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16th October 2020

Unit Reflection Essay

Throughout are Level 2 Creative Media Course I have learnt
and used a variety of different techniques during are time in
the course. Alongside this I have slowly gotten to know the
rest of the team in the course, while also creating and
producing other projects with this team. With my time
working with the team I have found out that I can guide,
support and give the encouragement the team may need, if
they need something to do, I can give them something to do
to progress with the project or work.

In are course we have learned about other techniques and

styles that are used in animation, while working with all of
these techniques and styles we also got to explore the
equipment and technology that was used to create all the
amazing animations and shows we all see today on the big
screen. With most of are projects once done we had to put it
all together to make it a great final piece. we got into grasped
with the editing quite quickly using the software ‘Adobe
Premiere Pro’, we used this software for audio, cropping and
video placement knowing where to place the right clips or
pictures in the right place.
In conclusion to that, we were introduced to the shadow
animator ‘Lotte Reiniger’, she was in love with the arts of
paper cut-outs and from that created her own amazing
animations with her cut-outs. We was then set the task to
create are own shadow animation in teams of 3-4, we all got
together and made are very on shadow animation, I felt this
was very good way to show each and everyone’s skills
working as a team and to show what we can all come to
achieve when we all work together.

One we had completed making the cutouts for are

characters picture by picture we slowly created are very own
shadow animation, that’s when the editing came into place,
we had to snip out all of the frames that didn’t seem right or
were out of place because we wanted this to be perfect, we
put together all of the frames and there we had created are
very own shadow animation.

Another topic we discovered was Pixel animation, an art form

created through a software where images are edited on a
pixel level.
The graphics for Pixel animation comes from 8-bit and 16-bit
computers and video game consoles back in 1982, pixel
animation was seen as such a massive thing back then that it
came to arcades and game stalls around the world, with
games blowing up such as Pac-man, Street Fighter, Pokemon
and Mario and plenty more. We was then set the tasks to go
further with are learning and create are own small pixel
animation, we did this using a website that aloud us to make
great 8-bit to 16-bit animations, the task was very simple and
was achieved to are best.
I have really enjoyed this course and I’m happy I chose it,
there were many things I didn’t know about animation
before taking this course, thanks to this course I’ve learnt
something new almost each week and I’ve even gotten to
learn how to work in a team.

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