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The Prime Minister

Subject : vision of an ideal society and eradication of problems
Today as a citizen of our country I want to express my deep concern
about the disgruntled situation of our country. Our India is one big
family, and it is now facing a problem of the direst order . What do we
want? What are our aspirations? We want a safe country, with
immense opportunities for all, irrespective of our caste, creed and
religion. There are immense problems being faced everyday by our
citizens including all age groups which may be teenagers, adults or old
Foremost important group of individuals is the youth who are the face
of our country. Rarely have I read a discussion on what the young
teenagers (young boys and girls who are between 10 and 17) want.
Maybe because they are not the voters. It is a sad fact that a
disgruntled youth is created when he is a teenager. The minds of most
young people are molded when they are teenagers.
More than 95% of the teenagers want a future which is better than
their current status. They have innocuous ambitions. Their primary
need is to get good education or skills to get a decent job or to earn a
decent livelihood. Their inability to get the skills and education when
they are teenagers, kills their dreams. This frustration is manifested in
many negative ways, which is not good for the country.
It is easy to talk about problems and the desirable state. I understand
you need solutions, which are feasible, effective and permanent. I take
the liberty to put forth my views and solutions to address these
problems and possibly strengthen our society.
India has a always lived like a family. The problems which are everyday
faced are poverty, corruption, education, health, women safety,
environment and employment.
We have seen the privilege given to some individuals to manage the
affairs of this country being misused, abused and dynasties created,
some have enriched themselves and their cronies and in turn the very
people who have elected them to serve have been neglected and the
country is saddled with enormous debts which our children and
grandchildren will have to repay. So we must stop government officials
in their destiny to becoming rich through government. We need to
carefully seek to place right individuals with the right mind set and
qualifications to run this country in the direction that is beneficial to the
greater population rather than focusing on personal gains. We need to
focus on true development of our country and not be fooled by the
lackadaisical work being done by the individuals we ourselves put in
power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and if
we fail to plan then consequently we plan to fail.
With massive industrial growth and other factors are increasing
pollution levels day by day. Most of the pollution is recorded at the
time of festivities, it may be water, air or noise. This problem of air
pollution affects every single Indian, rich or poor, of all castes, religions,
creed and across all state boundaries. No one apart from the Prime
Minister of our country can take the lead to fix this issue. An individual
should also be concerned about this concern, also it is necessary to
implement certain strict rules such as Odd Even rule, treating the waste
before dumping in the water, car pooling, increase in public transports,
strict ban on single use plastics etc. Irregular cutting of trees and mining
activities it is hampering our vegetation at great extent. Our vegetation
has been exploited greatly by the uneven manmade activities. There is
a serious need to introduce effective resource planning in our country
to combat this serious on single use plastics etc.

Not only this but crime in our country is spreading like fire especially
crime and against women. We everyday read news about a women or a
girl being raped but no justice is done to them. Kindly get our
government and the lawmakers to reassess our legal justice system and
see where we are going wrong in controlling crimes of sexual violence.
The Ministry of women and child development and the Ministry of
human resource development and the Ministry of human resource
development will have to play a crucial role in eradicating this social
evil. Appoint a national committee to study the pattern, statistics and
the cases registered of sexual violence and look at the root cause of
why these crimes are occurring in the first place. In my opinion the rrot
cause is absence of sex education among people. Some people who
commit such a serious crime rape thinks that this is some kind of fun
and satisfaction.
Unemployment and Poverty goes hand in hand. No society can surely
be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members
are poor miserable. Poverty is not only a challenge for India, as more
than one fifth of the world’s poor live in India alone; but also for the
world, where about 300 million people are not able to meet their basic
needs. There are many opportunities of employment in the
government departments of India. Though they are qualified, many
poor people who actually need them find it difficult to get them, due to
the malpractices in selection and appointments. A central database and
allocation of jobs by a central server will help the poor aspirants.
Also I would like to appreciate the efforts done by the government
during lockdown to ensure proper nutrition facilities and health
facilities to public.
In my view every problem is caused by lack of awareness and
ineffective education system. As in this era technology is the power of
the youth. With education our country can overcome these problems.
Foremost creating our country safest is our responsibility. Our country,
India, one among the most ancient civilization and culture with most
tested and proven traditions and values, should be taken leadership in
preventing this kind of exploitation. Modi Sir, I urge you to act now. I
request you to take this issue with the utmost seriousness and set the
ball rolling on creating a safer and better tomorrow for all the citizens
and especially the women in India.
Priyanshi Gupta

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