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Introduction per day.

(1 pound=1 ration) This depends on 

the body type that they choose. As an 
  example: a three pound chunk of meat could 
You are the Game Master. Creator of Worlds.  feed a Fit person for the day. Or alternatively, 
A God among nerds. You control everything…  a Skinny player could find a granola bar and 
Almost everything… That is, until your other  be satisfied for the rest of the day. The 
nerdy friends come by to ruin all your nights  apocalypse has made people's metabolisms 
plans. But today, you want to play something  slow down since food is hard to come by. 
new. Something unique. Well look no further.  Making them eat far less than normal. The 
D&Z is a ​Dungeons and Dragons 5e ​Inspired  amount of rations a food item provides is up 
RPG game set in a modern post-apocalyptic  to the GM. A good rule of thumb is if it is a 
universe. As the GM you are responsible for  small item, ½ ration. If it is a bigger food item, 
creating a living and breathing world. (or lack  1 ration, and so on. 
thereof) This document, paired with the   
Player’s Guide to D&Z, c​ an be used like a  After 24 hours without food, a player will 
template for creating your very own zombie  make a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or 
survival world. The majority of the work is  gain 1 level of exhaustion. Succeeding in the 
already done for you here. You just need to  saving throw grants an additional day. 24 
create the story.  Hours without water works the same way. (i.e. 
  if a player goes 24 hours without required 
The ​Player’s Guide to D&Z e ​ xplains how to  amount of food ​and ​water, they will make a 
create a modern day character for D&Z. You  constitution saving throw for both. If failed 
must read the Players Guide as well as the  both, they will now have 2 levels of 
GM’s Guide to understand how everything  exhaustion) Each following day without food 
works together.   or water, the player must succeed in a DC 15 
  constitution saving throw or add another level 
  of exhaustion. When a player reaches 5 Levels 
of exhaustion they will be brought to 0 hit 
Important Information  points and must roll their death saves. On a 
  success, the player will be brought back to life 
  with 1 HP and is prone for 24 hours until they 
There are many ways to run a zombie game,  eat or drink or both (whichever was affecting 
one of the things you must worry about is  them). Medical items cannot heal them while 
how zombies affect the players.​ This is  they are downed. Upon taking any damage 
heavily based on the backstory of your  during this, or using up the 24 hours, the 
campaign and how the infection had started  player will be permanently dead. Additionally, 
in the first place. You could choose the  if the player constantly does not eat the 
traditional route of getting bitten by a zombie  required amount of food over time, their body 
will slowly turn you into one over time. Or​ The  type may change at the will of the GM. (ex: A 
Walking Dead ​version where everyone is  muscular player could become skinny, 
already infected, and dying from any cause  changing their stats) 
will turn you into a zombie. Either way both   
scenarios make for a great adventure!    
  Water​ is required in the players diet as well. 
Players must eat and drink. ​The amount of  For simplicity sake, each player, despite body 
food required varies per person. But each one  type, is required to drink a quarter (¼) of a 
needs between 1 pound and 3 pounds of food  gallon of water per day. If the water is dirty, 
they must make a Constitution saving throw 

with the difficulty class dependant on how 
polluted the water is. ¼ gallon is considered ​1   
days ration of fluids.​ An item like a juice box 
can be considered ½ ration for the day, or 1/8   
A player also now must track their ​Insanity 
Level. ​This is represented by eight bubbles on   
the character sheet. All Players start out at 
the lowest level called sane. If the Character   
comes into an intense or traumatic situation, 
the GM may ask the player to increase their   
insanity level. If a player has a peaceful night 
rest, ate a nice meal, etc, the GM should grant   
the player a lowered insanity. Drugs, such as 
cigarettes, can also lower insanity levels, but   
could have other side effects as well. When 
reaching higher insanity, the player could be   
given disadvantage on checks. This is mostly 
up to the GM.    
Items that are numbered​ in the items section 
below are designed to also be used as a 
randomizer. If in doubt, roll a die and give a 
player a random item while they are looting 
an area.  

NPC’s  Crawler 
AC​: 5 
  HP​: 5 
  Speed​: 5 
As a GM, you have nearly unlimited options to   
make for your post apocalyptic zombie game.  STR DEX CON I​ NT  WIS  CHA 
One of the biggest decisions is the Zombies.  8(-1) 1(-5) 15(+2) 3(-4) 6(-2) 5(-3) 
How realistic do you want your game to be?   
Saving Throws ​Wis +0 
Below is a list of pre-built creatures for your 
Damage Immunities ​Poison 
game. All Zombies are hit point based. You 
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned 
could alternatively force players to need a  Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8 
headshot to kill. The first is the Normal  Languages ​None 
Zombie. This is your standard for any game  Challenge ​1/8 (10 XP) 
and is the most simple version. After that, the  Crawler is always prone 
creatures become less and less realistic but  ACTIONS: 
more and more fun.  Slash.​ ​ M​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) slashing damage. 
Bite.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5 
Zombie  ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d10 + 1) slashing damage. 
AC​: 8   
HP​: 15  Runner 
Speed​: 10 
AC​: 13 
HP​: 20 
Speed​: 30 
13(+1) 6(-2) 16(+3) 3(-4) 6(-2) 5(-3) 
Saving Throws ​Wis +0 
13(+1) 14(+2) 16(+3) 3(-4) 6(-2) 5(-3) 
Damage Immunities ​Poison 
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned 
Saving Throws ​Wis +0 
Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8 
Damage Immunities ​Poison 
Languages ​None 
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned 
Challenge ​1/4 (25 XP) 
Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8 
Languages ​None 
Challenge ​1/2 (50 XP) 
Slam.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) bludgeoning 
Slam.​ ​ M ​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) bludgeoning 
Slash.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) slashing damage.  damage  
Bite.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5  Slash.​ ​ M ​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d10 + 1) slashing damage.  ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) slashing damage. 
  Bite.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5 
  ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d10 + 1) slashing damage. 

Hunter  Bite.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5 
AC​: 17   ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d10 + 1) slashing damage. 
HP​: 25  Final Goodbye.​ ​Ranged attack: ​Once killed, 
Speed​: 25  Bloater explodes in a 10 foot radius dealing 
  (2d6+5) damage.  
14(+2) 14(+2) 16(+3) 12(+1) 6(-2) 5(-3)  Jockey 
  AC​: 14 
Saving Throws ​Wis +0  HP​: 30 
Damage Immunities ​Poison  Speed​: 20 
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned   
Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8  STR DEX CON I​ NT  WIS  CHA 
Languages ​None  10(+0) 12(+1) 16(+3) 16(+3) 10(+0) 5(-3) 
Challenge ​2 (200 XP)    
ACTIONS:  Saving Throws ​Wis +0 
Slam.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5  Damage Immunities ​Poison 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) bludgeoning  Condition Immunities ​Poisoned 
damage  Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 
Pounce​.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ Player must roll  10 
Languages ​None 
a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw or be knocked 
Challenge ​3 (300 XP)  
prone for 1 full turn. Reach 10 feet., One  ACTIONS:  
target. ​Hit: (​ 1d6 + 2) slashing damage. Player  Head Grapple. M ​ elee Weapons Attack: ​Player 
must make a DC 15 Strength Saving Throw to  must roll a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw or 
escape the Pounce attack or be knocked  be grappled for 1 full turn. Reach 10 ft., one 
prone for an additional turn.  target. ​Hit: (​ 1d4+1) slashing damage. While 
Bite.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5  Jockey is grappled to Player’s head, Jockey is 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d10 + 1) slashing damage.  in full control of Players movement. Players 
  speed is halved while grappled. 
AC​: 13 
HP​: 10  AC​: 15 
Speed​: 10 HP​: 60 
  Speed​: 25
16(+3) 3(-4) 10(+0) 8(-1) 6(-2) 5(-3)  STR DEX CON I​ NT  WIS  CHA 
  13(+1) 6(-2) 16(+3) 3(-4) 5(-3) 5(-3) 
Saving Throws ​Wis +0   
Damage Immunities ​Poison  Saving Throws ​Wis +0 
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned  Damage Immunities ​Poison 
Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8  Condition Immunities ​Poisoned 
Languages ​None  Senses ​passive Perception 7 
Challenge ​2 (200 XP)   Languages ​None 
ACTIONS:   Challenge ​3 (300 XP) 
Slam.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5  ACTIONS: 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) bludgeoning  Unless Clicker is provoked by a flashlight, 
gunfire within 30 feet, players failing a DC 10 
stealth roll within a 30 foot radius, or being 
Acid Vomit.​ ​Ranged attack:​ +3 to hit, range 10  attacked directly, the Clicker will not attack. 
ft., multiple target area effect 10 foot radius.  Creature uses echolocation since it is blind. 
Zombies immune to poisonous vomit. ​Hit:  (Clicking sounds can be heard by players 
(1d6+2) damage per turn.   when nearby) 

Slash.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5  Languages ​None 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d10 + 1) slashing damage.  Challenge ​5 (500 XP)  
Slam.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5  ACTIONS:  
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + 1) bludgeoning  Slam​.​ M
​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5 
damage  ft., one target. ​Hit: (​ 1d6 + STR) bludgeoning 
Chomp​.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach  damage 
0 ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(2d10 + 1) slashing  Tongue. R ​ anged Weapon Attack: ​+3 to hit, 
damage.  range 15 ft., one target.​ I​ f a player becomes 
  grappled by the Smoker, they will be pulled in 
Charger  toward the creature. Releases toxic gas to kill 
AC​: 18  player while grappled. (1d6) damage per turn 
HP​: 50  unless player is wearing a working gas mask. 
Speed​: 20 Final Blow. R ​ anged attack: O ​ nce killed, 
  Smoker releases a toxic gas in a 15 foot radius 
dealing (1d6) damage unless player is wearing 
16(+3) 5(-3) 10(+0) 8(-1) 6(-2) 5(-3) 
  a working gas mask. Impairs players vision 
Saving Throws ​Wis +0  giving them disadvantage. 
Damage Immunities ​Poison   
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned  Tank 
Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8  AC​: 19 
Languages ​None  HP​: 75 
Challenge ​6 (600 XP)   Speed​: 20
Slam.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5  STR DEX CON I​ NT  WIS  CHA 
ft., one target. ​Hit: ​(1d6 + STR) bludgeoning  18(+4) 3(-4) 10(+0) 8(-1) 6(-2) 5(-3) 
Charge. M ​ elee Weapon Attack: R ​ each 40 ft  Saving Throws ​Wis +0 
(straight line only), one target. Players must  Damage Immunities ​Poison 
succeed in a DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw or  Condition Immunities ​Poisoned 
be grappled by the Charger. Charger may  Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8 
Languages ​None 
move an additional 10 feet after player is 
Challenge ​7 (700 XP)  
grappled. Charger will slam player into any  ACTIONS:  
nearby solid objects dealing 1d8+STR per turn.  Hulk Punch​.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, 
Player must succeed in a DC 15 Strength  reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit: (​ 1d6 + STR) 
Saving Throw or will continue to be grappled  bludgeoning damage and pushes players back 
by the Charger.  10 feet plus the damage roll total. 
  Rubble Smash. R ​ anged Weapon Attack: ​-4 to 
Smoker  hit, range 15 ft., one target. ​Hit (​ 2d12+STR) 
AC​: 14  damage.  
HP​: 30   
Speed​: 20  
13(+1) 16(+3) 10(+0) 10(+0) 6(-2) 5(-3)   
Saving Throws ​Wis +0 
Damage Immunities ​Poison   
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned   
Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8 

Spitter  Bandit Leader (Human) 
AC​: 12  AC​: 15 
HP​: 22  HP​: 60 
Speed​: 25 Speed​: 30
10(+0) 13(+1) 10(+0) 8(-1) 6(-2) 5(-3)  12(+1) 14(+2) 12(+1) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 
Saving Throws ​Wis +0  Senses ​Passive Perception 10 
Damage Immunities ​Poison  Languages ​Any one Language (Usually 
Condition Immunities ​Poisoned  Common) 
Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8  Challenge ​3 (300 XP)  
Languages ​None  ACTIONS:  
Challenge ​4 (400 XP)   Machete. ​Melee Weapon Attack: ​+1 to hit, 
ACTIONS:   reach 5ft., one target. ​Hit:​ (2d8+str) slashing 
Projectile Acid Vomit.​ ​Ranged attack:​ +3 to hit,  damage. 
range 30 ft., multiple target area effect 5 foot  AK-47.​ 30 rounds auto (5 rounds) 2d10 ​Ranged 
radius. Zombies immune to poisonous vomit.  Weapon Attack: ​+4 to hit, range 40/75 ft., one 
Hit:​ (1d6+2) damage per turn  target. ​Hit: (​1d6+2) piercing damage. 
Bite.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5   
ft., one target. ​Hit: (​ 1d10 + 1) slashing damage. 
Slash.​ ​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5   
ft., one target. ​Hit: (​ 1d10 + 1) slashing damage.  Civilian (Human) 
  AC​: 10 
HP​: 20 
Bandit (Human)  Speed​: 25
AC​: 13   
Speed​: 30 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 
STR DEX CON ​INT  WIS  CHA  Senses ​Passive Perception 10 
12(+1) 14(+2) 12(+1) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0)  Languages ​Any one Language (Usually 
Senses ​Passive Perception 10  Challenge ​1/8 (10 XP)  
Languages ​Any one Language (Usually  ACTIONS:  
Common)  Fear. ​Civilian can run double their movement 
Challenge ​1 (100 XP)   speed for 1 turn per long or short rest. 
Spiked Bat. ​Melee Weapon Attack: + ​ 1 to hit, 
reach 5ft., one target. ​Hit:​ (1d8+str) 
bludgeoning damage. 
Ruger Pistol. ​Ranged Weapon Attack: ​+2 to hit, 
range 40/75 ft., one target. ​Hit: (​1d6+2) 
piercing damage.    

Items  Ranged Weapons 
Pistols (Small Ammo) 
Below is a list of items that you will need 
1. Beretta m9​: 16 rounds semiauto 
to run your Post-Apocalyptic RPG. These  1d8+firearms (40/75)  
are broken down into multiple categories,  2. Colt 1911​: 8 rounds semiauto 
each including its statistics. But these lists  1d8+firearms (50/75)  
3. Glock 17​: 18 rounds semiauto 
should not limit you. Feel free to create 
1d8+firearms (50/75)  
any other items you wish. This is a  4. Ruger​: 10 rounds semiauto 
creative game after all.  1d6+firearms (40/75)  
  5. Magnum​: 6 rounds revolver 
1d10+firearms (55/80)  
Healing Items   
  Shotguns (Slug Rounds) 
1. Med kit​: takes 2 turns to bring health  1. Beretta Perennia​: 2 rounds semiauto 
back to 100%. Does not cure illnesses.   2d12+firearms (20/35)  
2. Painkillers​: Takes one full turn to bring  2. Mossberg 500​: 6 rounds pump 
back 50% health.   2d8+firearms (20/30)  
3. Bandage​: Takes one full turn. Stops  3. Remington​: 9 rounds pump 
bleeding. Brings back 25% health.   2d6+firearms (10/20)  
4. Adrenaline shot​: Takes one full action.  4. Winchester S​: 6 rounds semiauto 
Doubles movement speed for 5 turns.  2d6+firearms (15/25)  
5. Antibiotics​: Takes one full action. Cures  5. Benelli M4 Shotgun: ​7 rounds 
illnesses.  semiauto 3d8+firearms (20/30) 
  Rifles (Large Ammo) 
Melee Weapons  1. JEA 700​: 11 rounds bolt 2d12+firearms 
  (min=25ft) (scoped) 
1. Baseball bat:​ 1d6+str b   2. Winchester 94​: 16 rounds lever 
2. Spiked bat:​ 1d8+str b   1d12+firearms (50/100) 
3. Crowbar:​ 1d8+str b   3. Sako 85​: 6 rounds bolt 2d8+firearms 
4. Wooden plank:​ 1d4+str b   (Min=15ft) (scoped) 
5. Katana:​ 2d12+str s   4. Ruger Takedown​: 11 rounds bolt 
6. Rapier:​ 1d10+str p   2d6+firearms (-/-) (scoped) 
7. Hatchet:​ 1d10+str b   5. AK-47:​ 30 rounds auto (5 rounds) 
8. Axe:​ 2d6+str b   2d10+firearms (100/170) 
9. Machete:​ 2d8+str s    
10. Chainsaw: ​3d10+str s   Military and Police (Medium Ammo) 
11. Cleaver:​ 2d4+str s   1. Colt M4 Carbine​: 30 rounds auto (5 
12. Kitchen knife:​ 1d6+str s   rounds) 3d6+firearms (100/200) 
13. Pocket knife:​ 1d4+str s   2. MP5​: 30 rounds automatic (5 rounds) 
14. Sledgehammer: ​2d10+str b   2d6+firearms (100/150)  
15. Pipe wrench: ​1d6+str b   3. UMP .45​: 25 rounds auto (5 rounds) 
16. Lead pipe:​ 1d6+str b   1d10+firearms (50/100)  
17. Shovel:​ 2d8+str b    
18. Pitchfork:​ 1d10+str s  Other (Arrow/Bolt) 
19. Garden Hoe: ​1d8+str s  1. Crossbow​: 1 round 2d4+firearms 
20. Hammer: ​1d4+str b  (100/300)  
  2. Compound bow​: 1d8+dex 1 round 
  3. Recurve bow​: 1 round 1d6+dex 

Explosives  category name is how much that specific 
1. Grenade​: thrown(30/50), explodes  clothing item adds to a players AC. Here is a 
next turn, deals 40 damage in 10 foot  list of some basic clothing to start off with. 
2. Molotov​: thrown(30/50), explodes  COMMON CLOTHES: (+1AC)  
when lands, fire area 10 foot radius.  1. T-shirt  
Slows creatures dealing 1d6 damage  2. Long sleeve shirt  
per turn. Creatures stay on fire for 2  3. Shorts  
turns after leaving area. Dealing 1d6  4. Jeans  
per turn.   5. Hoodie  
3. C4​: placed charge. when triggered by  6. Sneakers  
player near c4, explodes dealing 3d10  7. Hiking boots  
dmg.  8. Flannel  
4. Makeshift Bomb: ​thrown(30/50),  9. Baseball hat  
explodes next turn, deals 25 damage  10. Beanie  
in 10 foot radius.  11. Fingerless gloves  
  12. School backpack (Small) 
Attachments  13. Rubber gloves 
1. Red Dot​: any ranged weapon (+1 to hit,  14. Farmer hat 
+5 feet range)  15. Sweat pants 
2. Scope x5​: rifles, crossbow (+2 to hit,  16. Athletic pants 
+10 feet range)   17. Dress shoes 
3. Scope x8​: rifles, crossbow (+3 to hit,  18. Bandana  
+20 feet range)   19. Button up 
4. Tactical Laser​: any ranged weapon (+2  20. Dress pants 
to hit)    
5. Vertical Grip​: rifles, shotguns,  UNCOMMON: (+2AC)  
crossbows (+1 to hit)   1. Steel toe boots  
6. Tactical Flashlight​: any ranged  2. Respirator  
weapon (Darkvision 60 Ft)   3. Thick jacket  
7. Horizontal Grip​: rifles, shotguns,  4. Thick pants  
crossbows (+2 to hit)   5. Thick gloves  
8. Extended Mag​: rifles (adds 50% more  6. Headlamp (60 feet darkvision) 
ammo)   7. Military backpack (Medium) 
9. Flip Mag​: rifles (reload as a bonus  8. Welding mask  
action instead of full action)   
10. Bipod​: rifles, crossbows (adds +4 to hit  MAKESHIFT ARMOR: (+3AC)  
while shooting prone)   1. Armored jacket  
  2. Armored pants  
Ammo Types  3. Armored gloves  
1. Small round (Pistols)  4. Armored boots  
2. Medium round (Military)   
3. Large round (Rifles)  RARE: (+4AC)  
4. Slug round (Shotguns)  1. Police vest  
5. Arrow (Bows)  2. Gas mask (toxic gas breathable, 
6. Bolt (Crossbows)  disadvantage on everything) 
  3. Hiking backpack (Large) 
4. Police boots  
The clothing a player wears dictates what  1. Riot gear (Stealth Disadvantage) 
Armor Class they have. Every clothing item  2. Military vest (Stealth Disadvantage) 
can fall into one of these five categories. The  3. Military helmet (Stealth Disadvantage) 
modifier number listed to the right of the  4. Military boots (Stealth Disadvantage) 

Large Loot Items (d100)  53.
Small Backpack 
Medium Backpack 
1. Gas canister 
55. Large Backpack 
2. 50 ft copper wire 
56. Duffle Bag 
3. Large metal water bottle 
57. Melee Weapon 
4. Melee weapon (random) 
58. Working car 
5. Pistol firearm (random) 
59. Working motorcycle 
6. Shotgun firearm (random) 
60. Arrow (1d10) 
7. Rifle firearm (random) 
61. Small waggon 
8. Military firearm (random) 
62. Bicycle 
9. Other ranged weapon (random) 
63. Guitar 
10. Explosive (random) 
64. Walking cane 
11. Weapon attachment (random) 
65. Propane Lamp 
12. Bolt cutters 
66. Propane canister 
13. Wrench 
67. Metal pipe 
14. Hammer 
68. 55 gallon barrel 
15. Hand saw 
69. Bedroll 
16. Rake  
70. Blanket 
17. Canteen 
71. Pillow 
18. Blow torch 
72. Tent 
19. Generator 
73. Random food item 
20. Fishing rod 
74. Bolt cutters 
21. Newspaper 
22. Lighter 
23. Magazine  
24. Book   
25. Toilet paper   
26. Medical item   
27. Flashlight   
28. Random plant seeds   
29. Random moldy produce 
30. Sticks 
31. Rocks 
32. Random wild plant 
33. Map   
34. Old cell phone   
35. Headlamp   
36. Lightbulb   
37. Bottle of alcohol   
38. Random clothing item 
39. Scrap metal 
40. Paper 
41. Melee weapon (random) 
42. Firearm (random)   
43. Food item   
44. 50 feet of rope   
45. 100 feet of rope   
46. Brick   
47. Plate 
48. Toolbox 
49. Cooler 
50. Wheelbarrow  
51. Car tire   
52. Car battery 

Small Loot Items (d100)  56.
Pain killers 
Med kit 
1. 1d20 $ Cash  58. Bottle of alcohol 
2. Head clothing item (random)  59. Can of alcohol 
3. Face clothing item (random)  60. Purification tablets 
4. Chest clothing item (random)  61. Wirecutters 
5. Back clothing item (random)   62. Random food item 
6. Leg clothing item (random)  63. Scrap metal 
7. Feet clothing item (random)  64. Screwdriver 
8. Pen  65. Old cell phone 
9. Pencil  66. Plant seeds 
10. Usable small bag  67. Moldy food 
11. Watch  68. Empty aluminum can 
12. 5 feet of rope  69. Solar powered phone charger 
13. 10 feet of rope  70. Large ammo (2d8) 
14. 20 feet of rope  71. Medium ammo (2d10) 
15. 50 feet of rope  72. Small ammo (2d20) 
16. 100 feet of rope  73. Slug Rounds (1d10) 
17. Fishing line  74. Arrow (bow) (1d10) 
18. Fishing hook  75. Bolt (crossbow) (1d10) 
19. Piece of paper  76. Walkie talkie 
20. Map of Wisconsin  77. Bag of charcoal 
21. Pocket knife  78. Weapon attachment 
22. 1d100 $ Cash 
79. 1 ft square cloth scrap 
23. Water bottle 
80. 5 ft square cloth scrap 
24. Apple 
81. Random explosive 
25. Granola bar 
82. Batteries 
26. Bag of chips 
27. Random food item  83. Glasses 
28. Hatchet  84. Magnifying glasses 
29. Random pistol firearm  85. Newspaper 
30. Bread  86. Bottle of glue 
31. Box of 20 matches  87. Magazine 
32. Lighter  88. Notebook 
33. Candle  89. Flint and steel 
34. Sewing kit  90. Bottle of Alcohol 
35. Dandelion greens  91. Rag 
36. Deck of playing cards  92. Bundle of feathers 
37. Bottle Alcohol  93. Glass shards 
38. Rabbit carcass 
94. Flashlight 
39. Rat carcass 
95. Aluminum tankard 
40. Hammer 
96. Food ration 
41. 10 nails 
97. Bottle of kerosine 
42. Roll of duct tape 
43. Wrench  98. Rubber bands 
44. Electrical wire  99. Paperclips 
45. Flashlight  100. Scissors 
46. Canteen   
47. Binoculars   
48. Road flare   
49. Keys for a car   
50. Keys for a house   
51. Old Cell phone   
52. Wild Plant   
53. Headlamp   
54. Bandage   
55. Antibiotics 

Food Items  51.
Jar of pickles ​(2 ration) 
Jar of olives ​(1 ration) 
1. Small bag of potato chips ​(½ ration)  53. Bag of Bagels ​(4 rations) 
2. Granola bar ​(½ ration)  54. Jar of popcorn kernels ​(6 rations when popped)  
3. Candy bar ​(½ ration)  55. Instant oatmeal ​(2 rations) 
4. Slice of bread ​(½ ration)  56. Bag of dog food ​(10 rations for human - 
5. Loaf of bread ​(5 rations)  Increased insanity when eaten, 20 rations for an 
6. Expired milk ½ gallon ​(½ ration) (DC 15  animal) 
Constitution saving throw or food poisoning)  57. Bag of cat food ​(8 rations for human - Increased 
7. Water bottle ​(1 ration)  insanity when eaten, 15 rations for an animal) 
8. Water gallon ​(4 rations)  58. Can of cat food ​(½ ration for human - Increased 
9. Moldy cheese ​(½ ration) (DC 15 Constitution  insanity when eaten, 1 ration for an animal) 
saving throw or food poisoning)  59. 2 liter of cola ​(2 rations) 
10. Canned beans ​(1 ration)  60. Tomato juice ​(2 rations) 
11. Canned corn ​(1 ration)  61. Sports drink 
12. Canned tuna ​(1 ration)  62. Energy drink ​(1 ration water)​ ​ (forced “Nat 20” 
13. Canned sardines ​(1 ration)  initiative roll for one combat encounter after 
14. Canned soup ​(1 ration)  drinking)  
15. Raw noodles ​(1 ration)  63. Spoiled yoghurt 
16. Tomato ​(½ ration)  64. Alcohol 
17. Potato ​(1 ration)  65.  
18. Apple ​(1 ration)   
19. Pear ​(1 ration) 
20. Corn ​(½ ration)   
Box of Blueberries ​(½ ration) 
Box of Strawberries ​(½ ration) 
23. Bag of Carrots ​(1 ration)   
24. Lettuce head ​(1 ration) 
25. Bundle of Dandelion greens ​(½ ration)   
Box of cereal ​(2 rations) 
Canned ham ​(1 ration)   
Box of Mushrooms ​(1 ration) 
Chewing gum ​(decreased insanity level) 
30. Cigarettes ​(decreased insanity level)   
31. Fresh Fish ​(2 rations) 
32. Dozen of expired eggs ​(2 rations) (DC 15   
Constitution saving throw or food poisoning) 
Jar of peanut butter ​(2 rations) 
Jar of applesauce ​(2 rations) 
Instant ramen ​(1 ration) 
36. Single serving ravioli ​(1 ration)   
37. Dried fruit ​(1 ration) 
38. Juice box ​(1/8 ration)   
Bag of rice ​(3 rations) 
Can of mixed nuts ​(2 ration) 
41. Jelly ​(1 ration)   
42. Beef Jerky ​(1 ration) 
43. Expired Pie ​(4 ration) (DC 8 Constitution saving   
throw or food poisoning) 
44. Candy ​(½ ration)   
Canned fruit ​(1 ration) 
Ground coffee​ (makes 1 ration water) 
(decreased insanity level)   
47. Small bag of pretzels ​(1 ration) 
48. Large bag of tortilla chips ​(3 rations)   
Large bag of pretzels ​(3 rations) 
Large bag of potato chips ​(3 rations)   

Random Encounters (d100)  42. The building up ahead seems to be fortified. It’s 
a camp of bandits inside. If the players make 
  themselves known, the gang of 25 bandits will 
1. A single zombie wanders around alone  instantly attack. 
2. 2 zombies wander around  43. A mountain lion (same stats as a panther) stands 
3. 3 zombies wander around  on a ledge above the players. It is growling. If 
4. 4 zombies wander around  the players get closer it will attack. 
5. 5 zombies wander around  44. A group of tents are set up. Motorcycles are 
6. 6 zombies wander around  parked nearby. Gang bandits live here. They will 
7. 7 zombies wander around  not attack unless the players refuse to leave 
8. 8 zombies wander around  instantly. 
9. 9 zombies wander around  45. A pickup truck is left running with the door 
10. 10 zombies wander around  open. There is some supplies inside and some 
11. 15 zombies wander around  stuff in the back. Noone is using it right…? 
12. 20 zombies wander around  46. A Bullet wizzes past a player. A Sniper? Time to 
13. 1 zombie and a runner  roll initiative… 
14. 2 zombies and a runner  47. Two zombies are fighting each other. Anyone 
15. 3 zombies and a runner  want to place bets? 
16. 2 zombies and 2 runners  48. A tripwire crosses the path of the players. If 
17. A hunter and a zombie  triggered, a bomb will go off. It is connected to 
18. A hunter and 2 zombies  the right side of the tripwire. (grenade stats 
19. A clicker   from D&Z) 
20. A clicker and 2 zombies  49. A pack of wolves surrounds the party, they have 
21. A charger rushes toward the players  a craving for human meat. 
22. A smoker is breathing heavily by itself  50. A wounded man stumbles toward the party. If 
23. A tank stands still  the players stop, the road will be blocked off by 
24. A spitter is investigating a dead body  a bus and bandits will surround the car. They 
25. A bloater and 3 zombies  want anything of value on the players. They 
26. A jockey and 2 zombies  aren’t afraid to kill. 
27. A tank and 2 runners  51. The players across a group of three bandits 
28. A smoker and 4 zombies  scavenging for supplies. 
29. A single zombie wanders  52. A single survivor is sprinting away from three 
30. A zombie crawls around, missing its legs  runner zombies. Helping him will grant the 
31. A spitter and 5 zombies  players each a gift for their bravery. He wishes 
32. A single bandit is hastily digging through trash  to be left alone afterward. 
on the ground  53. A huge horde of zombies of all kinds catch the 
33. 2 armed bandits sneak up on the players. They  players off guard. They are now coming right 
want some stuff.  toward them. 
34. 3 armed bandits approach the players. They  54. A man is screaming in the distance but the 
won't let the players get away without some  players can never find the source. 
form of payment,  55. Marauders on motorcycles drive by yelling 
35. A group of 5 bandits drive a car down the road  joyfully. 
yelling  56. A man is selling drugs for a fair price in a dark 
36. A man protecting his daughter acts aggressive  alley/hallway 
to the players. He will do anything to keep her  57. A series of tents are set up. The people are very 
safe.  nice and offer the players food and shelter for a 
37. A rabid dog growls at the players. If they get  night. 
closer he will attack.  58. A man selling high quality fish 
38. A dead body lays on the ground (if on dirt, body  59. A homeless dog runs out. He is skittish but is 
lays in an open grave) if players get close it  friendly 
raises as a zombie.  60. A thick fog rolls in out of nowhere, players have 
39. A backpack sits on the ground with 10 random  disadvantage. 
items. Surely it belongs to no one…  61. A car drives past the players. A dead body falls 
40. A single zombie slowly walks in circles  out of the open trunk as it passes by. 
41. A crawler is laying on the ground. It looks  62. A Kitten is stuck in a tree. It is scared and dirty 
dead…. Is it?  but is very loving. 

63. In the distance, a flock of birds are seen flying 
away from the ground. Maybe something scared  Wild Animals 
them off…?   
64. An old man stumbles toward the players he is   
clearly completely wasted. He is holding a bottle 
of vodka and verbally harassing the players but  Animal  Max Amount of  Tamable  Rarity 
Attainable Meat  
does not make any sense. 
65. A group of crows flies down to a dead body and 
Deer  50 Lbs.  No  Uncommon 
starts to pick at it. 
66. A rabbit scurries across the path in front of the  Rabbit  1 Lb.  Yes  Common 
67. The players come across a group of three  Squirrel   0.5 Lb.  Yes  Common 
civilian survivors scavenging for supplies who 
will flee if they are spotted.  Rat  0.5 Lb.  Yes  Common 
68. A man protecting his wife and 2 kids confronts 
the players and asks for anything to help them.  Moose  200 Lbs.  No  Rare  
He has nothing to give in return. 
69. A deer is spotted by a player up ahead  Wolf  30 Lbs.  Yes  Rare  
70. A squirrel hops along 
Bear  150 Lbs.  No  Legendary  
71. A pack of coyotes munch on a corpse. They will 
get scared off by humans. 
Turkey  6 Lbs.  No  Uncommon  
72. A stray horse with a saddle is very scared. It 
hops and runs around, it does not trust the  Cougar  50 Lbs.  No  Legendary  
players, or anything for that matter. I can be 
calmed.  Wild Boar  40 Lbs.  No  Rare  
  Large Bird  3 Lb.  No  Common 

Taming Animals  Medium Bird  1 Lbs.  No  Common  

Animals can be tamed by anyone. A player  Small Bird  0.5 Lb.  Yes  Common 

may use their Animal Handling skill to make  Bobcat  7 Lb  No  Rare  
friends with the animal. The animal will trust 
the player based on this roll. Some animals  Raccoon   4 Lb.  No  Common  
can be tamed, but are far more difficult than 
Coyote  10 Lb.  Yes  Common  
others. It is up to the GM here for the DC of 
the tame. Just like a Ranger from D&D, the  Beaver  10 Lb.  No  Uncommon  
animal, once tamed, acts as a second PC for a 
Fox  8 Lb.  No  Common  
Player. They have nearly full control over the 
creature and its attacks. The animal has to eat  Stray Dog  10 Lb.  Yes  Common  
as well though. A Large pet (Size of a large 
Stray Cat  2 Lb  Yes  Common  
dog) requires 1 ration food, 1/8 gallon water 
(½ ration) per day. Medium pet (Size of a  Cow  200 Lb  Yes  Common 
house cat) requires ½ ration food, 1/8 gallon 
water (½ ration) per day. Small pet (Size of a  Pig  50 Lb  Yes  Uncommon 

rat or small bird) Does not need to be fed as  Sheep  35  Yes  Rare 
they can easily scavenge for themselves. Any 
animal except a stray cat or dog is very  Horse  100 Lb  Yes  Rare 
difficult to tame.    

Random Names  Foraging Plants
Male Names  Female Names  Plant  Perk 

1. Adam  1. Abby  1. Wild Carrot  ½ ration 

2. Alan  2. Addison  2. Dandelion leaves  ½ ration 
3. Milkweed  ½ ration 
3. Alex  3. Alex 
4. Wild Mustard  ½ ration 
4. Anthony  4. Alexis  5. Serviceberry  ½ ration 
5. Arthur  5. Alice  6. Strawberry  1 ration 
6. Asher  6. Allison  7. Acorns  ½ ration 
7. Brandon  7. Alyssa  8. Walnuts  1 ration 
8. Caden  8. Anna  9. Milk Thistle  ½ ration 
9. Calvin  9. Ashley  10. Fern  ½ ration 
11. Mulberry  ½ ration 
10. Cameron  10. Bailey 
12. Apple  1 ration 
11. Carson  11. Brook  13. Pear  1 ration 
12. Christian  12. Cameron  14. Crab Apples  ½ ration 
13. Clark  13. Carly  15. Wild grapes  ½ ration 
14. Clayton  14. Carmen  16. Cattails  ½ ration 
15. Cole  15. Chloe  17. Blueberry  1 ration 
18. Raspberry  1 ration 
16. Collin  16. Clara 
19. Wild Lettuce  1 ration 
17. Dalton  17. Danielle  20. Edible mushrooms  1 ration 
18. David  18. Fiona 
19. Devin  19. Gabby   
20. Edward  20. Grace 
21. Ethan  21. Hailey 
22. Finn  22. Hannah 
23. Gavin  23. Isabelle 
24. Grant  24. Jade 
25. Hunter  25. Jasmine 
26. Jacob  26. Jennifer 
27. Jason  27. Jessica 
28. James  28. Jordyn 
29. Jay  29. Josie 
30. Joel  30. Juliet 
31. John  31. Kate 
32. Jordan  32. Kayla 
33. Kade  33. Kelly 
34. Ken  34. Kim 
35. Logan  35. Laura 
36. Mason  36. Lauren 
37. Matt  37. Lilly 
38. Nathan  38. Lucy 
39. Noah  39. Madison 
40. Owen  40. Maggie 
41. Patrick  41. Maria 
42. Parker  42. Molly 
43. Peter  43. Noel 
44. Rhett  44. Olivia 
45. Robert  45. Paige 
46. Ryan  46. Rachel 
47. Sam  47. Samantha 
48. Shawn  48. Sarah 
49. Thomas  49. Sophia 
50. Zach  50. Zoey 


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