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Lesson Summary
The first of the Utilitarian System to be discussed is the Lighting System, also
known as Illumination System. This system not only includes the various lights
but also includes how they are used to enhance the functionality of a space.
However, before we go into those details, it is best to give a backgrounder to
the Lighting System. This lesson introduces the Lighting System and its
development, and the basic principles of what light is, how people see light,
and how colors are perceived.

Learning Outcomes
1. At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to discuss what
building illumination is, what is light, and how a person sees light and

Motivation Question
What do you think is the reason why lighting is considered as a system?

Lighting System, also called as Illumination System, pertains to the design and
use of appropriate lighting techniques to light up a surface, room, or building
with the use of natural and/or artificial lights. Allowing the ample light to touch
a surface will lessen the burden of the user while having adequate lighting will
allow the users to easily navigate the room. Lighting can also be used to give
emphasis to a specific feature of a building. Part of the lighting design is the
control of the light sources and the shadows that are casted by the objects
touched by the light.

A. Historical Development of Illumination (Wujek & Dagostino,


To begin the discussion on the lighting systems, let us first look into the history
the development of the lighting system in our buildings.
Before 1800 Wood, Candles, Whale Oil, Coal Oil, and Kerosene was
used to light up a room during the night.
1865 Herman Sprengel, a German Chemist, developed a carbon
filament lamp
1879, Feb 5 Sir Joseph Swan demonstrated the use of a carbon
filament lamp

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1879, Dec 21 Thomas Alva Edison announced the successful

development of an Incandescent Lamp using a baked
carbonized cotton thread filament
1882 Edison Electric Company (General Electric) successfully
demonstrated the use of Artificial Lighting used in street
1939 General Electric introduced Fluorescent Lighting
Mid-20th Century The first high pressure discharge lamp was developed.
1962 Nick Holonyak Jr., employed in GE, developed the first
Light Emitting Diode (LED) which was red in color

B. What is light?

Light is defined as an electromagnetic radiation which is an “energy radiated in

the form of wave caused by an electric field interacting with a magnetic field”
that can be received by photoreceptors in our eyes. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010)
This wave travels at a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second and travels in
groups called Photons. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010)
Light is categorized based on its Frequency and Wavelength.
a. Frequency is defined as the number of wave cycles per second. (Wujek
& Dagostino, 2010) A cycle is the complete movement of a wave from
a zero position to the peak positive value then back to zero, then to the
peak negative value then returning back to zero. Frequency is
expressed in the units of Herts (Hz).
b. Wavelength (λ), on the other hand, is defined as the measurement of
the distance between the peaks of two succeeding cycles. Wavelength
is normally measured in Nanometer (nm) (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010)

Frequency (Hz) = Number of Cycles per second

Cycle Wavelength

0 Sec 1 Sec
Figure 1 Light Wave

The light that we see is only a part of the full spectrum of light. The range of
lights that our eyes can see is called the Visible Lights. (Wujek & Dagostino,
2010) This range of light waves are able to excite the photoreceptors in our
eyes and are then sent to our brains as impulses. The following figure illustrates
the various parts of the light spectrum and the range of wavelength that
produces the colors that we see.

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Not Visible Not Visible

Cosmic Gamma Ultra- Visible Infrared Micro- TV Radio

Radiation Rays violet Light Radiation waves Waves Waves

Violet Blue Green Orange Red

380 450 490 570 590 630 770

Figure 2 Light Spectrum based from (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010)

C. How do we see Light?

Let us now look into the science of how we see lights. In Physics, the study that
“relates to the properties of light and the function of vision” is called Optics.
This also pertains to the study on the human visual system and its interaction
with light. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010) The Visual System includes the eyes that
senses the light and produce electric impulses, optic nerves that delivers the
impulse from the eyes to the brain, and the Visual Cortex of our brains that
processes the impulse.

Visual Cortex

Optic Nerves
(Delivery System)

(Light Sensor)

Figure 3 Human Visual System

Before light can be translated into impulse, light passes through multiple parts
of the eye. It passes through the Cornea first, and through the opening of the
eye called the Pupil. The amount of light that passes through the pupil is
controlled and adjusted by the Iris. After the light has passed through the pupil,
it passes through the Lens which adjusts its thickness to concentrate the light
rays and focus it to the Retina which is a membrane found at the back of the
eye. The Retina contains the nerve cells with photoreceptors that produces the
impulse that is sent to the brain for processing.

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Photoreceptors Retina




Figure 4 The Human Eye

There are two shapes to these photoreceptors. First are the rod shapes which
senses extremely low levels of light but does not discern colors, thus the
impulses produced are in shades of gray. On the other hand, the second type
of photoreceptors are in the shape of cones which perceive colors and bright
lights. There are three types of cone-shaped receptors where each one
respond to one specific primary color of light: red, green, and blue. (Wujek &
Dagostino, 2010)

D. How do we see colors?

Now that we now know how

Light Source
we perceive light, let us look
into the science behind how
we see the colors of objects.
The basic principle behind
colors of objects is that when
light strikes the surface of
the object, the surface will
also be illuminated. The
illumination from the object,
specifically the light leaving
the surface of the object, is
then perceived by the Visual
System. For easier
discussions, let us define the
light that strikes an object
and the light that leaves an Figure 5 Illuminance and Luminance
a. Luminance – pertains to the amount of light leaving a source or object
(Wujek & Dagostino, 2010)
b. Illuminance – pertains to the amount of light incident (striking) on a
surface (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010)

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The amount and wavelength of

light that strikes the surface and
the amount and wavelength of
light that leaves the surface is
not always the same. This

difference is caused by the
property of the material and
how it interacts with the light or
how light behaves when
touching a body. There are
Figure 6 Behavior of light when striking a body
three main behaviors of light
when it encounters a body (object), it is reflected, absorbed, and/or transmitted.
a. Reflectance (ρ) pertains to the ratio of reflected light and its
illuminance. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010) Reflectance can either be:
1. Specular Reflectance is when light is reflected on an object, the
image it reflects maintains its shape. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010) A
good example of a body that produces a specular reflectance is a
2. Diffused Reflectance is when light is reflected on an object, it
scatters to various direction. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010) This is
normally caused by uneven surfaces or bodies with low reflectance

Figure 7 Types of Reflectance: Specular (Left) and Diffused (Right)

b. Transmittance (τ) pertains to the ratio of light transmitted and its

illuminance. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010) This varies depending on the
type of body the light will be interacting with.
1. In an Opaque body, light is not allowed through an opaque body.
2. In a Transparent body, light is transmitted through a transparent
body without any form of distortion.
3. In a Translucent body, light is transmitted through a translucent
body but is scatters upon exiting the body.

Figure 8 Light Transmitting in Opaque (Left), Translucent (Middle), and Transparent

(Right) Bodies
c. Absorptance (α) pertains to the ratio of light absorbed by the body and
its illuminance.

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Based on these three behaviors of light, the color of an object can then be
perceived by our visual system. Our ability to distinguish and interpret different
wavelengths of visible light is called Color Perception. (Wujek & Dagostino,
2010) A surface that reflects all wavelengths is perceived as white while a
surface that absorbs all wavelengths is perceived as black.
Say for example
on the illustration
shown the color of
the round object
is red while the
surface is white.
The round object
will be perceived
by our eyes as
red when all the
wavelengths of
light are absorbed
while the red
wave length is Figure 9 Color Perception
reflected. On the other hand, the surface will be perceived as white as it will
reflect all wavelength of incident light.
The colors we perceive are differentiated as Primary Colors of Light and Color
of Pigments. (Wujek & Dagostino, 2010) Primary Colors of Light consists of
Red, Green, and Blue wavelengths and are additive in nature where the colors
are added to produce the remaining colors. When all three colors area added,
it will produce the color white. On the other hand, Colors of Pigments consist
of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow and are subtractive in nature where the other
colors are produced by removing a color. When all three colors are added, it
will produce the color black. Colors of Light are normally produced by the
luminance of light sources while Colors of Pigments are normally produced by
the luminance of objects.
Aside from different colors, Value
our eyes also perceive clarity
through the contrast of
colors placed side by side. In
performing our daily task
such as reading, writing, and
drawing, it is necessary to
have a work space where the
details are defined and can
easily be seen. The ability to Chroma
distinguish these details is
called Visual Acuity (Wujek &
Dagostino, 2010) which is
achieved by contrasting the
background from the
foreground by utilizing hues,
values, and chroma or
saturation of two or more Figure 10 Munsell Color System

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Take for example the figures below. The background color brightens starting
from left to right while the letters are darkened on the same direction. From
your point of view, at which portion can you perceive the text in full detail?

Can you Can you Can you Can you Can you
see the text see the text see the text see the text see the text
clearly? clearly? clearly? clearly? clearly?

Figure 11 Visual Acuity

In my personal view, the text is shown in full detail on the ends of the figure
since the background contrasts the color of the text. This principle is also
applied by graphic artists in their works where details are necessary.

E. Lights and Shadows

Finally, in lighting design, we utilize the principles of light and the effect that it
produces. The general considerations when doing lighting design are the light
source that produces the color and intensity of light and the shades and
shadows that it creates.

Light Source



Figure 12 Lighting Consideration

The light source can either be natural or artificial (to be discussed in the next
lesson). These light sources can produce lights that could either be direct or
diffused light. Direct Lights are lights that generally travel in a single direction
which produces more intense light. On the other hand, Diffused Lights are
light that travel in different direction which produces softer lights.
As discussed in the behavior of lights, some lights are either reflected,
transmitted, or absorbed by the body or object. These behaviors produce
shades and shadows on the object, or the surface on the opposite side of the
light source. Shade is the effect by which a surface or a portion thereof that
received little or no light at all. Shadows, on the other hand, are casted by an
opaque body that intercepts the path of light. (Ching, A Visual Dictionary of
Architecture, 2012)
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Figure 13 Shadow produced from Direct Light (Left) and Diffused Light (Right)
The principles discussed above are the basis for most of lighting design
methods whether it is used as emphasis, highlight, or simply a general light
--------------------------------------- End of Discussion --------------------------------------

• Quiz 01 – Online Platform


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