRSDC.
Housing and Urban Development They also saw the cultural and tribal
The programme addressed key
Corporation (HUDCO) has heritage of India and MP during the
issues in housing the poor under
conducted 43 training programmes visit.
six modules Introduction to
under ITEC in which about 950
Urbanization, New Urban Agenda Figure 2: Houses under PMAY- Bhopal
participants from more than
& SDGs; The Formal City vs. the
75 partner countries have been
informal city, GoI Policy and
successfully trained in the field of
Programmes; Land use Regulations
Housing and Urban Management.
& growth of informal settlements;
Human Settlements Mangement Options for In-situ development and
Institute (HSMI), organised relocation of informal settlements;
the 41st Training Programme Urban livelihood options and
“Formal Solutions to Informal Government schemes; and Urban
Settlements” from 4th November governance and financing.
2019 to 13th December 2019 of
The technical outstation visit to Figure 3: Control and Command
six weeks duration. The training
Bhopal showcased the diverse Center, Smart City
programme was sponsored by the
sectors under GoI missions
Ministry of External Affairs (MEA)
including a presentation and
under ITEC. The programme was
site visit to PMAY affordable
inaugurated on 6th November
housing site at Kokta, Transport
2019, by CMD HUDCO in the
nagar. The participants visited the
presence of Dr S. K Gupta, EDT;
Bhopal Municipal corporation, its
Shri Surendra Singhai, General
command and control centre and
Figure 1: Group Photo- Formal Solutions to Informal Settlements 2019

44 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review


-Insights of National Rurban Mission

Many countries have started According to the 2011 Census of

AR. JAWALE MADHURI realizing that managing the rural India, 68.84% of total population
VASUDEV environment is a strong way to help lives in 640,867 villages, the size
MS. RITU SINGHAI them to grow their economy in a better of which varies considerably.
way. The rural sector is important 236,004 Indian villages have a
National Rurban Mission for the society as it generates the population of fewer than 500,
has been designed to be growth and development of the while 3,976 villages have a
one of its kind wherein civilizations to sustain and achieve population of 10,000 plus. The
proper infrastructure is human goals for better survival. Report on Housing Conditions
the main focus along with The socio-economic disparities and Amenities in India, 2008-09
developing new socio between rural and urban areas are by the National Sample Survey
economic system for widening and creating tremendous Office (NSSO) reveals that just
sustainable development pressure on the social and economic 18% households in rural India
which could result in fabric of many developing Asian have access to basic amenities
viable growth centers economies. It is very important to such as drinking water and
of rural economy. The improve the rural and agriculture electricity. Further, the social
success of the Mission sector, as a country like India is groups – STs (75%), SCs (76%)
mostly depends on the mainly dependant on agriculture. and OBCs (69%) (Census of
state as to how it manages One policy that is currently India, 2011)– in rural areas don’t
the district and cluster addressing this disparity is the have sanitation facility in their
management units under National Rurban Mission, which households. Bathroom facility
it. aims to improve infrastructure and was not available to nearly 64%
service provision, facilitate regional of the rural households. Further,
development and attract investment nearly 65% rural households had
in rural areas. This paper tries to no latrine facility as against 11%
study in detail National Rurban for their urban counterparts. The
Mission with respect to PURA government survey highlights
(Provision of Urban Amenities that only 30% of rural population
in Rural Areas). Also the study had access to safe drinking water
Keywords: National Rurban Mission,
focused on various other schemes and 55% depend on tube wells
Rural Development, PURA, NRLM.
and their comparison with National or hand pumps to meet their
Ar. Jawale Madhuri Vasudev Rurban Mission. drinking water requirements. In
( and Ms. Ritu fact, 15% of rural people were still
Singhai (
are Young Professional Consultants, INTRODUCTION looking for dependable source
SPMRM, Panchayat & Rural of water. The rate of poverty is
“The soul of India lives in its
Development Department, Govt. of another aggregate which reflects
Madhya Pradesh, India. villages” -M. K. Gandhi 45

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 45

Policy Review

the prevailing conditions of poor Rural development is one of the India. The fund sharing pattern
livelihood scenario and lack of processes leading to sustainable of PMGSY has been made in
basic amenities in the rural areas. improvement in the quality of the ratio of 60:40 between the
The SCs/STs, who constitute the life of rural people, especially the Centre and States for all States,
bottom layer of the pyramid, poor (Ramesh, 2012). The rural except for 8 North Eastern and 3
remain backward in economic developmental programmes Himalayan States for which it is
and social development and intend to reduce the poverty and 90:10 (MoRD, 2019).
vulnerable to various forms of unemployment, to improve the
National Rural Livelihoods
discrimination including in areas health and educational status
Mission 2011(NRLM) was
such as education, healthcare and to fulfill the basic needs such
launched for self-employment
and social security measures. as food, shelter and clothing of
and skill development, which
There are various such push the rural population. The main
was later renamed as Deen Dayal
and pull factors responsible aim of all these schemes is to
Antodaya Yojana- National
for migration. Push factors in reduce the gap between rural and
Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-
rural areas include: poverty, urban people which would help
NRLM) in 2014. The objective of
unemployment, low and reduce imbalances and speed
DAY-NRLM is to organize the
uncertain wages, uneconomic up the development process.
rural poor women into Self Help
landholdings and lack of Some of the major programmes
Groups (SHGs) and continuously
facilities for education, health, being operated by the Ministry
encourage and support them till
recreation and other services. of Rural Development in rural
they attain significant increase
Pull factors of the urban areas areas include the following:
in incomes over a period of time
include: better employment, Mahatma Gandhi National and improve their quality of life
regular and higher wages, Rural Employment Guarantee and come out of poverty. There
fixed working hours, better Act 2005 (MGNREGA) for are also provision for Interest
amenities of living, facilities of providing wage employment. Subvention to women SHGs
education, health and socio- It provides enhancement of to avail loans upto 3.00 lakh
cultural activities. It is necessary livelihood security of households from banks at an interest rate
to provide basic amenities and in rural areas of the country. of 7 percent per annum (MoRD,
facilities in rural areas which are It gives at least 100 days of 2014).
similar to those in urban areas guaranteed wage employment
for better rural development to Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-
in every financial year to every
control the migration from rural Gramin (PMAY-G): To realize
to urban areas. the goal of Housing for All
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak by 2022, the Government is
RURAL Yojana 2000 (PMGSY) was implementing the Pradhan
DEVELOPMENT launched as a fully funded Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin
AND ITS VARIOUS Centrally Sponsored Scheme. (PMAY G) from 1st April, 2016.
PROGRAMMES Provision under this scheme Under PMAY-G, 1.00 crore pucca
is to provide all weather road houses were to be constructed
Rural development is the connectivity to all eligible in rural areas of the country by
backbone for any country’s unconnected habitation in the March, 2019. The Cabinet had
economic development and it rural areas of the country. This considered 2.95 crore households
helps the economy to grow and project has constructed a total with housing deprivation under
sustain as well as improves the of 4,53,367 km roads all over in PMAY G and given mandate for
quality of life of rural people .

46 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

construction of 1.0 crore houses rural population, especially the The budgetary allocation in
over a period of three years from vulnerable groups. The thrust last 2 years for some of the
2016-17 to 2018-19 in first phase of the mission is on instituting key programmes of rural
with financial implication of a fully functional, community development is given in Table 1.
Rs. 81975 crore (MoRD, 2019). owned, decentralized health
Remaining 1.95 crore households delivery system with inter- PROVISION OF URBAN
will be covered in the next three sectoral convergence at all levels, AMENITIES IN RURAL
years, i.e. 2019- 20 to 2021-22 to ensure simultaneous action on AREAS (PURA)
(MoRD, 2016). a wide range of determinants of
PURA was a scheme initiated by
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya health such as water, sanitation,
Ministry of Rural Development
Grameen Kaushalya Yojana education, nutrition, social and
(MoRD), Government of India
(DDU GKY) is placement linked gender equality (NRHM, 2005).
(GoI) intended to provide
skill development scheme for Swachha Bharat Mission 2014 quality infrastructure, giving
rural poor youth under NRLM. was launched to accelerate the urban like amenities and
The scheme has been aligned efforts to achieve universal services and building livelihood
with the Common Norms for Skill sanitation coverage and to put opportunities in rural areas so
Development schemes. Even focus on sanitation, both in rural as to reduce migration of people
though DDU GKY is applicable and urban areas. The urban to urban spaces due to lack of
in all the States of the country, component is being implemented such basic requirements in the
as a result of wider awareness by the Ministry of Housing & rural areas. It was first initiated
and demand for implementation Urban Affairs (MoHUA), while in a pilot phase for three years
of DDU GKY projects State led the rural component is being from 2004-05 to 2006-07 with a
implementation of DDU GKY implemented by the Ministry total budget of Rs. 30 Crore from
has expanded into 28 states of Drinking Water & Sanitation the Planning Commission and
(MoRD, 2014). (MoDWS). The main purpose seven clusters were selected in
Start up Village of the Mission was to achieve seven states, with a budget of
Entrepreneurship Programme a Swachh Bharat by 2019, as Rs. 4 crore - 5 crore per cluster.
(SVEP) support Self Help Group a fitting tribute to Mahatma The identified agencies were
(SHG) and their family members Gandhi on his 150th birth being made responsible for
to set up small enterprises in the anniversary (MoDWS, 2014). implementation of all the works.
non-farm sector. This is done
by setting up an eco system for Table 1: Budgetary Allocation for Rural Development.
supporting small enterprises in (In Rs. Crore)
rural areas. The programme is Sr. No. Name of Department/ Programmes 2018-19 2019-20
currently being implemented in 1 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment 55000 60000
153 blocks across 23 states and Guarantee Act
aims to support around 20000 2 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana 2000 19000 19000
enterprises during the project (PMGSY)
period (EDII, 2016). 3 National Rural Livelihoods Mission 2011(NRLM) 5750 9024
National Rural Health Mission 4 Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) – Rural 21000 19000
(NRHM) 2005 was launched 5 Rurban Mission 1200 800
to provide nearby, inexpensive 6 National Social Assistance Program 9975 9200
and quality health care to the Source: Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Govt. of India 2019.

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 47

Policy Review

However, it could not yield anchor partner with a clear Rurban Mission (SPMRM) with
desired results due to several articulation of the roles, rights a financial budget of Rs. 5142.08
reasons like projects being and responsibilities of the crore on September 16, 2015.
mostly infrastructure oriented; partnering agency;
limited attention was being • Selection of clusters based on SHYAMA PRASAD
given to the implementation of economic growth potential; MUKHERJEE RURBAN
economic activities; the criteria MISSION (NATIONAL
• Commitment of the State
of selection of clusters did not RURBAN MISSION)
Government for facilitation
factor the growth potential of that
support; After the learnings from the
area; and the state government
• Financial outlay for a PURA failures of PURA, Shyama Prasad
did not take any ownership due
cluster was Rs. 70-80 crore, Mukherjee Rurban Mission
to which entire institution lacked
with the Central Government was announced in the Budget
proper institutional support.
contribution being limited to speech by the then Finance
Also there was no convergence
Rs. 20-25 crore; Minister in July 2014 and was
with other schemes of rural
finally launched on February
development departments or • Focus on livelihood
21, 2016 by the Prime Minister
other departments (MoRD, 2011). opportunities; and
from Kurubhat in Rajnandgaon
In February 2012, a restructured • There was no revenue model, district of Chhattisgarh with
version of PURA was launched instead the operation and a motto of “Shahar ki Suvidha,
on the basis of the advisory of maintenance was to be Gaon ki Atma” i.e. providing high
the Planning Commission in done by the private players quality urban facilities while
2007 to make it a demand driven in accordance with the retaining the community bond
Public Private Partnership (PPP) specification detailed in the and strength of village life.
scheme. It aimed to achieve Concession Agreement.
Rurban basically is (R ural+ U
“holistic and accelerated • Selection of private rban). Within India, the term
development of compact areas developers was done through rurban has been used to capture
around a potential growth an Expression of Interest(EOI) the ‘rapid transformation that
centre in a Panchayat (or followed by Request for is taking place in the villages
group of Panchayats) through Proposal (RFP) for a period of of India’. The rural-urban
PPP by providing livelihood 13 years ( 3 years to construct continuum is a set of two-way
opportunities and urban and 10 years for operation flow of people, money, services,
amenities to improve the quality and maintenance). resources and information
of life in rural areas” (MoRD,
Today the PURA has lost its between rural and urban
2011) which meant that the
heat, because things did not areas. Therefore, it includes
project would be formulated
progress much with regard flow of tangible aspects such
by a private developer with
to allocation of resources and as market linkages, water
consultation of stakeholders’
implementation of programmes resources abstraction, etc and
viz. gram panchayats, and other
(Sengar, 2017). In an ambitious the intangible aspects such as
panchayat raj institutions, state
vision to transform rural areas flow of ideas and aspirational
government and Ministry of
to economically, socially and changes. Migration is also a type
Rural development. The key
physically sustainable spaces, of flow (of people) from rural to
features were:
the Union Cabinet approved urban which includes flow of
• Selection of lead agency/ the Shyama Prasad Mukherji materials (remittances) and flow

48 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

of nonmaterial (ideas) (Singh & 1. Rurban Mission acts as an level by means of forming
Rahman, 2018). umbrella program that covers State Level Empowered
The National Rurban Mission different components under Committee (SLEC) and
(NRuM) follows the vision various schemes that are not state nodal agencies at the
of “Development of a cluster infrastructure based. For the state level, District Project
of villages that preserve and overall development of the Monitoring Unit headed
nurture the essence of rural rural areas it is essential to by District Collector at the
community life with focus on have a proper infrastructure district level and Cluster
equity and inclusiveness without along with the economic Development Management
compromising with the facilities and physical development Unit at the cluster level all
perceived to be essentially urban of community. Schemes like of which is managed at the
in nature”, thus creating a cluster NRLM, DDUGKY, PMAY, national level. The roles
of “Rurban Villages”. MNREGA etc. are focusing of each of them have been
on a specific issue of rural clearly defined in the State
NRuM Objective areas but a sense of overall Implementation Framework
The objective of the mission is and sustainable development of the Mission. Moreover, the
to improve the economic, social, of the whole village is lacking. Critical Gap Funding (CGF)
and infrastructural development 2.
Although PURA was an is not completely center
in rural areas. This can be infrastructure based program funding, it is a mix of center
achieved in four ways: and the vision of both were and state funding so that the
similar as to provide urban state takes the implementation
• Bridging the rural-urban
like amenities to rural of the program seriously.
divide-viz: economic,
technological and those areas so as to improve the 4. In National Rurban Mission
related to facilities and economic growth but the the smallest implementation
services by providing main difference lies in its agency can be community
infrastructure that are implementation strategy. groups like Voluntary
perceived to be mostly urban PURA was totally PPP based Organisations (VOs), Farmer
in nature. model in which private Producer Organisations
players were responsible for (FPOs), Common Interest
• Stimulating local economic
implementation as well as Groups (CIGs). There are no
development with emphasis
operation and maintenance. beneficiary based activities
on reduction of poverty and
This lacked the sense of due to which it becomes
unemployment in rural areas
community involvement very important that all the
by making income generating
which ultimately results in members in the group are
loosing of the essence of rural held equally responsible and
• Spreading development in community life. take interest in the activities.
the region. Proper training and formation
3. Considering this lacuna, in
• Attracting investment in rural National Rurban Mission of a strong management
areas through other schemes, the community is given the committee should be done.
private partners or CSR. top position in planning of Proper representation from
activities and the onus of all classes of society should
RURBAN Mission also be maintained.
implementation lies on state,
in Comparison to 5. Revenue based model in
district and Gram Panchayat
Other Schemes which the operation and

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 49

Policy Review

maintenance providers are the handing over of the activities Rurban Mission concentrates
the stakeholders (CIGs, SHGs, to the community identified on developing physical capital
VOs, CLFs) themselves, is is completely interested and by incorporating society and
a key differential factor of capable by means of providing choosing activities that are
Rurban Mission. them necessary training on the itself income generating.
There are 14 essential subject. Feedback should be Therefore a proper integration
components that Rurban taken timely for a period of few and coordination with all the
Mission has adopted for years in order to provide them concerned sectors is very much
each of which there are with some hand holding support. necessary for making Rurban
ongoing schemes of different Community involvement forms Mission a success.
departments. Rurban Mission the basis of the Mission as the
takes these schemes into objective is to make villages
self-sufficient. Economy and REFERENCES
convergence and funding is Census of India, 2011. Ministry of
only for areas where there livelihood of the villages will only
Home Affairs GOI. [Online] Available
are bottlenecks due to scheme improve when the community at: [Accessed
policy or lack of funds known itself will be the owners of all the Tuesday 05 2019].

as Critical Gap Fund (CGF). facilities provided which should EDII, E. D. I. o. I., 2016. Startup Village
Entrepreneurship Programme. [Online]
Therefore the Mission follows necessarily be income generating. Available at: https://www.ediindia.
convergence to CGF ratio of Inherent knowledge, dying org/startup_village_entrepreneurship_
art and culture of the village programme [Accessed 2019].
70:30. MDWS, G., 2014. swachha bharat
community should be promoted
mission - Gramin. [Online]
WAY FORWARD by providing them with proper Available at: http://
infrastructure, skill enhancement
National Rurban Mission index.htm [Accessed 2019].
which they have never got.
has been designed to be one Ministry of Rural Development,
of its kind wherein proper The DFID has designed 2011. Scheme for Provision of Urban
a sustainable livelihood Amenities in Rural Areas, New Delhi:
infrastructure is the main focus MoRD.
along with developing new framework which recognizes MoRD, G.o.I., 2014. Deen Dayal
socio economic system for 5 assets, viz human capital, Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya
financial capital, physical capital, Yojana, MoRD, Government of India..
sustainable development which [Online] Available at: http://ddugky.
could result in viable growth natural capital and social capital [Accessed 2019].
centers of rural economy. The that are central to the sustainable MoRD, M.o.R.D., 2019. Budget 2019-20,
success of the Mission mostly livelihoods approach as poverty s.l.: MoRD.
is not merely lack of income MoRD, M.o.R.D., 2019. Budget 2019-
depends on the state as to how it 20, Delhi: Department of Rural
manages the district and cluster but also lack of such assets that Development.
management units under it. The make people self-dependent and MoRD, M.o.R.D.G., 2014. Deendayal
move out of poverty. Mostly the Aatypdaya yojana - national rural
SLEC has an important role in
livelihood mission. [Online] Available at:
forming the Detailed Project government schemes have been
Reports DPR of the activities centered on developing human, do?methodName=showIndex
financial and natural capital by [Accessed 2019].
which should not only be done
MoRD, M.o.r.d.G., 2016. Pradhan
in coordination with the subject means of only skill, livelihood,
Mantri Aawas Yojana- Gramin. [Online]
experts but a proper operation agricultural development Available at:
and maintenance strategy should programs along with financial netiay/newreport.aspx [Accessed 2019].
inclusion but the physical NHM, M.o.H.a.F.W.G., 2005. National
be well formulated in advance. Health Mission, Ministry of Health and
Care should be taken such that asset is less thought over. Family Welfare, GoI. [Online] Available

50 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review


-Emerging Issues

With rapid pace of urbanization, and Mumbai) with population

PROF. (DR.) INDERJEET one of the biggest challenges is the above 10 million. The increase
SINGH SODHI availability of affordable housing in urban population has been
in urban areas. Urbanization in due to various factors. Important
Tamil Nadu state has been on the among them are the natural
increase since 1901. With more increase in population in urban
Availability of affordable than 48% of urban population, areas and migration of rural
housing in urban areas is Tamil Nadu is one of the most population to urban areas.
hampered due to rising urbanized states in the country. With rapid pace of urbanization,
land cost as well as cost While the percentage of urban one of the biggest challenges
of construction. Tamil population in the country increased is the availability of affordable
Nadu’s real estate sector from 10.29% to 31.2% during housing in urban areas. It has
continues to grapple with 1911-2011, Tamil Nadu registered been observed that due to a
the issue of manpower a much higher percentage increase number of factors, the growth
shortage. This shortage i.e., from 15.07% to 48.5% during in demand is not being met by
has adverse impact on the same period. Tamil Nadu has supply of affordable housing
the delivery and cost the fifth most noteworthy housing units leading to housing
of affordable housing shortage in India estimated at 1.25 shortages in the cities. The trend
projects particularly to million out of nationwide housing in urban population increases
the LIG/EWS sections of shortage 18.78 million in 2012. are accompanied by increases in
the society. This paper reviews the affordable housing shortage. This shortage
housing scenario in Tamil Nadu as has been increasing despite
well as various programmes being numerous housing programs
implemented in the State including implemented every 5-10 years.
the PMAY-HfA(Urban) and some
of the emerging issues which need URBANIZATION IN
Keywords: Urbanization, Urban to be addressed for promotion of TAMIL NADU
Housing, Affordable Housing, Pradhan affordable housing in the State.
Urbanization in Tamil Nadu
Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) (Urban),
INTRODUCTION state has been on the increase
Tamil Nadu
since 1901. With more than 48%
Prof. (Dr.) Inderjeet Singh Sodhi In India, as per Census 2011, of urban population, Tamil Nadu
( is Professor 31.16 % of the total population
(Public Administration) and Head,
is one of the most urbanized
i.e. about 377 million is urban states in the country. Tamil
Department of Local Governance, Rajiv
Gandhi National Institute of Youth population, living in 7,935 urban Nadu ranks first among the large
Development (Ministry of Youth Affairs centers including 53 cities with states in the country and third in
& Sports, Govt. of India), Sriperumbudur, populations above 1 million and absolute terms on share of urban 51
Tamil Nadu, India. 3 mega cities (Delhi, Kolkata population in total population of

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 51

Policy Review

the State. While the percentage Table 1: Urban Profile of Tamil Nadu as per Census 2011
of urban population in the S,No. Subject Tamil Nadu Percentage
country increased from 10.29% (in millions)
to 31.2% during 1911-2011, Tamil 1 Population 72.15 5.96 % of national population
Nadu registered a much higher 2 Urban Population 34.92 48.4% of state population
percentage increase i.e., from 9.3 % of national urban population
15.07% to 48.5% during the same 3 Slum Population 5.8 16.6 % of state urban population
period. 9% of national slum population
It is the eleventh-largest state in 4 Urban Households 8.93 16.6% of national urban households
India by area and the sixth most 5 Slum Households 1.5 16.8% of state urban households
populous. According to Census 11% of national slum households
2011, the population of India is Source: Census, 2011 and Reports of Department of Housing and Urban Development,
around 1210 million and that of Govt. of Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu is 72 million thus,
sanitation and most importantly, developers.
accounting for approximately
housing shortages in cities, Rapid urbanisation and
6% of country’s total population.
especially, for the economically migration to cities have caused
Further, the state has higher
weaker sections. As per the severe urban housing shortages
proportion of urban population
Report of the Technical Group in India, particularly for the
at about 48% as compared to
(TG-12) on Estimation of Urban economically weaker sections.
national average of 31%.
Housing Shortage (2012), there In this context, the Government
The urban profile of the state of has been a huge gap in demand and the Reserve Bank of India
Tamil Nadu is given in Table 1. and supply of urban housing in have undertaken a number of
At present, Tamil Nadu tops India. The economically weaker initiatives to boost affordable
the list of urbanised States sections (EWS) and low income housing. Loan disbursements as
with 50% of the population in group (LIG) accounted for 96 per well as launch of new projects in
urban areas and will remain cent of the total housing shortage the affordable housing segment
the most urbanised state for in India. have risen sharply since 2016-17.
the next 15 years and by 2026 The Federation of Indian While efforts to provide low
about 75% of the population of Chambers of Commerce (FICCI) cost housing have been made
Tamil Nadu will live in Cities. estimates that by 2050, the for many years by launching a
The urbanisation trend has country’s cities would witness number of schemes/programmes
necessitated affordable housing a net increase of 900 million like Jawaharlal Nehru National
towards improved quality and people. Real estate developers Urban Renewal Mission,
better standard of living for the and private players tend to focus 2005; Rajiv Awas Yojana 2012.
people. on middle income and high Recently, the Pradhan Mantri
income segments due to higher Awas Yojana (PMAY) (Urban)
URBAN HOUSING IN returns. In addition, issues launched in 2015 provides a ray
INDIA relating to high land costs, delay of hope for homeless people.
In India, rapid urbanisation in project approvals, increasing The PMAY-Urban (PMAY-U)
has given rise to development raw material costs and low profit subsumes all the previous urban
challenges in the form of margins have made low cost housing schemes and aims at
urban congestion, pressure on housing projects less attractive ‘Housing for All’ to be achieved
basic amenities like water and for private realty investors and

52 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

by the year 2022. The total since the 1950s. In the First Five 1. Carpet area of the dwelling
housing shortage envisaged to be Year Plan (1951-56), emphasis Unit should not exceed 300
addressed through the PMAY-U was given on institution building sq.ft for EWS, 600 sq.ft for
is 20 million. The Mission has and on construction of houses LIG and 1200 sq.ft. for MIG;
four components. for Government employees and 2. For both EWS and LIG, cost
RICS (Royal Institution of weaker sections. Subsequent of the dwelling unit should
Chartered Surveyors) in plans focused on provision of not exceed four times of the
association with international services along with shelter, and household’s gross annual
property consultant Knight mobilizing private sector efforts income; and for MIG it is 5
Frank released a report “Brick for low cost housing. The first times;
by brick- Moving towards National Housing Policy was
3. For both EWS and LIG,
‘Housing for All’ in June, 2019 formulated in 1988.
monthly repayment
which estimates that the current National Housing and Habitat obligation/EMI should not
housing shortage in urban areas Policy (NHHP) in 1998 aimed exceed 30 percent of the
is around 10 million units. Most at ensuring “shelter for all” household’s gross monthly
of the housing shortage lies in and better quality of life to all income, whereas for MIG it
the Economically Weaker Section citizens by using the unused could be upto 40%.
(EWS) and Lower Income Group potential in public, private and As per “Pradhan Mantri Awas
Segment (LIG). It quotes that as household sectors. Subsequent Yojana”, Housing for all scheme
of July 2019, 8.36 million houses programmes include the launched in 2015 by the Ministry
have been sanctioned under National Slum Development of Housing and Urban Poverty
the “Housing for All by 2022” Programme (NSDP), night Alleviation, criterion for EWS
initiative. Construction for 4.9 Shelter for urban shelterless, and and LIG was categorized in
million units has begun and 2.6 Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana terms of income level and unit
million units of which have been (VAMBAY). Further, bodies area as defined below:
completed. like the National Housing Bank
(NHB) and Housing & Urban 1. In terms of income level for
POLICY FRAMEWORK Development Corporation EWS, annual household
FOR AFFORDABLE (HUDCO) had also been created income should not exceed
HOUSING to facilitate the implementation ‘Rupees three lakh’ per annum;
of such policies. 2. In terms of unit area for EWS,
Over the years, the Central
In 2007 National Urban carpet area of the dwelling
Government has formulated
Housing and Habitat Policy was unit should not exceed 30
many policies for housing and
formulated by the Government sq.m;
has assisted in the delivery
of affordable housing for the of India with the aim of providing 3. In terms of income level
EWS, LIG and lower MIG. ‘Affordable Housing for All’. for LIG, annual household
Housing schemes by the Central In order to define affordable income should be ranging
Government are implemented housing, the Govt. of India from ‘Rupees Three Lakh
by the Ministry of Housing & set up a Taskforce under the One to Rupees Six lakh’
Urban Affairs (MoHUA). Chairmanship of Deepak Parekh 4. In terms of unit area for LIG,
in 2008. The Taskforce defined carpet area of the dwelling
The policies of urban
the affordability as mentioned unit should not exceed 60
development and housing in
below: sq.m.
India have come a long way

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 53

Policy Review

HOUSING SCENARIO through budgetary support and RojgarYojana, Cash Loan

IN TAMIL NADU by availing loan by Tamil Nadu Scheme, VAMBAY, JNNURM,
Slum Clearance Board from RAY etc. Schemes so far
While the urban population in
various financial institutions. implemented have limited reach,
Tamil Nadu has grown by 27%
Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance targeting the slum dwellers
between 2001 -2011, the slum
Board (TNSCB) has been only. PMAY(U)–Housing For All
population has grown from 28.38
designated as the Mission Mission is the only scheme that
lakh to approximately 59 lakh
Directorate for ‘Housing for assures a house not only to the
i.e, growth of 105%. The rapid
All’ in Tamil Nadu and State houseless slum dwellers, but to
urbanization being witnessed by
Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) for the urban poor, LIG and MIG
the State reflects the economic
implementing housing projects categories as well.
growth achieved by the State and
at the same time the challenge under the verticals of (i) “In- The housing policies and
of creating sustainable urban situ” Slum Redevelopment, schemes are being successfully
infrastructure and need to cater (ii) Affordable Housing in implemented through the Tamil
to the growing housing needs Partnership and (iii) Subsidy Nadu Housing Board (TNHB),
in the urban areas. Tamil Nadu for Beneficiary-led Individual Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance
has the fifth most noteworthy House Construction under Board (TNSCB), Registrar of Co-
housing shortage in India ‘Housing for All’ programme. A operative Societies (Housing),
estimated to 1.25 million out of memorandum of agreement has Directorate of Town and Country
nationwide housing shortage been entered between the State Planning (DTCP) and Chennai
18.78 million. Housing shortage Government and Government of Metropolitan Development
is majorly driven by LIG and India to implement the ‘Housing Authority (CMDA) which
EWS segments as majority of for All’ programme in Tamil function under the administrative
the development in Tamil Nadu Nadu. control of Housing and Urban
caters MIG and HIG. Development Department.
The Government of Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Housing Board and
announced the “Vision 2023”, a Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance
long term plan for infrastructure Providing housing for the urban Board are mandated to provide
development for rapid economic poor is always a priority. Tamil housing units for various sections
growth. This envisages, among Nadu Housing Board was of society at an affordable cost.
others, the provision of houses established in 1961 and Tamil The function of Registrar of Co-
with basic infrastructure Nadu Slum Clearance Board in operative Societies (Housing) is
facilities for all urban slum 1970. 1.50 million houses have to form layouts and sell them at
families in Tamil Nadu to make been constructed since inception. lower cost to their members and
the cities / towns slum free before In-situ developments together also to provide Housing Finance
2023 at an estimated cost of INR with land tenure were provided to them. “Housing for All”
65,000 crore. The programme is under World Bank aided Mission is being implemented
being implemented by utilizing Madras Urban Development through these agencies in order
the grants from Government Project (MUDP) and Tamil Nadu to realize the Vision 2023. The
of India under various Urban Development Project Vision 2023 document also aims
programmes especially Pradhan (TNUDP). State Government has at achieving slum free status for
Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), implemented various Centrally the cities in Tamil Nadu.
State Government funding Sponsored Schemes like Nehru
The Directorate of Town and

54 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

Table 2: Assessed Housing Demand in Tamil Nadu Pattas are provided exclusively
S.No. Programme/ Scheme Number
for Scheduled Caste beneficiaries
by acquiring private lands by Adi
1 In-situ Slum Redevelopment 47,309
Dravidar Welfare Department.
2 Credit Linked Subsidy scheme 4,84,105
3 Affordable Housing in Partnership 3,41,832 Harnessing
4 Beneficiary Led Constructions 5,18,363 Housing Under BLC
Total Requirements in all vertical 13,91,609
Under VISION–2023, the
Source: Reports of TNSCB, TNHB State Government ensures
Country Planning and Chennai slum families in Tamil Nadu to construction of 1 million houses
Metropolitan Development make the State slum free by 2023 at an estimated cost of Rs.65,000
Authority prepare Master Plans with estimated investment of crore. Out of total demand of
in a phased manner for various INR 65,000 Crore. 13,91,609 houses, the demand
towns and cities for regulation under BLC vertical is 5,18,363.
of land use. Development STATE POLICY ON The State has, so far, sanctioned
Regulations are already in place LAND TENURE 4,08,622 Dwelling Units under
for growing urban centres for FOR AFFORDABLE BLC (78.83% of total demand),
regulating the development, the highest figure in the
on the planning side. PMAY- country under this vertical. The
The State Government people are contacted at their
HFA is being implemented
regularizes the unauthorized door steps and the details of
in 12 municipal corporations,
hamlets on unobjectionable implementation of the vertical
124 municipalities, 528 town
lands by issuing house site and benefits are explained. The
panchayats and 2 cantonment
Pattas. The State has issued documents are verified and
boards in Tamil Nadu.
20.00 lakh House site Pattas to with their consent, they are
As per report of the Technical the eligible beneficiaries since proposed under this vertical for
Group study on Urban 2011. Besides, under Madras construction of houses.
Housing Shortage 2012 –2017, Urban Development Project
TNSCB has registered 1.39 After approval by the Central
(MUDP) and Tamil Nadu Urban
million applications requesting Sanctioning and Monitoring
Development Project (TNUDP),
affordable housing (as per Committee (CSMC), the
the State has allotted 1.08 lakh
demand survey under PMAY- beneficiaries are informed and
house sites possessed by the
HFA and online registration). directed to take up construction
beneficiaries and issues land
Housing shortage in urban work. The beneficiaries are
tenure to them.
India is 18.78 million, whereas provided with technical
Every year, the State assistance for construction of
Housing shortage in urban Tamil
Government issues 3.50 lakh technically sound, durable and
Nadu is 1.25 million.
Pattas and now the Government disaster resistant houses. Bulk
Tamil Nadu Vision–2023 has proposed to acquire even supply of building materials is
launched in 2012 envisages long private lands for issuing Pattas arranged and shared according to
term plan for infrastructure to poor beneficiaries. 10% plots their requirement, which reduces
development for rapid economic are reserved for EWS category the cost. Financial assistance for
growth in the State which makes under Land Bank Scheme in the those who are unable to invest
provision of 1 million houses developed layouts. House site initially is arranged through
with infrastructure for all urban

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 55

Policy Review

Micro Financial Institutions. Societies and their members 2019-20, at present, works
Beneficiaries are successful and to pay their loan dues through are in progress for 18,765
satisfied by their new houses. net banking to the Federation units at an estimated cost of
Major Programmes executed and get the accounts Rs.3,100.81 Crore in Chennai
by the Department of Housing reconciled in real time. and other major cities under
and Urban Development during 7. An amount of Rs.237.62 the Self Finance Scheme, Area
2016-17 are: crore has been released to Development Scheme, Tamil
Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Nadu Government Servants
1. Tamil Nadu has been ranked Rental Housing Scheme and
Board as additional State
No.1 State in the country in Slum tenements Scheme.
share for construction of
terms of number of housing
tenements in 11 alternate Since its inception, Tamil Nadu
units sanctioned under
locations in Coimbatore from Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB)
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Infrastructure and Amenities has constructed 1.84 lakh
(PMAY) and number of units
Fund. tenements/houses, provided
for which work has started.
developed plots to 1.31 lakh
As part of Vision 2023 ACHIEVEMENTS families in 504 slums through
programme, approval of FOR AFFORDABLE Madras Urban Development
Government of India has HOUSING Project (MUDP)/Tamil Nadu
been obtained for 1,87,679 Urban Development Project
Tamil Nadu Housing Board has
housing units at a project (TNUDP) and invested
constructed 4,15,740 dwelling
cost of Rs.6,414.97 crore Rs.5,569.73 crore to implement
units from its inception, which
under Housing for All, with various capital works for
includes the major housing
committed State Budget the urban slum families till
schemes implemented under
Estimate of Rs.826.80 crore. March, 2017. TNSCB has
Madras Urban Development
3. Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Project (MUDP) and Tamil constructed 74,224 tenements
Board has constructed 7,144 Nadu Urban Development houses and spent Rs.3,855.28
Green Houses in various Project (TNUDP) schemes crore on various programmes
Town Panchayats of Tamil with assistance of World implemented from 2011 to
Nadu. Bank, Subsidised Industrial March 2017. According to Policy
As part of Community Housing Scheme, Slum Note of Housing and Urban
Development Programme, tenements, Government and Development Department 2019-
Skill development training Board Rental Schemes. During 20, Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance
has been imparted to 8,873 the year 2016-2017, TNHB Board has constructed 1,55,328
slum youths. has constructed / developed tenements / houses and spent
3,013 numbers of residential Rs.7,622.87 Crore on various
3,013 numbers of new
units at a cost of Rs.727.91 programmes implemented from
residential units were
crore in Chennai, Cudallore, 2011 to March 2019.
constructed /developed at
a cost of Rs.727.91 crore by Villupuram, Erode, Hosur, Observations for housing for
Tamil Nadu Housing Board. Madurai, Ramanathapuram and Tamil Nadu as per the minutes
Tirunelveli which is distributed of the 50th meeting of the Central
6. The Tamil Nadu Co-operative
among various sections of Sanctioning and Monitoring
Housing Federation has
people. According to Policy Committee (CSMC) for Pradhan
introduced “Online Payment
Note of Housing and Urban Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)-
Services” for the Primary
Development Department

56 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

Housing for All, held at the Availability of affordable compared to HIG/ luxury
office of the Ministry of Housing housing in urban areas is projects which generally vary
& Urban Affairs, Govt. of India, hampered due to rising land cost from 18 percent to 30 percent. It
Delhi on 22nd January, 2020, are: as well as cost of construction. has been observed that in Tamil
1. Against the total demand of Tamil Nadu’s real estate sector Nadu as in other parts of India,
13,91,609 houses in 4 verticals, continues to grapple with the private developers are forced to
7,25,540 houses have been issue of manpower shortage. develop an affordable housing
sanctioned under PMAY(U). This shortage has adverse project in the urban periphery
impact on the delivery and cost due to lack of affordable and
2. PMAY(U)-MIS: Out of of affordable housing projects adequate land parcel within the
6,95,245 houses sanctioned, particularly to the LIG/EWS urban centers.
5,05,930 beneficiaries have sections of the society.
been attached and 4,84,270 CONCLUSION
houses are geo-tagged in BLC In Tamil Nadu, minimal access
and AHP verticals. to housing finance and minimal The state Government took the
income households coupled with decision for constituting ‘Shelter
3. In order to meet demand of
lack of available housing option Fund’, dedicated to finance
houses within the Mission
in the market really influences housing projects to rehabilitate
period, at least 1.00 lakh
the LIG/EWS sectors. Majority the urban poor. Simultaneously
houses per month need to be
of the LIG and EWS segment the Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
proposed for consideration
household doesn’t have a formal Fund Management Corporation
by the CSMC.
income proof or document to Limited (TNIFMC), promoted
4. Beneficiary contribution is establish solvency for securing by Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
on higher side. The State a housing loan from Housing Development Board (TNIDB)
should ensure consent of the Finance Companies. The LIG/ also mooted an idea to register
beneficiaries in this regard. EWS segments of the people do Tamil Nadu Shelter Fund as
5. All pending issues like change not show willingness to own a category-I social Fund registered
of beneficiaries, gender property due to various reasons with Securities and Exchange
modifiation etc. may be mainly additional cost attached Board of India (SEBI) which
proposed in the next CSMC to the unit such as VAT, Service will develop its initial Corpus
meeting for consideration. Tax, Stamp duty, registration through sponsor funding of 5
6. The State is required to and other cost which constitutes % each from Tamil Nadu Slum
take necessary measures to approximately around 15% to Clearance Board and Tamil
ground all the non-started 25% of the home cost. Nadu Housing Board with
projects immediately. a targeted rate of return and
Due to lack of public transit
another funding of 20 % from
7. Out of 6,95,245 houses systems to peri-urban areas
National Housing Bank (NHB).
sanctioned earlier, which are likely to be the
It was also proposed to generate
beneficiaries attached with affordable housing catchments,
resources through various other
valid Aadhaar are 4,98,568. prices of affordable homes are
measures such as floating of
The State should expedite all primarily driven by the cost of
housing infrastructure bonds,
MIS entries and beneficiary construction. Construction costs
tapping social venture funds
attachment. form nearly 40 percent to 60
and borrowing internationally
percent of the total selling price
EMERGING ISSUES on London Inter-Bank offered
in affordable housing projects
Rates (LIBOR), etc.

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 57

Policy Review

The Government constituted need to be formulated by the basic amenities and bring in
Tamil Nadu Shelter Fund having Government to encourage amendments to the existing
the following two-tier financial greater participation from the regulations to ease the process. It
structure: private sector in the form of would also bring in time frames
1. The Tier-I Shelter Fund shall technological solutions, project for the approval process.
be constituted as a Government financing and project delivery.
regulated fund, wherein the Making affordable housing
a viable business model can REFERENCES
proceeds through various
motivate private real estate Affordable Housing in India.
sources like levy of fees and /rdocs/
other collections approved developers to participate actively
Bulletin/PDFs/ AFFORDABLE609
by the Government shall be and aggressively in this segment. D506CB8C247 DAB526C40D
transferred and credited. This The Government can direct AF461881.PDF (accessed 16.03.2020)
fund will be maintained by Tamil urban local bodies (ULBs) to Affordable Housing - Constitution
Nadu Slum Clearance Board and incentivise private developers in of Shelter Fund for Promoting Public
administered by Housing and the affordable housing segment housing and Affordable Housing
by allowing them access to for EWS and LIG Categories. http://
Urban Development Department upload/uploadfiles/
in consultation with Finance cheaper land, awarding higher
files/ Shelter_Fund_ Tamil%20
Department. A part of the Tier-I FSI, reduction in the number and Nadu.pdf (accessed 16.03.2020)
Shelter Fund shall be used for the time taken for approvals,
Developers Adopting Precast
catalysing the Tier-II Shelter assisting with infrastructure Concrete and Engineering Homes
Fund to tap various hitherto development, easier home Technology. 9 June, 2012. The
untapped sources of funding at a loans and interest rate and Economic Times.

cheaper blended cost to promote tax subsidies. The builders/ Government of Tamil Nadu.
affordable housing by the developers should use low- 2019. Tamil Nadu Combined
cost technologies such as pre- Development and Building Rules,
Government through TNIFMC. 2019.
The substantial portion of the fabrication, which can be used
to construct affordable houses Government of Tamil Nadu.
Shelter Fund pooled in Tier-I Policy Note of Housing and Urban
shall be used for housing projects quickly and cost–effectively.
Development Department 2019-
by government through Tamil In order to develop a sustainable 20. /
Nadu Slum Clearance Board affordable housing project, default/files/documents/ hud_e_
pn_2019_20.pdf, p.43
including Grant component of apart from the infrastructure
State Government share in in facilities offered with in the Government of Tamil Nadu. 2017.
Policy Note 2017-18. Demand
centrally sponsored scheme. project, the connectivity to urban No. 26. Housing and Urban
2. The Tier-II Shelter Fund centers should be adequate. The Development Department.
shall be registered with the Government of Tamil Nadu is in
Government of Tamil Nadu.
Securities and Exchange Board the process of introducing a new Harnessing Housing under BLC.
of India as Category-I Social housing policy, which would Housing and Urban Development
Alternative Investment Fund aim at reducing the construction Department.
and maintained by TNIFMC. cost and offering more housing Government of India, Ministry of
facilities for the economically Home Affairs. Housing, Household
Affordable housing development Amenities and Assets—Key Results
continues to be a challenging weaker sections of the society.
from Census 2011. Directorate of
proposition for builders and It would also deal with the Census Operations, Tamil Nadu.
developers and further policies development of standard
Government of India. September,
urban infrastructure, facilitate

58 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

2012. Report of Technical Group Opportunities in an Urbanizing of the Central Sanctioning and
(TG-12) on Estimation of Urban World, Credit Suisse, April 2012 Monitoring Committee (CSMC)
Housing Shortage 2012-17. Ministry for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Tamil Nadu Housing Policy: Focus
of Housing & Urban Poverty (Urban) -Housing for All. File No:
on Planning and Infra Development.
Alleviation. N-11011/106/2019-HFA-III-UD
July 6, 2017. Business Standard.
(9080500). Dated: 22nd January
Government of Tamil Nadu. Tamil
Urban Infrastructure in India, 2020. Government of India, Ministry
Nadu Town and Country Planning
FICCI, October 2011 of Housing & Urban Affairs. (HFA
Act, 1971
Minutes of the 50th meeting

International Training Programme for Overseas Professionals on

‘Realizing the Right to Adequate Housing in the Context of Habitat III
New Urban Agenda - Policies, Planning and Practices” Feb 24 to April 03, 2020
HUDCO’s Human Settlement Management Institute (HSMI) organized the 43rd International Training Programme
on ‘Realizing the Right to Adequate Housing in the Context of Habitat III New Urban Agenda - Policies, Planning
and Practices” sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), GoI under its ITEC Programme during
February 24 to 3 April, 2020, which was prematurely closed on 19th March 2020 due to Covid19 pandemic. The
training programme was inaugurated by Mr. M. Nagaraj, Director Corporate Planning & CMD, HUDCO, in the
presence of Mr. D. Guhan, Director Finance HUDCO, Dr. S.K. Gupta, EDT HSMI; Mr. Surendra Singhai, GM(P);
and Dr. Akshaya Kumar Sen, JGM(Eco.) & Course Coordinator on 25th February 2020.

This Training Programme was attended by 23 participants from 15 countries namely, Afghanistan, Botswana,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Myanmar, Niger, Sri Lanka,
Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. The programme was highly interactive and various experts and
resource persons in the subject domain were invited to impart training and interact with the participants. Key
modules covered during the course include: Housing and Urban Development Policy frameworks in the context
of Urbanization, SDGs and New Urban Agenda; Rights-based Approaches to Planning for Affordable Housing at
City Level; Regulations and Design Guidelines for Sustainable and Affordable Housing; Financing of affordable
housing projects; and Learning from Global experiences, Case Studies, Indian best practices and field examples of
Affordable Housing Projects. The unfinished modules were completed later through live online sessions.

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 59

Policy Review

-Policy and Scope

Affordable housing is one of the key countries be it Republic or

MR. ABHYUDAY SINGHAL requirements under sustainable Federal form are emphasizing
habitat domain. Though different on provision of affordable
In June, 2015, the Govt. countries have different definitions housing. In Indian context also
of India launched for affordable housing, the objective over a period, each regime in
the World’s largest is to address the housing needs the federal system, both Centre
Affordable Housing of the lower and middle income and State Goverments have
Scheme, namely Pradhan households. Affordable housing come out with one or the other
Mantri Awas Yojana becomes a key issue especially housing schemes and policies
-Housing for All (Urban), in developing nations including to address the need of the
in Mission mode which India, where a majority of the poorer people. Earlier schemes
envisions the provision population can’t afford to buy provided subsidy intervention
of housing for all’ by houses at the market price and at by just giving money or skill
2022, when the nation the same time have income below upgradation or even supply
completes 75 years of the median household income level. of housing stocks. These
its Independence. The As such, there is an urgent need interventions were limited.
PMAY(Urban) is being to provide for affordable housing. Currently, India is going
implemented during In this article, emphasis has been through an economic transition
2015-2022 and provides laid on the measures to tackle the characterized by demand
central assistance to supply and demand side challenges for better housing facilities.
implementing agencies in providing affordable housing However, there is a widening
through States and UTs and the policy & fiscal initiatives gap between the demand and
for providing houses taken by the government of India supply. Policy makers at national,
to all eligible families/ to achieve the goal of Housing for regional, and municipal levels
beneficiaries by 2022. All by the year 2022. The article are responding to the issue with
also discusses the importance of a myriad of policy initiatives.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana The Government of India has
(PMAY) for achieving the goal set 2022 as the target year to
and the role played by Real Estate realize the objective of “Housing
Keywords: Affordable Housing, Pradhan Regulation Act (RERA) to improve for All’. As per the Report of
Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) (Urban), the efficiency and transparency in the Technical Group of 2012,
CLSS, RERA the real estate sector of India. the estimated number of urban
Mr. Abhyuday Singhal (abhyu2016@
households is found out to be
INTRODUCTION 81.35 million and urban housing is a B.A. Economics (H)
student at Hindu College, University of World over all the developing shortage to be 18.78 million in
Delhi, Delhi countries and under developed the year 2012. Ninety six percent

60 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

of the total housing shortage is path of economic freedom and side measures that are being
attributed to the housing needs social stability of any community. considered are the following:
of Economically weaker section Lack of it, results in loss of jobs • land-pooling, where an
and Low – income groups. By and equal opportunities. The undeveloped piece of land
the year 2030, around 40% of the need for affordable housing is exchanged for a smaller,
country’s population is expected and its lasting impact on developed piece of land,
to live in urban areas. Housing nations’ economic progress is and tradeable land rights, in
supply should match this rapid undeniable. Affordable housing which agricultural land on
pace of urbanization. in rural and urban sector needs the periphery of a city can
differently tailored policies as be converted if other land is
Housing Shortage is typically
land is the main constraint in the opened up for agriculture
calculated by adding excess of
urban areas. beyond the city’s boundaries.
households over housing stock,
the number of households CHALLENGES • focusing on ensuring property
residing in unacceptable rights – for example, the right
dwelling units, those residing in not to be forcibly evicted
unacceptable physical and social – rather than formalizing
conditions due to overcrowding The sector is fraught with property titles.
and congestion factor and the innumerable challenges like
• partnerships between
houseless households. high cost of land, access
community land trusts, which
to competitive financing.
own and steward land on
WHAT IS AFFORDABLE Financing land is a major
behalf of a community, and
HOUSING?1 challenge faced by Developers/
municipal land banks, which
Builders in delivering affordable
Affordability is about not only acquire vacant land and
housing. The absence of a
capital but also accessibility to prepare it for development.
clear title is also a serious
work area, schools, hospitals and • Transit-oriented development
deterrent for participation
other social infrastructure. UN- (TOD), in which growth
by financial institutions and
HABITAT defines affordable of cities is planned around
real estate developers in new
housing as “housing which is new urban transport
as well as redevelopment
adequate in quality and location infrastructure.
projects of real estate. In the
and does not cost so much that
absence of redevelopment and • algorithmic zoning, with
it prohibits its occupants from
densification of available lands, incentives for developers
meeting other basic living costs
it remains underutilized - further based on assessment of what
or threatens their enjoyment of
contributing to shortage of land is needed to maximize the
basic human rights.”
and to high land prices. vibrancy of a community.
Affordable housing is a key • mixed-use development and
Measures to address Supply-
issue in developing countries inclusionary zoning, to ensure
side Challenges2
because access to decent shelter neighborhoods have a mix of
intricately woven with the better To address the challenges for
income levels and proximity
opportunities for kids and better more supply of affordable
to jobs and services.
facilities for parents paves the houses, some of the supply-

Indian Economy and Finance. March 3, 2019 Available from:

World Economic Forum. Insight Report Cities, Urban Development & Urban Services Platform in Collaboration with PwC. June 2019. Available From: http://

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 61

Policy Review

• taxation solutions, such as • different forms of tenure, Union Budget provisions

taxing the underlying value going beyond a binary In the Union Budget 2017-18, the
of land rather than the value choice between rental and government:
of the property on it, and homeownership, can offer
imposing a tax on vacant land more options to city residents a) granted infrastructure status
or properties. struggling to afford a house. to affordable housing, which
They include Build-to-rent, is likely to help affordable
• government provision of
Rent-to-own, Ownership and housing developers to avail
tax incentives, grants or
Shared equity ownership. funds from different channels,
exemptions for private
like external commercial
developers to develop certain • rent controls offer the
borrowings (ECB), foreign
types of property or develop potential to protect tenants,
venture capital investors
in designated areas. but must also take care not
(FVCI) and foreign portfolio
• g o v e r n m e n t - g u a r a n t e e d to restrict the future supply
investors (FPIs).
bonds providing cheap, long of properties to rent by
unfairly disadvantaging the b) increased the time for project
term finance to community-
landlords, which necessitates completion to affordable
based organizations to
rationalization of rental laws. housing promoters from
develop and manage
three years to five years;
affordable housing. • demand-side interventions
need to guard against the c) provided one-year time to
• employing investment
risk of helping in the short developers to pay tax on
models such as microfinance,
term but not the long term. notional rental income on
real estate investment trusts
Mechanisms to keep units completed but unsold units;
(REITs), impact investing.
affordable on resale include d)
reduced the tenure for
• minimizing bureaucracy, as
subsidy recapture and long-term capital gains for
the fees and costs of complying
subsidy retention. affordable housing from three
with complicated building
• availability of low-cost home to two years;
codes can add significantly to
project cost. There is potential loan by providing interest e) revised the qualifying criteria
for technology to provide subvention or any other for affordable housing from
solutions here. means. saleable area to the carpet
• Public-private partnerships GOVERNMENT
on training to address skills f)
enhanced the refinancing
shortages in the construction facility by National Housing
TO SUPPORT Bank (NHB) for individual
AFFORDABLE loans for the affordable
Measures to address Demand- HOUSING housing segment;
side challenges
There are several recent g) encouraged proactive role
To address the demand-side government of India initiatives, of private developers in
challenges for enabling the some of which could work for affordable housing sector by
demand for affordable houses, helping poor people to build new providing several incentives
some of the measures which houses. Many of the supporting including subsidies,
are being considered are the measures were launched in the tax benefits and most
following: recent union budgets. importantly, institutional

62 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

created a dedicated non-metros. The central bank’s of housing for all’ by 2022,
Affordable Housing Fund definition is based on the loans when the nation completes
(AHF) with the National given by banks to people for 75 years of its Independence.
Housing Bank, which will be building a house and buying The PMAY(Urban) is being
funded from priority sector flats. The RBI also gives loans implemented during 2015-2022
lending shortfall and fully to affordable housing under and provides central assistance
serviced bonds authorised by priority sector lending. RBI to implementing agencies
the Government of India. allowed banks to issue long term through States and UTs for
In the Interim Budget of 2019- bonds (of minimum 7 years’ providing houses to all eligible
20, the government made maturity) to finance loans to families/ beneficiaries by 2022.
several supportive measures affordable housing. The present regime of scheme
for the housing sector including of PMAY (U) is created out of
exemption on levy of income tax INDIA’S URBAN learnings of past schemes i.e.
on notional rent on a second self- MISSION FOR ISHUP, RRY etc. It covers the
occupied house and increased AFFORDABLE HOUSING entire gamut of people who
the TDS threshold on rent to are in need of house and hence
Recognising the importance
Rs.2,40,000. named as Housing for All.
of providing housing to the
GST rates reduced for poor sections, government has The goal of government is to
affordable housing initiated a group of measures make all the section of people not
over the last fifteen years. As a only to open Jan dhan account
The GST Council has reduced in Banks, but also to make them
beginning, the National Urban
tax rates for affordable housing aware and bring them in to
Housing and Habitat Policy
and it has been brought down the main activity of economy
(NUHHP), 2007 has set the
from 8% to just 1%. The Council by properly exposing them to
objective of Affordable Housing
has also enhanced the ceiling processes such as availing loan,
for All as a key focus. Later,
value of affordable housing to initially for housing and later
the government has set 2022 as
Rs. 45 lakh which implies that they can get used to getting
the target year to realize this
houses below Rs. 45 lakh will be access to funds for all their
objective by making specific
charged with a GST rate of 1%. activities.
initiatives for the promotion of
New carpet area limit: Affordable housing. The Mission seeks to address the
houses in terms of carpet area is housing requirement of urban
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
defined as 90 square meter in poor including slum dwellers
non-metropolitan cities and 60 through following four verticals,
square meter in metropolitan In June, 2015, the Ministry of
giving option to beneficiaries,
cities with a ceiling value of Rs Housing and Urban Poverty
ULBs and State Governments:
45 lakh in both the cases. Alleviation (MoHUPA), Govt.
of India launched the World’s • Slum rehabilitation of Slum
RBI efforts in affordable Dwellers with participation
largest Affordable Housing
housing: As per the RBI of private developers using
Scheme, namely Pradhan Mantri
incentive measures, the cost of land as a resource - In Situ
Awas Yojana -Housing for
affordable residential property Slum Redevelopment (ISSR)
All (Urban), in Mission mode
should be less than Rs. 65 lakh
which envisions the provision • Promotion of Affordable
in metro cities and Rs. 50 lakh in
Housing for weaker section

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 63

Policy Review

through credit linked subsidy Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme installments of Rs 2,985. Since
- Credit Linked Subsidy (CLSS) for EWS and LIG 6.5% interest subsidy amounting
Scheme (CLSS) to Rs. 1.34 lakh is credited
Under CLSS, beneficiaries of
• Affordable Housing in Economically Weaker Section upfront to the loan account, the
Partnership with Public & (EWS) and Low Income balance loan repayable is Rs. 1.66
Private sectors (AHP) Group (LIG) can seek housing lakh. This transforms to Rs 1,605
loans for new construction EMI after subsidy which leads
• Subsidy for beneficiary-led
and enhancement to existing to a monthly saving of Rs. 1,290
individual house construction
dwellings as incremental and annual saving of Rs 15,480.
/enhancement (BLC)
housing from Banks, Housing Any additional loans beyond Rs.
Three of the verticals dwell on 6 lakh, will be at non-subsidized
supply side intervention and the Finance Companies and other
such institutions called as rate.
other most important vertical of
CLSS deals with demand side Primary Lending Institutions Case 2 is considered for LIG i.e.
intervention. (PLIs). The credit linked subsidy annual income upto Rs. 6.0 lakh,
will be available only for loan carpet area upto 60 sq. mt. and
This Mission is being amounts upto Rs 6 lakhs and beneficiary identification to be
implemented as Centrally such loans would be eligible for furnished can be Aadhar, voter
Sponsored Scheme (CSS), except an interest subsidy at the rate of card or any other unique ID.
for the component of Credit 6.5 % for tenure of 20 years or Since the loan amount is upto
Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) during tenure of loan whichever Rs 6.0 lakh the initial EMI is
which will be implemented as a is lower. Interest subsidy will calculated @10% for a 20 years
Central Sector Scheme. be credited upfront to the tenure totaling 240 monthly
In Situ Slum Redevelopment loan account of beneficiaries installments of Rs 5,790. Since
(ISSR) through lending institutions 6.5% interest subsidy amounting
resulting in reduced effective to Rs 2.67 lakh is credited
This vertical will be implemented
housing loan and Equated upfront to the loan account, the
with a concept “Land as a
Monthly Installment (EMI). balance loan repayable is Rs 3.32
resource” with private sector
Total interest subsidy available lakh. This transforms to Rs 3,211
participation for providing
to each beneficiary under this EMI after subsidy which leads to
houses to eligible slum
component maybe calculated for a monthly saving of Rs 2,579 and
dwellers. Slums, whether on
EWS and LIG by examining two annual saving of Rs 30,948.
Central Government land/ State
different cases.4 This saving due to decrease in
Government land/ ULB land,
Private Land, should be taken Case 1 is considered for EWS i.e. EMI can be dove tailed for next
up for “in-situ” redevelopment annual income upto Rs. 3.0 lakh, set of economic activity of say
for providing houses to all carpet area upto 30 sq. mt. and education to their children. This
eligible slum dwellers. Slum beneficiary identification to be means the sphere of economic
rehabilitation grant of Rs. 1 lakh furnished can be Aadhar, voter activities gets expanded.
per house, on an average, would card or any other unique ID.
Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
be admissible for all houses built Since, the loan amount is upto
(CLSS) for Middle Income
for eligible slum dwellers in all Rs 3.0 lakh, the initial EMI is
such projects. calculated @10 % for a 20 years
tenure totaling 240 monthly The window of fulfilling the
aspiration of owning a pucca

64 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

house for the large tax paying This transforms to Rs 6,417 EMI implementation of CLSS for both
middle class population, has after subsidy which leads to a EWS/LIG and MIG and these
been made operational from monthly saving of Rs. 2,268 and CNAs would reimburse interest
January 1, 2017. Under this, the annual saving of Rs 27,216. Any subsidy to Primary Lending
Middle Income Groups (MIG) additional loans beyond Rs. 9 Institutions (PLIs) based on the
with annual income of above lakh, will be at non-subsidized loans advanced to beneficiaries
Rs.6.00 lakh and up to Rs.18.00 rate. by PLIs. Later vide Notification
lakh per year are eligible for Case 2 is considered for MIG-2 dated 06.08.2019 the State Bank
interest subsidy on housing i.e. annual income upto Rs. 18.0 of India (SBI) has also been
loans under the new CLSS lakh, carpet area upto 200 sq. mt. added as the third CNA for
(MIG). Those who have been and beneficiary identification implementation of CLSS.
sanctioned housing loans and to be furnished can be Aadhar. The CLSS vertical acts as a
whose applications are under Since the loan amount is upto booster to economy, as first time
consideration since 1st January Rs 12.0 lakh the initial EMI is there is a huge set of people of
2017 are also eligible for interest calculated @10% for a 20 years poorer section to get into not
subsidy. Beneficiaries are tenure totaling 240 monthly only having Bank account, but
eligible for an interest subsidy installments of Rs 11,580. Since also to learn the nuances of
of 4% on housing loans of up 3% interest subsidy amounting servicing the loan. Thereby,
to Rs.9.00 lakh for those with to Rs 2.30 lakh is credited GoI is making them think and
an income of Rs.12.00 lakh per upfront to the loan account, the act on availing loans which
year and of 3% on housing loans balance loan repayable is Rs 9.70 was not easier in earlier days.
of up to Rs.12.00 lakh for those lakh. This transforms to Rs 9.359 Even FIs and Banks have come
earning Rs.18.00 lakh per year. EMI after subsidy which leads to forward especially considering
Total interest subsidy available a monthly saving of Rs 2,221 and the fact that GoI is taking part
to each beneficiary under this annual saving of Rs 26,652. burden of EMI of poorer people
component maybe calculated for
Beneficiaries eligible for interest by infusion of CLSS subsidy
MIG-1 and MIG-2 by examining
subsidy under CLSS can directly upfront in the beneficiary home
two different cases.5
apply to Primary Lending loan account. Banks are happy
Case 1 is considered for MIG-1 that part recovery happens
Institutes PLIs and PLIs after
i.e. annual income upto Rs. 12.0 simultaneously on release of
due verification of applications
lakh, carpet area upto 160 sq. mt. loan.
will sanction loans and there
and beneficiary identification
after claim subsidy from Central Major Impediments in
to be furnished can be Aadhar.
Nodal Agencies (CNAs). No successful implementation of
Since, the loan amount is upto
processing fee will be charged by CLSS
Rs 9.0 lakh the initial EMI is
PLIs from the applicants under
calculated @10% for a 20 years EWS/ LIG Category:
CLSS. The National Housing
tenure totaling 240 monthly i. The major issue in this
Bank (NHB) and Housing
installments of Rs 8,685. Since 4% category is the valid Income
and Urban Development
interest subsidy amounting to Proof without which the
Corporation (HUDCO) have
Rs. 2.35 lakh is credited upfront subsidy can not be granted
been designated as Central
to the loan account, the balance by CNAs. As the majority
Nodal Agencies (CNAs) for
loan repayable is Rs. 6.65 lakh. of this category is having

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 65

Policy Review

informal source of income, The Mission provides financial availability of land owned by
which can not be documented assistance at the rate of Rs. 1.5 them. Such beneficiaries may
easily and because of lack of lakh per EWS dwelling unit be residing either in slums or
documentary proof of the being built under different outside the slums. Beneficiaries
Income, most of the Banks are partnerships by States/UTs/ in slums which are not under
reluctant to sanction housing Cities. An affordable housing ISSR can be covered under this
loan. Such as Auto/ Taxi project can be a mix of houses for component, if beneficiaries
Drivers, Fruit and Vegetable different categories (EWS, LIG, have a Kutcha or semi Pucca
Sellers, Ice Cream, Pan MIG and HIG etc.) but it will be house. Central assistance will
Vendor, Tailor, Saloon etc. eligible for central assistance, be released to the bank accounts
This results that this category if at least 35% of the houses in of beneficiaries identified in
is deprived from the benefit the project are reserved for EWS projects through States/UTs as
of the CLSS scheme. category and a single project has per recommendations of State/
ii. The Title documents of the at least 250 houses. UT.
properties are not easily Subsidy for Beneficiary-led Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
verifiable, because of which individual house construction (Gramin)
the Banks are reluctant to give (BLC)
Recognizing the need of housing
housing loan and subsidy to
BLC subsidy is assistance in rural areas, the Govt. of India
this category.
provided to individual eligible under the ambit of Ministry of
MIG Category: families belonging to EWS Rural Development (MoRD) has
i. Majority of people falling categories to either construct launched Pradhan Mantri Awas
under this category, are at new houses or enhance existing Yojana (Gramin), the PMAY
that stage of life where they houses on their own, to cover (Gramin) in 2016 to construct
are already in possession of the beneficiaries who are not affordable houses in rural areas
house either through self- able to take advantage of any and complete it by 2022 (date
acquisition done earlier or other component of the mission. extended). In February 2019, the
through inheritance, because Such families may avail of Cabinet has redefined target for
of which they become central assistance of Rs. 1.5 lakh PMAY-G to 1.95 crore houses
ineligible for subsidy. and should be part of HFA. A under PMAY-G Phase-II upto
Further, one of the reasons for minimum addition of 9.0 2022.
not giving subsidy by Banks/ of carpet area to the existing
Role of Real Estate Regulatory
HFIs is that the moment CLSS house will be required to be
Authority (RERA) Act6
subsidy gets adjusted against eligible for Central assistance
under the ‘Beneficiary Led On 1st May 2017, the
the outstanding loan, the loan Government incorporated the
amount gets reduced, which Construction’ component of the
housing mission. Real Estate Regulatory Authority
results in decreasing the (RERA) Act. The goal of RERA
outstanding loan of that branch, A beneficiary desirous of is to improve the efficiency and
hence act as disadvantage to the availing this assistance shall transparency in the real estate
Branch Manager. approach the urban local sector of India. Before RERA,
Affordable Housing through bodies (ULBs) with adequate home buyers were facing many
Partnership (AHP) documentation regarding
BW BusinessWorld. Affordable Housing To Gain From RERA Registered Brokers. May 09, 2020. Available from:

66 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Policy Review

issues regarding purchase of RERA’s official website. More advance from homebuyers.
properties the most prominent importantly, they have to update • If at the time of possession,
among them were delayed this information on a regular a discrepancy is noticed
project completions & deliveries, basis. This assures buyers of in title deed, the buyer
unfair pricing, bad quality of the transparency regarding project can immediately ask for
construction. RERA is meant timelines. compensation from the
to rectify these problems and developer.
RERA benefits homebuyers in
thereby streamline the real estate
a number of ways such as the After the enactment of RERA,
sector of India.
following: the real estate has experienced
After the enactment of RERA a surge due to already
• As per RERA rules, the buyer
transparency has been brought implemented PMAY scheme,
has to pay for the property on
to the industry by setting up as well as increasing demand
the basis of the carpet area or
RERA committees across India for properties by home buyers.
the area enclosed by walls.
to regulate the real estate sector. According to a survey, the
Builders cannot charge for
RERA has brought about a affordability of houses in
the super built-up area that
positive change in every facet the major cities of India has
includes lifts, balconies, stairs
of the real estate sector. Here’s improved. This study was done
and lobbies.
how: in the top eight metropolitan
• Builders have to put 70% of
• RERA aims to reduce project cities of India, including
the money they collect from
delays and in order to do Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune,
homebuyers into a separate
so, authorities have made it where they noted a visible
bank account, called as
mandatory for all builders/ shift towards making houses
Escrow account, which can
developers to carry out RERA affordable.
only be used for construction
registration before they start purposes. RERA and PMAY are improving
any project. the face of Indian Real Estate.
• After handing over, the
• RERA Authority has been buyer can report construction RERA also requires registration
sub-divided into smaller defects for up to 5 years and by big and small brokers to
regulatory bodies, each of have the developer rectify prevent them from cheating
which look after the real estate them. buyers by selling houses that
development in a single state were at high risk for the sake
• Developers have to resolve of higher commission. Now
or union territory in India.
disputes with buyers within the property developers in
• RERA rules are applicable 120 days of it being filed.
to both residential and affordable housing segment
• The developer or builder work with registered brokers,
commercial properties.
cannot make alterations or and they have noticed a sharp
• The RERA Act has brought additions to the building plan decrease in customer complaints.
about more accountability without informing two-thirds Builders are now obliged to
and transparency within the of the owners about such a keep the process transparent
real estate industry. change. It can only proceed under the guidelines of RERA.
With the implementation of if a majority of homebuyers’ The Indian Government is
RERA’s rules, builders have consent. also anticipating GDP to grow
to disclose every detail of the • The Act prohibits developers sharply with the contribution of
project they have undertaken on from taking more than 10% as the housing sector and several

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 67

Policy Review

co-dependent industries. housing developments have new solutions in financing

adequate infrastructure, explore and innovative tenure models.
WAY FORWARD ways to improve the situations of Non-profit organizations such
City governments have to those living in informal housing, as community land trusts,
define their long-term plans and create a strong regulatory housing cooperatives and
for increasing the supply of enabling environment for the microfinance institutions have a
affordable housing, balancing the private and non-profit sectors. critical role in bridging the gap
need to minimize urban sprawl Private sector players need between governments and the
with the limits of the viability to keep abreast of emerging private sector to improve the
of building denser and taller. solutions in construction affordability of housing, as well
They need to address political techniques and materials, as working with individuals
considerations that could hold work with governments to to help them understand their
back the development of new ensure an adequate flow of options and make informed
affordable housing, ensure that skilled labor, and consider decisions.

HUDCO Marks its Golden Jubilee

On the occasion of HUDCO’s Golden Jubilee, more than 1000 officials and stakeholders from across the country
joined a live webcast event on 27th April 2020 to mark 50 years of its distinguished service to the nation. In the
wake of the corona pandemic, the use of information technology to enable virtual celebration of the foundation
day, was a historic first. Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, the Chief
Guest on the Occasion, addressed the officials and appreciated HUDCO’s stupendous contribution towards
nation building. He urged HUDCO to continue to dream big and strive innovatively to address the challenges in
the habitat sector and to develop as a knowledge hub among the SAARC and Commonwealth nations, particularly
post the COVID pandemic.
Shri Shiv Das Meena,
Additional Secretary,
MoHUA and Chairman
& Managing Director,
HUDCO congratulated
the employees for
their commitment
and dedication over
decades, that has
made HUDCO a
continuously profit
making enterprise
with a unique business
model of ‘profitability
with social justice’.
Shri. M. Nagaraj,
Director (Corporate
Planning) welcomed
the participants and
Shri D.Guhan, Director
(Finance) proposed the
vote of thanks.

68 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies


-The Nexus between Economic Development, Informality
and Labour Mobility in Indian Cities

Literature shows that despite The Draft National Urban Rental

MRS. BANASHREE commonalities across cities, there is no Housing Policy of India argues
BANERJEE homogenised model of rental housing that rental housing can play a
for low income households that exists significant role in meeting the
in all cities. The dynamics of supply shelter needs of many of the
Rental housing is and demand are specific to each city, urban poor (MoHUPA, 2018).
often the first choice and influenced by its economy, growth This is confirmed by research
of shelter for new rate and housing market, leading to findings, which elaborate a
migrants and it stands diverse and distinct typologies which number of cross-cutting features
to reason that a high are specific to context. It is of vital
of rental housing across cities
rate of migration into importance then to understand these
of the developing world (UN-
contexts and differences in order to
a city is directly related Habitat, 2003; Kumar, 2001;
articulate responsive policies and
to the high demand practices towards rental housing for
Mahadevia, 2011, Desai, 2012,
for rental housing Naik, 2015; Sinha, 2014). Rental
the urban poor. This article aims to
and its production. housing is more than just a fill-
contribute to the policy dialogue on
The informal rental rental housing by sharing findings
in-the-gap solution for shortage
of affordable housing and
housing market in from the city of Ludhiana in the
constitutes a large market in
Ludhiana provides Indian state of Punjab. The focus is
on a particular form of informal rental itself. It is a preferred option
cheap accommodation among many because it offers
housing, locally known as “vehra”,
for more than 200,000 price flexibility and locational
which provides cheap accommodation
migrant workers in the for more than 200,000 migrant mobility to respond to economic
city. workers in the city. The article opportunities. Cheap rentals
illustrates how this particular sub- reduce housing expenditure in
market works in its particular context favour of remittances back to the
of the city’s economy, its governance village for migrants. They offer
and land and housing settings on one an appropriate housing solution
hand, and in the context of livelihood both for those who are undecided
strategies of migrant workers on the about their long-term plans and
Key Words: Rental Housing, informal
other. In doing so, it raises wider come without the i n t e n t i o n
settlement, migration, labour mobility,
issues of supporting rental housing of settling down in the city, and
Mrs. Banashree Banerjee (Banashree. for the poor through policy and local is a housing and
others who aspire to build up
practice. savings for owning property in
urban planning consultant, researcher
and teacher. She is also affiliated with the city (UN-Habitat, 2003).
Institute for Housing and Urban RATIONALE BEHIND
Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam as INFORMAL RENTAL Informality is a defining
Senior Housing and Urban Management feature of rental housing which

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 69

Case Studies

is accessible to the poor. An inter-state migration increased the city of Ludhiana in the Indian
estimated 60–90 per cent of to from about 6 million per year state of Punjab1 . The focus is on
low-income rentals in Asia in 2001-11 to nine million per a particular form of informal
are informal (UN-Habitat year in 2011-16 (Department of rental housing, locally known as
& UNESCAP, 2008). This Economic Affairs, 2017). 67% of “vehra”, which provides cheap
informality plays out in two ways. urban households migrate for accommodation for more than
A large number of the working employment related reasons 200,000 migrant workers in the
poor rent accommodation (NSSO, 2010) and are most likely city. The article illustrates how
in informal or “unplanned” to seek rental housing solutions. this particular sub-market works
areas of cities, such as squatter Rental housing is also significant in its particular context of the
settlements, unauthorised for those with volatile income city’s economy, its governance
colonies, urban villages and streams and older residents and land and housing settings
old city neighbourhoods. The amongst the urban poor who are on one hand, and in the context
second feature of informality lies unable to make the shift to home of livelihood strategies of
in the unwritten arrangement ownership (Mahadevia, 2011) migrant workers on the other. In
between landlord and tenant or prefer to remain in certain doing so, it raises wider issues
(UN-Habitat, 2003; Sinha, 2014; locations in the city. of supporting rental housing
Kumar, 2001). 27% of urban for the poor through policy and
Despite these common features
residents in India are living local practice.
across cities, literature shows
on rent (Census, 2011), 95%
that there is no homogenised
of which do not have formal LUDHIANA:
model that exists in all cities.
agreements or registration CITY SHAPED BY
The dynamics of supply and
(NSSO, 2010a). This is true when
demand are specific to each city, INDUSTRIALISATION,
informal landlords rent for MIGRATION AND
and influenced by its economy,
supplementing their household UNPLANNED GROWTH
growth rate and housing market,
incomes rather than for profit,
leading to diverse and distinct Ludhiana has a population of
as well as for speculative rental
typologies which are specific 1.62 million (Census, 2011) and
practices (Lee Smith, 1990; UN-
to context. For instance, the is the largest city in Punjab and
Habitat, 2003).
chawls of Mumbai and chalis of a major industrial centre of
Rental housing is often the Ahmedabad originated as rental northern India. The growth of
first choice of shelter for new housing for migrant textile mill employment in large, medium
migrants and it stands to reason workers and are not found in and small industries and linked
that a high rate of migration other cities. It is then of vital commercial and service activities
into a city is directly related importance to understand these resulted in an exceptionally
to the high demand for rental contexts and differences in order high growth rate of 51% in the
housing and its production to articulate responsive policies decade 1951-61 and even higher
(Desai, 2012). Statistics show and practices towards rental at 71.77% in 1981-91 because of
increasing rural to urban labour housing for the urban poor. accelerated industrialisation and
mobility in India, ensuring a expansion of city boundaries.
This article aims to contribute
demand of rental housing for The growth rate in the next
to the policy dialogue on rental
some time to come. According decade reduced but was still
housing by sharing findings from
to the Economic Survey 2016–17,
Based on (1) field work conducted by the author while preparing the report on “Integration of the Poor and Marginalized in Ludhiana” in 2014 for the World
Bank and followed up in 2018.

70 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
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high at 32.5%, finally settling below poverty line, consistently the urbanisable land delineated
at 16% in 2001-2011 (Banerjee, declining from 12.95% in 1991, for urban expansion in the
2014). and much lower than the average Master Plan- 2021 is already
Formal and informal industries of 23.6% for urban India. But occupied by unauthorised
account for the maximum these figures do not reveal the colonies, slum settlements and
employment in Ludhiana and multiple deprivations and poor informal industry (Sharma,
this trend is expected to continue quality of life faced by a large 2012).
with strong state backing for number of urban dwellers both
Informality dominates low-
industries. Construction and below and above the poverty
income housing
real estate is the second most line.
A high demand for housing by
important employment sector, The rapid development of
the flow of migrants and the
increasing in importance since employment opportunities
poor record of providing formal
the mid-90’s with the growth of and high rates of growth have
solutions for affordable housing
private sector housing estates, not been matched by planned
have led to the growth of informal
hospitality industry, shopping urban development and formal
housing. Public housing efforts
malls, educational institutions, solutions for housing and civic
are limited to 4832 housing units
hospitals and large government infrastructure. During its peak
completed in 2014 for resettling
infrastructure works. period of growth Ludhiana did
slum dwellers under the Basic
Both industries and construction not have a legally valid master
Services for the Urban Poor
sectors in Ludhiana depend on plan to guide and control
(BSUP) programme and 2500
migrant workers, most of whom development. Only 52% of the
units for EWS (Economically
are from Uttar Pradesh (UP) municipal area has had the
Weaker Section) and LIG (low
and Bihar. The total number of benefit of planned development
income group) prior to that
migrant workers in these sectors in the form of town planning
(MCL, 2015). Prime Minister’s
in 2007-08 was 672,600. Of these layouts and residential and
Awas Yojana is yet to produce
29,000 were intra-state migrants industrial projects implemented
any results (The Tribune, 01 Nov
and 304,000 were inter-state by various agencies of
migrants (NSSO, 2010). Thus, Government of Punjab, 2010. The
remaining area has developed Most of the informal housing
more than half the total workers
informally with uncontrolled in Ludhiana is in the form of
in Ludhiana are migrants and
expansion of informal industry, down-market private land
the proportion would be much
trade and commerce, slums and housing supply, where
higher if short-term migrants
around workplaces and quality is compromised to make
are taken into account. The
unauthorised colonies. These profit and deliver land and
recent reduction of growth rate
areas suffer from poor sanitation, housing very quickly. The most
is largely attributed to reduction
traffic congestion; severe air predominant are unauthorised
in migrant inflow from Bihar,
and water pollution; deficiency colonies, where farmlands
triggered by the success of
of road networks and lack of or village common lands are
government employment
space for recreation, schools, subdivided into a gridiron
guarantee programmes in the
health facilities and other social pattern of plots and streets and
state. Jobs both in the formal
infrastructure. This pattern sold. No services are provided
and informal sectors have kept
spreads beyond municipal by the seller. 280 unauthorised
the poverty level down with
boundaries into the peri-urban colonies are within MCL limits
only 9.7% of the population
areas, where more than 40% of and 845 in the area administered

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 71

Case Studies

by GLADA (Greater Ludhiana neighbourhood specific as slums) and 13% are rental
Area Development Authority) dominance of inter and intra tenements in vehras.
outside the municipal limits. state migrants, but the numbers Figure 1: Distribution of houses in Ludhiana
Unauthorised colonies have are not known. This kind of
repeatedly been regularised information haziness around
and provided with services. It informal renting is not particular 3%

is interesting that 128 layouts to Ludhiana alone and reflects Standard housing

similar to unauthorised colonies the fluid and hidden nature 13%


have been notified as slums for of the market (UN-Habitat, 69% JJ (Slum)
their lack of essential services. 2003). Nevertheless, that does Unauthorised
So, of the 182 notified slum areas, not undermine it’s importance colony (Slum)

only 54 are jhuggi jhompris or in the city, but rather flags up

squatter settlements on public the need for further research to Source: Census 2011 quoted in Slum Free
Plan of Action, (MCL, 2015)
or unclaimed private land. The understand the nuances.
cumulative population of the 182 Figure 1 gives an overview of Vehras, the city and the land
slums is about 2.6 lakhs, many of the distribution of the 283136 owners
whom have benefited from slum houses in Ludhiana (Census, Vehras are extensively used in
upgrading programmes (MCL, 2011). 18% of the houses are rural Punjab to house migrant
2015). in slums (jhuggi jhompri and agriculture workers. In the case
The most remarkable of unauthorised colonies notified of Ludhiana it was a natural
informal housing solutions in
Ludhiana are the vehras, or Figure 2: Map of Ludhiana showing location of slums, vehras and industrial areas

rental housing built by private

land owners exclusively for
migrant workers. These consist
of rooms built around a narrow
courtyard with minimal shared
services. According to MCL
estimates there are about 850
vehras with a population of
about 2.0 lakhs living in more
than 36,000 rooms (Banerjee,
2014; MCL, 2015). Although
nine of the notified slums have
vehra dwellings in them, vehras
as such are not considered as
slums in Ludhiana. Apart from
vehras, informal rental housing
also exists in slums, where
18,500 or 14% are tenants (MCL,
2015). Unauthorised colonies
and old city neighbourhoods
also accommodate a sizable Source: Based on Slum Free Plan of Action (MCL, 2015)
population of renters, with

72 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
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progression for land owners Figure 3 : Caption: Sherpur market; Credit: B Banerjee
to start catering to migrant
industrial labour with the
same kind of housing when the
opportunity arose. The intensive
development of industries to the
south east of the city left villages,
farmlands and low-lying areas
in between, which converted
into a web of unauthorised
colonies, urbanised villages,
slums and informal places of
manufacturing and commerce.
Vehras originally constructed
for farm labour in these areas
started being rented out to
single male migrant industrial
workers. Very quickly vehras
turned into a lucrative business
for land-owners who did not precincts very different and and sub-standard housing.
have income from agriculture distinct from the surrounding Living conditions in vehras
any more. Single storeyed Punjabi city. A continuous
kutcha construction gave way stream of people from those Vehras range in size from 10 to
to poor quality pucca structures states sustains a demand for more than 100 rooms. Smaller
going up to three storeys and the rental rooms and catalyses the vehras have single or double
number of vehras grew rapidly, transformation of the city into a storeyed construction and larger
especially from the 1970’s to the multi-cultural place. ones go up to four storeys. The
1990’s when migration from UP typical pattern consists of rows
Interviews with local village of rooms built on the long sides
and Bihar was at its peak.
leaders revealed that many of the of plots with a narrow courtyard
The proximity to industries and landlords are “big people” who in between. Rooms are 10 to
markets was the main reason for have managers for rent collection, 12 square meters in size and
the clustering of vehras in certain allotment of rooms and repairs. shared between four to six single
localities such as Giaspura, Tenants may not even be aware males or occupied by a family.
Jugiana, Sherpur (Figure 3), who the landlord is, but it is The room is used for all living
Lohara, Dhandari Kalan, and different for small landlords, activities, including cooking
Tajpur Road. This clustering has who are quite accessible and and in many cases has no
stimulated the growth of shops, some of whom live and own window. Shared latrines, water
eating places and other facilities shops in the neighbourhood. It taps and bathing enclosures are
catering to the “Purvanchal”2 was not possible to speak to any located in the courtyard or at
lifestyle of migrants from Eastern of the landlords as they were the end of the corridor on upper
UP and Bihar, turning these city suspicious and guarded, which floors. The number of latrines
neighbourhoods into cultural is not surprising considering the is highly inadequate with
Eastern region
2 informal nature of operations up to 35 persons per latrine3.
From the author’s field visits to 4 vehras.

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 73

Case Studies

Figure 4: Vehra Construction; credit: B Banerjee Figure 5: Vehra Quality; credit: CURE

Problems of overcrowding and onus of the property owner to will improve for the better with
too many people sharing poor maintain hygienic conditions. two initiatives in the pipeline:
quality services are exacerbated All the vehras have been MCL is set to carry out a survey
by waterlogging during the constructed (Figure 4) without of housing and infrastructure
rainy season and general lack any approval from MCL, but conditions in vehras; and MCL
of drainage in the areas where municipal water supply and has requested the Punjab
vehras are located. Choked sewerage are available, although state government to formulate
sewer pipes, overflowing septic not commensurate with the high development standards and
tanks and drinking water plot occupancy levels of vehras byelaws for vehras.
contamination are endemic. and not always legal. Several The vehra dwellers6
MCL records show that vehras vehras have also been regularised Despite poor conditions (Figure
have the highest occurrence of retrospectively by paying the 5), vehras continue to be the
water borne and respiratory required “composition fee”. In favoured housing option for
diseases in the city. There have the absence of a specific state 2 lakh migrants mainly from
been frequent instances of policy on vehras, the MCL eastern UP and Bihar. Most of
outbreak of gastroenteritis in is constrained to take only them work as informal industrial
the past caused by drinking punitive action5 when problems labour as daily wagers or piece-
water contamination. The arise and to treat structures like rate workers in both formal
reaction of the MCL is to issue any other unauthosised private and informal establishments. A
warnings to vehra owners construction according to the sizable number are employed
and disconnect water supply municipal act. Vehras are not in the industrial waste recycling
to affected vehras4. The vehra considered as slums because business and in warehouses for
owners are then required to pay they are on private properties loading and unloading goods.
a fine for resumption of supply. even though their environmental The monthly incomes range
In the opinion of MLC, these are conditions are far worse than in from Rs 5000 to 11,000 and
private properties and it is the the notified slums. Perhaps things most workers are employed
For example, MCL disconnected water supply to 40 vehras In August 2010 after an outbreak of gastroenteritis and issued 27 challans to owners of the
vehras for spreading unhygienic conditions. (The Tribune, August 30, 2010). Such steps always come after an outbreak of disease and sometimes deaths.
According to Clauses 292 to 295 of the Punjab Municipal Corporation Act, MCL can make it mandatory for a property owner to keep premises fit for human
habitation by maintaining sanitation etc.
Information based on focus group discussions by author where references are not specified

74 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
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in the same establishment dwellers think of the vehra as a known to protect tenants against
for a number of years (Sinha, temporary place of stay, even harassment from locals and
2018). Own account workers though some of them have been help them to procure identity
are rickshaw pullers, hawkers living there for more than ten documents.
and vendors. About 80% of the years. This mind set perhaps
workers come alone to the city, helps them to deal better with REFLECTIONS ON
leaving their families back in poor living conditions. 77% VEHRAS AND RENTAL
the village. Migrants usually want to return to their native HOUSING POLICY
rely on kinship networks to place after working in Ludhiana
Ludhiana’s vehras offer a
find a place to rent. Once in the for a few years while others have
number of advantages to migrant
city, there is a tendency to form ambitions of settling down in the
workers who come to the city to
neighbourhood or work-place city (Sinha, 2018). Many of them
earn a living with little ambition
based affiliations and networks, go back to the village during the
to settle there permanently. Their
breaking down the caste and harvest season or work in rural
location close to workplaces and
village barriers (Kunduri, 2019) areas in Punjab.
cheap rents are instrumental
but still maintaining regional
Vehra dwellers complain about in reducing expenditure in the
identities. This creates a sense of
the limited and poor toilet city – a strategy to maximise
shared identity and fosters social
facilities and are concerned remittances back to the village.
security and wellbeing.
about falling ill during the rainy Savings are also useful for the few
Rented rooms at Rs. 1500 to season but vehra owners are who look forward to eventually
2000 per month are shared not willing to improve things. own a house in the city. Vehra
between 4 to 6 single males, an Even approaching trade unions dwellers consider poor quality
arrangement which they find and Purvanchali representatives housing, overcrowding and
quite satisfactory because of in the MCL has not helped. poor sanitation, which take a toll
a similar cultural background Being “outsiders” they do not on heath as problems but they are
or work place affiliations. want to push too much and be willing to suffer some hardships
Moreover, they work in shifts so considered as trouble-makers. In in the city with the aspiration of a
only two or three persons occupy any case the convenience of low better lifestyle back in the village.
the room at a time. The priority rent, closeness to place of work, A number of scholars have come
is to minimise expenditure in the markets and other facilities and to similar conclusions from
city so that remittances can be the possibility to live safely with other Indian cities (Kumar, 2001;
sent to the family in the village their “own people” outweigh Mahadevia, 2011, Desai, 2012,
for clearing debts, day to day the inconveniences. Naik, 2015), pointing towards
expenses and buying property building a better understanding
Relations with the landlord or
(Sinha, 2018). Children’s of housing choices in the context
his manager are not conflictual;
education has a high priority, of urban-rural economic and
written agreements are unheard
even though 80% are illiterate poverty linkages.
of but vehra dwellers are regular
or semi-literate themselves
about paying the rent, and most It is very clear that vehras of
(Sinha, 2018). Families occupy
landlords are usually not harsh Ludhiana have consolidated into
single or at times two rooms
with tenants even if there is a few a well-entrenched housing option
and many of the women do
days’ delay. Incidents of eviction for informal migrant workers.
piece rate work from home for
are not unknown but few and They constitute 13% share of
garment industries or work as
far between. Landlords are also the city’s housing market and
domestic help. Most of the vehra

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 75

Case Studies

their perpetuation is assured by Ludhiana is not alone in its Government of Punjab (2009) A Study on the
Problems of Migrant Labour in Punjab, Economic
a number of interlinked factors. neglect of living conditions in and Statistical Organisation, Department of
There is a continuing demand informal rental housing. The Planning, Government of Punjab
Kumar, Sunil (2001). Social relations: Rental
for cheap labour in industries, informality of so much of the housing markets & the urban poor in India,
warehouses, workshops and process limits policy intervention Department for International Development
services of the economically (Naik, 2015) although informal
Lee Smith, Diana (1990) Squatter Landlords in
buoyant city. This demand keeps rentals are expected to continue Nairobi: a case study of Korgocho, in P. Amis
up a flow of migrants, who to supply affordable housing and P. Lloyd (eds) Housing Africa’s urban poor,
Manchester, Manchester United Press, pp 175-87
need cheap housing and job- in Indian cities. Just as vehras
Mahadevia, D., & Gogoi, T. (2011). Rental
related mobility. The vast areas are particular to Ludhiana, housing in informal settlements: A case study
of informal development close other down-market informal of Rajkot. Centre for Urban Equity, CEPT
University Ahmedabad
to industries are ideal locations, rental housing practices have Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty
and already existing vehras built developed in the specific contexts Alleviation (MoHUPA) (2015), National Urban
Rental Housing Policy (Draft). New Delhi.
for agriculture labour a good of cities in which they are located.
Municipal Corporation of Ludhiana (MCL)
starting point. Landowners make Much of their problems relate to (2015) Slum Free City Plan of Action
profits from low rents by keeping the need to compromise on quality Naik, Mukta (2015) Informal Rental Housing
their investments low. Escaping to keep rents low. Under these Typologies and Experiences of Low-income Migrant
Renters in Gurgaon, India in Environment and
the scrutiny of authorities has circumstances, the role of rental Urbanization Asia, 6(2) 154–175
made it possible to get away housing policy can be questioned National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO).
(2010) Migration in India, NSS 64th Round,
with poor quality structures and in bringing about improvements July 2007- June 2008, Ministry of Statistics and
inadequate services. in living security in all these Programme Implementation, Government of India.

However, unhygienic conditions different informal arrangements. National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO).
(2010a). Report on Housing Conditions and
and repeated outbreaks of A social policy which guarantees Amenities in India, NSS 65th Round, July 2008–

waterborne diseases in vehras universal access to basic minimum June 2009, Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation, Government of India.
have brought in the realisation services is perhaps more
Sharma SL, RS Sandhu & Manoj K Teotia
that they cannot be ignored and appropriate and more actionable (2012) Urban development in Punjab: Challenges
by local government. and Strategies; Institute for Development and
mere punitive action during Communication, Chandigarh
a health emergency cannot Sinha, Amrita (2018) Socio-economic
implications of migration from Bihar, Ph D
improve living conditions. More References dissertation, Punjab Agriculture University,
informed and better directed Banerjee, Banashree (2014) Report on Integration Ludhiana available at http://krishikosh.egranth.
of the Poor and Marginalized in Ludhiana, as
state action is needed. The
part of Study of Urban Management Practices in Sinha, N. (2014). Trust, networks and oral
proposed survey of vehras by Amritsar and Ludhiana cities in Punjab State for contracts: An institutional analysis of rental
the Municipal Corporation of Urban Transformation in Services Delivery, The housing markets in informal settlements in
World Bank, India Hyderabad, India. Paper for European Regional
Ludhiana and specification of Census of India (2011) General Population Science Association (ERSA) 2014 presented at St.
service standards are steps in Tables, 2011, Government of India Petersburg, Russia.
The Tribune (2019) Neglected Vehras cry for
that direction. This may need Department of Economic Affairs (2017)
government attention, The Tribune, 01 November
Economic Survey 2016–17, Economic Division,
to be supplemented by area- Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of 2019, Chandigarh
wide augmentation of service Finance, Government of India, New Delhi United Nations Human Settlements Programme
networks, particularly drainage Desai, Renu, Darshini Mahadevia and Trishna (UN-Habitat) and United Nations Economic
Gogoi (2012), Rental Housing for the Urban Poor and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
works to prevent water logging in Guwahati, Research Report, Centre for Urban (UNESCAP). (2008). Housing the poor in Asian
which is the main cause of Equity CEPT University Ahmedabad cities, quick guide 7: Rental housing,place
Government of Punjab (2010) Master Plan for
unhealthy conditions. Ludhiana 2007-21, Department of Town and
UN-Habitat. (2003). Rental housing: An
essential option for the urban poor in developing
Country Planning, countries. Nairobi: UN-Habitat
It must be mentioned that

76 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies


- A Study of Pune
With the rising levels of urbanization, important means of providing
PRoF. RAMAKRISHNA providing affordable housing is affordable housing in rapidly
NALLATHIGA increasingly becoming a challenge in growing Indian cities. The
large Indian cities. Rental housing is earlier policy of the Government
MR. ADITYA GOEL considered as an appropriate housing of India (GoI 2007) has also
MR. MANAS SWARUP option to address this challenge. Due encouraged the rental housing
to limited supply of individual rental in urban areas. This was quickly
MR. RAHUL PANDEY housing units, group rental housing
adopted by some of the Indian
in the form of ‘Co-living Spaces’ is
states e.g., GoM (2007). However,
Due to increased emerging as an important means of
a major impediment to the
demand in rental providing affordable housing in some
promotion and development of
residential market the large Indian cities that are rapidly
rental housing is the prevalence
residential market is growing. Pune is one such Indian city
that has been witnessing the emergence
of rent control acts in large
also reaching to the Indian cities, which froze/restrict
of co-living spaces, particularly in
skyline rental rates the house rents to arbitrary low
the suburban areas that have been
which are also becoming levels, thereby discouraging
experiencing industrial and service
not affordable to their supply by landlords.
sector growth. This paper provides an
the common people. understanding of the co-living spaces They also gave far too much
Therefore, alternate in Pune by analysing the supply and protection to the tenant. Mumbai
options like ‘Co-living demand side characteristics of co-living is a very good example of how
Spaces’ that are based spaces that are provided in the form of the restrictive Rent control act
on group rented housing the paying guest accommodations. The has led to the decline of rental
are emerging to cater to study insights are useful to the policy housing in the city and reduced
the need. and decision makers on promoting such it to almost negligible share of
affordable rental housing options in total housing (Tandel et al 2015).
other Indian cities. The Government of India has
recently brought out the Draft
Introduction Model Tenancy Act to correct the
Key Words: Affordable housing, large
As urbanization is inevitable imbalance in order to promote
cities, co-living spaces, supply and
for the economic growth and rental housing options in Indian
transformation of the nation, it cities (GoI 2019). A recent Asian
Prof. Ramakrishna Nallathiga is important to sustain it with Development Bank ADB Report
( is
the necessary support civic (2013) also advocates the revival
Associate Professor, National Institute of
Construction Management and Research, infrastructure services and with of rental housing in Indian cities
Pune. Mr. Aditya Goel , Mr. Manas the provision of affordable but by considering alternate
Swarup & Rahul Pandey are PGP ACM housing options. Affordable models that target to produce
Students at the same Institute.
rental housing is touted as an 77

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 77

Case Studies

group rental housing in Indian hub of the State and country– it in the market has been as
cities. In this context, the rental is the eighth largest metropolitan ‘ownership housing’, which has
housing options need to expand economy and ranked sixth its own limitation of catering
from individual rental housing on per capita income in the to the existing population but
to group rental housing in the country. The key sectors of the not being able to cater to the
form of co-living spaces, which local economy are education in-coming population. Most
is an important phenomenon and research, manufacturing of the people come to Pune to
that is not studied much. This industries and Information become skilled through the
particular segment of housing is Technology (IT). Pune has pursuit of higher education
also expected to be an important been the major industrial and/or by working in industrial
driver of the housing market centre with strong presence of enterprises. They have limited
growth in India (Parekh 2019). manufacturing, automobiles, income/ financial resources,
automotive, engineering, which restricts their access to
INTRODUCTION TO chemicals, IT and ancillary formal housing finance, which
PUNE industries. In 2014-15, the is required to acquire ownership
Pune is the second largest city manufacturing sector provided housing units. Rental housing,
in Maharashtra, after Mumbai, employment to over 500,000 on other hand, can act as a
and it is the ninth largest people. Pune has also emerged means for such population to
city in the country with an as a new hub for tech startups in find suitable accommodation
estimated population of 35.3 India, co-working space for city and it also suits to their time
lakhs in 2011. Pune Urban based startups under its 10,000 horizon of stay i.e., short to
Agglomeration Area (PUA) has startups initiative. medium term stay. Apart from
a combined population of 50.5 Rapid industrialization since conventional individual rental
lakhs while the population of after the 1960s and the IT sector accommodations, the group
the Pune Metropolitan Region growth in recent past has led to rented accommodations are
is estimated at 72.7 lakhs. Pune large influx of people to the city. rising in Pune, which provide
is considered to be the cultural Housing supply has not kept the ‘Co-living Spaces’.
capital of Maharashtra state. pace with demand, causing the
It is an educational hub with number of slum dwellings to
the presence of several well- increase. Approximately 36%
known higher educational and of the population lives in 486 The Census 2001 data show that
research institutions. In 2006, it slum areas thus, housing sector about 67% of houses are owned
was reported that nearly 200,000 requirement is large. Since the and about 29% rented. A small
students from across India study 1990s a number of landmark share of about 4% is contributed
in Pune at nine universities and integrated townships and by other i.e. for the public
more than a hundred educational gated communities have been housing by the government.
institutes. Such large number of developed in and around the Pune’s rental housing market
student community is looking city, which paved the way for is governed by a huge amount
for affordable housing options at the development of ownership of in-migrants to the city for
any time in Pune. housing in a big way. However, various purposes many of them
Pune is also a strong economic much of the housing supply are being for the purpose for

The report also mentions the working models like that of MMRDA rental housing scheme in Mumbai and CHB housing scheme in Chandigarh. See Nallathiga
and Dharmasi (2016) and Nallathiga (2019) for details.

78 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

employment and education. housing/ property brokers – both Drivers of Rental Housing
As new comers to the city, the individual and institutional.
Pune city has witnessed rapid
individuals have no other option
b) Unorganized Rental Housing growth since after 2007 due to
than reaching out a real estate/
Pune residential housing market the development of IT sector.
property broker while looking
is governed by the investors and Much of the development has
for a housing unit on rental
end users. Investors attempt to taken place in the peripheral
basis. Pune’s rental housing
make large gains by investing in regions due to lack of large land
market can be divided into two
residential markets in the wake of parcels in central city locations.
broad categories: Organised and
increasing demand for housing Of this, the majority has been
Unorganised rental housing.
units due to urbanization and concentrated in eastern and
a) Organized Rental Housing western part of the city like
economic development. Many
Market Karadi and Hinjewadi. Rapid
investors buy housing units/
These are the rental housing property to retain for some time residential construction which
units which are provided by the before earning profit. Usually, had been taking place in various
various registered companies such investors wait until the newly developed pockets like
for their employees as an time when value gains are high Baner-Balewadi started to slow
accommodation/ facility to them. i.e., property value is much due to an increase in vacancy
But, these kinds of units are very more than that at the time of rates combined with increasing
less in number and are mainly development, and during this prices. As anticipated, IT
reserved for the employees who period they earns profit by development in the city did
are working at higher positions renting them. Further, if the not match the rapid residential
in the company and who are owner of housing has moved to development, resulting in lower
mostly on tour/ visits on behalf another house in same city or occupancy rates. With an increase
of the company. These units are other city, then the old unit is in the interest rate and still
normally a block of apartment rented out to earn income from high capital value of residential
which is owned or leased by it. Sentimental attachment to market, the cost of individual
the company on contract basis the house/ property ownership housing units is beyond the
for their employees or it may is also one of the reasons why reach of most populations and
be a serviced apartment leased properties are placed in the rental affordability is of major concern.
by it. But, there is a segment of market rather than selling them. Hence, the end users shifted to
young bachelors who work for This type of housing units holds rental housing market. But, due
companies after migrating from the major share of the rental to increased demand in rental
different parts of the country residential market and rented residential market the residential
for which the accommodation to the user with the help of real market is also reaching to the
facility is not provided by the estate/housing broker – both skyline rental rates which are
company; hence, they have to individual and institutional. also becoming not affordable to
take care of the accommodation Real estate/ housing brokers the common people. Therefore,
on their own. As these normally charges high fees alternate options like ‘Co-living
individuals are newly migrated (two months rent) for making Spaces’ that are based on group
to the city, they look for rental available a housing unit, which rented housing are emerging to
housing in the early stage of their is very high for many people as cater to the need. Figure 1 shows
life by accessing unorganized they cannot afford the fees. the various types of housing in
rental market with the help of Pune.

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 79

Case Studies

Figure 1: Types of Housing in Pune un-affordability of formal rental

housing in the form of rental
apartments/homes. The working
professionals coming to Pune
for short duration find co-living
space like PG accommodations
as the best living option as they
do not have to worry about
furniture and kitchen items for
short stay. Most of the co-living
spaces are nearer to offices/
working centres or education
institutes. The students generally
prefer paying guest near the
educational institutes. Students
preparing for competitive exams
can save lot of time by staying in
paying guest accommodations.
Co-living Spaces/ Group formal rented accommodation Co-living spaces offer several
Renting that can be shared by a group benefits which are normally not
With a rise in the number of of individuals. Such group provided in the conventional
in-migrants for education and rental accommodations are renting options like an
employment to the city, the provided as ‘Co-living spaces’ apartment. They offer fully
demand for rental housing is by the property owners in the furnished rooms with all the
on the rise, as new migrants form of Paying Guest (PG) basic needs taken care by the
to city always demand for accommodations or hostels. The owner of the provider e.g., daily
rental residential units. While demand for such co-living spaces cleaning service, laundry, ironing
traditional housing does not cater is increasing with the rising of clothes, food and beverages
to the in-migrant population, the influx of people from various and internet connectivity that
employees in modern sectors parts of the country, given are generally a part of the guest
like IT and student population education and employment houses. It is the bundling of
do not want to live in informal opportunities in Pune. housing and services which
housing. This class of people Co-living spaces are assuming a makes the co-living spaces like
are not permanent migrants but lot of importance in Pune when the PGs as appropriate choice for
want to remain in the city so house values have risen faster the younger population moving
long they complete their project/ than the incomes and, therefore, to the city for a better future.
course/work commitments. are less affordable to new
This group of people resides migrants. For many rentees, co-
in a given location for a certain living spaces offer the flexibility PUNE: A STUDY
amount of time and for various of renting only for the period Given the emergence of co-
reasons but do not get in the they plan to remain the city and living spaces as an important
official census count. It is this at the same time do not end up segment of rental housing in
population that demands in informal housing due to the Pune, a Study was undertaken

80 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

to understand the current The methodology of the study Demand-side Characteristics of

status as well as structure of initially involved collecting Co-living Spaces:
co-living spaces in Pune, which primary data from the sampling
a) Gender of Tenants: Figure
are provided primarily in units – co-living spaces in Pune
2 shows that most of the
the form of the Paying Guest – while resorting to convenience
tenants of co-living spaces are
(PG) accommodations. The sampling. In convenience
males. The percentage of male
Study confines to the co-living sampling, the survey is
tenants is 73%, whereas the
spaces in the form of the PGs administered to available
percentage of female tenants
located in the Western part and accessible and willing
is 27%. The interaction with
of Pune covering the areas of respondents. The method is
tenants indicated that the female
Baner-Balewadi, Wakad and appropriate where sufficient
respondents prefer institutional
Hinjewadi. It is these areas in information on population size
rental accommodations like
Pune that have been witnessing is not available. Its findings may
hostel facility over co-living
a lot of demand for rental not be generalizable with small
spaces like PG, as hostels tend
housing not only in the form of samples (<30 units), but with
to provide better facilities along
individual accommodation but large respondents, the findings
with providing security to them.
also for groups of individuals could be representative. A
Figure 2: Gender of Tenants in Co-living
in the form of co-living spaces. questionnaire each was designed Spaces
These areas have a large number to conduct survey of both the
of higher educational institutes suppliers of co-living spaces
as well as large IT firms located i.e., landlords who are property
in them, which attract a lot of owners/managers, as well as
young people from all across the demanders of it i.e., tenants Male
various parts of Maharashtra living in co-living spaces. Both Female
and also other States. Co- qualitative and quantitative 73%
living spaces in these areas are data were collected from the
attractive for them, as they look tenants and landlords of co-
for accommodation options living spaces. This study was
closer to the work place or conducted on the sample space Figure 3 Tenants by the type of sharing
study centres. Therefore, this of 25 similar co-living spaces
part of the city boasts of having (PGs) located in the Balewadi-
wider options of co-living or PG Baner region of Pune (including
accommodations for students as Wakad and Hinjewadi). A total  Single
 
well as employees in the various of 100 responses were drawn Twin Sharing

MNC’s and other firms. There from the above mentioned Triple Sharing

has been a lot of research work  Four Sharing

sample of co-living spaces. The
on rental accommodations – both findings from the sample survey
formal and informal. However, of co-living spaces in Pune in the
group rental accommodations form of descriptive statistics and
like co-living spaces has not been their analysis that give insights b) Type of co-living/sharing:
studied much, which prompts us of this particular segment of Figure 3 shows the type of co-
to study this particular segment rental housing are described in living or sharing of space by
of rental housing market in the following section. tenants. It is found that a majority
Pune. of the tenants live in twin

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 81

Case Studies

sharing room accommodation. Figure 4 WIFI connectivity Figure 7 Restaurants nearby

Few of them live in multiple
sharing rooms. A good number WIFI Restaurants
of the tenants (one-third) also
live in single sharing room
accommodation in the co-living 0%
spaces. It is learnt from the 41% Yes
tenants that the living costs of 59% No
city are driving them to share a 100%
room with strangers. With two-
thirds of the tenants preferring
shared accommodation also
indicates that they are willing Figure 5 Supermarket nearby Figures 8 & 9 indicate that almost
to live in shared room rental all the tenants in co-living spaces
housing due mainly to it being
Supermarket realized the importance of
cheaper. fitness and, hence, they do give
a high priority to the vicinity
c) Amenities/services: Co-living 12%
of gymnasium. A significant
spaces are sought after by the number of the tenants turned
tenants as a means of securing out to be movie buffs who love
low-cost rental housing in well- 88%
to spend weekends watching
located parts of the city close latest flicks and hence they
to services and employment or consider proximity to Cinema
education centers. It is also an hall as important.
option most likely to appeal to Figures 6 & 7 depict the service
young and mobile populations preference of tenants living in co- Figure 8: Gymnasium nearby

due to the various amenities/ living spaces. It can be seen that

the restaurants remain a prime in
services offered within and
nearby such units. Figures 4 & priority list for the tenants, who
5 show the preference of tenants are usually the young working
for such amenities/services. class and student groups. Also,
A large proportion of tenants the vicinity to hospital holds
importance. 100%
live with WIFI connectivity
providing in the living space, Figure 6 Hospitals nearby
indicating the importance of
digital connectivity in the living Hospital Figure 9: Cinema Hall nearby
of modern times. Also, a very
large proportion of them lives in
Picture Halls
close proximity to facilities like 19%
supermarkets, where they do
shopping at their convenience.
81% 53% 47%

82 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

Figures 10 & 11 also imply that Figure 12: Facility of lift West Zone (37%) (including
the co-living space tenants Maharashtra State itself) and
realized that parking facility the North zone (37%). In other
within premises is an important words, Pune pulls people from
preference, as many use their 12% other areas due to the presence
own vehicles to commute. of industries, services and
CCTV monitoring though is 88%
not significantly available, Figure 14: Zone wise Tenants’ place of
but interactions with the origin
respondents shows that it is also
preferred by some of them. Figure 13: Space for indoor games NORTH ZONE

Figure 10: CCTV coverage SOUTH ZONE

Indoor Games 8%3%


Figure 15: Type of Land lord

From the above Pie Charts, it

is found that there are certain
Figure 11: Availability of parking
amenities that play a significant
Parking role in the attracting potential
48% Ma
tenants to co-living spaces. Other 52%
than basic amenities like water
12% supply, electricity etc, facilities
like CCTV coverage, Parking
space, vicinity from hospital,
88% Supermarket, Gym, Restaurant
and Wi-fi connectivity are also Supply-side Characteristics of
being checked before finalizing Co-living Spaces
the choice of co-living space. a) Type of Landlord: The supply
Figures 12 & 13 reflect that the d) Tenants’ Origin distribution of co-living spaces in the form of
tenants love to play indoor shared rental accommodations
Pune acts as ‘magnet’ for the are provided by two categories
games like Carom board, Table
migrant population and attracts of land lords – (a) Property/
Tennis and socialize with others,
people from various parts of the House Owners, who own the
and thus prefer co-living spaces
country. This is evident from entire rental housing unit as
with such facilities. As most
Figure 14 that opportunities in well as run the PG facility on
of the co-living spaces are in
Pune appeals to migrants from their own, (b) Property/House
the high rise apartments, lift
almost all the parts of the country Managers, who lease the space
becomes essential as well.
with majority coming from the from the property/house owner

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 83

Case Studies

as well as run the PG facility like Figure 17: Type of sharing and the number of such rooms available
business managers. It is evident 126
from Figure 15 that the Owner-
140 Rooms availability

run co-living accommodations 80
a. Single
46 sharing
are dominant, but the number 60
40 3%
10 40%
of Manager-run group rented 20 14% b. Twin
0 Sharing
accommodations are also 30%

becoming significant in number c. Triple

with the rising knowledge of
supply shortage and profit rent. d. four
This substantiates that the trend
is to lease out the property/house
to third party, as it dilutes the
risks of raising finance (to run spaces have the capacity of 10 to living/room sharing are more in
the PG facility) and assures good 15 rooms and another 20% have demand in comparison to other
secure income to the property the supply capacity of more than types of co-living/room-sharing;
owner. 15 rooms. also, they add more income
c) Types of co-living/sharing: to landlord in comparison to
b) Supply capacity of spaces: others. Demand and availability
Figure 16 shows frequency Figure 17 shows the types of
co-living spaces/room sharing of triple and four sharing spaces
distribution graph of the number are moderate and almost same
of co-living spaces available made available by the suppliers.
We observe that most of them for both.
according to their room/supply
capacity. Only two co-living are available in the descending d) Cost of co-living spaces:
spaces have a supply capacity of order of single-sharing (40%) to Table 1 shows the monthly rent
less than 10 rooms and most of five or more (3%) sharing. Except statistics of the different types of
them have the supply capacity of one or two rental properties, co-living spaces. Evidently, the
more than or equal to 10 rooms. all have single and double type single-sharing spaces command
Almost 72% of the co-living of sharing, as these types of co- a higher rent followed by twin-

Figure 16: Frequency distribution of co-living spaces according to supply capacity

No. of Rental Properties


4 8
2 5

0 1 1
1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18
Supply Capacity (Rooms)

84 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

Table 1 Central Tendency Statistics of Co-living Spaces Rent (Rs/ month) found in 6 rental properties of
the survey sample.
Figure 19: Rent contribution
SINGLE 7113 6600 7500 5500-8000
TWIN 5788 6000 6000 4800-6600 Annual Rental Share
TRIPLE 4652 4500 5000 4000-5400
Total Rent of
FOUR 3835 3500 3500 3000-5000 single room
FIVE or MORE 3250 3200 3200 3000-3600 16% 25% Total Rent of
double Sharing

sharing spaces. Five and more spaces in these housing/property 21% Total Rent of
Triple Sharing
sharing spaces command a low units is that they involve less Total Rent of
rent. The maximum average rent maintenance charges without Four Sharing

is charged for single sharing much repair expenses as well. Figure 20: Maintenance Expenses share of
type and minimum average Further, the new properties are various categories
rent is charged for five or more designed deliberately for the a. Painting
sharing type. Most demanded rental purposes and their carpet
rental accommodation is double area is efficiently utilized. b. Electrical
and triple sharing type of co- f) Rental income from co-living c. Electricity
living with the rental cost of Rs spaces: Figure 19 shows the
6000 per month. rental income share of different 20% d. Furniture

e) Age of Co-living spaces: An co-living spaces to the landlord. e. water

important aspect of the co- It is evident that maximum charges

living spaces is the age of rental income accrues from double

g) Co-living spaces maintenance
housing/property – whether they sharing type of space followed
expenses: Figure 20 shows the
are older units that are recycled/ by single, triple and four; the
maintenance expenses of co-
reused or they are newer units least from five or more type of
living spaces shown in pie chart
coming into the market. It can sharing. So, double sharing type
on annual basis. Maximum
be interpreted from Figure of accommodation is favorable
share of the expenses is that of
18 that most of the properties option for landlords supplying
electricity charges, as electricity
(80%) are constructed within ten such co-living spaces. The
is required for providing and
years and are in good condition, income share from five or more
running various services to
with a minimum of recycling/ type of sharing is very less,
the occupants. Furnishing and
reuse of very old properties. forming just 5% of total income,
providing water supply to the
An advantage of newer living and it is least in vogue and
occupants also have a good share
Figure 18: Distribution of co-living spaces by age of rental housing units of maintenance expenses of co-
12 living spaces. The least share of
maintenance expenses is that
No. of Rental Property

8 of housekeeping, as it involves
10 10
engaging manual labour on
4 part-time basis.
2 5

0 0
Co-living Tenants’ Perception:
0-5 6-10 years 11-15 years more than 15
age group a) Quality of Accommodation:
It can be seen from Figure 21

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 85

Case Studies

that most of the tenants of co- 7000. This is very affordable for Figure 23: Manager– Quality of management
living spaces find their current the younger population, as the
Manager-run Spaces
co-living space accommodation rental costs of such co-living
10% 0%
is good enough (80% rated their spaces are about 25% of their 19%

accommodation as Good) and as monthly income. Further, even Excellent

per their expectations. for those who are in pursuit of Good

Figure 21: Quality of accommodation education, this comes close to Satisfactory

provided rental charged by institutional
accommodations like hostels. 71%

c) Service Provision Figure 24: Owner– Quality of
8% Excellent
As discussed earlier, the co- management
living spaces are provided by Owner-run Spaces
two categories of landlords 6% 15%
80% ory - property owners as well as
Poor property managers. The survey Excellent
of tenants of co-living spaces 33%
indicates that the property Poor
managers tend to provide them 46%
Figure 22: Distribution of Average rent of better, as evident from a greater
Co-living spaces
satisfaction of tenants when
14 compared to those provided by CONCLUSIONS
No. of Rental Properties

10 the property owners. Figures
The challenge of providing
6 13
23 & 24 clearly indicate that the
4 7 affordable housing is only
2 3 tenants prefer manager-run co-
0 0
rising in large Indian cities,
living spaces when compared to
which have a large share of
owner-run co-living spaces. This
urban population and which
Range of Average Rental value
is majorly due to the following
continue to receive more and
b) Affordability of Spaces more people. With the rising
• Earnings from PG is the only un-affordability of ownership
Affordability of co-living spaces source of income for the housing in the Indian cities, it is
in terms of monthly rent per managers whereas, same is becoming imperative to look for
shared room/unit is also an not the case with most of the alternates in the form of rental
important indicator of suitability Owners. housing. While the conventional
of such spaces for younger rental housing continued to
• Managers generally have
population. Figure 22 shows the play the role, it is confronted
experience in such businesses
distribution of average rent per with other challenges of rent
whereas Owners are usually
shared room space per person control and landlord discretion.
laymen who want to make
in all 25 rental properties. It is Moreover, it is not suitable for
decent earnings from their
evident that in Pune anybody the in-coming population with
own property.
looking for rental property on lesser income/ financial capacity
sharing basis (or, co-living space) • Managers usually bear more
financial risk as compared to and shorter time horizon of stay.
can negotiate for the monthly Group rented accommodations
rent in the range of Rs 4000 to Owner.
in the form of Co-living spaces

86 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

are assuming importance in this statistics, The Registrar of Census of India, Nallathiga, R (2010), ‘Affordable Housing
New Delhi in Urban Areas: The Need, Measures and
context and Pune city clearly GoI (2007), National Urban Habitat and Interventions’, Paper presented in the Skoch
shows the way forward through Housing Policy 2007, Ministry of Housing and Summit held at Shangri La, New Delhi on
Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of November 2010
the supply of a good number India (GoI), New Delhi Nallathiga, R and D Dharmasi (2016),
of co-living housing units. GoM (2007), Maharashtra State Housing Policy ‘MMRDA Rental Housing Scheme: A Case
Therefore, other Indian cities 2007, Government of Maharashtra (GoM), of Affordable Urban Housing’, Shelter 17(1):
Mumbai 10-16
also need to promote co-living GoI (2019), Draft Model Tenancy Act 2019, Nallathiga, R (2019), ‘Housing for the Urban
spaces as an affordable housing Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation, Poor: The Case of Chandigarh Model’,
option for the benefit of their Government of India, New Delhi Nagarlok LI (2) 84-93
MGI (2010), India’s urban awakening: Building Parekh, Deepak (2019), ‘Student housing,
own economies. inclusive cities and sustaining economic growth, retirement homes, co-living new realty
McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), New York/ growth drivers’, The Economic Times, October
London 2, 2019
REFERENCES Nallathiga, R (2005), ‘Regulatory Impacts Pethe, A and R Nallathiga (2013), ‘Legislative
ADB (2013), ‘India: Promoting Inclusive on Land and Housing Markets in Mumbai’, impact on land markets in cities: The Case
Urban Development in Indian Cities’, ADB Nagarlok XXXVII(3): 50-65 of ULCRA and Its Repeal’, Environment and
Technical Assistant Consultant’s Report, Asian Urbanization ASIA, 8(2): 201-213
Development Bank (ADB), Bangkok. Nallathiga, R (2007), ‘The Changing Role
of Housing Policy in India: Challenges and Tandel, V., S. Patel, S. Gandhi, A. Pethe, and
Census (2001), Household assets and amenities, Reform’, Review of Development and Change K. Agarwal (2015), ‘Decline of rental housing
The Registrar of Census of India, New Delhi XII(1): 71-98 in India: the case of Mumbai’, Environment
Census (2011), Urban population and housing and Urbanization, 28(1): 259-274

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April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 87

Case Studies


-A Case of Delhi

Heritage is the result of interaction climate change and pollution.

MR. A K JAiN of people, places and time through Accordingly, the Government
which the culture, buildings and cities of India has launched several
evolve. The built and natural heritage Missions, viz. Smart Cities
The starting part is the manifestation of India’s cultural Mission for developing 100
of urban heritage diversity. The built heritage includes smart cities, Atal Mission
conservation is a cities, villages, heritage structures/ for Rejuvenation and Urban
sound, geo-referenced buildings, gardens, water structures, Transformation (AMRUT)
forts and citadels, places of worship,
and comprehensive for provision of sustainable
tombs and memorials. Cultural heritage
database of heritage basic urban infrastructure and
includes crafts, textiles, jewellery,
resources. A detailed services for 500 cities with
languages, literature, food and trade.
digitized database is very population of above 1 lakh,
The natural heritage includes the rivers,
important for informed Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
hills, mountains, waterfront, streams,
(PMAY) for facilitating provision
decision making. The canals ponds, tanks and lakes. The
of 20 million urban houses
database must be conservation of heritage is not freezing
a place, but it has to occur in relation
by 2022 and Heritage City
comprehensive, open- Development and Augmentation
ended and compiled from to the local people, ecology and socio-
economic development. The conservation Yojana (HRIDAY) for 12 heritage
detailed inventories. cities. These Missions target
of heritage and urban transformation
It must be organized go hand in hand. Their integration is the provision of sustainable
systematically providing crucial for sustainable development. infrastructure services like
multiple criteria queries. water supply, sanitation and
Subjectivity has to be INTRODUCTION solid waste management, urban
minimum and any India is characterised by a rich
transport, housing for all,
qualitative judgement renewable energy and heritage
cultural diversity and heritage,
has to be supported by a conservation.
together with wide variations
detailed description of of geography and demography. From the heritage conservation
the approach. With about 8000 cities and towns, perspective, the HRIDAY
it is poised to have 600 million Mission launched in 2015, covers
urban population by 2031. With 12 heritage cities, viz. Ajmer,
Keywords: Urban transformation,
rapid demographic and socio- Amravati, Amritsar, Badami,
conservation of heritage, Sunder nursery
economic changes, the urban Dwarka, Gaya, Kanchipuram,
Mr. A. K. Jain ( Ex- areas are faced with variety of Mathura, Puri, Vellankanni,
Commissioner(Planning) DDA, worked challenges such as conservation Varanasi and Warangal. With
on Master Plan for Delhi-2021, Heritage 100 per cent central government
of built heritage, urban
Policies, Tool-kit and Projects, and is
Consultant UN Habitat. transformation, sustainability, funding, it aims at improving

88 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

the quality of life with focus three categories of built heritage, GRADING OF
on sanitation, security, viz. city/ settlement, zone/ HERITAGE AREAS OR
tourism, cultural and heritage precinct, and building level. The BUILDINGS
revitalization and livelihoods. INTACH’s inventory of Delhi’s
built heritage also covers the Criteria for grading depends on
Overall, the mission focuses on
ownership details, survey and its age, state of preservation and
Physical, Institutional, Economic
plans, land use and transport archaeological, historical and
and Social Infrastructure. As
network, infrastructure services, architectural value. Broadly the
a result, there is an impetus
open areas, etc. The key elements categorization is based on the
towards conservation of heritage
of documentation of heritage following criteria:
in many other cities in India.
management system should Grade I: Areas or buildings
HERITAGE include: location and history; which can be recommended
INFORMATION population; area; density; for protection as monument of
MANAGEMENT number of households ; social national importance or regional
and physical facilities/amenities; importance, which need to be
The starting part of urban heritage
historic, tourist, economic and saved and kept in a permanent
conservation is a sound, geo-
cultural importance; threats/ state of preservation.
referenced and comprehensive
status of protection; review Grade II: Areas and buildings
database of heritage resources.
of policies, legal framework of special interest which need to
A detailed digitized database
and institutional structure; be upgraded, restored, repaired
is very important for informed
conservation significance; and preserved.
decision making. The database
and references. As far as
must be comprehensive, open- Grade III: Areas and buildings,
possible, information should be
ended and compiled from which may not qualify for
authenticated by historical or
detailed inventories. It must permanent retention but are
literary evidence, chronology of
be organized systematically nevertheless, of some historical
developments and changes and
providing multiple criteria or architectural importance.
significant dates.
queries. Subjectivity has to be
minimum and any qualitative The database of heritage starts HERITAGE
judgement has to be supported from the level of properties, COMPONENTS
by a detailed description of the which goes to include heritage
clusters, precincts and heritage As per the International
approach. A building can be
zones. These assimilate into Council on Monuments & Sites
understood as a process that
historic settlements and districts. (ICOMOS) Charter, the qualities
covers the description of the
It is necessary to identify critical to be conserved include ‘all the
plans, spaces, number of floors,
issues and problems such as, land elements that express the character
the fabric, structure in terms
use, local population, pollution, of the place’. Identified as Heritage
of supports, roofing systems,
congestion, services (toilets, Components, these have been
the use of materials, structural
sanitation, drainage, solid waste categorised as under:
devices, style of decorations and
ornamentation. disposal, water, electricity, etc.), ● Urban pattern, plots and
mobility conditions, safety and streets;
The heritage structures can be
security, open spaces, parks
categorized and documented as ● Relationship between
and playgrounds, hoardings,
per an inventory. A set of formats buildings, greens and open
buildings and structural
should be carefully designed for spaces;

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 89

Case Studies

● The formal appearance, ventilation and electricity. There Mehrauli Archaeological Park
interior and exterior of is a serious deterioration of has been taken up by the DDA
buildings, scale, size, style, urban heritage and environment and ASI in partnership with
construction, materials, due to building alterations, new the INTACH. The Jama Masjid
colour and decoration; construction, carbon emissions, project of the MCD/ Government
● The relationship between increasing traffic, use of fossil of National Capital Territory of
the urban area and its fuels, insanitation, poor drainage Delhi (GNCTD) is yet to take
surrounding setting; and and inadequate solid and liquid off. Some details of heritage
waste disposal. The structures conservation of Humayun
● Various functions that the
are usually old, fire prone and Tomb-Nizamuddin- Sunder
area has acquired over time.
illegal. Similar is the situation in Nursery; and Chandni Chowk
It is critical to identify the the unauthorised colonies, urban redevelopment projects are
ownership and demarcate the villages and other unplanned given in the following sections.
exact boundaries on a map. The areas.
delineation of heritage zones has Conservation of Humayun
to be based on understanding Tomb-Sunder Nursery-
of the historic, cultural and Nizamuddin Basti
natural integrity. For example, The conservation project of
the historic cities and villages Delhi, India’s capital is a
Humayun Tomb- Sunder
are interlinked with the river, unique city, a kaleidoscope of
Nursery-Nizamuddin Basti
water bodies and streams, which old traditions and new forces.
covers the Humayun Tomb
should be considered in entirety. It is believed to be one of the
(16th Century)- Sunder
oldest cities of the world, full
Nursery (20th Century) and
THE ISSUES of heritage sites such as Red
Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti
Fort, Jama Musjid, Qutab Minar,
Old heritage areas usually (14th Century). It integrates
Purana Quila, and many other
house the poor. These areas conservation, socio-economic
historical buildings. During the
consist of mixed land uses, development, environmental
last decade some of the heritage
micro-businesses and small improvements and improving
conservation projects have been
industries. The encroachments the quality of life for resident
undertaken in Delhi, which
and increasing density adversely population. More than 100
include: (i) Humayun Tomb-
affect the quality of the urban monuments have been
Nizamuddin- Sunder Nursery;
environment and cultural identified, which involved the
(ii) Mehrauli Archaeological
heritage. The urban services and careful removal of concrete
Park; (iii) Jama Masjid precinct;
health facilities, public safety, from the monuments, including
and (iv) Chandni Chowk. The
especially of women, are under domes and restoration of the
Humayun Tomb-Nizamuddin-
tremendous pressure. stone paving on pavements
Sunder Nursery Conservation
and flooring, repair and marble
In the old cities, the residences Project was taken up by Aga
cladding of pillars, walls, ceiling
are usually converted into shops, Khan Foundation in partnership
and domes/roof and restoration
warehouses and factories, with with the Ministry of Culture,
of water bodies, baoli and
illegal extensions. The courtyards Archaeological Survey of India
fountains. The 70 acre Sunder
are often covered. This has led (ASI), Municipal Corporation of
Nursery has several monuments
to an overcrowded, unhealthy Delhi (MCD), and Central Public
including the sixteenth century
and polluted environment, Works Department (CPWD) and
Sunder Wala Mahal, eighteenth
with severe lack of sanitation, major work has been completed.

90 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

century Mughal-era garden project has helped to improve the template of partnership in
pavilion, Sunderwala Burj, roads, streetlights, playgrounds, conservation of urban heritage
Lakdawala Burj and Azimganj provision of public toilets, etc. and an inclusive, participatory
Sarai. The project mandates a good approach.
In Hazrat Nizammuddin Basti Figure 1: Non-invasive Conservation, Nizamuddin Basti
the conservation of monuments
and the rehabilitation of open
spaces have been taken up which
include fourteenth century baoli
(step-well). Ground Penetrating
Radar Survey, High Definition
3D laser scans and geotechnical Before
assessments have been used for
conservation planning. Seven
centuries of accumulations were
removed from the baoli. The
conservation works include Isa
Khan’s Tomb, Mughal tomb
known as Chaunsath Khamba
and the tomb of Mirza Ghalib.
After Conservation
They also have the large open
Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2003
spaces. Landscape works at
Ghalib’s tomb have enhanced its Figure 2: Arial View of Sunder Burj and Paradise Garden
historic character and dignity.
The Cultural Revival programme
encompasses performing arts,
classical music, poetry and
traditional crafts. The efforts are
to revive the Qawwali music
traditions (thirteenth century) of
Amir Khosrow by performances,
festivals, discussions,
recordings, theatre, workshops
and heritage walks.The project
combines conservation with
socio-economic development
through a community-cantered,
collaborative approach.
The project has improved
environmental conditions and
urban services including Life-
skills Education, Vocational
Training, Pathology Laboratory
Source: Sunder Nursery Management Trust, AKTC, New Delhi
and medical facilities. The

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 91

Case Studies

Figure 3: Water Cascade, Sunder Nursery Chandni Chowk Redevelopment

Chandni Chowk covering a
stretch of 1.5 kilometre is the
centrepiece of Shahjahanabad.
The redevelopment plan
visualises a pedestrianised
heritage, upgradation of
sanitation and drainage,
improvement of roads
and pathways, laying of
underground electric wires.
It addresses the challenges of
conservation of historic buildings
and their adaptive reuse,
accommodating a large number
of hawkers and street vendors,
safety of pedestrians, reducing
handcarts, vans, cars, motor
Source: Photo A.K. Jain bikes, rickshaws, non-motorised
Figure 4:: Lakkarwala Burj, Sunder Nursery transport and goods vehicles,
parking, camouflaging unsightly
air-conditioning units, putting
underground overhanging fire
prone electric cables, de-silting
of drains, provision of public
toilets and water points. The
Shahjahanabad Redevelopment
Corporation (SRDC) is the
implementing agency.
Figure 5: Chandni Chowk
Overtaken by Vehicular Traffic

Source: Jain A.K., Conservation of Cultural

Heritage, 2015

Source: Photo A.K. Jain

92 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

Figure 6: Chandni Chowk Redevelopment Plan visualises a recreating pedestrianised of Housing & Urban Affairs
heritage boulevard in its 1.5 km stretch
(MoHUA), Govt. of India, vide its
notification dated 29th October
2019, enacted the NCT of Delhi
(Recognition of Property Rights
of Residents in Unauthorised
Colonies) Regulations, 2019
for grant of land ownership in
illegal colonies on government
and private lands. However,
the approach is individual plot-
centric and lacks a long-term
vision, towards a composite
development with safe
structures, open spaces, facilities,
better roads and infrastructure
The Master Plan of Delhi (MPD
2021) provides a framework for
redevelopment of Special Area
by allowing the amalgamation
of the plots to a minimum
combined area of 1670 square
Source: Down to Earth, Where is Chandni, 9th August 2015 meter with an FAR up to 400
URBAN Plan of Delhi 2021. A katra in and a minimum street width of
Sitaram Bazaar has been taken 7.5 m. Additional floor area ratio
up as a pilot. Sitaram Bazar is (FAR) will attract developers
The Special Area in Delhi, and the owners/tenants to
full of narrow lanes, dilapidated
covering 2600 Ha, comprises form a small cooperative. This
buildings, hanging wires
Walled City of Shahjahanabad would facilitate self-financed
and rampant encroachments.
and its extensions like Paharganj, redevelopment together with
The katra taken up for
Sadar Bazar and Karol Bagh. the following:
redevelopment covers an area
These areas are characterised
of 3092 sqm and has 96 houses ● Widening of roads and
by mixed land use, compact
and 46 shops. While nearly 43% removing encroachments
buildings, narrow lanes and high
of the area is residential, another ● Structures conforming to
density, residential, commercial
31% is under mixed land use and fire and structural safety
and industrial units. These are
the remaining 26% comprises standards
often fire prone, dangerous and
open space. Parking facility is
hazardous. ● Redevelopment with
not available and the area lacks
The revamp of some pockets additional built up area
toilets, sanitation, sewerage and
in the Special Area has been at an FAR up to 400, with
other services.
initiated by the MCD under enhanced number and sizes
For the redevelopment of of residential and commercial
the framework of the Master
illegal colonies, the Ministry units

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 93

Case Studies

● Provision of parking in Figure 7: Proposed Redevelopment of Kashmere Gate Area

basement with soft green
Delhi Urban Art Commission,
in its study of Chandni Chowk
and Kashmere Gate Area
(Consultant Ashok B Lall,
2015), suggested a revitalisation
strategy comprising: i) edge
redevelopment; ii) adaptive
reuse; iii) redefining urban
fabric; iv) inducing urban
relief spaces; and v) redefining
mobility. It proposes optimising
the use of land resources by
redevelopment strategies, as
i. Redevelop existing buildings
through plot amalgamation;
ii. Provision of amenities by
identification of spaces lying
vacant or underused;.
Identification of spaces Source: DUAC/Ashok B Lall, Chandni Chowk and Kashmiri Gate- Guidelines and
to provide parking in the Redevelopment Strategies, Delhi Urban Art Commission, New Delhi, New Delhi
basement with retail activities for vehicles on the internal key pillars:
as the incentive; lanes. i)Institutional and organizational
Removal of warehouses to Encroachments to be capacity; ii) Finances; and iii)
reduce congestion and free removed to provide access Legal framework. Many local
space in building envelope to emergency vehicles and bodies and heritage property
to induce higher residential seamless connectivity. By plot owning agencies/trusts do
density; amalgamation, the existing not have in house specialists
v. Adaptive reuse of historical streets can be widened to a in urban heritage planning
buildings and improvement minimum standard of 3.5m. This and conservation. They have
of the façade to conserve would also create open spaces, no option but to outsource
architectural and cultural refuge areas for residents in the work or partner with the
heritage, lending legibility to emergency and social nodes. consultants or NGOs. This
the area; needs a cautious approach,
KEY PILLARS OF where emulating consultancy
Developing the circulation
HERITAGE PROJECT process of architectural jobs or
network, para-transit and
pedestrian movement, IMPLEMENTATION contracting procedures may not
improve last mile No heritage management plan work. This needs institutional
connectivity/restricted access can be successful without three capacity building of the urban

94 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Case Studies

Figure 8: Proposed Redevelopment of a Katra in Sitaram Bazaar sector, NGOs and Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR)
funds can be other sources of
financing the heritage projects.
All public schemes need a
legal framework, regulations,
standards, operating procedures,
controls and enforcement.
It also involves compliance
with the legal frameworks,
such as Archaeological Survey
of India, State Departments
of Archaeology and other
regulations, Environment
(Protection and Control) Act,
1986 and its amendments (1991),
The Environment (Protection)
Rules, 1986, Environment
(Siting for Industrial Projects)
Rules, 1999, Coastal Regulation
Zone Act, Wildlife Protection
Act, Forest Conservation Act,
Bio-diversity Act, Town and
Country Planning Acts, etc. The
most of urban heritage comes
under the jurisdiction of the
Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)/
Municipal Bodies. These can be
Source: Times of India, How a Courtyard in Walled City May Show A Way for Revamp,
30th December 2019 in the form of Town Planning
roads. Façade, refurbishment, laws, Development Control
local bodies, which can provide
repair and painting can be the Regulations, Heritage Acts, Rules
expertise and dedicated attention
starting point. Funds can be and Regulations, Hoarding and
to urban heritage.
mopped up from various schemes Anti-defacing Law and Building
Mobilising the finances for Bye-laws. Codes and para-
such as HRIDAY, National
heritage conservation is a critical legal tools, such as architectural
Culture Fund and Plan Funds.
issue. This needs a phased controls, PPP guidelines, social
State government budgets are
approach, prioritisation and audit, community and gender
also available for maintenance
developing partnerships. For empowerment and heritage
of old heritage buildings, repairs
example, in most of the inner toolkit can help in effective
and reconstruction, including
cities discernible improvement heritage management.
infrastructure development-
can be made by regulating,
drainage, sanitation, toilets,
removing and or redesigning CONCLUSION
roads and streets, etc.
the hoardings, banners and
Partnerships with the private The built heritage is the
billboards on the building and

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 95

Case Studies

manifestation of cultural Unprotected Heritage in India, New

REFERENCES Delhi, 2004
identity and diversity. However,
Aga Khan Trust for Culture, The
due to misplaced notions and Revitalisation of the Gardens of Jain A.K., Conservation of Cultural
lack of resources, there has Emperor Humayun’s Tomb, AKTC; Heritage, Discovery Publishing
House, New Delhi. 2015.
been continuous decay of Geneva, 2003.
the built heritage, historical Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Jain, A.K., Lutyens Delhi, Bookwell,
properties and the expulsion Sunder Nursery-Delhi’s Heritage New Delhi, 2011
of vulnerable social groups Park (Handout), Sunder Nursery Jain, A.K., Dillinama-the Cities of
Management Trust, New Delhi, 2019. Delhi, Synergy Books, New Delhi,
by the extraneous commercial
Delhi Development Authority, Master 2014
interests. Ambitious heritage
projects often marginalise Plan for Delhi 2021, MOUD, 2007 Menon, A.G.K. Heritage Conservation
and Urban Development: Beyond the
the informal settlements, Old Down to Earth, Where is Chandni, 9th
August 2015 Monument, Heritage Conservation
City, unauthorised colonies and Urban Development, Hyderabad,
and urbanised villages. The DUAC/Ashok B Lall, Chandni Chowk India, INTACH, 2005.
conservation of heritage and and Kashmere Gate- Guidelines and
Redevelopment Strategies, Delhi Steinberg, Florian; Conservation and
urban transformation go hand in Rehabilitation of Urban Heritage
Urban Art Commission, New Delhi,
hand. Their integration is crucial New Delhi in Developing Countries, Habitat
for sustainable development, i.e. International, June 1996
ICOMOS, Icomos Charter- Principles
environmental, economic and for the Analysis, Conservation and Times of India, How a Courtyard in
social. Structural Restoration of Architectural Walled City May Show a Way for
Heritage, Rome, 2003. Revamp, 30th December 2019

INTACH, Charter for Conservation of UNESCO, Historic Districts for All,

New Delhi, 2010
HUDCO Contributes Rs.50.28 crore to PM CARES Fund
Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd. has contributed Rs.50 crore from CSR funds and Rs.0.28 crore
from voluntary contribution of one day salary by employees to PM CARES Fund, for promoting healthcare and
relief activities in the wake of COVID 19 pandemic. More voluntary salary contribution by the employees would
follow for a period of up to six months. HUDCO has pledged to support Government’s efforts in dealing with the
challenges emerging from this unprecedented situation.

96 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Special Feature


- Some Rambling Thoughts

Change Tsunami communities. Aggregation and

PRoF. RANGANAthAN large urban agglomerations are
NARAyANASwAmi ‘Old order changeth yielding
history. The directional change
place to new ......’ So wrote
is from RURBAN (from rural
Tennyson in his famous poem
to urban)(urbanise rural areas)
Morte d’ Arthur. The world has
to CIVILLAGE (term coined
got used to experience change
by Kakodkar) (city to village)
in all aspects and has now gone
(ruralise Cities).
complacent to change which
This calls for a New has been slow, imperceptible,
Urbanisation Policy Determining
incremental and evolutionary.
with a two pronged Factors
strategy. The first is to Covid19, an invisible virus,
What are the determining/
keep the rural surplus has dealt a hard blow to that
labour in the villages; complacency and has brought
factors that will shape Urban
and the second to move evolutionary changes in the way
India ? The main factors and the
people and activities out we live, think, move and interact.
associated characteristics are:
of big urban centres into Lifestyle, norms, values, mores
and behaviour have all changed 1. Demography: large size;
a large number of new
drastically. How does this augur zero growth rate; young;
dispersed community
for Urban India in the coming highly educated; aspirational;
cells .
decades? innovative; highly skilled;
technology savvy; diligent;
The New Norms industrious; innovative;.
The ruling norm under Covid19 2. Economy: good; moderate;
is isolation, distancing and mostly introverted; equitable;
confinement. Stay at home, Work 3. Social: integrated family
from Home, Learn at Home, of large size; limited
Key Words: Tsunami, WfH,
Shop from Home ,Meet virtually face to face contact with
CIVILLAGE, New Urbanisation
(no face to face), even bid final community; virtual contact
Policy, Digital Technology, National
adieu in absentia are the new and interaction; limited size
Transport and Communication
practices and behaviour. at social events;
Corridors, Connectivity.
4. Technology: digital; AI;
Urban Policy
Prof. Ranganathan Narayanaswami robotics; drones;
(, is retired The paradigm change in Urban
Professor, Department of Transport 5. Transport: Reduced
Policy will be the shift away physical accessibilty and
Planning, School of Planning and
Architecture, New Delhi’. from big cities to small cellular 97

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 97

Special Feature

better connectivity being The implications of these Only about 15% of the labour
more important; physical factors will reflect on the in these villages would be in
systems more for regional society and most prominently primary activities and the rest in
and international movement in the following: the secondary, tertiary and the
mainly for freight; limited 1. Environment: Clean, emerging quintenary sectors.
people movement reduced pollution free, healthy; It is forecast that by 2050, the
in number and distances; harmonious with nature; population of India would be
high priority for pedestrian 1600 million; urbanisation 50%;
2. Government: smart, lean,
movement and human Class I towns 1000; Metropolitan
resilient, agile, responsive;
propelled modes; Speed of Cities 100; and Urban Centres
less government, more
passenger movement no about 10,000. A drastic change
governance; democratic; high
more an obsession; High in this envisaged Urbanisation
autonomy for third level local
priority for Digital Network pattern would occur.
authorities; efficient, just,
over Physical Network; Metropolitan cities will no more
corruption free, humane;
6. Energy. A farewell to fossil keeps pace with change and be the ideal and agglomeration
fuels; increased usage of national priorities. economics will give way to
Solar, Nuclear, Hydrogen health and welfare precepts.
based system; New Urbanisation High Density High Rise concept
7. Communication: digital; Policy will be obsolete. All PURAs
smart; full access to internet will be GEMs. Of the six lakh
This calls for a New Urbanisation
and smart phones ; free Wi- villages, even if half of them are
Policy with a two pronged
Fi 24/7 at all places; decline of transformed into PURAs, they
print media and dominance can contain about 1500 million
of electronic media; The first is to keep the rural people !
surplus labour in the villages;
8. Urban Form: Low density, and the second to move people What are the
dispersed, detached; small and activities out of big urban enabling forces?
communities; high degree centres into a large number of
of self containment; decline Digital Technology, WfH precept,
new dispersed community cells .
of Central Business District; Online trade and business, Home
reduced commercial space; Indiresan’s idea of PURA delivery of services, and such
higher space standards for (provision of urban facilities in other technologies and practices
homes (need for personal rural areas), then much touted, are potential enablers. The
space for all members of but completely misapplied, changed parameters indicate
family under WFH, Distance needs to be revisited. that Accessibility is no more the
learning, Online shopping); A group of villages to be selected rule, while Connectivity is the
Higher share for residential, to contain about 5000 people and mantra. Agglomeration will be
health and recreational use; amongst which the supportive frowned upon and movement
No mass moving public urban facilities are distributed of people amongst PURAs/
transport (no metro, no BRTS, and the villages connected Urban Clusters will be almost
no urban expressways); amongst themselves so that the nil. Speed (of people movement)
Personal mode ownership people walk /cycle amongst the will no more be a determining
and use discouraged and villages. criteria as High Speed Train
penalised. and Expressway projects will be

98 HUDCO-HSMI Publication
Special Feature

abandoned. Capacity of rail and The above integrated complexes 3. Redesign of the present urban
road systems will , in a large part, will be strung along the National centres into cellular structure.
be available to freight movement. Transport and Communication The tasks call for the 3C process:
Speed of freight will increase Corridors (Road, Rail, Water and Comprehensive , Coordinated
manifold and productivity of Air), linking to ports and other and Continuous on a long range
regional transport systems will international gateways. Air basis.
increase resulting in resource transport for cargo movement
optimisation and economic will also get importance. There Covid -19: A cause
benefits. Inter -PURA/ Urban will be a large number of airports for Despair or
Centres people movement will at short intervals. Hope
be mainly within a radius of
The PURA based human No doubt C19 has been a cause
30km or less and will be by
settlements will account for for disaster and despair. But can
small individual vehicles based
about 10% of the country’s land it be turned into an opportunity?
on solar/hydrogen based energy.
area. However about 60 to 70 % of Depends on the prudence and
Consumption of fossil fuel
this land will not be built up. The ingenuity of the people and their
energy will be minimum, may
housing standards will undergo leaders. The choice is whether we
be even nil! Environment quality
change such that minimum want to go back to the old order
will be clean and healthy.
house size will be about 100sq of dire poverty, high inequity,
One Village unit will contain meter with 50 sq meter of open pervasive pollution, crippling
about 5000 -6000 people with land for home gardening. The disease, and oppressive fear of
a core of a few urban facilities. share of settlement land by climate change.
Four to five of such units commercial and other uses
will form a PURA The urban will reduce. Urban form will In conclusion, the paradigm shift
facilities in each unit will be be dispersed and structure can occur and as Mohammad
different necessitating people diffused. The redesign of urban Yunus says the profit
move amongst units to satisfy pattern will rationalise the maximisation economy needs
their needs The units in a PURA supply-demand equilibrium of to give way to one driven by
will be interconnected but not real estate,stabilise land prices social business and environment
merged The movement would and enable access to housing to consciousness. Needless to
be by walking / cycling. Four all. say, Redesign of our human
PURAs will constitute a “Ci” settlement form and structure
Village with a core Wellness Tasks before is an integral part of such an
Spot. A group of four to five Planners and adventure.
Ci Villages , forming a “CV” Managers
Complex (CVC), would be
The tasks are:
serviced by special functional
complexes of higher specialised 1. Full digitisation of latest
facilities including Education, technology, smart phones
Health, Financial Services, and full access to internet.
Information Technology, Media 2. Programmes for distribution
etc. Between the two CVCs, will of part of the population in
be placed the industrial and urban areas and all of the
Freight Centres. new increase of population in

April-May 2020 Volume 21 No. 1-SHELTER 99

Book Review

HouSiNG ANd CommuNity PLANNiNG:

AuthoR: MR. A.K. JAiN, 2020, DiScoVERy PuBLiShiNG HouSE, NEw DELhi, p 306, RS. 3,000/-

Reviewed by Mr. JDS Sodhi (jds@sodhis. of shelter for the poor, while services, schools, childcare
org), Fellow-Town Planner & Architect, the policies disproportionally centres and other social facilities.
New Delhi
safeguard the elite segment of It should relate to local culture,
the society. As the power comes climate and sustainability. In-situ
from the people, housing is upgradation of slums is always
as a socio-economic-political preferred due to its linkages
issue. The book ‘Housing and with the local communities and
Community Planning’ by A.K. jobs, even with limited space.
Jain in its 13 chapters provides a Existing housing, even in poor
comprehensive narrative, which condition, serves the residents
begins with a global overview of better by social connections and
the housing. It discusses various access to employment.
housing programmes and draws According to the author, housing
a distinction between affordable for the poor has to be gender
housing and adequate housing. sensitive, community led,
The author gives particular participatory and based on the
attention to housing issues principle of equitable allocation
of special groups such as the of resources, space, land and
elderly, disabled, homeless, services. To this end, several
Housing is an expression of migrants and transit workers, approaches can be adopted.
human civilisation, community students and single women.
organisation and economic The issues of social and physical Mr. A.K. Jain, an architect-
development. The subject of infrastructure, construction planner with extensive field
housing remains one of the technologies and building experience, provides an incisive
outstanding ethical, economic, systems, rental housing, land and practical conversation
social and physical imperatives. and regulatory reforms have on housing and community
Although, the governments been dwelled upon . planning. More than 174 visuals
have undertaken various and flowing simple language
social housing programmes, According to A.K. Jain, the make the book reader friendly.
paradoxically the homeless and housing should be inclusive, The book is a valuable addition
slum dwellers continue to grow. adequate, affordable in the literature on the subject
and sustainable for the and deserves the attention of
It is often said that the slums disadvantaged and marginalized the organisations, architects,
and squatter settlements are the groups. Housing should have planners, engineers, researchers
solutions rather than the problem. a close linkage with livelihoods and all those involved with the
They manifest the housing and employment, health-care field.
process of the communities.
However, there is a serious lack

100 HUDCO-HSMI Publication

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