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Joseph College of Bulacan

San Jose Patag, Sta. Maria Bulacan
Psychology Department 
January 8, 2021


COGNITION - ​process which sensory input is transformed, stored, recovered and used

- ​the study of how people perceive, learn, remember, and think about information
- involves the scientific study of internal/ mental processes

Cognitive psychologists work directly with individuals experiencing challenges related to different
mental processes such as:

- Degenerative Diseases
- Brain Trauma
- Cognitive Therapy for psychological illness
- Interventions for Learning Disabilities
- Perceptual or sensory issues
- Speech or Language Disorders

Cognitive Psychology also put a greater emphasis on understanding the way people process
information and how thinking patterns might contribute to psychological distress.

● Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy – two methods in
which clients and therapists focus on the underlying cognitions that contribute to
psychological distress

● These therapies can help clients identify irrational beliefs and other cognitive distortions
that are conflict with reality and replace these thoughts with a more healthy and realistic

Basic Assumptions of Cognitive Psychology

1. Mediational process occur between stimulus and response – ​cognitive psychologists regard
that it is essential to study the mind and look at the mental processes of an individual and how
these influence behaviors
2. Psychology should be seen as a science – ​cognitive psychologists use scientific methods for
investigating behavior and use the results of their investigation as the basis for making
inferences about mental processes

3. Humans are information processor – ​information processing models of cognitive processes

such as memory and attention assume that mental processes follow a clear sequence

The Impact of Cognitive Psychology

1. Cognitive Psychology is broad, yet it touches on so many aspects of daily life.

2. Findings from scientific investigations play a role in how professionals approach the treatment
of mental illnesses, traumatic brain injury and degenerative brain diseases.
3. One can better pinpoint ways to measure human intellectual abilities which ultimately has a
powerful impact on how we treat cognitive disorders.
4. Cognitive Psychology is a rapid growing area that continues to add understanding of the
influences that mental process have on our health and daily lives.
5. Cognitive Psychology has helped gain a deeper and richer understanding of the many mental
events that contribute to the daily existence and overall well-being.

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