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Introduction to the

Philosophy of the
Human Person
Quarter 2 – Week 2

Philosophizing is to think or express oneself in a philosophical

manner and it considers or discusses a matter from a philosophical
standpoint. It is important to study philosophy for us to be able to
have directions in life.
This module contains activities that will help the students
distinguish truth from opinion, realize the importance of methods of
philosophy that will lead to wisdom and truth, and they can
evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the
methods of philosophizing.

Distinguish opinion from truth.

Explain the importance of the different methods of philosophizing
that will lead to wisdom and truth.
Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the methods
of philosophizing.


Distinguish opinion from truth.

Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth.
Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the
methods of philosophizing.


Choose a word from the box below.

1. Write down other related words or ideas that you can think of in
relation to the word that you chose.
2. Write your answer in a one whole sheet of paper.


• A fact: A fact is a truth. A fact is a statement of truth that can be

verified and is able to be proven as true.
• An opinion: An opinion is a statement that reflects an author's or
the speaker's point of view, beliefs, perspective, personal
feelings, and values; opinions cannot be verified and proven to
be true or false like a fact can be verified and proven to be true;
however, a person's opinion can be supported or refuted when
a critical thinker and a critically thinking reader of a text
scrutinizes and critically evaluates the author's opinions, point of
view, beliefs, perspective, personal feelings and values, and
these opinions are based on documented valid and reliable

Examples of those signal words and phrases being used in the

sentence fragments that often precede a statement of fact or
● The annual report confirms…
● Scientists have recently discovered…
● According to the results of the tests…
● The investigation demonstrated…
● He claimed that…
● It is the officer’s view that…
● The report argues that…
● Many scientists suspect that…

Logic is the truth based on reasoning and critical thinking. It

includes analysis and construction of arguments. It serves as path
to freedom from half-truths and deception.
Existentialism emphasizes the importance of free individual choice,
regardless of the power of other people to influence and coerce
our desires, beliefs, and decisions.
Phenomenology is the careful inspection and description of
phenomena or appearance. No references on explaining in this
method but it requires experience. It is scientific study of the
essential structure of consciousness.
Analytic tradition or philosophy. It is the conviction that to some
significant degree, puzzles, and philosophical problems. It is about
having clear language.

I. Identify the following statements as opinion or fact.

1. God has created everything that is present in this entire
2. The sun rises and sets every single day.
3. Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are some of the
countries that are part of the Southeast Asia.
4. In terms of area, Asia is the largest in the seven continents of
the world.
5. Previous President Barack Obama is the greatest president of
the United States of America said by one survey.
6. Spirituality is the most important thing in the world.
7. The most beautiful country in Southeast Asia is the
Philippines, next to Singapore and Japan.
8. The beaches of Palawan are more astounding than the
beaches of Bali, Indonesia.
9. Every person must have a best friend.
10. Every person must visit Universal Studios Japan.

II. Evaluate the following situations as truth or opinion using

methods of philosophizing

1. The teacher taught that 2 + 2 = 5. It is up to the student if he

will believe on teacher taught. The teacher can’t force the
student to believe on him even if he is the teacher. It’s
student’s freedom.
2. The person says that he exists and he is a human. He also thinks
that his pencil sharpener exists. Therefore, he concluded that
his pencil sharpener is human because he concluded that
they both exist.
3. As part of a healthy, balanced diet, you should consume
fewer foods and drinks that are high in sugars. Sugary foods
and drinks can cause tooth decay, especially if you have
them between meals.
Many foods that contain added sugars also contain lots
of calories but often have few other nutrients. Eating these
foods frequently can contribute to becoming overweight.
Being overweight can increase your risk of health conditions
such as: heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke.

III. What are the different methods of philosophy? Explain

each. How important are these methods in attaining
wisdom and truth?

IV. Research:
Supply relevant and true information on the topics below.
Prepare a 2-3 paragraph essay for each topic. Make sure
that you include your resources and you have read the
article thoroughly. You may use the library or the internet in
order to complete this task.
1. DepEd Kto12 Program
2. School Rules and Regulations
3. The Philippine Political Structure

V. Reflective journal:
What can you say about the picture below? Write your
reflection in your notebook.

This module will help the students in distinguishing opinion

from truth, identifying the different methods of philosophizing that
will lead to wisdom and truth, and evaluating truth from opinions in
different situations using the methods of philosophizing.

Discover this module for you to have a wonderful life.


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