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Vol. 61, No.

Volume 61, Number 3

Vol. 61, No. 1

Good-Bye, Freedom!........................................................................................ 3
Crisis, Calamities—and the Second Coming
Conflict, famine, pestilences, earthquakes, economic woes
all point to Christ's coming ........................................................................... 4
From Boastful Atheism to Blind Religion
Bible prophecy foretells of a pendulum swing
between extreme politics.............................................................................. 10
Is NOW the Time to Leave the Cities?
Recent events show it's not getting any easier.......................................... 15 Have you ever thought of
distributing The Reformation
Immunity on the Microscopic Level Herald among those you
What is our Creator's primary plan to keep us safe
from biological hazards?............................................................................ 20 meet or already know?
More and more, this
Control Your Mind vs. Mind Control magazine is being designed
Choosing the right path­—the path of faith—brings to answer the real spiritual
fulfillment and peace.................................................................................. 26 hunger of people in today’s
Children’s Corner society, tapping into the
How can I stay healthy?.................................................................................. 32 exact train of thought being
triggered by current events.
As Bible prophecy unfolds
before our eyes, why
“Would to God the lessons given us, as we view the cross not keep some of these
of Christ and see the signs fulfilling which bring us near magazines on hand in a large
to the judgment, might be so impressed upon our hearts ziplock bag, ready to share
as to render us more humble, more self-denying, more with honest, thinking people
kind to one another, less self-caring, less critical, and who fear God and are eager
more willing to bear one another’s burdens than we are to know what in the world is
going on?
today.”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 18.

Official Church Publication of the THE REFORMATION HERALD ® (ISSN 0482-0843) features articles Subscription rates:
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement on Bible doctrine that will enrich the spiritual life of those who seek to United States: $18.00; Foreign countries: $16.00 plus shipping;
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“The greatest want of the world is the want of men— Adventist Reform Movement General Conference, P. O. Box 7240,
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ear fellow believer, we are professors of the University of Ba- and political spectrum with the
confronted with the most sel, around the year 1869. He was desire to control human behavior
aggressive cultural revo- only 24 years old when academia and even the human mind itself. We
lution ever encountered recognized his supposed “genius.” look around us and see “fear” as the
in the leading nations of the free Then, in 1879, Nietzsche was forced daily ingredient served to the mass-
world. Today it is becoming more to resign. We cannot know exactly es by the media. In today’s world,
and more vivid that to be a Chris- what seeds he was sowing in his probably one in three may say, “I’m
tian is unsafe and even dangerous mind, but the Bible tells us without hungry,” one in two, “I’m thirsty,”
on this fallen planet. Christianity a doubt that all sow what they reap; but it is likely that nearly all of us
is the key element being removed cause produces effect. One of the would say, “I’m worried.”
from our way of life. The heritage earliest evidences of Nietzsche’s Our streets are a spectacle of vio-
of the American forefathers is being rhetoric against a “non-existent” lence and lawlessness. Dear reader,
overturned. The cherished memo- God is found in 1862 in his essay, the spirit of unrest seen in almost
ries of their accomplishments in Faith and History—declarations that every country of the world reflects
behalf of all humanity are being eventually escalated into the vit- the words of Jesus fulfilling in our
replaced with something sinister riolic language mentioned above, generation. The Lord bemoaned, “O
that has nothing to do with the true and producing the inevitable con- Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kill-
history of a highly influential na- sequence of affecting the philoso- est the prophets, and stonest them
tion that quickly rose to worldwide pher’s health for life. In 1889, at age that are sent unto thee; how often
prominence—a nation that was 44, Nietzsche experienced an irre- would I have gathered thy children
founded by Christian people and versible mental breakdown and he together, as a hen doth gather her
based upon Christian principles. later died in the year 1900, without brood under her wings, and ye
“God is dead. God remains dead. any drop of sanity or capability to would not! Behold, your house is
And we have killed him. How shall express regrets or remorse over his left unto you desolate: and verily I
we comfort ourselves, the murder- past life. say unto you, Ye shall not see me,
ers of all murderers? What was Yet his words, “God is dead. God until the time come when ye shall
holiest and mightiest of all that the remains dead. And we have killed say, Blessed is he that cometh in the
world has yet owned has bled to him” sadly remained. His influence name of the Lord” (Luke 13:34, 35).
death under our knives: who will injected into the generations that I hope and pray that the articles
wipe this blood off us? What water followed are echoed and reflected prepared for the reader of this issue
is there for us to clean ourselves? today in the behavior of many on of The Reformation Herald will bring
What festivals of atonement, what American streets as well as else- the best awareness possible for our
sacred games shall we have to in- where throughout the world. Re- spiritual life in order to be ready for
vent? Is not the greatness of this gardless of intellectual level, finan- the perfect storm that is looming on
deed too great for us? Must we our- cial status, or skin color, the whole the horizon. ‰
selves not become gods simply to human race is marching towards
appear worthy of it?”1 ultimate self-destruction. The greed References
1 Nietzsche: The Gay Science, section 125, "The
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche be- for power animates the “shadow” of Madman” Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, "The Joyful
came one of the youngest university many people from both the religious Pursuit of Knowledge and Understanding.”

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 3

BY Paul Chapman

— A N D T H E

THE COVID-19 CRISIS a word of protest. The experience last. But this should not be a cause
has been surreal, to say the least. for anxiety and despair. For the Bi-
A woman calls out for help from
It has been three months [at the ble believer, while the heart goes out
the balcony of her tenth-floor apart-
time of this writing] since the gov- in compassion for every life affected
ment. No help will come. Down-
ernment put restrictions in place by this pandemic, at the same time,
stairs, the building entrance has
in my country of residence. As I such calamities inspire hope that a
been welded shut. In the same city,
write this, the full impact of the better world is imminent. I can say
a man stumbles and falls uncon-
COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be that with certainty, for I have faith
scious in the street, dying. A young
determined. So far, 400,000 people in the words of Jesus Christ, “there
couple passes over to where he lays,
have died worldwide. Millions shall be famines, and pestilences,
takes a quick look, and walks on.
more have lost their jobs or have and earthquakes, in divers places”
Another young man is dragged,
closed their businesses. Australia (Matthew 24:7).
kicking and screaming, into a wait-
and the USA have gone into reces- Jesus uttered these prophetic
ing van—his body temperature is
sion. The World Bank has forecast words almost 2000 years ago. He
deemed too high. These were the
the worst global recession in 80 had just declared that the temple in
disturbing images that confronted
years. In the best-case scenario, the Jerusalem, the glory of the Jewish
us, as stories of the greatest pan-
global economy will contract twice nation, would become rubble. His
demic in our lifetime hit the air-
as much as it did in the 2009 global words had doomed it to a destruc-
waves and internet video channels
financial crisis.1 According to some tion that would leave not one stone
in the early weeks of 2020. Within
economists, recovery will be mea- upon another. His twelve disciples,
a few short weeks of us viewing
sured in years rather than months. concerned and yet intrigued, asked
those disturbing images from Wu-
To make matters worse, there is fear Him a three-part question concern-
han, governments across the globe
that a second wave of COVID-19 is ing the words that He had just
closed their borders, halted travel,
impending, as early as this fall.2 All uttered: “Tell us, when shall these
and banned the operation of high-
this has left some wondering, what things be? and what shall be the
risk businesses due to public health
is coming next? sign of thy coming, and of the end
concerns. In a matter of a few short
As worrying as it has been, the of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). In
days, our freedom of movement and
COVID-19 pandemic has not been response, Jesus outlined a fearful
assembly was taken, almost without
the first of its kind nor will it be the series of events, the last of which

4 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

would transpire just before his sec- notably those in Europe. China itself Famine is not a matter for histori-
ond coming. He declared, “Now has riled its neighbors by the flexing ans,” concluded the UK Institute of
learn a parable of the fig tree; When of its military muscle in the South Development Studies. “It is yet to be
his branch is yet tender, and putteth China sea. Concerns of an eventual defeated.”6
forth leaves, ye know that summer outbreak of hostilities are not un- The East African drought of
is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye warranted. Revelation 16 indicates 2011 was devastating. The famine
shall see all these things, know that that the battle for global domina- it caused claimed in three months
it is near, even at the doors” (Mat- tion will involve the “kings of the 29,000 children under the age of
thew 24:32, 33). east and of the whole world.” If the five. In Somalia, 285,000 people
What things are we to see that “kings of the east” are a reference perished. Of these, 133,000 were
will assure us that the second com- to the Asian nations, most notably, children under the age of 5.7 Today,
ing of Christ is near? What are the China, it is hard to see how the cur- Africa continues to be the continent
signs that we are living in “the last rent crisis will end peacefully. For at the highest risk of famine. Ac-
days” of this world as we know it? certain, the diplomats of the world cording to World Vision, 257 million
will do their best to maintain peace people in Africa are experiencing
and avoid international conflict, but hunger right now. As a result of
CONFLICT we should not be surprised if con- crop failures, soaring food prices,
One sign would be the lack of flict does break out. For Jesus has drought, and cyclones, 41 million
lasting peace. Jesus said that be- said that wars would continue right people are food insecure, with 9 mil-
fore the end of the world, there to the end, the last one involving ev- lion needing food immediately.8
would continue to be “wars and ery nation of the globe. The two leading causes of famine
rumours of wars,” “for nation shall Despite the strife and contention have been droughts and conflicts in
rise against nation, and kingdom throughout the world, we should a working paper published by the
against kingdom” (Matthew 24:6, not be troubled by it. Jesus said, UK Institute of Development Stud-
7). Of all the devastation wreaked “In the world, ye shall have tribula- ies. Poor government policy and,
by war since Jesus uttered those tion: but be of good cheer; I have to a lesser extent, natural disasters
words, 1900 to 2000 have been the overcome the world” (John 16:33). have also been contributing factors.9
most blood-stained years on record. “Peace I leave with you, my peace As long as these continue, famines
Twenty-two million died in “the I give unto you: not as the world will continue.
war to end all wars,” with a further giveth, give I unto you. Let not your To help end famine on the Afri-
23 million wounded.3 World War II heart be troubled, neither let it be can continent, Europe and America
claimed 55 million lives. War-related afraid” (John 14:27). Only Jesus can are sharing the technological ad-
deaths between 1945 and 2000 bring lasting peace to our world. vances that attributed most to their
claimed 41 million lives.4 These are But that peace begins by each per- own apparent resilience to famine.
estimates of deaths resulting when son making their peace with Him. However, these advances in agricul-
“nations” rise “against nations.” It Only then can we be at peace with tural production and the supply and
does not account for all the terrible each other. distribution of goods to trade for
internal conflicts that have trans- Sadly, this world will never ex- food are heavily reliant on fossil fu-
pired in the first two decades of this perience universal peace. They will els. Those fuel resources will not last
new century. According to some declare peace. But prophecy indi- forever. Without sustainable energy
estimates, there has not been one cates it will end in “sudden destruc- resources, Europe and America can-
day of genuine peace since the end tion” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). not sustain their current agricultural
of World War I. Since 2000, the wars methods. This concern has led some
in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and the experts to speculate of a near-future
fight against ‘terror’ continue to con- FAMINE global food crisis.
firm the words of Jesus, “there shall The second sign Jesus gave is
be wars and rumors of wars.” often a consequence of the first—
Can we expect universal peace? famines. During the 20th century, PESTILENCE
The apostle John, in a prophecy famines caused the death of more Not only would famines con-
concerning the last days, declared than 70 million people. Over half of tinue, but, according to Jesus, “pes-
that, rather than being at peace, “the these died in the three great Chinese tilences” also. History has proven
nations would be angry” (Revela- famines of 1928–30, 1942–43, and His words true. Virulent epidemics
tion 11:18). Over the past 20 years 1958–61, the latter being responsible of cholera, malaria, measles, typhus,
or so, China has been stealthily for over 30 million deaths.5 Today, and other diseases often accompany
establishing itself as an economic famines in Europe and America famines.10 However, pestilences
superpower. Its rise has led to the appear to have been consigned to do not confine themselves to times
current trade war with the USA. history. But it should be a sobering of famine. In 2009, the swine flu,
The unilateral decisions taken by thought that globally “millions of a strain of the influenza A virus,
the USA against China have riled people have died in famines in ev- caused between 151,000 and 575,000
many of the allies of the USA, most ery decade since at least the 1920s. deaths.11 The top five pestilences

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 5

causing death every year are lower 500 million bees died from pesticide
respiratory infections (including poisoning, threatening the country’s
pneumonia and influenza), HIV/ entire agricultural industry.14 In
AIDS, diarrheal diseases (cholera, April this year, bees were dropping
botulism, E. coli, etc.), tuberculosis, dead in their millions all over Spain,
and malaria. In 2017 alone, influen- leading to concerns of a nation-wide
za and pneumonia were responsible food shortage. Farmers were blam-
for 3.1 million deaths, tuberculosis ing the deaths on the pesticides
for 1.3 million deaths, HIV/AIDS sprayed everywhere in response
for 1 million deaths, and malaria for to the COVID-19 pandemic.15 The
439,000 deaths. While there has been 2019 bushfires in Australia over four
a decrease in tuberculosis mortality months killed off an estimated 1 bil-
rates since 2000, malaria mortality lion animals.16 Just in February this
rates have stalled since 2014, and year, in New Zealand, 3,500 birds
HIV is on the rise in Europe.12 were found dead in the Coromandel
Since the beginning of the HIV waterways, evidently due to an out-
epidemic, that virus has infected 75 break of botulism.17
million people. About 32 million of These pestilences and related di-
these have died. Today, HIV infects sasters are said by some to be natural
37 million people, with 2 million die-offs. Others say they are due to
new cases every year. It remains the pollution, and others hold these to
number one cause of death in sub- be an indication of God’s judgment.
last days perilous times shall come.
Saharan Africa.13 While many of these remain a mys-
For men shall be lovers of their own
The Bible indicates that pesti- tery, we can be sure of one thing—
selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
lences will also spread beyond the they were prophesied to happen.
blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
human species. Through Hosea, the
unthankful, unholy, without natural
Lord declared, “The Lord hath a
controversy with the inhabitants of HEAVY RUMBLINGS affection, trucebreakers, false accus-
ers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of
the land, because there is no truth, Jesus also declared that there
those that are good, traitors, heady,
nor mercy, nor knowledge of God would be “earthquakes in divers
highminded, lovers of pleasures
in the land. By swearing, and lying, places.” While we’ve always had
more than lovers of God” (2 Timo-
and killing, and stealing, and com- earthquakes, records confirm that
thy 3:1–4).
mitting adultery, they break out, of the ten deadliest earthquakes
No one would question the peril-
and blood toucheth blood. Therefore since 1900, three of them occurred
ous times in which we are living.
shall the land mourn, and every one in the past 15 years: Pakistan in 2005
The increasing violent crime, the
that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the loss of 73,000 lives; China
civil unrest, the rampant narcissism
with the beasts of the field, and with in 2008 with the loss of 87,000 lives;
of the me-generation, the break-
the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes and Haiti in 2010 with the loss of a
down of the family unit, the redefin-
of the sea also shall be taken away” staggering 222,570 lives.18
ing of the Biblical model for mar-
(Hosea 4:1–3).
riage and families, the massacres at
SOCIAL UPHEAVAL the hands of crazed gunmen, and
LOSS OF WILDLIFE Apart from wars, famines,
the proliferation of illicit drugs are
just some of the prevailing condi-
Over the past decade, mass pestilences, and earthquakes, the
tions that would precede the second
deaths of animals, birds, and fish, Bible speaks of tremendous social
coming of Christ.
some in their millions, have oc- problems as a sign of the end. In his
curred in multiple countries. In letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul
2019, during three months in Brazil, wrote, “This know also, that in the A CRISIS OF CAPITAL
Another sign that we are in the
last days is the great struggle be-
tween the rich and the poor. The
Jesus outlined a fearful series apostle James pronounced a woe
on the “rich”—not for being pro-

of events, the last of which

ductive, but because they “heaped
treasure together for the last days”

would transpire just before His

at the expense of the poor (James
5:1–8). This rebuke could not ap-
ply more than to the rich of our

second coming. generation. The extreme disparity

between the world’s wealthiest and

6 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

the world’s poorest is a terrible phe- million to 100 million people into patriarchs of Scripture. Hebrews
nomenon today. Despite the 2011 extreme poverty.”21 11 tells us that the “fathers” looked
“Occupy Wall Street” protests high- Despite the oppressive economic for a “better country, a heavenly”
lighting the income inequality in conditions of the last days, the one, but died without realizing the
the USA and around the world, the apostle James encourages us not to fulfillment of the promise. Since
economic disparity continues to rise. give up in despair, but rather “to their falling asleep in death, nothing
The 2019 Global Wealth Report re- be patient unto the coming of the has changed. “All things continue
veals the level of disparity. Accord- Lord.” He reminds us that just as as they were from the beginning of
ing to the report, 1% of the world’s the farmer “waiteth for the precious the creation.” So the scoffers say.
population owns 44% of the global fruit of the earth, and hath long But have they? From the creation of
wealth. Those in this wealth tier patience for it, until he receive the this world, and everything that has
have a net worth in USD of at least early and latter rain,” so we should happened to it? Have all things con-
$1 million. Those whose net worth also be “patient” and focus on keep- tinued as they were from the begin-
is at least $110,000 fall into the top ing ourselves ready, “for the coming ning? If you know your Bible his-
10% of global wealth owners. This of the Lord draweth nigh” (James tory, you will have to answer, No.
tier collectively holds 82% of the 5:7, 8). What the scoffers fail to believe,
world’s wealth. In contrast, 56% what “they willingly are ignorant
of the population holds a meager of,” as Peter puts it in verse 5, is
1.8% of the global wealth. People in A CRISIS OF RELIGION the fact of the greatest calamity this
this tier own less than $10,000 each, The apostle Peter, under pro- world has ever seen or will ever see
most of them far less.19 To highlight phetic inspiration, gives us a further until the second coming of Christ.
the disparity, even more, Oxfam sign of the last days, one that would Peter describes it this way: “By the
reported in 2019 that the combined take place in the religious world. word of God the heavens were of
fortunes of the world’s 26 wealthi- Scoffers. He wrote, “there shall old, and the earth standing out of
est individuals reached $1.4 trillion come in the last days scoffers, walk- the water and in the water: Whereby
in 2018—the same amount as the ing after their own lusts, and saying, the world that then was, being over-
total wealth of the 3.8 billion poorest Where is the promise of his coming? flowed with water, perished” (2 Pe-
people on earth. Hence the appeal, for since the fathers fell asleep, all ter 3:5, 6). Due to the continuous evil
aptly put by one journalist to the things continue as they were from practiced by the earth’s inhabitants
ultra-wealthy, to “aim their great the beginning of the creation” (2 Pe- almost 4,500 years ago, the world
wealth and energies toward the ter 3:3, 4). perished in a universal flood. All
world’s urgent challenges: extreme Now there have always been flesh died, except for eight souls and
poverty, needless disease, illiteracy, scoffers of religion, ever since the the animals that were with them in
and environmental devastation.”20 days of Cain and Abel. But what is the ark.
This call for action is even more different about the scoffers of the The scoffers of the “last days”
relevant, given the current CO- last days? Evidently, they are reli- deny this event, even though they
VID-19 pandemic. The World Bank gious people. They have a regard for profess belief in the Scriptures. How
estimates that the forecasted global “the fathers of the faith”—Abraham, can they possibly do that? The an-
recession this year “may push 70 Isaac, and Jacob, and all the other swer is born out in what has been

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 7

Christ’s faithful followers will be those who fulfill
the ten commandments. The apostle John, looking
down to the time just before the second coming of
Jesus, sees such a group of people.”
happening in the Christian world byterians were required to endorse “Owe no man any thing, but to
for the past 200 years. the populist argument for a global love one another: for he that loveth
Since the early 1800’s many pro- Flood in [your] May issue.”23 another hath fulfilled the law. For
fessed Christians have accepted the The apostle Paul adds further this, Thou shalt not commit adultery,
idea that the earth is billions of years details to the decay of Christianity as Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not
old. However, this notion contradicts a sign of the “last days.” He wrote to steal, Thou shalt not bear false wit-
the plainest reading of the Bible. Timothy that people would be “lov- ness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there
Rather than take the Bible as it reads, ers of pleasures more than lovers of be any other commandment, it is
Biblical scholars have proposed God; having a form of godliness, but briefly comprehended in this saying,
many theories to harmonize the con- denying the power thereof’ (2 Timo- namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor
tradiction. One of the most prevalent thy 3:4, 5). Religion would become as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his
views being taught in seminaries a form without true love for God. neighbour: therefore love is the fulfill-
today is the Framework Hypothesis. In Jesus’ words, “the love of many ing of the law” (Romans 13:8–10).
It was developed in 1924 and popu- would wax (or grow) cold.” The Consequently, Christ’s faithful
larized in the 1950s in the United reason for this, according to Jesus, followers will be those who fulfill
States and Europe.22 In this view, the would be the terrible evil that would the ten commandments. The apostle
creation story of Genesis is merely abound in the world just before His John, looking down to the time just
a poem and not a historical account return (Matthew 24:12). Who can before the second coming of Jesus,
of our origins. Those professed deny the abounding evil present in sees such a group of people. He
Christians who hold this view do not the world today—the crime; the so- describes them in this way, “Here is
believe the Biblical record of a literal cial injustice; the needless pain and the patience of the saints, here are
six-day creation, nor of the earth be- suffering inflicted by people upon they that keep the commandments
ing only about 6000 years old. They other people; riots and racism; the of God, and have the faith of Jesus”
postulate that the creation might well oppression of minorities; and the (Revelation 14:12).
have happened over thousands of neglect of the poor, the homeless These believers are command-
years, with evolution being a mecha- and the afflicted. People of faith are ments keepers. They are the fruit
nism. They further propose that the growing tired. Rather than exercise of the preaching of the “everlasting
greatest hydraulic cataclysm that their faith in making a difference, gospel” (referenced in verse 6) for
this world has ever seen was just a the vast majority become indiffer- the last days. This preaching will be
couple of local rivers overflowing. In ent to the abounding iniquity. Jesus’ in fulfillment of one of the last signs
their view, the localized flood story words indicate that things will not Jesus gave that would mark the
became the stuff of legend, and the get better but worse. When it comes nearness of the end.
legend became this fantastic Biblical to faith, there will be very little of it
story of a worldwide flood. around at His second coming: WORLDWIDE PREACHING
This view has laid the founda- “Nevertheless when the Son of
Jesus affirmed, “the gospel of
tion for the last-day scoffers about man cometh, shall he find faith on
the kingdom shall be preached in
which the apostle Peter writes. They the earth?” (Luke 18:8, last part).
all the world for a witness unto
deny the universal flood as well He will. But sadly, it won’t be
all nations; and then shall the end
as the literal six-day creation. We manifested by many.
come” (Matthew 24:14). This move-
should not then be surprised when
ment is symbolized in Revelation
we meet these ideas in the lecture
A FAITHFUL FEW 14:6 as an angel flying “in the midst
halls of Christian universities and
of heaven, having the everlasting
educational institutions. True “faith works by love.” And gospel to preach unto them that
In a 2002 letter to the editor of according to the words of the apos- dwell on the earth, and to every
the Australian Presbyterian, a prom- tle Paul, “love is the fulfilling of the nation, and kindred, and tongue,
inent Presbyterian minister repre- law,” not the breaking of it. The law and people.” John is writing here of
sented the view when he wrote, “I the Apostle Paul refers to is evident a worldwide movement that takes
would be aghast if orthodox Pres- in the commandments it embodies: the gospel message to every inhab-

8 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

itable quarter of the globe. Dear 4:9). This is the gospel message that Peter 3:9). The perpetration of evil
reader, this is happening today. must go to all the world for a wit- in this world, the calamities, and the
Of the 193 recognized countries, ness, and then shall the end come. conflicts grieve His heart. But soon,
there is not one nation on earth that very soon, He will bring all this to
does not contain Christian adher- an end. What should you then do to
ents. However, the Joshua Project SECURE IN THE CONFLA- be ready? Come to Jesus in true re-
estimates there are 17,425 people
GRATION pentance. Confess your sins, surren-
groups within the countries of the In concluding His reply to His der your life to Him, and accept His
world today. These are groups in disciples’ question, Jesus declared, forgiveness. In doing so, regardless
which no significant barrier to un- “As the days of Noe were, so shall of what happens in our world, you
derstanding the gospel would exist also the coming of the Son of man will always be ready to meet the
between people within that group. be. For as in the days that were Lord in peace. Amen. ‰
Of these, 7,410 are yet to be reached before the flood they were eating
with the good news of Jesus Christ and drinking, marrying and giving References
and His soon coming. That is about in marriage, until the day that Noe
1 The Age: World Bank forecasts worst global recession
in eight decades. 9 June 2020.
3.2 billion people.24 Before Jesus entered into the ark, and knew not 2 American Medical Association (AMA USA): Harvard
returns, they will hear the gospel until the flood came, and took them epidemiologist: Beware COVID-19’s second wave this
message. But that message will all away; so shall also the coming of fall. 8 May 2020.
have a significant emphasis. John the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37). 3 Encyclopedia Britannica, World War I, Killed, Wounded

writes in Revelation 14:7 that the The debauchery and evil that or Missing.
“everlasting gospel” to be preached preceded the destruction of our 4 Leitenburg, Milton: Deaths in Wars and Conflicts in

the 20th Century, Occasional Paper #29, Cornell

in these last days will be a call to world by water would again be a
University, Peach Studies Program. 2006.
“worship him that made the heav- precursor to the destruction of our 5 UK Institute of Development Studies, Working Paper
en, and earth, and the sea, and the world when Jesus returns. How will 105: Famine in the Twentieth Century, p. 6.
fountains of waters.” Recognition this destruction take place? 6 Ibid., p. 8.

of God as the Creator will be the “But the heavens and the earth, 7 FEWS NET: Mortality among populations of southern

heart of the message. which are now, by the same word and central Somalia affected by severe food insecurity
are kept in store, reserved unto fire and famine during 2010-2012, Study. Published 2 May
2013. p. 8.
against the day of judgment and
RECOGNIZING OUR CRE- perdition of ungodly men” (2 Peter
8 World Vision: Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and

ATOR 3:7). Just as the waters held above

how to help.
9 UK Institute of Development Studies, Working Paper

Despite the terrible calamities we and beneath the earth burst forth 105: Famine in the Twentieth Century, p. 6.
see in nature, there is still a God of in destruction in Noah’s day, the 10 CDC: First Global Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Pandemic

nature who cares for His creation. fiery elements beneath the earth and Mortality Released by CDC-Led Collaboration,
He who made all things is to be above it are being held in check by Published 15 June 2012.
11 World Health Organisation: World Health Statistics
loved and worshipped as the Cre- divine power until that day when 2020, Visual Summary.
ator of all things. Sadly, most of the they shall burst forth in destruction. 12 Rosser, M. and Ritchie, H., Our World in Data: HIV/
Christian world has forgotten the Sadly, most will be unprepared. AIDS. Published November 2019.
day that God set aside to worship “For the day of the Lord will come 13 Carta Campinas: Com 500 milhões de abelhas mortas

Him on. In Isaiah 58:13, He calls it as a thief in the night; in the which em três meses, agricultura brasileira pode entrar em
“my holy day”—the Sabbath, the the heavens shall pass away with a colapso. 2 March 2019.
14 Euro Weekly News: Millions of Bees found dead
seventh day of the week, commonly great noise, and the elements shall
across Spain’s Costa del Sol & Costa Blanca causes
called Saturday. It is the only day in melt with fervent heat, the earth also Farmers to worry about food shortages. 17 April 2002.
Scripture that God has blessed and and the works that are therein shall 15 One Billion Animals Now Feared

sanctified as a day of rest to remem- be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10). Dead in Australia’s Wildfires. January 8, 2020.
ber Him as our Creator (Genesis Dear reader, we are very near to 16 Newshub: Coromandel waterways filled with

2:3). The Sabbath is also a reminder the end. “All these things” that Jesus thousands of dead birds and eels. 4 March 2020.
of our deliverance from the bondage and his prophets said would tran- 17 Earthquakes with the highest death toll

worldwide from 1900 to 2016.

of sin through our loving Creator’s spire before the end are happening 18 Credit-Suisse Research Institute: Global Wealth Report
power (Deuteronomy 5:15). To- right now. This gives me confidence 2019.
day, He is inviting you to enter the that Jesus is coming back very soon. 19 CNN: Billionaires reach for the stars while world

Sabbath “rest,” a rest that can only But why does He delay? Despite suffers. 15 August 2018.
come from accepting Jesus Christ as what the scoffers may say, “the Lord 20 The Age: Ibid.

your personal Saviour, the one who is not slack concerning his promise, 21 McCabe, Dr. Robert V. and Chaffey, Tim: Answers

has delivered you from sin by His as some men count slackness.” In- in Genesis: What’s Wrong with the Framework
creative power. Only then can you stead, He is exercising His divine 22 Doctor Roland S Ward: Letter to the Editor of
truly “remember the Sabbath day, to patience with us all, the godly and Australian Presbyterian, June 2002; Quoted from
keep it holy” for the Creator, by His the ungodly alike. He is “not will- Answers in Genesis: Church Leader “Aghast” at Belief
redeeming grace, will have made ing that any should perish, but that in a Worldwide Flood?
you holy (Exodus 20:8–11; Hebrews all should come to repentance” (2 23 Joshua Project.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 9

BY Walter Lukic



THE COSMIC WAR TRANS- pledged their allegiance to God and

evil predates the existence of the
FERRED TO THE EARTH His government. Chapter 4 of Gen-
planet earth and of the human race.
From ancient times until now, By means of divine revelation con- esis informs us that the first conflict
rarely has a literary work been pro- tained in the Bible, we are informed took place between two brothers—
duced—whether based on a true that the highest created being—an Cain and Abel, and that the issue
story or on the author’s imagina- angel by the name of Lucifer (later in dispute was the true worship of
tion—that did not somehow feature known as Satan)—started a war God. Because God accepted Abel’s
positive and negative characters, a in heaven by becoming envious animal sacrifice and rejected Cain’s
protagonist and an antagonist, or of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. offering consisting of the produce
at least a foil. Cinematography also We further learn that Satan and of the land, Cain became angry and
has not escaped this fundamental his angels lost the “Star War” and killed his brother, Abel.
pattern of character distinction: In were thrown down to the planet
almost every Hollywood produc- earth, the only place in the universe
tion the screenplay writers intro-
where they succeeded in planting
duce to the viewers an assortment their rebellion. The plotline of human history
of “good guys” and “bad guys,” The first humans, Adam and Eve, and of the great controversy be-
heroes and villains. This pattern trusted the fallen angel, Satan, more tween the followers of Christ and
seems to be so pervasive in human than they trusted God. Satan’s offer the followers of Satan, is somewhat
society that we feel justified in pro- to Eve seemed irresistible: Eat of the complex and twisted. And here is
posing that no society known to us tree of knowledge of good and evil the reason: There is no genuine and
has ever existed without some sort and assume the divine prerogative lasting unity among the forces of Sa-
of character differentiation. To be of defining moral truth. By mistrust- tan. Humans motivated and guided
sure, the “good” characters are not ing God and by her desire to be- by selfish ambition and pride can
perfect; they are still human beings come God-like, not in character but never achieve the true bonding of
with some weaknesses and frailties. in power, Eve sinned and became, hearts and minds—neither perma-
Yet, the authors, historians, artists, like Satan, a fallen being. Through nent unity of action, nor universal
screenplay writers, and the rest of Eve, Satan shrewdly brought about peace. Only on some rare occasions
humans seem to be unable to think the downfall of Adam. From the when coerced by a major external
about men and women without moment the first humans discov- force (a powerful world ruler) or
placing them somewhere on the ered and experienced evil, there has when attempting to defy a divine
scale of morally approving or dis- been no peace on planet earth, but ordinance (building the tower of Ba-
approving conduct. instead, an unrelenting war between bel), has the faithless human society
In this article we will propose the followers of God and the follow- achieved for a short period of time
a broader thesis: The existence of ers of the archdeceiver. In that war some semblance of unity and com-
good and evil in this world and the humans who have sided with mon purpose.
the conflict between the intelligent Satan and his rebellion have per- This lack of unity on the side
beings representing either good or secuted and killed those who have of the dark force should not, how-

10 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

ever, lead us to a belief that the war onistic force never leaves his army ing prophet until the end of the
between good and evil has ever di- in a resting position. It rather makes world. We call this type of prophetic
minished in its intensity. To the con- the dark force oscillate in various utterance an apocalyptic prophecy
trary, it only increases as the world amplitudes from one extreme posi- because of its broad sweep of time,
history moves to its consummation. tion to another. Let us explore brief- its focus on the cataclysmic events
Although the human actors within ly this puzzling historic pattern and culminating in the second coming
Satan’s army are generally in dis- discover two things: Where is the of Christ, and its unconditional
cord due to their various ideologies pendulum right now and in which nature (what was prophesied will
and interests, the polar opposites direction is it moving? surely come to pass). In this article
within that force arise and enter we will not be able to offer even
the world stage and then gradually a cursory survey of the content of
wane just as the phases of the moon THE APOCALYPTIC BOOKS these two amazing books. Our focus
or the seasons in a year. These play-
OF THE BIBLE: DANIEL AND will rather be on some apocalyptic
ers only replace each other—they
REVELATION prophecies that depict the evil forces
never relent. Thus, the war against For the students of world his- in their pendulum-like historic
God and His true followers never tory and its ultimate direction, the movements as they oppose God and
ceases. most interesting, most challenging, His people.
This curious phenomenon might but also the most rewarding books Every student of the apocalyptic
be illustrated by the swinging mo- in the Bible are the books of Daniel prophecies must understand and
tion of a pendulum. A pendulum and Revelation. In these two books apply some basic rules of interpre-
is a weight suspended from a pivot God reveals to humanity the entire tation in order to understand the
so that it can swing back and forth course of world history in the form meaning of the symbolic or figu-
under the influence of gravity. Like of prophecy. Here we find the in- rative language employed by the
a pendulum that never rests at its spired prophecies foretelling the prophet. One of the most important
equilibrium position due to the future from the time a prophetic principles of biblical interpreta-
gravitational force, so Satan’s antag- revelation was given to the record- tion is the principle that the Bible
interprets itself. Various figures
of speech, including metaphors,
similes, imagery, types, parallels,

This curious phenomenon might

allegories, and analogies are used as
teaching tools.
In 2 Peter 1:19–21 we read: “ We

be illustrated by the swinging have also a more sure word of

prophecy; whereunto ye do well

motion of a pendulum.”
that ye take heed, as unto a light
that shineth in a dark place, until
the day dawn, and the day star arise

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 11

Sackcloth in the Old Testament was worn by
individuals who were showing repentance.
Therefore, these two witnesses preach for
repentance—and their message will not be popular.
in your hearts: Knowing this first, dark forces that are represented them, fire proceedeth out of their
that no prophecy of the scripture in the book of Revelation as the mouth, and devoureth their en-
is of any private interpretation. For “beasts.” We find their description emies: and if any man will hurt
the prophecy came not in old time in chapter 11 of Revelation. In the them, he must in this manner be
by the will of man: but holy men of text that we are about to explore, killed. These have power to shut
God spake as they were moved by one force (beast) is introduced im- heaven, that it rain not in the days
the Holy Ghost.” plicitly and the other one explicitly. of their prophecy: and have power
In verse 20 particularly, we find It is beyond the scope of this article over waters to turn them to blood,
support for the principle that the to provide a more complete inter- and to smite the earth with all
Bible interprets itself. This means that pretation of the relevant parts of this plagues, as often as they will”
somewhere within the pages of the chapter. We will limit ourselves to (Revelation 11:3–6).
sacred Scripture the symbols, the time presenting the basic meaning of the
periods, and the geographic or per- key verses and direct the reader to
sonal names employed in symbolic other sources for a more detailed THE SUPREMACY OF THE
texts are explained or defined. It is exposition.
our task to search them out and place “And I will give power unto
them together as a meaningful whole. my two witnesses, and they shall
When we apply this fundamental prophesy a thousand two hundred These four verses cover a long
principle together with some other and threescore days, clothed in period of time during which the
principles of Bible interpretation, sackcloth. These are the two olive first dark force ruled the world su-
we can fruitfully explore the cryptic trees, and the two candlesticks premely. This period precedes the
language of the apocalyptic prophe- standing before the God of the ascendance of the second evil force
cies and discover the existence and earth. And if any man will hurt that will be introduced in verse 7.
the work of Satan’s chief agents
through whom he strives for world


The two most successful but
ideologically opposed forces em-
ployed by Satan, particularly in the
end time, are depicted in chapters
11 and 13 of Revelation, respec-
tively. Although these two world
superpowers derive their authority
and deadly force from the same evil
source, the human agents carrying
out the principles and policies of
these two powers are not the same.
Consequently, these two powers
can be and have been in a deadly
struggle for world supremacy. Yet
they both have one thing in com-
mon: They are opposed to God, His
Word, and His people.
Let us introduce now these two

12 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

During a long period extending unto my feet, and a light unto my Testaments—have power to send
over of 1,260 prophetic days or 1,260 path. . . . The entrance of thy words plagues? The answer to this ques-
actual years, God will empower His giveth light; it giveth understanding tion is found in Revelation 22:18:
two witnesses to prophesy or to unto the simple.” “For I testify unto every man that
bear faithful witness, yet dressed in By putting together the avail- heareth the words of the prophecy
sackcloth. able scriptural evidence we can see of this book, If any man shall add
What is the meaning of these clearly that the “two witnesses” unto these things, God shall add
cryptic words? Here is a brief inter- which are the “two olive trees and unto him the plagues that are writ-
pretation. Much of the language in the two candlesticks [lampstands]” ten in this book.” Tampering with
Revelation is borrowed and adapted refer to the Holy Scriptures consist- the word of God either by distorting
from the Old Testament. A day in an ing of the Old and New Testaments. or opposing it by adding to it or tak-
apocalyptic prophecy stands for a These two scriptural witnesses bear ing away from it, will surely be vis-
calendar year of 360 days. Scriptural witness to Jesus Christ and serve to ited by the plagues threatened upon
support for the principle that one God’s people by providing spiritual the apostate worshipers as recorded
year is represented by one prophetic light represented by the two olive in the book of Revelation. Whoever
day (year-day principle) is found trees (olive oil) that supply fuel to rejects the message of love written in
in Numbers 14:34 and in Ezekiel the lampstands. the Holy Scriptures will be deprived
4:5, 6. Who are the two mysterious We are also told that these two of the protection of the loving God
witnesses? We propose that God’s witnesses will prophecy for 1,260 and will bring upon themselves the
two witnesses signify primarily the days/years “clothed in sackcloth.” terrible plagues.
scriptural witness in the Old and Sackcloth in the Old Testament Since the first months of 2020, the
New Testaments. The two witnesses was worn by individuals who were entire world has been reeling from
are represented also as the two ol- showing repentance (Jonah 3:6–9; the devastating effects of the Co-
ive trees and the two candlesticks Daniel 9:3). Therefore, these two vid-19 pandemic. Millions have been
standing before God. This language witnesses preach for repentance and infected by this human coronavirus
is employed in the book of Zecha- their message will not be popular, and hundreds of thousands have
riah 4:2, 3, although Zechariah saw since those who heard their message died. The larger part of the world
only one lampstand and his two would be in “torment,” as we will has been under a massive lockdown
witnesses were evidently Joshua see in Revelation 11:10. which seriously disrupted the world
and Zerubbabel. Revelation 11:5, 6 use the imag- economy and affected almost every
How do we know that the two ery of the historic events involving aspect of individual and community
witnesses in Revelation 11 represent two great spiritual and national life. This pandemic, however, pales
the Scripture consisting of the Old leaders—Elijah and Moses. Elijah in comparison with the plagues that
and New Testaments? The word brought heavenly “fire” to consume afflicted the world in the Middle
“witness” in the New Testament is military units commissioned to Ages. From the Plague of Justinian
derived from the Greek verb mar- execute him, and further, he also (a.d. 541) to the bubonic plague
tureo which means to be a witness did “shut heaven” so that there was known as the Black Death (1347),
or to bear witness. From this comes no rain for three and a half years and some other plagues that ravaged
our word martyr, a person who in (1 Kings 17; Luke 4:25; 2 Kings 1). Europe and the Mediterranean Ba-
life and death testifies to or bears Moses was an instrument in God’s sin, historians estimate that between
witness to his or her faith in God. hands endowed with a power “over one third to over one half of the
In John 5:39 (RSV) Jesus said of waters to turn them into blood,” ef- European population perished. But
the Old Testament scriptures: “it is fectively bringing one “plague” after infectious diseases were not the only
they that bear witness to me.” In His another upon Egypt. We also recall plague during the Middle Ages. The
prophetic speech on the Mount of that Moses and Elijah appeared to- Great Famine of 1315–1317 caused
Olives, Christ said: “And this gospel gether with Jesus on the Mount of the death of untold millions in most
of the kingdom shall be preached in Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1–8). of Europe over an extended number
all the world for a witness unto all We conclude that Elijah and of years and had a major impact on
the nations, and then shall the end Moses, representing the Old Testa- the economic growth and prosperity
come.” (Matthew 24:14). Christ ob- ment witness, stand here for the enjoyed until that time.
viously referred in this place to the retributive judgments executed by
New Testament. the word of God upon the rebellious
John says in Revelation 11 that world during the 1,260-year reign of THE EMERGENCE AND
the two witnesses were “olive trees” the first dark force. We will identify
and “lampstands.” In biblical times this force as an apostate Christian
the oil of the olive was used as the church which exercised control over It is amazing to discover the ac-
primary fuel for lamps. How do we the political leaders in the Dark curacy with which the book of Rev-
apply this symbolism to the Bible? Ages from a.d. 538 until 1798. We elation anticipates and plots world
In Psalm 119 verses 105 and 130 say may ask a question: How do these history. The very next verses in
respectively: “Thy word is a lamp two witnesses—the Old and New Revelation 11 introduce the second

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 13

dark force that will play a decisive dark force will exhibit extraordinary pushed the continental Europe and
role in world affairs at the time of hostility toward the two witnesses the regions beyond into a sea of
the end. that are identified as the Holy Scrip- revolutionary activities. Professor
Revelation 11:7, 8 says: “And tures. We have no doubts, there- R.R. Palmer of Princeton University,
when they shall have finished their fore, that this new beast or political a respected specialist in the period,
testimony, the beast that ascendeth force was an agent of Satan that he summarizing the essence of the
out of the bottomless pit shall make used to destroy the Bible, its divine entire revolutionary period made
war against them, and shall over- truths, and its witness to Christ. A this historical generalization: “It is
come them, and kill them. And their bottomless pit or an abyss stands in argued that this whole civilization
dead bodies shall lie in the street of the Bible for the abode of the fallen was swept in the last four decades
the great city, which spiritually is angels, the demons (see Luke 8:31; of the eighteenth century by a single
called Sodom and Egypt, where also 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6). Bottomless pit is revolutionary movement, which
our Lord was crucified.” mentioned also in association with manifested itself in different ways
The second beast introduced the fifth trumpet (Revelation 9:1–11) and with varying success in dif-
here appears on the world scene at as a place from which come out ferent countries, yet in all of them
about the same time when the two smoke, demonic locusts, and horse- showed similar objectives and prin-
witnesses we spoke about shall have men, that torment men for a period ciples. . . . All of these agitations, up-
finished their testimony. We have of five prophetic months. This de- heavals, intrigues, and conspiracies
learned that these two witnesses monic horde is under the command were part of one great movement.”
prophesied clothed in sackcloth for of a king—the angel of the bottom- It is noteworthy that Professor
a period of 1,260 days or years. That less pit who is no other than Satan Palmer a few pages later made an-
period of suppression of the Holy himself. From this abyss, Satan other statement confirming the va-
Scriptures and of their testimony sends out his agents to harass, per- lidity of the biblical prophecy. Quot-
ended in 1798 when the political arm secute and destroy God’s saints, or ing from a work of a contemporary
of the dominant Christian church those who dwell in heaven. Interest- Polish revolutionary, Kollontay,
became incapacitated. In February of ingly, Satan himself will be chained he says: “The Polish revolutionary,
1798, the French revolutionary army to this abyss during the millennium Kollontay, in a book written after
had taken captive the head of the (Revelation 20:1, 2). the failure of Kosciusko’s uprising,
Roman hierarchical church, the pope Without any hesitation we iden- declared that the whole period since
Pius VI, thereby terminating the tify in the beast of Revelation 11:7 1750 was like an ‘earthquake,’ which
temporal power of the church. We that ascendeth out of the bottom- had given ‘a new aspect and a new
will speak more of this event later less pit as Revolutionary France. importance to democracy.’ ” (Ibid.,
when we identify the same power as It is truly a fascinating experience p. 17). In Revelation 11:13 John de-
the sea beast of Revelation 13. to unlock the symbolic code of the scribed the events of the revolution-
You may wonder by now who apocalyptic prophecy and then to ary times with these words: “And
is the “beast that ascendeth out of discover how that prophecy finds the same hour was there a great
the bottomless pit”? This new evil its fulfillment in the actual historic earthquake, and the tenth part of the
power appears to be different from events. No other event in the mod- city fell. . . . ”
the dark force we just encountered ern history of the Western world We will revisit this text and say
in Revelation 11:3–6, which ruled the has had such a dramatic, profound, more about its meaning in the sec-
world for 1,260 days or 42 months, and lasting effect on the course of ond part of this article. We will ex-
as recorded in Revelation 13:5. Since the Western Civilization—and ulti- plore the course of the French Revo-
the first beast we have just surveyed mately the history of the world—as lution and its deadly combat with
sustained a mortal wound at the end did the French Revolution. More the two witnesses in the city “which
of 1,260 years (Revelation 13:3), that than any other single factor, it spiritually is called Sodom and
beast cannot at the same time ascend changed the world by giving birth Egypt.” More light will be shed on
from the bottomless pit or abyss. to the spirit of modern national- the longstanding power struggle be-
Referring to the new entity, Revela- ism, modern universal conscription, tween the revolutionary movements
tion 11:7 uses the Greek word therion and establishment of large national sharing the worldview of the French
which means a wild, ferocious ani- armies. The French Revolution, Revolution and the dark force of the
mal, or a beast. As we have learned spreading over a period of ten years apostate Christianity. As this great
from Daniel 7:17, a beast in the (1789 to 1799), introduced to France battle unfolds before our eyes, we
apocalyptic prophecies stands for a democracy, citizens’ equality before will indicate the current position of
kingdom, a state vested with military the law, abolished the privileges of the dark force pendulum and the di-
force. Therefore, we need to identify nobility, made an end to royal dicta- rection in which it is moving. ‰
another major dark force that will torship by “divine right.”
appear on the world stage sometime At the same time, the French References
1 R.R.Palmer, D. Armitage, The Age of the Democratic
at the end of the 18th century. Revolution served as an inspira- Revolution, Updated Edition. Princeton: Princeton
As we will see in the following tion and a catalyst for a series of University Press, 2014, pp. 6, 8.
verses of Revelation 11, the second political and social movements that

14 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

BY Barbara Montrose


. . . I T M AY N O T G E T A N Y E A S I E R !

welling for the first 20 “Those who live in cities may anxiety disorders and 39 percent
years of life within the be forced into more confined more likely to have mood disorders.
city limits of Washington, spaces with strangers, thereby in- A 2017 meta-analysis also found
D.C., I became familiar creasing their exposure to germs in that rates of the following men-
with many of the nice advantages of the course of feeding themselves tal health conditions were higher
urban living—and the disadvantag- and their families. In fact, this is a among those living in urban areas:
es as well. At that time, the nation’s major reason why New York City • PTSD [Post-traumatic stress
capital of the USA had a popula- became the epicenter of the CO- disorder]
tion of about 700,000. Beyond were VID-19 outbreak—the sheer num- • anger management
quiet suburbs and, further out, some ber of people packed into several • generalized anxiety disorder
farmland. square miles made the virus easier
Today, the urban sprawl of the to spread.”1 “The same was true for more
Washington metropolitan area has “Density is a factor in this pan- serious psychological disorders like
expanded to over 6.2 million inhab- demic, as it has been in previous schizophrenia and paranoia. . . .
itants. But that’s not nearly as large ones. The very same clustering of “The constant stimulation of city
as many other metropolitan areas people that makes our great cities life can propel the body into a stress-
such as Tokyo with over 32 million, more innovative and productive ful state, known as the fight-or-flight
followed by Seoul, Mexico City, also makes them, and us, vulnerable response. That can make us more
New York City, Mumbai, Jakarta, to infectious disease. . . . vulnerable to mental health con-
São Paulo, and Delhi, each with well “The density that transmits the cerns, such as depression, anxiety,
over 18 million.             virus is when people are crammed and substance use. This might help
together in multifamily, multi-gen- explain why 19.1 percent of Ameri-
erational households or in factories cans live with an anxiety disorder,
HAVE RECENT EVENTS or frontline service work in close while 6.7 percent have depression.
MADE CITY LIVING MORE physical proximity to one another or “City living can also chip away at
PERILOUS? the public. Such density is why the your psychological immune system,
Let’s consider a few factors that earlier 1918 flu pandemic ravaged which can be precarious for those
have impacted urban life in the past the working-class neighborhoods of with a family history of mental ill-
few years—and even months: industrial centers of Pittsburgh and ness. According to psychologists, this
Philadelphia.”2 environmental stress can increase
1. Higher risk of COVID-19 and “Compared to rural residents, re- their risk of developing a psychiatric
other physical and mental/emo- searchers have found that urbanites condition, such as anxiety, depres-
tional maladies are 21 percent more likely to have sion, or bipolar disorder. . . .

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 15

“What’s more, young adults, and afford food. At least 265 million This horrifying scene depicts
especially millennials, often feel people are at risk of going hungry in just a small portion of the rampant
burnout—a stressful state of mental 2020, according to an estimate made lawlessness recently taking place in
and physical exhaustion that can by the U.N. World Food Programme several dozen major cities—violent
squeeze the joy out of life. . . . (WFP) in April—almost twice as incidents that would have been un-
“Not only can city life affect our many as in 2019. This is despite the imaginable just a short time before.
mental well-being, it can also affect fact that experts agree there should Do we belong with or near such
our physical health as well. A 2017 be enough food to feed the world a crowd of people? Is such an en-
study suggests too much exposure this year. . . . vironment safe? Is such an attitude
to air pollution and city noise may “ ‘The issue is more about food wholesome? The followers of Christ
cause damage to a person’s cardio- supply disruption rather than food are “to be subject to principalities
vascular health. shortages,’ Julie Howard, a senior and powers, to obey magistrates,
“It seems traffic noise may in- adviser on global food security at to be ready to every good work, to
terfere with sleep quality and cause the Washington-based Center for speak evil of no man, to be no brawl-
cortisol, the stress hormone, to Strategic and International Studies ers, but gentle, shewing all meekness
spike. Over time, elevated levels of (CSIS) tells TIME.”4 unto all men” (Titus 3:1, 2).
this hormone can increase a per- But when a mob gets riled up,
son’s risk for developing cardiovas- 3. The threat of violence calm reason quickly disintegrates
cular disease. . . . This year has reminded us that and the Spirit of Jesus is grieved.
“Crowded city life can also make under the legitimate banner of free- That’s why we are warned, “Make
us more prone to contracting vi- dom of expression, angry people no friendship with an angry man;
ruses, especially during cold and flu begin to express themselves in il- and with a furious man thou shalt
season. Studies have also found that legitimate and even violent ways, not go: Lest thou learn his ways,
people living in urban areas often particularly when emboldened by a and get a snare to thy soul” (Prov-
eat too much processed and fast crowd. As of this writing, torching, erbs 22:24, 25). [Emphasis added.]
food, which puts them at greater looting, robbing, defacing, and/or Even when things may not be
risk for weight gain, high blood seizing historic buildings and both ideal in society, keeping in mind
pressure, and diabetes.”3 public and private property, as well the way Christ handled matters is
as the injuring and even murdering the Christian’s only safe model of
2. Risks to the food supply chain of innocent bystanders have become behavior:
It stands to reason that the longer rampant in many large cities. “The government under which
the supply chain, the more compli- “New York City shootings have Jesus lived was corrupt and op-
cated the process of farm-to-table surged by more than 358% in mid- pressive; on every hand were crying
becomes. June when compared with the same abuses—extortion, intolerance, and
According to an article in Time time period from 2019, the violence grinding cruelty. Yet the Saviour
magazine, May 8, 2020, “The CO- erupting alongside the NYPD’s dis- attempted no civil reforms. He at-
VID-19 pandemic is profoundly banding of anti-crime units, numer- tacked no national abuses, nor con-
disrupting the global food supply ous sources reported. demned the national enemies. He
at nearly every level. Those prob- “Across the five boroughs of did not interfere with the authority
lems, and the economic destruction New York, 74 people were wounded or administration of those in power.
caused by the virus, could have a in the 55 shootings, a significant in- He who was our example kept
devastating impact on the ability of crease from the 12 shootings in 2019, aloof from earthly governments.
people across the world to access NBC 4 reports.”5 Not because He was indifferent to

16 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

the woes of men, but because the that link man with the spiritual and Elisha. Study the lives of men
remedy did not lie in merely hu- world, are debased.”7 of later times who have most wor-
man and external measures. To be “Send the children to schools thily filled positions of trust and
efficient, the cure must reach men located in the city, where every responsibility, the men whose influ-
individually, and must regenerate phase of temptation is waiting to ence has been most effective for the
the heart.”6 attract and demoralize them, and world’s uplifting.
This is why the prophecy about the work of character building is “How many of these were reared
the Anointed One was that “He shall tenfold harder for both parents and in country homes. They knew little
not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice children.”8 of luxury. They did not spend their
to be heard in the street” (Isaiah 42:2). youth in amusement. Many were
In the time of Jesus, many of the forced to struggle with poverty
very ones who had been healed and “BUT I CAN’T NEGLECT MY and hardship. They early learned
blessed by His ministry evidently
CHILDREN’S FUTURE!” to work, and their active life in the
caught a strange fever at Golgotha. True. But both for ourselves open air gave vigor and elastic-
Apparently without thinking, in the and for our children, “an expensive ity to all their faculties. Forced to
passion of the moment, these sudden- dwelling, elaborate furnishings, dis- depend upon their own resources,
ly joined in the perverse chorus that play, luxury, and ease, do not furnish they learned to combat difficulties
was yelling, “Crucify Him, crucify the conditions essential to a happy, and to surmount obstacles, and they
Him!” Such is the mentality of a mob. useful life. Jesus came to this earth gained courage and perseverance.
to accomplish the greatest work ever They learned the lessons of self-
accomplished among men. He came reliance and self-control. Sheltered
WHY DO MANY STAY IN THE as God’s ambassador, to show us in a great degree from evil asso-
CITIES? how to live so as to secure life’s best ciations, they were satisfied with
Let’s face it: Career options and results. What were the conditions natural pleasures and wholesome
wages usually tend to be a lot more chosen by the infinite Father for His companionships. They were simple
attractive in areas with more inhab- Son? A secluded home in the Gali- in their tastes and temperate in
itants. So, the enticing lure of urban lean hills; a household sustained by their habits. They were governed by
life is strong, typically offering honest, self-respecting labor; a life principle, and they grew up pure
plentiful possibilities for prestigious of simplicity; daily conflict with dif- and strong and true. When called
positions and possessions. Yet, often ficulty and hardship; self-sacrifice, to their lifework, they brought to it
at what expense? economy, and patient, gladsome physical and mental power, buoy-
“The pursuit of pleasure and service; the hour of study at His ancy of spirit, ability to plan and
amusement centers in the cities. mother’s side, with the open scroll execute, and steadfastness in resist-
Many parents who choose a city of Scripture; the quiet of dawn or ing evil, that made them a positive
home for their children, thinking to twilight in the green valley; the holy power for good in the world.
give them greater advantages, meet ministries of nature; the study of cre- “Better than any other inheri-
with disappointment, and too late ation and providence; and the soul’s tance of wealth you can give to your
repent their terrible mistake. The communion with God—these were children will be the gift of a healthy
cities of today are fast becoming like the conditions and opportunities of body, a sound mind, and a noble
Sodom and Gomorrah. The many the early life of Jesus. character.”9
holidays encourage idleness. The “So with the great majority of Time with our children is the
exciting sports—theatergoing, horse the best and noblest men of all ages. best investment we can offer them.
racing, gambling, liquor-drinking, Read the history of Abraham, Ja- Many young people who are now
and reveling—stimulate every pas- cob, and Joseph, of Moses, David, addicted to devices and question-
sion to intense activity. The youth
are swept away by the popular
current. Those who learn to love
amusement for its own sake open
the door to a flood of temptations.
They give themselves up to social
gaiety and thoughtless mirth, and
their intercourse with pleasure lov-
ers has an intoxicating effect upon
the mind. They are led on from one
form of dissipation to another, until
they lose both the desire and the ca-
pacity for a life of usefulness. Their
religious aspirations are chilled;
their spiritual life is darkened. All
the nobler faculties of the soul, all

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 17

To ‘replenish the earth’ means
to spread out healthfully and
intelligently utilize the vast re-
sources of the planet—not stack
up in piles on top of each other.

able acquaintances would be re- ing to build a city and tower that and envying. But put ye on the Lord
freshed and renewed to experience would be higher than the clouds in Jesus Christ, and make not provi-
precious moments with their par- case another flood might come to de- sion for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts
ents for whose companionship they stroy the earth. Yet in Genesis 9:15, thereof” (Romans 13:12–14).
may be starved, often due to the the Heavenly Father had assuredly
hectic pace of city life. The restora- promised not to destroy the earth
tion of the family (see Malachi 4:5, with another flood. But those who WILL IT SOON BECOME
6) begins with self-denial on the part devised this project believed neither
of the parents, not the children. Our His promises nor His warnings.
children cannot be expected to con- What were the details behind that Under the COVID-19 lockdown
jure up a degree of responsive love city built on the plain of Shinar? We triggering a mass exodus from the
and attention toward us that they read in Genesis 11:4, “They said, Go large cities of India, the syndicated
have not been provided with by us. to, let us build us a city and a tower, news outlet Bloomberg reported
whose top may reach unto heaven; that “in small groups and large
and let us make us a name, lest we be crowds, through inner-city lanes
WHAT WAS GOD’S ORIGI- scattered abroad upon the face of the and down interstate highways, hun-
NAL PLAN—AND HOW HAS whole earth.” The ego thrill of trying dreds of thousands of India’s poor-
IT BEEN REJECTED BY THE to make a name for themselves and est are slowly making a desperate
MASSES? perpetuate their defiant philosophy journey on foot back to their villages
We read in Genesis 2:8, that “The was speedily halted when their com- in a mass exodus. . . .
Lord God planted a garden eastward munication network was divinely “ ‘When there is nothing left to eat,
in Eden; and there he put the man jammed up and their project ar- what should we stay here and do?’
whom he had formed.” Country liv- rested. “So the Lord scattered them [Neha] Kashyap said, her eyes welling
ing in tune with creation was always abroad from thence upon the face of up with tears. ‘The government says
the ideal environment for our spiri- all the earth: and they left off to build stay where you are. Tell us what will
tual, mental, and physical well- the city. Therefore is the name of it we eat? How will we feed our chil-
being. The human race was clearly called Babel” (Genesis 11:8, 9). dren? How will we pay our rent? We
directed to “be fruitful, and multiply, Likewise, in our day, the same have to try and get away.’ . . .
and replenish the earth, and subdue spirit that prompted the tower of “If she didn’t get her family on
it” (Genesis 1:28). To replenish the Babel prevails in modern culture. one of the buses [leaving the city of
earth means to spread out health- Prophecy tells us that spiritual Delhi], Kashyap’s only option was
fully and intelligently utilize the vast “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, to keep walking toward her home-
resources of the planet—not stack up and is become the habitation of dev- town some 530 kilometers away—
in piles on top of each other. ils, and the hold of every foul spirit, longer than the distance between
In stark opposition to this wise and a cage of every unclean and London and Paris.
plan, the first city was built by hateful bird” (Revelation 18:2). “ ‘Whatever little our parents
Cain—the first murderer on earth “The night is far spent, the day is have, they will keep us alive—we
(see Genesis 4:17). at hand: let us therefore cast off the have to go no matter what,’ she said.
Another renowned city from works of darkness, and let us put ‘Let me tell you one thing: More
early human history was built on on the armour of light. Let us walk people will die of hunger than from
the plain of Shinar, where, after the honestly, as in the day; not in rioting this disease.’ ”10
great flood, rebellious men thought and drunkenness, not in chamber- Nearly 115 years ago, the Ameri-
to “outsmart” their Creator by try- ing and wantonness, not in strife can writer Ellen G. White foresaw:

18 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

turn for the outer garment laid aside WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE
while they should be toiling in the THRUST INTO PRISON FOR
heat of the day. They must not hesi- SHARING THE EVERLASTING
tate a moment, lest they be involved GOSPEL IN THE CITIES AND
in the general destruction.”12 THEREFORE CANNOT ESCAPE?
Not a single Christian perished in
“The Lord knows all about His
the destruction of Jerusalem because
faithful servants who for His sake
the believers had taken heed to the
are lying in prison or who are ban-
words of Jesus and fled as soon as
ished to lonely islands. He comforts
they saw the Roman banners.
them with His own presence. When
for the truth’s sake the believer
IN THE APPROACHING CRISIS stands at the bar of unrighteous
tribunals, Christ stands by his side.
“It is no time now for God’s
All the reproaches that fall upon
people to be fixing their affections
him, fall upon Christ. Christ is con-
or laying up their treasure in the
demned over again in the person of
world. The time is not far distant,
His disciple. When one is incarcer-
“Erelong there will be such strife when, like the early disciples, we
ated in prison walls, Christ ravishes
and confusion in the cities that shall be forced to seek a refuge in
the heart with His love.”14
those who wish to leave them will desolate and solitary places. As the
not be able. We must be preparing siege of Jerusalem by the Roman
for these issues.”11 armies was the signal for flight to IS THERE HOPE FOR ME?
the Judean Christians, so the as-
“To parents who are living in the
sumption of power on the part of
HOW SOON IS SOON? cities, the Lord is sending the warn-
our nation in the decree enforcing
ing cry, Gather your children into
Jesus gave clear warnings with the papal sabbath will be a warn-
your own houses; gather them away
regard to both the destruction of ing to us. It will then be time to
from those who are disregarding
Jerusalem in a.d. 70 and the final leave the large cities, preparatory to
the commandments of God, who are
events at the close of earth’s history leaving the smaller ones for retired
teaching and practising evil. Get out
in a twofold prophecy: “When ye homes in secluded places among
of the cities as fast as possible. Par-
therefore shall see the abomination the mountains. And now, instead of
ents can secure small homes in the
of desolation, spoken of by Daniel seeking expensive dwellings here,
country, with land for cultivation,
the prophet, stand in the holy place, we should be preparing to move to
where the children will not be sur-
(whoso readeth, let him under- a better country, even a heavenly.”13
rounded with the corrupting influ-
stand:) then let them which be in So, we see here three steps:
ences of city life. God will help His
Judaea flee into the mountains: let 1. At the Sunday decree, to flee people to find such homes outside
him which is on the housetop not the large cities, never to return. the cities.”15 That means you. That
come down to take any thing out of (If you still have a house there means me. What a mighty Saviour
his house: neither let him which is to sell at that time, it will be too we serve! Amen! ‰
in the field return back to take his late. You can’t even run back for
clothes” (Matthew 24:15–18). your clothes, much less begin to References
put a house on the market.)
In a.d. 70 articles/will-covid-19-spur-a-mass-exodus-from-
“When the idolatrous standards 2. Leaving the smaller towns.
of the Romans should be set up in spread-map-city-urban-density-suburbs-rural-
the holy ground, which extended 3. Secluded places among the moun- data/609394/
some furlongs outside the city walls, tains. (With modern thermal im- in-a-city#1
then the followers of Christ were to aging, plus whatever other tech- shortages-hunger/
find safety in flight. When the warn- nology is likely in place by then, 5
ing sign should be seen, judgment only the intervention of the Om- crime-unit/
was to follow so quickly that those nipotent One is able to shelter His 6 The Desire of Ages, p. 509. [Emphasis added.]
7 Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 54.
who would escape must make no persecuted children on the planet 8 Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 326.

delay. He who chanced to be upon when the crisis escalates to such a 9 The Ministry of Healing, pp. 365, 366.
the housetop must not go down level. “He shall dwell on high: his 30/-we-will-starve-here-india-s-poor-flee-cities-in-
through his house into the street; place of defence shall be the muni- mass-exodus
11 General Conference Bulletin, April 6, 1903. [Emphasis
but he must speed his way from roof tions of rocks: bread shall be given added.]
to roof until he reach the city wall, him; his waters shall be sure” (Isa- 12 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, pp. 26, 27. [Emphasis
and be saved ‘so as by fire.’ Those iah 33:16). See also Psalms 31:19, 13 Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 464, 465. [Emphasis added.]

who were working in the fields or 20; 91:1–10; Early Writings, p. 56; 14 The Desire of Ages, p. 669.
15 The Review and Herald, July 5, 1906. [Emphasis
vineyards must not take time to re- and Maranatha, p. 270. added.]

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 19

BY Emil Barbu, M.D.


THE MICROSCOPIC BATTLE which spend all their existence in a (1 Corinthians 1:28). This actually
single cell. anticipates what the renowned
When I was 12 years old, one
In the coming days, I also saw French scientist Louis Pasteur
summer afternoon my biology
cells which did not exist solitarily would later write in a letter dated
teacher proposed an experiment
but rather were organized in groups March 22, 1863, in the time of the
that would transform my goals and
of cells, collaborated in an organized last French monarch, Napoleon III:
entire perception of the world for
fashion to take on a special function, “When God created the world He
the rest of my life. For the first time,
such as the development of a little put in every organism, however
I was introduced to an instrument
blade of onion. Such specialized small it be, germs which can decom-
known as the microscope.
organisms are referred to as multi- pose and [for these] decomposed
Our assignment was to add a
cellular organisms. I discovered that elements to be reintegrated in the
pinch of wildflowers to a cup of
multicellular organisms are found environment to be used,” continu-
water. After two days, we used a pi-
both in the plant species and animal ing that “God did not grant this dis-
pette to drop a sample of that water
species. covery as an illusion but as a reality
onto a glass slide.The result was fas-
But my overwhelming surprise and a vast field of knowledge with
cinating! Before my very eyes, that
came when I learned that the uni- real applicability in all the areas of
tiny drop of water, through the lens
cellular organisms were created to our lives.”1
of a microscope, became an amazing
decompose the multicellular organ-
world with tiny beings exploding
isms and that sometimes there is a
with life as I had never seen before, PASTEUR’S DISCOVERY
war between them for resources.
and of which I had known noth-
The apostle Paul wrote through It is very interesting to observe
ing. Some of the beings were called
divine inspiration that the “base how the Pasteur germ theory trans-
paramecia, others eukaryotes, still
things of the world, and things formed. Although Pasteur made
others amoebas. In that one little
which are despised, hath God cho- the discovery that all infections are
drop I found an existing universe of
sen, yea, and things which are not, caused by an infectious agent which
many living unicellular organisms,
to bring to nought things that are” is contagious and easily transmis-

20 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

sible, he also anticipated that some son of his gardener, with cowpox- experimentations were inevitable.
organisms were better hosts to the pus-matter which he collected from These included the death of his
rapid multiplication of these infec- the infected cowpox blister of an own son, who was injected with a
tious agents. Most of his observa- English milkmaid, Sarah Nelmes. mixture of cowpox and small pox
tions were made from studying the Phipps had a mild case of cowpox at 10 years of age, and then died
process of fermentation. He noticed and soon recovered. Months later, at 21 years old with senile demen-
that certain fermented wines spoiled Jenner exposed Phipps a number tia, a 5-year-old boy who died by
more rapidly than others, and of times to the smallpox virus, but injection and a 8-month-pregnant
linked the quality and health of the Phipps never developed smallpox.  woman who spontaneously aborted
mother-vine to the ultimate qual- Then Edward Jenner inoculated her baby that had specific pustules
ity of the grape and its potential to the boy for the second time, and on his whole body—failures which
spoil or not. Likewise, he asserted still he developed no infection. Thus he never acknowledged. This confu-
that epidemic maladies affect those Edward Jenner deduced that a mild sion was never even officially recog-
who are most vulnerable when in cowpox infection seemed to protect nized, although more than 200 years
contact with the germ.2 Later, as humans against the highly conta- have since passed.3
he studied diseases in silkworms, gious and fatal human smallpox.
Pasteur further noticed that hered- The word vaccine, and vaccination,
ity also was an influence to the actually comes from the name for a SOME MEASURE OF REAL
strength or weakness of the silk- pox virus—the cowpox virus, vac-
worm. And finally, towards the end cinia. In expanding on his previous
of his career, Pasteur also adopted Edward Jenner had a lifelong theories, Louis Pasteur used me-
the homeostasis (balance) theory of struggle with the thought of wheth- ticulous discernment to disprove
“the father of physiology,” Claude er or not his research conclusions the popular theory that microbes
Bernard, arguing that the balance were sound, as he often observed spontaneously appeared from non-
of the internal organism is able to patients who had received the living matter. His research in the
withstand the attack and invasion “cow-pox” vaccine, later develop 1880’s demonstrated that if wines
of an infectious germ. Louis Pasteur smallpox, although in a milder are heated up to 131–140°F (55–
recognized the truth behind the form. He also caused some confu- 60°C) and tightly sealed, they could
workings of Claude Bernard when sion in the scientific world, trigger- be preserved for a very long time
on his deathbed he stated, “Bernard ing a mixup between two related without alteration. He thus proved
is right. The microbe is nothing. The viruses: Poxviridae bovis (cowpox) that it’s through contamination that
environment is everything.”  with Poxvirus variola (human small- microbes were introduced and that
We must have a clearer under- pox). Although Jenner advanced thermal treatments could inactivate
standing regarding certain infec- the idea of immunization, he never these microbes.
tious agents which have the poten- expanded his studies with regard This discovery set the founda-
tial to trigger an epidemic anywhere to the human immune system, as tion for Pasteur’s future studies with
and everywhere, but the disease to why the human body developed fowl cholera, a disease plaguing
may or may not develop, depending resistance to human smallpox after chickens. He used heat to warm the
on the “field,” meaning the health its exposure to a weaker version of bacteria, Cholera bacilli, to a certain
of the body which is being attacked. cattle smallpox. He simply believed temperature, and noticed that when
This assertion of Claude Bernard that using the cattle virus for a “vac- the chickens received the weakened
and Pasteur set the platform for a cine” could prevent smallpox in hu- form of cholera, they did not die. He
new field of study which premiered mans—which is impossible because was not satisfied with that discov-
in recent years. In our days, this these are two different viruses. For ery, but later inoculated those same
field of science is called Epigenetics, this reason, Jenner was never able chickens with the aggressive form
the study of environmental factors to synthesize a completely effective of fowl cholera and still the chickens
which strengthen or weaken our vaccine for the erradication of small did not die, yet they did manifest a
DNA. pox. The results of his haphazard less aggressive form of the disease.


Unfortunately, in the years that

Although Pasteur discovered the
principle of vaccination, the father

followed, the later vaccines

of the vaccine was actually a simple,
countryside doctor from England,
Edward Jenner. Approximately 100
years prior to Pasteur, on May 14,
1796, Jenner began the first studies were not what Pasteur had
on immunization. He inoculated
James Phipps, the eight-year-old

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 21

rabies, but to research and use the
technique of pasteurization. The
institute founded in 1887 was then
named the Pasteur Institute of


The rules for inoculation were
• At the appearance of a conta-
gious disease, the infectious
agent must be isolated.
• The virulence would decrease as
temperature would increase, due
to humidity or lack of nutrients.
• Inoculation was introduced to
people during an epidemic, with
the exception of small children
and elderly, since they were
considered highly vulnerable to
develop the disease from the im-
• Fulfill the need for local epide-
miological labs capable of pro-
ducing vaccines locally, quickly
and actively in the endemic area,
discouraging the use of bacterial
or viral strains obtained from
other geographic zones.
We can conclude that vaccina-
Pasteur certainly was not the first out” or dehydrate in natural air. tion was not done randomly. It was
scientist to discover that a weakened These dehydrated spine-fragments not applied to the whole popula-
form of the disease could provide he would later introduce into 50 tion; it was not done with random
immunity, but he was the first to healthy dog brains which never de- microbes, but rather only to those
take the process to the laboratory. veloped rabies. This discovery was involved in the epidemic, and it ex-
Thus he set the foundation of the just in time for his first human pa- cluded the very young and elderly.
development of “live” vaccines, tient on July 6, 1885. A nine-year- Pasteur’s vaccine was not made
such as the pneumococcus vaccine old boy arrived with fourteen bites from viruses with low virulance
which contains a weakened form of from a rabid dog. Pasteur inocu- using heavy metals or from bio-
the bacteria, pneumococcus, for im- lated the boy with material from engineered bacteria or viral RNA.
munity against severe pneumonia, a rabid rabbit spinal cord that had He used the whole virus or bacteria,
meningitis and sepsis in the young. been dehydrated for 15 days. The employing natural methods to at-
Rabies was another particular child survived and was declared tenuate them or decrease their viru-
obstacle for Pasteur, because unlike completely healed a few months lence. It is interesting to note that
cholera, which was caused by a later. In September 1885 the experi- although science is very particular,
bacteria, rabies was caused by a vi- ment was repeated on a shepherd, the principles stated by Pasteur and
rus, an organism much smaller and Jean-Baptiste Jupille, badly bitten his meticulous labor were and still
not identifiable at that time. Pas- by a mad dog, who was also healed are recognized, and critics are not
teur obtained spinal matter from a few months later. So, on October able to find any breach in his dis-
rabid dogs, and introduced it into 26, 1885, Pasteur presented his covery. Moreover, medical science
the brain of rabbits through the meticulously detailed experiments has credited him with discovering
process of trepanation, or creating to the academy of science in Paris, the process by which the immune
a burr hole in the cranium of rab- and declared that 726 persons bit- system produce specific antigens
bits. He then found a way to obtain ten by mad dogs had been saved of immunity in response to an in-
spinal matter from these infected by injection. He therefore proposed fectious agent, which can help the
rabbits and allowed them to “dry to the institution not only to treat immune system memory to attack

22 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

the microbe if it were contacted a ver by the action of thermal centers through the process of vaccination,
second time. from the hypothalamus, raising the since the first and second barriers
body temperature to the level where are untrained.
the invaders can’t survive), and in- There are cells of the immune
WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? terferon, the complement system. system which are supposed to “take
Unfortunately, in the years that The third line of defense is the a picture” of the microbe-invader.
followed, the later vaccines were not cell-mediated immune system. This These are cell-mediated defend-
what Pasteur had discovered. This involves phagocytic cells: polymor- ers, known as polymorphonuclear
idea became part of a profit-oriented phonuclear leukocytes (PMN), and leukocytes and macrophages. These
system of corporate greed. Vaccines mononucleocytes (macrophages) cells will pass the information to
that were produced in different cen- which are part of the white cells the T lymphocytes which use den-
ters were sold in other places around (leukocytes and granulocytes). dritic cells from the lymph nodes,
the world. These vaccines started to Approximately 90% of the body’s to memorize the antigen. Then the
incorporate viral and bacterial frag- infections can be recognized and T-helper cells give this photographic
ments which were neutralized by combated by the immune system of information to the B lymphocytes,
using heavy metals, and they were the newborn baby.4 This means that which will produce specific anti-
injected to little children whose im- these soldiers fight with the invad- bodies against the infection and
mune systems were not ready to ers, or at least recognize when a cell develops into humoral immunity.
form specific antibodies to the spe- of the body becomes malignant or This process of developing humoral
cific vaccine, and from here began has been attacked by a virus, due to immunity takes three days. This is
to appear chronic allergies, auto-im- the fact that it does not respond to why we usually feel better after the
mune diseases, and chronic degen- the special chemical salute. third day of disease.
erative and inflammatory diseases. Other microbe invaders will pro-
Today, after years of intense duce different B lymphocytes and
studies of physiology, it is known HOW DOES THIS PROCESS different antibodies. Some T and B
that there are three lines of defense
WORK IN YOUNG CHILDREN? lymphocytes have a memory strictly
to the body that protects us from the The newborn’s immune system used to differentiate the difference
pathogens which are around us and is not fully developed until month 2 between normal self-cells and the
with which the body learns to live or 3 of life. However, if a newborn’s nonself-cells (those that are infected
in a symbiosis. There are some mi- immune system meets a certain or have been malignantly trans-
crobes with which the bodies in dif- microbe in the early stages of in- formed) in the body. The maximum
ferent parts of the globe have never fancy, it will activate the necessary level of T lymphocytes are activated
been exposed—and therefore for mechanisms to develop a strong on the 6th–8th day after the infec-
those persons traveling into those defense mechanism through close tion, when the invader is defeated
areas, vaccines are often necessary. collaboration with all the three lines and the disease is healing.5
This usually occurs for the benefit of defense aforementioned. The un- This is the basis of present anti-
of adults. For example, the yellow fortunate thing is that this close col- gens in the form of vaccines to the
fever vaccine protects travelers go- laborative process is circumvented immune system to develop a memo-
ing to endemic regions. In a healthy
adult, if this vaccine is taken once,
it can offer protection that lasts 10
years—although this, too, involves
some risks which are to be assumed.


The first natural barrier to pro-
tect our bodies against pathogenic
agents is represented by tissue fac-
tors, such as: constant shedding of
skin, skin acidity, mucous mem-
branes, mucus production, diges-
tive enzymes, and non-pathogenic
microbial species, also known as
normal flora, present from the oral
mucosa to the colon.
The second barrier is represented
by humoral factors (from blood:
peroxidases—those that trigger fe-

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 23

The widespread controversy
surrounding modern vaccines
requires us to investigate this
subject with more depth than
ever was needed before. . . .

ry and heightened awareness in case is generally accepted that adult al- causes serious reactions, including
of future exposure. But it is illogical lergic respiratory disease result from seizures and for the baby to cry
to treat a problem that doesn’t exist. an excessive cell-mediated activation nonstop for 3 hours, known as “en-
Instead, it is logical to take the prob- against environmental allergens.7 In cephalitic screaming.” Encephalitic
lem and to find the solution. That’s the infant, this imbalance between screaming (also known as the en-
exactly what Pasteur proposed. the humoral and the cellular im- cephalitic cry) shows a post-vaccine
In the case of an epidemic, after mune system is broken and the side effect that can provoke acute
following Pasteur’s protocol of us- entire immune system of the baby encephalitis, post vaccination demy-
ing natural substances, naturally will have to suffer.8 The autoimmune elination, and finally Attention Defi-
inactivating them and harmlessly diseases provoked by vaccines are cit Hyperactive Disorder syndrome,
inoculating them in the population chronic disease: Childhood Type-1 autism, and many other severe
at risk would be far preferable to diabetes, bronchial asthma, Celiac neurologic effects. The rates of these
developing 1,000 vaccines thinking Disease, Crohn’s disease, ADHD, side effects were 10 times more fre-
that perhaps sometime we will meet Autism syndrome, and many more. quent than in the case of the simpler
with that infectious agent. This will The sudden death of infants is the vaccine DTP.10
lead to unnecessary exhaustion of most serious postvaccine complica- The hexavaccine “hexavac”
the immune system and produces tion, also referred to as sudden death (DTaP, IPV, HBV, Hib) can pro-
stocks of antibodies which might syndrome (SIDS), which has been voke more secondary effects (fever,
never be used, thus weakening the linked to the DTP vaccine (diph- sleepiness), than the pentavaccine
body’s ability to face relevant and theria-tetanus-pertussis). In Japan, “Pentavac.”11 Doctors recognize that
active immune system attacks. SIDS rates were drastically reduced when the adverse reactions will ap-
The immune system of a baby, once the DTP vaccine was no longer pear after the pentavaccine or hexa-
especially the cell-mediated compo- administered to the infant, but rather vaccine we will not know which
nent—is in full development when at the age of two years, when the im- elements provoked it.12
the vaccines start to be administered, mune system is more mature.9 The American Academy of Pedi-
at the age of 2–3 months. Until re- Even though the side effects atrics has observed that “the reac-
cently, vaccinations have stimulated to combined vaccines are well tions and potential side effects of
the humoral immune system, (which known—in the form of more or less the combined antigens have not yet
forms antibodies). But recently, there aggressive responses; and the im- been determined. Since there is the
are some vaccines which are recom- possibility to recognize which spe- potential for physical and chemical
mended which stimulate the cell-me- cific vaccine in these combinations interaction among the vaccine com-
diated immune system. This leads caused the side effect, government ponents and the buffers and preser-
to an exaggerated stimulation of the laws require parents to vaccinate vatives, the immunogenicity of each
cell-mediated component which can children with 5, 6 or 10 vaccines component needs to be addressed to
lead to auto-immune disease even in combined in one shot. determine whether these are similar
adulthood, a side-effect well known For example, the vaccine DTP- to and as effective as the compo-
to immunologists.6 For example, it HIB, a combination of four vaccines, nents given individually.”13

24 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

markers on their HLA gene (human ture of the nonself. It is absolutely
leukocyte antigen).16 unnecessary to offer our body mul-
I would also like to highlight tiple vaccines, if the need or the time
that heavy metals from vaccines, requires it. However, it is indeed
as well as metals found in cosmetic our responsibility to strengthen the
and dental products can also trig- immune system and to keep it in
ger autoimmune and inflammatory perfect health in order to be pro-
diseases.17 tected. For this reason, I urgently
This is a vast and difficult study enourage the careful reading and
to tackle. study of the following books: The
Ministry of Healing, Medical Ministry,
Healthful Living, written by Ellen G.
CONCLUSION White. These books are beacons of
As a medical doctor and surgeon, light sent to us through divine in-
I would like to conclude by saying spiration by the Greatest Physician
that vaccines as initially proposed who ever existed—the Lord Jesus
and developed by Louis Pasteur, Christ. In these testimonies we find
saved many lives throughout the balanced solutions for strengthening
years, and revolutionized the study the immune, endocrine, and ner-
of medicine for many years to come. vous systems.
Pasteur’s scientific rigor born out It is also our moral obligation
of good faith and the fear of God and responsibility to be knowl-
showed his research to be useful and edgeable regarding everything
We must ask ourselves, were scientifically tested. He emphasized that enters our body. Knowing that
these studies ever done? If so, where not only on the quality of inoculum, our body is the temple of the Holy
are they published and where can or the vaccine, but also the health of Spirit, we should be prudent with
they be found? But despite these the “field,” or the body which was regard to each type of vaccine, be-
issues, children continue to be in- going to be vaccinated. Unfortunate- coming aware of what are the pos-
oculated with penta-, hexa- or even ly, as occurred with Alexander No- sible side effects and the risks vs.
more complex vaccine combina- bel’s discovery of dynamite, when benefits.
tions. egocentric, materialistic, capitalist May the Lord help and give us
In addition to the risk incurred and ungodly people without morals His wisdom as described in Prov-
by cross immune response (to the or the fear of God, gain control, the erbs 8, that we may stay strong and
multiple antigens in the combined result is a superficial, careless, and not be manipulated—and that our
vaccine, the effect of adjuvants and distorted end result. The modern- “whole spirit and soul and body be
preservatives in the vaccine is also day production and mass adminis- preserved blameless unto the com-
well known to cause adverse im- tration of vaccination is reckless and ing of our Lord Jesus Christ”
mune responses.14 has become a hazard to our health (1 Thessalonians 5:23). ‰
Adjuvants are substances which and that of our children. We see the
attract the immune response to the end results in our modern world References:
site of the injection. Some of the in ever-increasing chronic diseases,
1 Oeuvres de Pasteur, tome 6, p. vii.
2 See Oeuvres de Pasteur tome III, p. 161.
most known adjuvants are alumi- autoimmune disorders, and chronic 3 G Buchwald, op. cit., 21, 22.

num hydroxide, aluminum phos- inflammatory syndromes that are

4 B Ethgartner, op. cit., 31.
5 (B. Ehgarthner, op.cit., 33) (Martin Hirte, Impfen
phate, and potassium aluminium often incurable, incapacitating, or— Pro&contra. Das handbuch fur die individuelle
sulphate. These adjuvants increase even worse—fatal. Entschedidung, MenSana Verlag, Germany 2008, 62).
6 (P.G.Holt, P.D Sly.)
attract inflammatory factors and Although some vaccines can be 7 Torax 1997,52 (1):1-4).

immune system cells to the injec- useful in some limited situations,

8 (M. Hirte, op. cit., 65.)
9 (Titus Smits, Das Impfschaden-Syndrom, Narayana
tion site to improve the immune we need to be very cautious and Verlag, 2 Auflage 2007, p. 36.)
response to the vaccine.15
10 NZ Med J 1997, 110(1048): 270–272.
intelligent with regards to how and 11 (Aventis Pasteur MSD: Hexavac Produktmonographie
The response and magnitude of why to accept them (for example, a 2000.)
12 (M. Hirte, op. cit., 71.)
side effects in any human being to rabies vaccine for a patient bitten by 13 M. Jorge, M.D. Qinonez, “Pediatric Infectious
vaccines is largely based on the ge- a rabid dog). Disease Issues: Smallpox, combination vaccines
and Methicillin- resistant Staphilococcus aureus.”
netic component, or as Pasteur used I believe there is a moral duty to American Academy of Pediatrics AAP Annual meeting
to say “the field.” declare that God has gifted us with November 2003 , New Orleans, Louisiana , www.
As an example, adult-onset in- a well-equipped immune system 14 Rose, 2010; Rosenblumet all.,2011; Schoenfeldsi

flammatory joint disease and rheu- that can successfully face every Agmon-Levin, 2011; Zivkovicet all 2012; Perricone et
al., 2013.
matoid arthritis, as a reaction to the infection—whether it be bacterial, 15 Amon Levinet all,2009; Israeli et al., 2009; McKee et

Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccine fungal, viral, or prion—by finding all., 2009, Exley et al., 2010; Perricone et al 2013.
16 Ferrazzi et al., 1997; Popa et. al., 1998.
are higher in individuals who al- the right solution for our issue and 17 Yehuda Schoenfeld et. al., “Vaccinurile si

ready have several genetically active watching the cells and the self tex- autoimunitatea,” p. 83, 2016.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 25

BY Liviu Tudoroiu

V S .

ne of the most funda- world is composed of prodigal sons would ever be able to achieve such
mental problems we face and daughters that are seeking com- a feat as to control my thoughts and
today is the inability to passion, being far away from the emotions. I did not even conceive
properly manage our presence of our Eternal Father. that such a thing would ever be
emotions. Too often we fall in the The article you are reading is possible. However, after reflecting
trap of our own “bad moods” when intended to meet the needs of a class deeper on the subject, I was deter-
our emotions overthrow the reason- of people that is really seeking for mined to try. It was not easy. Later,
ing process and make our life miser- eternal happiness. How important I happened to stumble upon another
able and somewhat senseless. is to control our feelings and emo- text of the same nature that encour-
Is there any way out of this tions? Is that even possible? Has aged me to go ahead in my attempt
problem? Is there any hope for the there ever been a moment when to control my thoughts, emotions
people that are overburdened with such a thought has crossed your and feelings: “Nothing tends more
the complexities of this life? Is there mind? to promote health of body and of
any pattern that can lead to a mean- When I was young, I be- soul than does a spirit of gratitude
ingful purpose? lieved that it was normal to let and praise.”2
If we do a personal investigation my emotions—and implicitly my If we go step by step on the pat-
in today’s society, it will not take thoughts—to fly everywhere. I did tern of the subject, we realize that,
much to discover that we are living not think for a second that I could first, it’s our responsibility to control
in an emotionally-oriented world. control my thoughts and emo- our thoughts and feelings—and after
Music and its lyrics with specific tions—until I found a very interest- that, the actions which are the result
messages gear both the youth and ing statement written by a 19th- of our thoughts and emotions. But
adults toward an unpleasant emo- century author: “It is a positive duty after we manage to control them, our
tional conflict. to resist melancholy, discontented mind becomes very selective and our
“Let your heart lead you,” “Live thoughts and feelings—as much a thinking will reflect the individuality
the moment,” “You hurt my feel- duty as it is to pray.”1 of a free man. People that cannot con-
ings,” “You broke my heart,” (and This statement fell on me like trol their thoughts and emotions are
the list continues), show that our thunder. I never believed that I unconsciously in a state of slavery.

26 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

Many blame circumstances or In those days, our grandparents positiveness for a while—that is
maybe the fact that life is not just. would not secure the doors when why we need a repetition of that act
Some people blame disappoint- they went to work. Today we have of kindness to give us a boost for
ments and other “x” factors, and security doubled by video surveil- the day. Consequently, these acts
that is why most of us abandon lance. The world is changing rap- of kindness will change our nature
the contest. The apostle Paul em- idly, and the problem is that we can- entirely and transform us into bet-
phasizes the question: “Who shall not keep up with the speed. What ter people.
separate us from the love of Christ? is sad is that in this marathon for Somehow the world of modern
shall tribulation, or distress, or per- comfort, the human race is losing its science is drawing closer to the
secution, or famine, or nakedness, human qualities. Scripture, forced by the power of
or peril, or sword?” (Romans 8:35). We lose our temper more often, human reality nearer to the initial
He then mentions circumstances we cannot control our anger and design of the Creator. At this stage,
from his own experience: “For I am form a very sick society of indi- science is very interested in regard
persuaded, that neither death, nor viduals, walking on the streets as to how we should interact with each
life, nor angels, nor principalities, a multitude lost in an immensely other in order to avoid an apocalyp-
nor powers, nor things present, cold, concrete empire. Studies show tic chaos.
nor things to come, nor height, nor that a five-minute episode of anger In order to produce acts of
depth, nor any other creature, shall is so stressful that it can impair kindness, we need to produce
be able to separate us from the love your immune system for more total control of our thoughts. Posi-
of God, which is in Christ Jesus our than six hours. All of these trigger tive thinking it’s a healthy way of
Lord” (Romans 8:38, 39). health issues that can lead to more checking the traffic of our mind. If
Even though the text is a couple serious problems such as heart we don’t care about what we think,
of thousands of years old, it is still attacks and stroke. Today’s medi- the mind will not care about what
very real and matches the needs cal science links the relationship we become.
of today’s society. “A man at between positive thinking and The Bible warns of the “trash
peace with God and his fellow men good health, underlining more and in, trash out” form of marketing:
cannot be made miserable.”3  more the fact that being nicer is “A good man out of the good trea-
In recent years, medical science healthier while hate often decreases sure of his heart bringeth forth
and other branch-related sciences the quality of life. Stress is believed that which is good; and an evil
have analyzed the adjustment of to be a serious element in the birth man out of the evil treasure of his
the human mind to the speed of and development of illnesses, start- heart bringeth forth that which is
century and to the stress that oc- ing with insomnia and digestive evil: for of the abundance of the
curs as a consequence: According disorders, and eventually leading heart his mouth speaketh” (Luke
to a recent report, it looks like “13% to cancer. 6:45).
of Americans take antidepres- Kindness is chemical. When In this biblical context, the heart
sants.”4 we turn our hatred into love—or at is a symbol of emotional intelli-
least, kindness, our brain releases gence; it is obvious that the physi-
chemicals such as dopamine, which cal heart does not have a brain. But
FAR FROM “THE GOOD OLD can improve our mood. On a bio- the Scripture recognizes the heart
DAYS” chemical level, it is perceived that as the first “emotional sensor” of
Positive thinking became a sig- the good feeling we get is due to our body. As soon as the amygdala,
nificant point of discussion only elevated levels of the brain’s natural which is the emotional center of
about 70 years ago. Before then, the form of morphine and heroin, which the brain, sparks a reaction of our
country people would have a little we know as endogenous opioids. thoughts, an emotional movement is
bench to rest on after coming in They generate a high level of dopa- triggered and the very first physical
from the field, taking time to con- mine, so we get our good mood or perception is the heart through the
verse with the neighbors and social- natural good disposition. most sensitive nerve connected to
ize in a decent spirit. Today, to say “We all seek a path to happi- the brain.
“Hi” to your neighbor makes you ness,” says Dr. Waguih William
look strange. IsHak, a professor of psychia-
In those days, general transpor- try at Cedars-Sinai. “Practicing ENTER THE SAVIOUR!
tation was done with horses for the kindness toward others is one we The best exercise to flex the
“first class” people (or cattle for the know works.”5 “brain muscles” in this respect
“economy class”). In spite of these But what we need to realize is believe in a miracle. We call it
means, our forefathers were always is that acts of kindness must be PRAYER. Based on my personal
on time. Today we have replaced repeated till they become a habit. experience, one hour of prayer can
the horse speed of 15 miles per hour When that happens, we are born change the mood and the disposi-
with nice, fancy cars, and yet we are again. New thinking will gener- tion of the individual to harmonize
late to our meetings and our busi- ate new people. Yes, born to serve. with the disposition of Jesus. When
ness much of the time. Every act of kindness sustains our we talk to Him as we talk to a

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 27

friend, we become more like Him. Jesus does not gossip nor evil of Jesus or on the left side of Jesus.
Naturally we’ll share His words, surmise; rather in opposition to There is an interesting confirmation
we’ll borrow His vocabulary, we’ll the majority He finds a solution to of such a case: “Some doubted. So
smile like Him, we’ll behave like every problem. His words show it will ever be. There are those who
Him—even in critical moments— that for every problem there is a find it hard to exercise faith, and
and ultimately, we will love our solution. they place themselves on the doubt-
enemies as He did. Remember the experience of the ing side. These lose much because
You see, my brethren, when we woman accused of adultery in John of their unbelief. If they would
pray, we talk to God—and when we chapter 8—and Christ’s responds control their feelings, and refuse to
read the Bible, He talks to us. A re- to the charge of the hypocrites with allow doubt to bring a shadow over
fined and balanced mind is always the words: “He that is without sin their own minds and the minds of
the result of human friendship with among you, let him first cast a stone others, how much happier and more
divinity. Prayer is chemical. at her.” And after the deep silence helpful they would be. They close
so painful to the accusers, the Lord the door to many blessings that they
reveals the solution for the problem might enjoy if they would refuse
STAYING ON THE RIGHT as well: “Woman, where are those to place themselves on the doubt-
SIDE your accusers? has no man con- ing, and would, instead, talk hope
“We have such an high priest, demned you? She said, No man, and courage.”6 
who is set on the right hand of the Lord. And Jesus said to her, Neither There was a critical time in the
throne of the Majesty in the heav- do I condemn you: go, and sin no life of the disciples, when they were
ens” (Hebrews 8:1). Jesus is on the more” (John 8:7–11). overwhelmed by discouragement
right side of the throne of God, be- and unbelief. They were successful
cause on this side is faith, mercy, fishers for many years and had suf-
love compassion. The right side is THE BIBLICAL BRAIN ficient experience to earn an income
the side of positive thinking. That The left side is always represent- from this work, but as never before,
is why Jesus is our defender. He ing the side of negative thinking, on that night they experienced a
finds the solution for the sinner in gossiping, and backbiting—and failure. Pulling the empty net out
the most impossible circumstances. ultimately is the side of the accusers of the water they did not see any
What a beautiful example of encour- of our brethren. In the light of these future in their life. But all of a sud-
aging attitude towards those who words, we can surprise ourselves den, they heard a voice coming
are in peril! in daily life, either on the right side from the shore: “Cast the net on the
right side of the ship.” They did
not notice that they had cast the net
on the opposite side, and now Jesus
insisted for them to make a second
attempt by casting the net on the
right side of the ship. “Jesus had a
purpose in bidding them cast their
net on the right side of the ship. On
that side He stood upon the shore.
That was the side of faith.”7 The
right side is the side of faith, the side
of positive thinking, while the left
side is the side of doubt—the oppo-
site side from where Jesus is.
We learn from this event that as
long as we are overwhelmed with
discouragement and are in a de-
pressed mood, we cannot convert
anybody to Christ. It is very impor-
tant to have that positive thinking,
an uplifted spirit and to be on the
side of Jesus in any circumstance,
especially when we introduce the
Gospel to other people. In reality
we have to share with the people
something that we have and they
don’t. That very something is the at-
mosphere of heaven carried with us
wherever we go. That is our peace,

28 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

we have to share with the people something that
we have and they don’t. That very something is the
atmosphere of heaven carried with us wherever we
go. That is our peace, our rest in Jesus.
our rest in Jesus. The happiness we it, and that place was thought to viewed the greatest sinner among
have in Jesus, the very something be next to Christ. And Judas was a the three. We know that the one
people see in us and crave for: “Give traitor.”8 on the left engaged in the dialogue
me this water” (John 4:15) in order Why was Judas on the left side with the Lord without any faith in
to avoid having to come back to the of Christ? Because, he “cultivated the Saviour, “One of the malefac-
well. a disposition to criticize and ac- tors which were hanged railed on
The Scripture brings out a few cuse.”9 John was on the right side him, saying, If thou be Christ, save
precious pearls in regard to this sub- of Jesus, reforming his thinking thyself and us. But the other an-
ject. “Then brought he me out of the according to the mind of Christ. swering rebuked him, saying, Dost
way of the gate northward, and led It is true that somewhere in time not thou fear God, seeing thou art
me about the way without unto the he had requested fire from heaven in the same condemnation? And
utter gate by the way that looketh to destroy the rejecters of Christ’s we indeed justly; for we receive the
eastward; and, behold, there ran out message but how changed was he due reward of our deeds: but this
waters on the right side” (Ezekiel now! It is amazing to realize how man hath done nothing amiss. And
47:2). [Emphasis added.] he reached the state of filtering his he said unto Jesus, Lord, remem-
The water of life was running on negative thoughts and allowing the ber me when thou comest into thy
the right side of the gate. They are Spirit of God to mold and reshape kingdom” (Luke 23:39–42). [Em-
healing waters and everything that his thinking. While Judas became phasis added.]
has a positive property comes from totally evil, John became totally no- This is a very clear example in
the right side. As with the waters, so ble to the point of being recognized which we can see how the negative
the law of God is not given with the as the apostle of love, writing the thinking of the left side malefactor
left hand but with the right hand: Gospel of love. affected his final destiny, while the
“and he came with ten thousands of In our daily encounter with our positive thinking of the one on the
saints: from his right hand [went] a personal human nature we our- right shows the virtue of a man who
fiery law for them” (Deuteronomy selves are the decisive factors in wanted to be saved. It was not by
33:2). [Emphasis added.] what we want to become. Under accident that one was on the left and
The Gospel—the Good News— any circumstances, we cannot blame the other was on the right side of the
always comes from the right side of Jesus or our Heavenly Father for an Saviour—it was the providence of
the altar. ”And there appeared unto eventual arbitrary choice. Jesus did God that proves in His infinite wis-
him an angel of the Lord stand- not selectively accept John while dom that in the end we are the ar-
ing on the right side of the altar of rejecting Judas. It was a personal tisans of our own decisions. So, the
incense” (Luke 1:11). [Emphasis choice. As we read above, Judas scenario is repeated with every per-
added.] cultivated the disposition to criti- son that has ever considered salva-
All these specifications are not cize and accuse. That means that he tion as a priority. Judas loved Jesus,
accidental in the Scripture. They found perverse satisfaction—a sort but he loved money more than Je-
have a meaning. To be on the right of pleasure—in those brain func- sus. John loved power, but he loved
side means to be on the side of Je- tionalities to the point where he was Jesus more, and at the end they both
sus, on the side of faith, on the side adversely transformed by his own made their irreversible and eternal
of defending people instead of ac- way of thinking. choice. In fact, the phenomenon on
cusing them. Being on the right side the cross is nothing else but another
means to be on the side of the err- version of Judas on the left and John
ing, which means to be on the side MORE EXAMPLES on the right.
of mercy. There will always be peo- I am sure that the reader re- In Matthew chapter 25, the day
ple yielding on the left side while members the two thieves on the of judgment is described: “And
others will choose the right side. cross. One was on the right side before him shall be gathered all na-
For instance, “Judas pressed next of Jesus; the other was on the left. tions: and he shall separate them
to Christ on the left side; John was In the providence of God, Jesus one from another, as a shepherd
on the right. If there was a highest was placed in the middle, accord- divides his sheep from the goats:
place, Judas was determined to have ing to the Roman custom to be and he shall set the sheep on his

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 29

right hand, but the goats on the HOW CAN I, A SINNER, BE the Nazi war criminals in the Tri-
left” (Matthew 25:32, 33). [Emphasis ON THE RIGHT SIDE? als of Nuremberg. He was one of
added.] the few that could cast the net on
To properly address this ques-
In this chapter, we see the bibli- the right side of the throne of God,
tion, we have to bring this statement
cal coherency on this matter. Jesus accepting to share the gospel of for-
to the highest level of understand-
shall separate people one from giveness to the 21 war criminals that
ing, observing the missionary
another based on exactly same crite- had been sentenced for execution
spirit of these actions. Jesus was not
ria, positive-thinking people to the at midnight on October 15, 1946.
ashamed to identify Himself with
right, acting like sheep and thinking Confronted with hate letters from
our physical and spiritual needs.
like sheep and knowing the voice the side of his American country-
“He is despised and rejected of men;
of the Shepherd—while on the op- men, accused of being a Nazi lover,
a man of sorrows, and acquainted
posite side, the negative-thinking he still went ahead in spite of such
with grief: and we hid as it were our
people are acting like goats and gross defiance, and went ahead
faces from him; he was despised,
thinking as goats, not being capable and nurtured these people with the
and we esteemed him not. Surely he
of recognizing the voice of the Shep- Word of God, visiting their cells,
hath borne our griefs, and carried
herd. praying with them and appealing
our sorrows: yet we did esteem him
We are coming back to the ac- to their hearts on a daily basis. At
stricken, smitten of God, and af-
tions emphasized by the Great first it was not easy. Some of these
flicted” (Isaiah 53:3, 4).
Judge: “For I was an hungred, and people were very cold, despising
There are many ways by which
ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and him, saying that they had no con-
we can follow the pattern shown in
ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, sideration or respect for that Jew
Matthew 25:
and ye took me in: naked, and ye who claimed to be the Son of God.
“I was an hungred” for the word
clothed me: I was sick, and ye visit- Working under adverse conditions,
of God, and you gave me meat;
ed me: I was in prison, and ye came ridiculed by the prisoners on one
you studied the Bible with me: I
unto me” (Matthew 25:35, 36). side and facing disapproval from
was thirsty for a change in my life,
Kindness is the chemical that his co-nationals, Henry went ahead
I was thirsty for eternal happiness,
makes us happy and justifies the and prayed for each one of these
happiness that will never expire,
purpose of our existence. The individuals.
and you gave me to drink from that
people that are on the right side of Soon the results began to be vis-
happiness, to take this water of life
the throne of glory are on the right ible. One of the first who fell at the
and drink from it freely. When I
side of Christ; they were not look- foot of the cross was the notorious
was a stranger, visiting your church
ing to themselves to see whether or slaver Fritz Sauckel, who had been
for the first time, being new in the
not they were good, they will have chief of the forced labor depart-
town, you said “Hi!” to me and
continually depended on the grace ment. He felt that he had done his
befriended me, making known
of Christ in prayer and benevolence, job without any idea of commit-
my presence to the congregation,
their character is as the character of ting wrong against God or man.
and you took me in. When I was
the Saviour, and guess what? They Eventually, after attending the ser-
“naked,” you presented to me the
are not aware of how good they are. vice in the chapel, he approached
beauty of Christ our righteousness
The closer to Christ, the farther we Gerecke, inviting him to his cell.
and you helped me to be clothed
are from self. “Lord, when saw we Hearing the salvation of the Lord
with His character: when I was sick
thee an hungred, and fed thee? or Jesus Christ and His love for sin-
in my spiritual life and had lost or
thirsty, and gave thee drink?” (Mat- ners, Sauckel’s heart was touched.
was just about to lose my faith, hav-
thew 25:37). He implored the chaplain to pray
ing stopped coming to church for a
These are unable to identify in for him. Without fear and without
while, you visited me. Even after I
their life the moments of their char- shame he was praying with the mis-
was disfellowshipped and I gave up
ity, neither their acts of kindness sionary. The last words of his prayer
church and church gave up on me,
and compassion, and do you know were: “Lord, be merciful unto me
you did not abandon me; you still
why? Because these acts of charity a sinner.” Sincerely converted, he
visited me. When I was in prison for
were not sporadic moments of their was wondering what he could do
the truth’s sake, when the people
life, but rather a permanent behav- to reverse the tremendous evil he
did not have courage to associate
ior; they were born to serve—and had produced. At the end he ac-
with me because I was “spiritually
that is what heaven is! cepted the chance to participate in
quarantined,” you were not embar-
In the whole immeasurable and the communion service. One man
rassed to come to eat with me at the
immaculate universe of God, every- that shifted sides for Christ! From
same table.
thing serves the purpose of its cre- the man that would use his propa-
ation. In the kingdom of God there ganda to instigate hatred, shifted
is not personal interest, but rather AN ILLUSTRATION FROM sides, from the left side of accusing
interest for the well-being of oth- HISTORY and exterminating to the right side
ers. If we want to be there, then let Henry Gerecke was an American of the throne of Majesty. Christ had
us be here on the right side first! Army Chaplain who ministered to touched his heart, and as the thief

30 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3

intense devotion. Next
are those who perfect-
ed Christian characters
in the midst of false-
hood and infidelity,
those who honored
the law of God when
the Christian world
declared it void, and
the millions, of all ages,
who were martyred for
their faith. And beyond
is the ‘great multitude,
which no man could
number, of all nations,
and kindreds, and
people, and tongues,’
. . . ‘before the throne,
and before the Lamb,
clothed with white
robes, and palms in
their hands’ (Revela-
tion 7:9). Their warfare
Gerecke during his time as an army chaplain is ended, their victory
won. They have run the
on the cross received the Saviour, so the side of the accuser, by saying: race and reached the prize.”10
Fritz Sauckel received salvation. “I cannot do that. This Jesus you It is up to us if we want to use
The second one that fell on the always speak of—to me he’s just an- our mind in order to produce posi-
rock and switched sides from the other clever Jew.” tive thoughts constructive to our
left to the right, was Hitler’s clos- To be on the right side is to be faith or not to use our mind at all—
est military advisor, Field-Marshal capable of loving your enemies and and by default, the weeds of nega-
Wilhelm Keitel. During the hours of proving it. Henry Gerecke’s two tivity will place us on the left side
studying the Bible, he was memoriz- sons died on the western front. And of the murmurers and complainers,
ing many Bible verses—especially is spite of that, he went ahead to ruining our chance to heaven.
those that emphasized the mercy love and pray for people that were In the whole immeasurable and
of God. One of the most extraordi- part of that system that was respon- immaculate universe of God, ev-
nary evidences of his true conver- sible for the killing of his sons. It erything serves the purpose of its
sion was the fact that he was not is very probable that people like creation. In the kingdom of God
embarrassed to kneel down by his Henry Gerecke will be on the right there is not personal interest, but the
bedside and confess his sins one by side of the throne of majesty. interest for the well-being of others.
one. Before his time of execution, he The Bible says that: “Let him Since this subject will be continued
thanked Gerecke with these words: know, that he which converteth in the next issue of The Reformation
“You have helped me more than the sinner from the error of his Herald, let us pray that the Lord Je-
you know. May Christ, my Saviour, way shall save a soul from death, sus Christ will be at our side and we
stand by me all the way. I shall need and shall hide a multitude of sins” be on His right side of faith. ‰
Him so much.” He received commu- (James 5:20). References
nion and afterwards he was hanged. Another lesson for us in order to 1 The Ministry of Healing, p. 251.
He took the side of faith, which is be on the right side of Jesus among 2 Ibid.

the right side of the throne of God. the sheep—and not among the 3 Our
Father Cares, p. 50.
It is the side of mercy and forgive- goats—is to always err on the side antidepressants-depression-more-common/
ness; it’s the side of the Saviour. of mercy, that is always the right 5
Keitel took the side of John the side of the throne of glory. Heaven 6 The SDA Bible Commentary [E. G. White Comments],
beloved on the right side of Jesus, will unveil to us many surprises vol. 5, p. 1110. [Emphasis added.]
while Hermann Goering took the and a specific one is specified in the 7 The Desire of Ages, p. 811.
8 Ibid., p. 644 [Emphasis added.]
side of Judas, rejecting Christ as his book, The Great Controversy, where 9 Ibid., p. 717. [Emphasis added.]

personal Saviour. When Gerecke the author says: “Nearest the throne 10 The Great Controversy, p. 665.

pleaded with him to “surrender are those who were once zealous in
your heart and soul completely to the cause of Satan, but who, plucked
your Saviour, Herr Reichsmarshal” as brands from the burning, have
Goering remained on the left side, followed their Saviour with deep,

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 3 31

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his year we’ve all heard a lot about COVID-19. Exercise. By moving our muscles, they become stron-
That’s a short name for the corona virus disease ger.
which came in the year 2019. The virus that Water. By drinking clean water and washing ourselves,
causes this sickness is a tiny germ that spreads our bodies are cleansed both inside and out. Most germs
very quickly from one person to another. It spread so fast spread in dirty places, so we don’t want that to be in us!
that soon it was called a “pandemic”—a sickness that Sunshine. By spending time outdoors in the sunshine,
seemed to be everywhere. we get a free health boost that helps us fight sickness—
The idea of being careful to not “catch” a disease is not and makes us more cheerful, too.
new. We read in the Bible in the book of Leviticus chap- Temperance. By not overdoing anything, we get the
ters 13–15 about how to deal with leprosy. Leprosy was blessing we need. Too much of anything can turn out
a very bad disease in those days. It still exists today, but bad.
now it is very rare. Part of the reason why there are not Air. By breathing deeply of fresh, clean air, our lungs
many cases of leprosy is because many people read the are able to work a lot better and the oxygen we take in
warnings in the Bible and obeyed them. helps to keep us well.
The Old Testament says a lot about how to keep things Rest. By getting proper rest—going to bed early in a
clean. Our God knows that we need to stay clean in order dark room without electronic screens on—we are health-
to be healthy, so He tells us these things in His word so ier. During sleep, our bodies do much of their disease-
we can have a better, happier life. fighting work. Let’s make it easier for our body to do
In the mid-1800’s, God again began to speak clearly what it needs to do to keep us well.
about how to not get sick. He knew that people were get- Trust in God. By looking to Jesus, who loves each one
ting weaker—but needed to be stronger for hard times of us so very much, we think about His care for you, for
ahead. He wanted to help us because of His great love for me. That makes us feel better already!
the whole human race. Through the gift of prophecy, He So then, when we hear the scary stories about sick-
shows that there are eight natural doctors that can help ness, we remember there’s One in Heaven who is looking
us. Do you know what they are? kindly on His children. He says, “Beloved, I wish above
Nutrition. By eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even
and some beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, our bod- as thy soul prospereth. I have no greater joy than to hear
ies can make good, healthy blood to fight disease. that my children walk in truth” (3 John 3, 4).—BHM.

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