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Sri Lanka - Security Forces Headquarters-Jaffna and Housing Scheme for Deserving Families

‘’………. A 2009 report and supporting documentation indicated that the Sri Lankan military planned to expand
greatly over the next five years. ………. maintaining a Military presence with strength and depth to hold the
strategically important Townships and Communication Centers is critical in an overall perspective to subdue
any acts of Terrorism or Sabotage reoccurring whilst continuing with Pacification Operations to win over the
public. Conduct of Aggressive Intelligence Operations and pursuing Psychological Operations to rehabilitate the
mind set of the public to tilt their affinity will also be facilitated by such a deployment. In this context the Sri
Lanka Army persists with the view that the control of the major Townships, Population Centers and the
Population should be vested with them ……..’’ - Sri Lanka Army - Troop Strength,

1.What is the policy of this ‘’Housing Scheme’’ please?

What is the criterion of ‘’Deserving Families’’ please?
2. The Occupying Army started building individual houses around Jaffna district in the three months preceding
the General Election of August 2020: one lady was interviewed in the housewarming ceremony of the first
house: she said governmnt offices did not help her , but the Army came forward to build the house:
Soon she lets the cat out of the bag:

இராணுவம் ஏன் யாழ்ப்பாணத்தை விட்டு வெளியேற வேண்டும்?

Why Army should go from Jaffna?  #Army_in_Jaffna  05 May 2020
‘’A ceremony was organized in Urumpirai (West) on 05 May 2020 to hand over another new house constructed
by Army troops for a low-income family ……’’-  Handing Over the 701st House Constructed By Army Troops, 13
May 2020,

Foundation Laid for a New House for a Deserving Family in Jaffna, 13 May 2020, (Uduvil South)
Handing Over a New House to a Deserving Family, 17 May 2020, (Kopai)
A New House for Deserving Family in Jaffna, 20 May 2020, (Vaddukoddai)
Jaffna Troops Handed Over Another Shelter for Needy Family, 1 June 2020, (Chankanai)
Foundation Laid for a New House for a Deserving Family in Jaffna, 12 June 2020, (Karanawai)
Sinhalese Donors From the South Donate a House for a Tamil Female Soldier in the North, 19 June 2020, (?)
Foundation Laid for a New House for a Deserving Family in Jaffna, 21June 2020, (Uduvil)
Handing Over a New House to a Deserving Family, 23 June 2020, (Kopai)
New Shelter For a Deserving Family, 20 July 2020, (Uduvil South)
Foundation Stone Laid For a New Shelter, 20 July 2020, (Kodikamam)
Foundation Stone Laid For a New Shelter, 21 Jul 2020, (Alwai)
New Hopes With a New Shelter For an Ex LTTE Female Combatant, 21 July 2020, (Wallipuram)
A New House For a Deserving Family, 21 July 2020, (Karaweddy)
A New House for a Deserving Family, 7 August 2020, (Manipay)
A New House for Deserving Family in Jaffna, 31 August 2020, (Punguduthivu)
Foundation Laid for a New House for a Deserving Family in Jaffna, 29 October 2020, (Uduvil)
Security Forces Headquarters – Jaffna Vested a New Houses for a Needy Family, 29 October 2020,
family (Thavasikulam)
New Shelters for Deserving Families, 29 October 2020, (Wallipuram & Alwai)
‘’jointly funded by the Presidential Secretariat and the Vavuniya District Secretariat for a deserving family in
the general area of Muninurippu, Vavuniya.’’ - Funded by Presidential Secretariat, Wanni Troops Erect One
More New House to a Deserving Family, 3 December 2020,
A New House for a Deserving Family, 15/01/2021, (Uduvil)

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