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Lesson Summary
The building that houses our daily activities consist of various parts and
systems. Some of these systems are independent from each other however
these systems work hand in hand harmoniously for the convenience and
comfort of the users. On this lesson, the various building utilities are introduced
to showcase their differences and their function.

Learning Outcomes
1. At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to explain and
discuss what is Building Utilities and the various types.

Motivation Question
Since the building are made up of various systems like our human bodies, what
building utilities is equivalent to the systems found in our bodies?

The building, an infrastructure that houses human activities, requires various
system to serve its purpose. It serves not only as a protection but also as an
area that provides comfort, and convenience to the user. This is where the
building/engineering utilities perform its purpose. As a review, let us take a look
at how the building is subdivided into parts.

A full building can be subdivided into various parts/systems:

a. Architectural System – this pertains to the parts of the building that
pertains to the aesthetics of the structure. This includes finishes of
walls, ceiling, floors, roofing materials, canopy materials as well as
other elements needed to enhance the visual impact of the space or
b. Structural System – this pertains to the parts of the building that is
responsible for the stability and strength of the building. This includes,
columns, beams, footings, floor frames, wall frames, ceiling frames, and
roof frames and their respective structural components.
c. Utilitarian Systems – this pertains to the parts of the building that is
responsible for the enhancement of the comfort of the users. Under the
utilitarian system are multiple systems that perform as support systems
(Electrical, Plumbing and Sanitary, Mechanical, Fire Safety and
Protection, and Electronics and Communication) and enhancement
systems (Lighting and Acoustics) which includes the following:

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021 3

1. Electrical System – this pertains to the system that brings

electricity to the building, its distribution, and points of consumption.
This also includes the various devises, controls, and protection of
the electrical components.
2. Plumbing and Sanitary Systems – this pertains to systems that
involve the supply, distribution, and usage of water within the
building as well as the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste
coming from the building.
3. Mechanical System – this pertains to the system that uses
mechanical devices to enhance and improve conditions of the of the
space or building. This includes mechanical conveyance (e.g.
Escalators and Elevators), air conditioning systems, and
mechanical equipment with motors.
4. Fire Safety and Protection System – this pertains to both passive
and active fire safety elements and features that the buildings
required to ensure that the users are not in danger in case a fire
occurs. This includes the building elements (e.g. fire stair, and fire
exit corridors) and active fire-fighting equipment (e.g. fire
suppression system, and fire-fighting standpipes).
5. Electronics and Communication Systems – this pertains to
various systems that deals with the receiving and delivering data to
and from the building through telecommunication lines (e.g.
Telephone Lines, Internet Access, TV/Radio) as well as information
dissemination (e.g. Public Announcement System, Audio/Visual
System). This also includes electronic devices used for security
purposes (e.g. entry/exit monitoring devices, surveillance system,
6. Lighting System – this pertains to the design and use of
appropriate lighting techniques to light up a surface, room, or
building with the use of natural and/or artificial lights. This includes
determining the amount of lights, type of lights, and how the lights
are mounted to achieve a specific result.
7. Acoustical System – this pertains to the design and use of
acoustical materials to enhance the quality of sound while reducing
the audible noise within a room or a building.

The focus for this course shall only be the Lighting, Electrical, and Electronics
and Communication System. The rest will be discussed on the course
Engineering Utilities 2
--------------------------------------- End of Discussion --------------------------------------

• AA


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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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