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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226

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A paleo-seismological study of the Dauki fault at Jaflong, Sylhet,

Bangladesh: Historical seismic events and an attempted rupture
segmentation model
Michio Morino a,⇑, A.S.M. Maksud Kamal b, S. Humayun Akhter b, Md. Zillur Rahman b,
Reshad Md. Ekram Ali c, Animesh Talukder c, Md. Mahmood Hossain Khan c, Jun Matsuo d, Fumio Kaneko d
International Short-Term Consultant of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2-9-6 Hiromachida, Kure-shi, Hiroshima 737-0104, Japan
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Geological Survey of Bangladesh, 153 Pioneer Road, Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
OYO International Corporation, Tomin Nissay Kasugacho Bldg. 3F, 1-17 Koishikawa 1-Chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0002, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A paleo-seismological study was conducted at Jaflong, Sylhet, Bangladesh, which is on the eastern part of
Received 20 December 2013 the Dauki fault. The geomorphology around Jaflong is divided into the Shillong Plateau, the foothills, the
Received in revised form 24 May 2014 lower terraces, and the alluvial plain from north to south. Because the foothills and lower terraces are
Accepted 2 June 2014
considered to be uplifted tectonically, an active fault is inferred to the south of the lower terraces. This
Available online 12 June 2014
fault, which branches from the Dauki fault as a foreland migration, is known as the Jaflong fault in this
paper. The trench investigation was conducted at the southern edge of the lower terrace. The angular
unconformity accompanied by folding, which is thought to be the top of the growth strata, was identified
Dauki fault
Shillong Plateau
in the trench. An asymmetric anticline with a steep southern limb and gentle northern limb is inferred
Jaflong from the back-tilted lower terrace and the folding of the gravel layer parallel to the lower terrace surface.
Active fault The timing of the seismic event which formed the folding and unconformity is dated to between AD 840
Trench investigation and 920.
Radiocarbon dating The trench investigation at Gabrakhari, on the western part of the Dauki fault, revealed that the Dauki
fault ruptured in AD 1548 (Morino et al., 2011). Because the 1897 great Indian earthquake (M P 8.0;
Yeats et al., 1997) was caused by the rupture of the Dauki fault (Oldham, 1899), it is clear that the Dauki
fault has ruptured three times in the past one thousand years. The timing of these seismic events coin-
cides with that of the paleo-liquefactions confirmed on the Shillong Plateau. It is essential for the paleo-
seismological study of the Dauki fault to determine the surface ruptures of the 1897 earthquake. The
Dauki fault might be divided into four rupture segments, the western, central, eastern, and easternmost
segments. The eastern and western segments ruptured in AD 840–920 and in 1548, respectively. The
1897 earthquake might have been caused by the rupture of the central segment.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 1997). However, there is no evidence of surface ruptures

on the Dauki fault (Yeats et al., 1997). The Sylhet Trough on the
The Dauki fault which passes along the southern margin of the south of the Shillong Plateau exhibits a remarkable negative Bou-
Shillong Plateau is an E–W trending reverse fault inclined to the guer gravity anomaly of over 70 mgal, whereas the Shillong Pla-
north (Fig. 1a). The 1897 great Indian earthquake (M P 8.0; Yeats teau shows a positive Bouguer gravity anomaly of over +20 mgal
et al., 1997) is one of the four great earthquakes that have occurred (Rahman et al., 1990; Narula et al., 2000; Rajendran et al., 2004).
in the Himalayan front over the past one hundred years (Yeats This finding indicates that the Sylhet Trough is subsiding through
et al., 1997; Ambraseys and Bilham, 2000). This high-intensity dis- the repeated ruptures of the Dauki fault, and the thick Quaternary
tribution suggests that the 1897 earthquake was caused by the sediments that are presently accumulating. The Shillong Plateau
rupture of the Dauki fault (Oldham, 1899; Molnar, 1987; Yeats has a differential topographic profile with a southern steep slope
and a northern gentle slope (Fig. 1b). This finding is indicative of
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 823 36 4610. the tectonic geomorphology of the Dauki fault (Morino et al.,
E-mail address: (M. Morino). 2011). This evidence suggests that the Dauki fault is active during
1367-9120/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226 219

Fig. 1. (a) An active fault map of Bangladesh. The Dauki fault passes along the southern margin of the Shillong Plateau. The plate boundary mega-thrust between the Indian
and the Burman plate around Bangladesh is divided into the Tripura and the Arakan segments. The broken line represents its deformation front (DF). The fault traces of the
Arakan segment and the deformation front are after Maurin and Rangin (2009). The rectangle to the northwest of the Shillong Plateau represents the area of the paleo-
liquefaction study after Sukhija et al. (1999). The shaded background map is made using the elevation data of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). Gb: trench site at
Gabrakhari (Morino et al., 2011), Jf: trench site at Jaflong, Ch: Chhatak, (b) A topographic profile of the Shillong Plateau across the trench site at Jaflong in the N–S direction.
The line A–B is shown in Fig. 1a.

the Late Quaternary time period. However, previous studies received severe damage. However, there are no historical records
suggested that the Dauki fault has not ruptured in the historical of the damages to Dhaka in 1548, although the records might be
past (Chen and Molnar, 1990; Kayal, 2001; Rajendran et al., unreliable. The timing of the seismic event at the Gabrakhari
2004), although no tectonic geomorphological or paleo-seismolog- trench site by Morino et al. (2011) is credible because the radiocar-
ical surveys were performed. bon ages are based on samples of charcoal, peat, and wood
Morino et al. (2009, 2011) first identified the active Dauki fault fragments that are proper for dating. However, Morino et al.
in the trench at Gabrakhari Village and suggested that the Dauki (2011) is also unable to explain the damages to Chittagong in
fault ruptured in AD 1548, though it was a small secondary fault 1548. Synthetic paleo-seismological studies of the Dauki fault
that had branched off from the main fault. The 1548 earthquake, and the plate boundary mega-thrust are necessary to reveal the
which is the first large earthquake recorded in Bangladesh, shook seismic source of the 1548 earthquake.
both Sylhet and Chittagong ( It is essential to the paleo-seismological study of the Dauki fault
E_0002.HTM, last accessed on 18 December 2013). Another opin- to find the surface ruptures of the 1897 earthquake. Although the
ion is that the mega-thrust between the Indian and Burman plate, paleo-liquefactions in 1897 are evident around Gabrakhari, on
the Tripura segment or deformation front (DF) shown in Fig. 1a, the western part of the Dauki fault (Morino et al., 2011), there is
generated the 1548 earthquake (Steckler et al., 2008). However, no evidence of any surface ruptures in 1897. It is unclear whether
if the mega-thrust was the seismic source of this earthquake, the Dauki fault around Gabrakhari did not ruptured in 1897, or
Dhaka or nearby Sonargaon, the capital at the time, would have whether a subsurface rupture of the Dauki fault did not reach the
220 M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226

Fig. 2. (a) Geomorphic classification and active faults around Jaflong. H: foothill, T1: higher terrace, T2: lower terrace. The arrows represent back-tilted surfaces. The solid line
and the broken lines represent an active fault and blind active faults, respectively. Two active faults, the Dauki fault and the Jaflong fault, are inferred around Jaflong. The
Jaflong fault is interpreted as a branched fault of the Dauki fault. This is indicative of the foreland migration of the Dauki fault. The cross on the X–Y line represents the
exposure of the gravel (Fig. 3c), (b) A topographic profile across the lower terrace that was measured by a simple water level and staff method. The shape is similar to that of
the Shillong Plateau (Fig. 1b). The X–Y line is shown in Fig. 2a.

surface. The former suggests that the Dauki fault is divided into buried. In the trench at Gabrakhari (Morino et al., 2011), the layer
several rupture segments (Ferguson et al., 2012) with the rupture deposited in about the 16th century on the footwall of the Dauki
segment of 1897 being different from that of 1548. The latter sug- fault lies at the bottom of a 2 m-deep trench. The sedimentation
gests that the Dauki fault is basically blind (Steckler et al., 2012), rate is more than 4 mm/year. Additionally, Bangladesh is a densely
and the subsurface rupture does not always reach the surface. Near populated country and most of the land is cultivated for rice fields.
Gabrakhari, the secondary fault strands in 1548 might have inci- Because the geomorphology is severely modified by cultivation,
dentally appeared at the surface, while the subsurface rupture in there are few places where tectonic geomorphologies are left in
1897 may not have reached the surface. Is one or both of these their original condition. In addition, because the Dauki fault runs
characterizations correct for the Dauki fault? along the border between India and Bangladesh, many places have
We conducted a paleo-seismological study of the Dauki fault at restricted entry.
Jaflong, Sylhet, Bangladesh, which is on the eastern part of the Dau- Foothills and terraces have developed at the foot of the Shillong
ki fault. In this paper, we report the outcome of the trench investi- Plateau. These geomorphologies are considered to be uplifted by
gation at Jaflong, and discuss the timing of the historical seismic the activity of the Dauki fault, while the Sylhet Trough to the south
events and the rupture segmentation model of the Dauki fault. is subsiding (Fig. 1a). Therefore, the active Dauki fault is inferred
just to the south of the foothills and terraces. The satellite image
2. Active fault traces along the Dauki fault interpretation focused on the terraces. The terrace surfaces are
covered with dense bamboo and trees; therefore, it is difficult to
We examined the stereo-paired satellite images from CORONA distinguish the fault scarps and the deformation of terrace
(resolution: 7.5 m) and ALOS (resolution: 2.5 m) to detect the surfaces. The terraces were identified on the satellite images and
active fault traces along the Dauki fault. The tectonic geomorphol- then the field survey targeting the terraces was performed. The
ogy is not clear because Bangladesh is located in a tropical mon- back-tilted terrace surfaces which are indicative of pressure ridges
soon region with abundant rainfall and the fault topographies, were found at Gabrakhari (Morino et al., 2011) and Jaflong (Fig. 1a).
such as fault scarp and folding scarp, tend to be eroded by floods. Some lower terraces were preserved in natural condition for resi-
Although the fault scarps are occasionally inferred on the southern dential space in villages, though most of the land was modified
edges of the uplifted terraces, for example, on the westernmost by cultivation. The tectonic-geomorphic investigation along the
part of the Dauki fault, it seems that the fault scarps are eroded Dauki fault is to determine natural geomorphology such as those
by floods and result in a continuous E–W running scarp, whereas of Gabrakhari and Jaflong. The active fault traces along the Dauki
a reverse fault originally exhibits complicated fault scarps. The fault shown in Fig. 1a are not based on distinct fault topographies.
downthrown sides on the footwall are the depositional area. The The traces are inferred, although not clearly, immediately to the
sedimentation rate is fast and the surface ruptures are easily south of the tectonically uplifted terraces and foothills.
M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226 221

3. Geomorphology in and around Jaflong

The geomorphology in and around Jaflong, which was inter-

preted by the stereo-paired ALOS images, is composed of the Shil-
long Plateau, the foothills, the terraces, and an alluvial plain from
north to south (Figs. 2a, 3a and b). The terrace is divided into the
lower terrace (T2) and the higher terrace (T1). The flat surface,
which is recognized at the top of the foothills, is the higher terrace
(T1). It might be a strath terrace because the deposits of T1 were
not confirmed in the field. The lower terrace (T2), which is 6- to 7-
m higher than the active alluvial plain, developed at the base of
the foothills (Fig. 2). The surface of T2 is overlain with a gravel layer
containing pebbles and cobbles of Precambrian metamorphic rocks
transported from the Shillong Plateau. The gravel layer was depos-
ited by the fluvial process of the Dauki River and uplifted to the pres-
ent height tectonically. The main stream of the Dauki River flows
southward and the tributary flows westward along the southern
edge of the Shillong Plateau. Judging from the distribution of T2 at
the base of the foothills, the old Dauki River flowed east- to south-
east-ward at that time. The terrace surfaces generally tilt down-
stream. The surface of T2 is tilted to the north around the trench
site (Fig. 2a and b) and is estimated to be a tectonic-geomorphology
called ‘‘back-tilted’’ or ‘‘pressure ridged’’ in technical terms.
The lower terraces on the eastern side of the trench site do not
show back-tilted surfaces. Most of the lower terraces were
removed to widen the rice fields or by the erosion from repeated
floods, and the natural geomorphologies no longer remain there.
Only the lower terrace, where the trench investigation was carried
out, was preserved in natural condition for the residential space of
Muslimnagar Village (Fig. 2b).
Two active faults are inferred around Jaflong (Fig. 2a). The
northern fault is inferred from the E–W trending straight cliff with
a topographic drop of over 500 m on the southern margin of the
Shillong Plateau. The southern fault is inferred to the south of
the lower terraces from the tectonic-geomorphology of the back-
tilted lower terrace and the monoclinal flexure confirmed by the
trench investigation as mentioned below. According to Alam
et al. (1990), the northern fault is considered to be the Dauki fault.
The southern fault, though it is blind, is a newly proposed active
fault. In this paper we temporarily call this new fault the ‘‘Jaflong
fault’’. The active fault traces of the Dauki fault become obscure
to the east, while the Jaflong fault continues eastward stepping
to the south (Fig. 1a).

4. Trench investigation at Jaflong

Fig. 3. (a) A photograph showing the geomorphology around Jaflong. The view is
Two trenches at sites Nos. 1 and 2 were excavated on the south- toward the north. The geomorphology is divided into three surfaces: the Shillong
Plateau, the foothills, and the lower terrace. The higher terrace is inferred at the top
ern edge of the lower terrace at Jaflong (Figs. 2a and 3b). The size of of the foothills. (b) A close-up view of the lower terrace. The trench was excavated
these trenches is 7–10 m long, 5 m wide, and 2 m deep. The log and at the place where the village people are standing. (c) The gravel layer overlying the
mosaic photos of the western wall at trench site No. 1 are shown in lower terrace with fresh rounded to sub-rounded pebbles and cobbles which are
Fig. 4. Trench No. 2 was excavated close to site No. 1 for a deeper composed of Precambrian metamorphic rocks carried in from the Shillong Plateau.
The location of the exposure is shown in Fig. 2a as a cross. The gravel layer is
trench. However, we could not achieve a deeper trench because
thought to be a main stream deposit of the Dauki River.
the trench was underwater due to springs from the gravel layer
and occasionally heavy showers. Both trenches at sites Nos. 1 medium-sand (Fig. 4). Units A to F are channel, back marsh, or
and 2 show the same stratigraphy and structure. In this chapter, pond deposits left behind from the Dauki River. The Dauki River
only the results from the trench at site No. 1 will be discussed. is still transporting gravel from the Shillong Plateau, and the gravel
Samples for radiocarbon dating were collected and analyzed in is currently collected and used as a building material. Unit G which
both trenches at sites Nos. 1 and 2. The log of the eastern wall at is the same as the gravel layer overlying the lower terrace was
trench site No. 2 is shown in Fig. 6. The results of radiocarbon deposited in the main stream of the old Dauki River.
dating are shown in Table 1. Unit A: This unit contains blackish organic clay. The absence of
bedding suggests that this unit is a marsh deposit. At site No. 2 this
4.1. Stratigraphy in the trench and its radiocarbon age unit interfingers with unit B. The organic sediment (Jaf-5) has a
radiocarbon age of AD 1265–1385.
The stratigraphy in the trench is divided into units A to G which Unit B: Yellowish brown, medium-sized sand suggests small
are composed of fine-grained deposits such as clay, silt, and fine- to channel deposits in unit B and unit C. These units cover units D
222 M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226

Fig. 4. (a) A log of the western wall at Jaflong trench site No. 1. The stratigraphy in the trench is divided into units A to G. Unit G is the gravel layer overlying the lower terrace.
Units D to G are gently warped and covered by units A to C with an angular unconformity. The broken lines represent bedding. The solid triangles represent the locations of
radiocarbon dating samples. (b) A mosaic photograph of the western wall.

Table 1
The results of radiocarbon dating. All the samples were analyzed by beta analytic radiocarbon dating laboratory. conventional C ages were corrected by d13C using the Libby
half-life of 5568 years.

Trench Unit Sample Laboratory Method Material Measured d13C Conventional Calibrated Calendar
number number radiocarbon (permil) radiocarbon age (yBP) year (2 sigma)
age (yBP)
Jaflong A Jaf-5 Beta-319595 AMS Organic sediment 540 ± 30 16.3 680 ± 30 AD 1265 to 1385
B Jaf 2-5 Beta-319587 AMS Charred material organic sediment 1120 ± 30 20.9 1190 ± 30 AD 925 to 975
C Jaf 2-6 Beta-319588 AMS Charred material organic sediment 1130 ± 30 22.6 1170 ± 30 AD 915 to 965
Jaf-4 Beta-319594 AMS Charred material organic sediment 1030 ± 30 22.8 1070 ± 30 AD 902 to 953
Jaf 2-8 Beta-319590 AMS Charred material organic sediment 1050 ± 30 24.5 1060 ± 30 AD 895 to 932
Jaf 2-7 Beta-319589 AMS Charred material 1110 ± 30 26.7 1080 ± 30 AD 887 to 922
E Jaf-2 Beta-319592 AMS Charred material organic sediment 1160 ± 30 23.3 1190 ± 30 AD 817 to 894
Jaf 2-2 Beta-319584 AMS Organic sediment 1110 ± 30 19.7 1200 ± 30 AD 799 to 880
Jaf 2-4 Beta-319586 AMS Organic sediment 1180 ± 30 23.7 1200 ± 30 AD 784 to 863
Jaf 2-1 Beta-319583 AMS Wood 1090 ± 30 24.8 1090 ± 30 AD 777 to 843
F Jaf-3 Beta-319593 AMS Charred material 1150 ± 30 27.1 1120 ± 30 AD 771 to 828
Jaf-1 Beta-319591 AMS Charred material organic sediment 1330 ± 30 22.7 1370 ± 30 AD 608 to 689
Jaf 2-3 Beta-319585 AMS Organic sediment 1540 ± 30 19.8 1630 ± 30 AD 387 to 543

to G with an angular unconformity. The organic sediments includ- by a white color, and distinctly demarcated from units B and C
ing the charcoals (Jaf2-5) have a radiocarbon age of AD 925–975. (Fig. 5a and b). There are no samples for radiocarbon dating.
Unit C: This unit contains alternation of dark gray silt and fine Unit E: This unit contains an alternation of yellowish-brown silt
gray sand. This unit buries the footwall of the folding scarp of units and gray clay finer than unit D. The wood fragments (Jaf2-1) in this
D to G. The bedding plane is almost horizontal. The charcoal layer have a radiocarbon age of AD 770–850. The organic sedi-
(Jaf2-7) and the organic sediments including charcoals (Jaf-4, ments (Jaf-2, Jaf2-2, and Jaf2-4) have a radiocarbon age of AD
Jaf2-6, and Jaf2-8) have a radiocarbon age of AD 880–930 and AD 780–900.
895–965, respectively. Unit F: This unit contains gray clay overlying the gravel of unit
Unit D: This unit contains whitish-yellow silt partly alternating G. The charcoal (Jaf-3) has a radiocarbon age of AD 770–830. The
with gray clay. This unit, along with units E and F, is a marsh or organic sediments including charcoals (Jaf-1) and the organic
pond deposit. The top of the layer is 5–10 cm thick, characterized sediment (Jaf2-3) have radiocarbon ages of AD 600–690 and AD
M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226 223

W2 + 50 cm and W4 + 20 cm. To the south of W4 + 20 cm, the dip

is almost horizontal (Figs. 4 and 5). Units D, E, and F are composed
of fine deposits of silt and clay. Because these units were deposited
under the calm environment of a marsh or pond, the original sed-
imentary structure is almost horizontal. The structure of units D to
G dipping southwards indicates a tectonic deformation. The folding
scarp, the base of which is located at W4 + 20 cm, is inferred and
units A to C cover units D to G with an angular unconformity. In
the trench site at No. 2, units D to G are inclined to the south with
a dip of 10° between the E0 and E5 horizontal markers (Fig. 6). As
mentioned above, units D to G are warped and covered by the
unconformity of units A to C.
The southern slope of the lower terrace is inclined to the south
at an angle of 8° (Fig. 2b) which is almost the same as the dip of
units D to G in trench No. 1 between W0 and W2 + 50 cm horizon-
tal markers. The gravel layer overlying the surface of T2 (Fig. 3c)
continues up to unit G at the bottom of the trench. Therefore, it
is presumed that the geological structure near the ground surface
is parallel to the topographic profile of the lower terrace
(Fig. 2b). This finding is indicative of an asymmetric anticline with
a steep southern limb and a gentle northern limb.
The 1999 Chi–Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw 7.6) was caused by
the rupture of the Chelungpu thrust fault. At the place where the
tip of the fault is buried in thick sediments, the rupture did not
reach the surface. Instead coseismic, wide surface deformations
were formed. Chen et al. (2007) called these surface deformations
fold scarps, distinguishing them from fault scarps. At Jaflong an
Fig. 5. (a) A photograph of the western wall at Jaflong site No. 1. Unit D, which is active fault was not identified in the trench where the folding
characterized by a whitish color, is warped. (b) A close-view of unit D. The red
was identified. The southern slope of T2 is estimated to be a fold
threads represent a grid spacing of 1 m.
scarp by Chen et al. (2007). If the buried tip of the Jaflong fault
was projected to the surface, it could reach the base of the folding
380–550, respectively. These organic sediments are older than the scarp.
Unit G: This unit contains gravel with rounded to sub-rounded 4.3. Timing of the seismic event
pebbles less than 5 cm in diameter. The pebbles are composed of
Precambrian metamorphic rocks. The matrix is filled with sandy The seismic event is inferred from the angular unconformity
clay. This unit is the main deposit of the Dauki River because the between units C and D. Units B and C overlying the angular uncon-
Dauki River is now transporting gravel from the Shillong Plateau. formity show almost the same ages as units E and F. To limit the
This unit is inferred to be the Holocene deposit because the gravels timing of the seismic event, the analysis of OxCal v.4.2.3 (Bronk
are fresh and not weathered. There is a path running southward Ramsey and Lee, 2013) using IntCal 13 (Reimer et al., 2013) was
from the top of T2 along the X–Y line in Fig. 2a. The gravel layer practiced (Fig. 7). The calibrated calendar year of the seismic event
is exposed on the cutting of the path. The gravel layer at the top is dated to AD 840–920 with a probability of 2r.
of T2 continues southward beside the trench site. Unit G in the
trench is the same as the gravel layer at the top of T2. There are 4.4. Recurrence interval of the Jaflong fault
no samples for radiocarbon dating.
If the lower terrace was uplifted once to the present height by
4.2. Folding scarp identified in the trench the rupture of the Jaflong fault in AD 840–920, and the tip of the
fault reached near the surface at that time, the amount of vertical
Units D to G are inclined to the south with a dip of 10° displacement for a single event is inferred to be 7–8 m from a dif-
between the W0 and W2 + 50 cm horizontal markers. The dip grad- ference of altitude between the top of the lower terrace and the
ually becomes steeper up to a maximum dip of 20° between bottom of the trench. According to GPS data across the southern

Fig. 6. A log of the eastern wall at Jaflong trench site No. 2.

224 M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226

Fig. 7. Calibrated age distributions of radiocarbon dating samples and the timing of the seismic event, calculated by OxCal v.4.2.3 (Bronk Ramsey and Lee, 2013) considering
deposit models. IntCal 13 (Reimer et al., 2013) is used for atmospheric curves. The light gray and dark gray areas show the prior and posterior probability distributions of
radiocarbon age. The lines show the range of 2r (95.4-percentile) confidence. The timing of the seismic event is dated to AD 840–920. The samples in bold italics represent
wood/charcoal for materials. Other samples are organic sediment/organic sediment including charcoals.

margin of the Shillong Plateau, the shortening is 7 mm/year the hat-shaped high-intensity distribution, the base of which is
(Steckler et al., 2012). If the Jalong fault has a dip of 45° (Bilham located on the Dauki fault (Oldham, 1899; Molnar, 1987).
and England, 2001), the vertical velocity is estimated to be According to the studies of paleo-liquefaction along the Krish-
7 mm/year. The recurrence interval of the Jaflong fault is inferred nai and Dudnai Rivers running to the north on the Shillong Plateau
to be about 1000 years from the vertical displacement and velocity. (Fig. 1a), two paleo-liquefactions are reported during AD 1450–
If the lower terrace was uplifted twice by the ruptures of the 1650 and AD 700–1050 except AD 1897 (Sukhija et al., 1999;
Jaflong fault, the recurrence interval of the Jaflong fault is about Rajendran et al., 2004). The timing of these paleo-liquefactions
500 years. coincides with that of the paleo-earthquakes identified by the
trench investigations across the Dauki fault at Gabrakhari and Jaf-
long. These paleo-liquefactions may have been caused by the rup-
5. Discussion tures of the Himalayan Front fault and nearby active faults on the
Shillong Plateau other than the Dauki fault. Bilham and England
5.1. The historical seismic events of the Dauki fault (2001) suggested that the south-dipping ‘‘Oldham fault’’ was the
seismic source of the 1897 great Indian earthquake. However,
Although the trench investigation across the Dauki fault has there is no remarkable tectonic geomorphology on the Shillong
been performed only at the two sites of Gabrakhari and Jaflong, Plateau (Morino et al., 2011). The 1934 Bihar–Nepal earthquake
two seismic events were identified over the past one thousand (Mw 8.1) and the 1950 Assam earthquake (Mw 8.4) occurred
years. At the Gabrakhari trench site, on the western part of the along the Himalayan front to the north of the Shillong Plateau
Dauki fault, the AD 1500–1630 seismic event was inferred, consis- (inset in Fig. 1a).The paleo-seismological studies between the
tent with the 1548 earthquake that is the first large earthquake rupture areas of the 1934 and 1950 earthquakes revealed that
recorded in Bangladesh (Morino et al., 2011). The Dauki fault is the great earthquake occurred in AD 1100 (Kumar et al., 2010;
thought to have ruptured in 9–10th century because the AD inset in Fig. 1a). However, the timing of these earthquakes does
840–920 seismic event is inferred at Jaflong trench site, on the not coincide with the timing of the paleo-liquefactions on the
eastern part of the Dauki fault. Although the surface ruptures dur- Shillong Plateau. The north-dipping Dauki fault extends beneath
ing the 1897 great India earthquake are not confirmed, the seismic the Shillong Plateau. It is very likely that the Shillong Plateau has
source of this earthquake is most likely the Dauki fault, judging by been widely shaken by the ruptures of the Dauki fault.
M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226 225

If these earthquakes in AD 840–920, 1548, and 1897 were pro- In the second case, the characteristics of the Dauki fault might be
duced by the ruptures of the entire Dauki fault, the recurrence typically exhibited at Jaflong where the Jaflong fault is blind and an
interval is estimated to be 350–700 years. GPS data across the asymmetric anticline has developed on the hanging wall of the
Dauki fault suggests its shortening by 7 mm/year (Steckler fault. At Jaflong the seismic event horizons might be shown as
et al., 2012). Because the Dauki fault dips northward at approxi- angular unconformities, which represent growth strata. The small
mately 45° (Bilham and England, 2001), the slip rate along the fault fault strands in the trench at Gabrakhari might have unexpectedly
is estimated to be 10 mm/year. If the recurrence interval of the appeared on the surface. The surface rupture or deformation in
Dauki fault is 350–700 years, an average slip of 3.5–7.0 m of 1897 may have appeared farther south at Gabrakhari and Jaflong.
the fault would be expected. Although the fault length is uncertain But there is no tectonic geomorphology in the southern area.
because the eastern end is unclear, if the fault length and depth are Ultimately we propose that the Dauki fault is divided into four
260 km and 35 km, respectively, the fault dip is 45°, the average rupture segments, as shown in Fig. 8 because the timing of the lat-
displacement is 3.5 m, and a shear modulus is 3  1011 dyne/cm2, est rupture event at Jaflong is different from that at Gabrakhari. To
a moment magnitude of Mw 8.1 is extracted from the seismic prove this rupture segmentation model, the paleo-seismological
moment M0, based on the methods of Hanks and Kanamori study of the central segment is indispensable. Also, the seismic
(1979). According to the empirical relationship between the mag- reflection survey and drilling survey, e.g. at Jaflong, is necessary
nitude (Mw) and the surface rupture length (SRL), based on the to reveal the subsurface geological structure across the Jaflong fault.
methods of Wells and Coppersmith (1994), a moment magnitude
of Mw 7.9 is expected.
6. Summary

5.2. Surface ruptures of the 1897 earthquake (1) The back-tilted lower terrace, which is estimated to be a tec-
tonic-geomorphology, was found at Jaflong on the eastern
A paleo-seismological study of the Dauki fault is essential to part of the Dauki fault.
find the surface ruptures of the 1897 great Indian earthquake. (2) A folding scarp was confirmed in the trench at Jaflong. The
Two reasons are proposed as briefly mentioned in the introduction. timing of the seismic event that formed the folding scarp
The first reason is that the Dauki fault is divided into several is dated to AD 840–920.
rupture segments, and each segment would have ruptured at a dif- (3) The asymmetric anticline near the ground surface is inferred
ferent time. The second reason is that the Dauki fault is basically from the topographic profile across the lower terrace and the
blind and the subsurface ruptures and deformations might not distribution of the gravel layer. The folding scarp covered by
always reach the surface. the horizontal layers with an angular unconformity in the
In the first case, a segmentation model is suggested as follows. trench is interpreted to be the top of the growth strata.
The fault trace oversteps northward around Gabrakhari and Chha- (4) The timing of paleo-liquefactions which was confirmed on
tak at 3 km wide (Gb and CH in Fig. 8). Additionally, at northeast the Shillong Plateau coincides with that of the seismic
of Sylhet (Sy in Fig. 8), the foothills migrate southward and the events of the Dauki fault. The paleo-liquefactions on the
fault trace is assumed to overstep southward at 10 km wide Shillong Plateau are most likely to have been caused by
(Fig. 8). If these oversteps (based on our satellite photo interpreta- the ruptures of the Dauki fault.
tion) indicate segment boundaries, the Dauki fault could be divided (5) Three seismic events in AD 840–920, 1548, and 1897
into four segments: west (W), central (C), east (E), and easternmost occurred on the Dauki fault. If these paleo-earthquakes are
(EM) (Fig. 8). Our trench investigations reveal that the west and attributed to ruptures of the entire Dauki fault, the recur-
east segments ruptured in AD 1548 and AD 840–920, respectively. rence interval is estimated to be 350–700 years.
The 1897 earthquake might be attributed to the rupture of the (6) The Dauki fault might be divided into four rupture segments
central segment, though no paleo-seismological studies have been of western, central, eastern, and easternmost portions based
carried out until the current study. In this case, the length of the on the fault geometry of overstepping. The seismic events
central segment is approximately 130 km, half of the length of from AD 840–920 and in 1548 are inferred on the eastern
the entire Dauki fault. If the magnitude is estimated from the and the western segments, respectively. The 1897 great
empirical relationship between Mw and SRL, according to the Indian earthquake might have been caused by the rupture
methodology of Wells and Coppersmith (1994), a Mw of 7.6 is of the central segment, although there is no paleo-seismo-
expected. logical investigation of the central segment. If the lower ter-
race at Jaflong was uplifted once to the present height by the
rupture of the Jaflong fault in AD 840–920, the recurrence
interval of the Jaflong fault (the eastern segment) might be
about 1000 years.
(7) At Jaflong, the northern Dauki fault might be exposed on the
surface. But, the fault is not very active because it does not
continue eastward. The trench investigation at Jaflong sug-
gests that the southern Jaflong fault is more active than
the northern Dauki fault. However, it is basically blind, and
an asymmetric anticline and growth strata have developed
near the ground surface.


Fig. 8. A segmentation model of the Dauki fault. W: western segment, C: central The authors are appreciative of the Comprehensive Disaster
segment, E: eastern segment, EM: easternmost segment. The thin solid lines
represent Bouguer gravity anomaly contours at intervals of 10 mgal which are
Management Programme phase II (CDMP II) of the Ministry for
copied from Fig. 4a after Rajendran et al. (2004). The Dapsi fault is after Ferguson Food and Disaster Management (MoFDM) of the Government of
et al. (2012). Bangladesh for the permission to publish this paper. CDMP II is
226 M. Morino et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91 (2014) 218–226

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Finally, thanks are offered to the anonymous reviewers for valuable 13–27.
Morino, M., Kamal, A.S.M.M., Muslim, D., Ali, R.Md.E., Kamal, M.A., Kaneko, F., 2009.
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Mymensingh, Bangladesh. J. Geol. Soc. Jpn 115, Pictorial 11–12.
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Kaneko, F., 2011. Seismic event of the Dauki Fault in 16th Century Confirmed by
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in Trench Investigation at Gabrakhari Village, Haluaghat, Mymensingh,
Bangladesh. J. Asian Earth Sci. 42, 492–498.
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