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Questions of the Revolutions of 1848

Question 1: Why were so many revolutions in 1848?

- There were many revolutions 1848 because in that time the industrial revolution made a
great amount of people lose their job, and that made them realize they wanted a change in
the management of the government additionally to this in France the revolution made the
people believe again that there could be change, that encourage people to pursue this goal of
revolution in each country.

Question 2: Why did most revolutions of the revolutions fail?

- Most revolutions failed because they did not have the number of resources, they needed to
continue with the revolution, so they failed to continue with the cause of the revolution,
adding to this, other countries became involved in the revolutions of other countries and sent
armies to help the government keep the revolutionaries of making riots, like France did
when they were going to be a revolution in Italy

Question 3: What were the “March Laws”?

- The March Laws were a collection of laws legislated by Lajos Kossuth with the aim of
modernizing the Kingdom of Hungary into a parliamentary democracy that was going to be
called Magyar State

Question 4: Why was there a revolution in Italy in 1848?

- There was a revolution in Italy because it was united during the Napoleonic wars, with the
name of Kingdom of Italy but after the wars they were divided again into different states so,
this caused people to have rising feelings of Nationalism and want to reunite the states
additionally, the economic crisis and the food shortages they had in the moment encouraged
them to make a revolution, there were 3 ideas of unification, the one with pope at the head,
the one with a Empire or the one of a republic. This feeling of nationalism started before the
Napoleonic wars happened, but it was an informal network of secret revolutionary societies
active in Italy that searched for the unification of Italy, so this all triggered a revolution in
Italy for unification once they were separated.

Question 5: Why were attempts to unify Germany in 1848–49 unsuccessful?

- The attempts to unify Germany in 1848-49 were unsuccessful because the Frankfurt
Assembly had many divisions and they did not agree what to do with the country, the
liberals wanted to draft a constitution while the radicals wanted a law making parliament so
this attempt to unify Germany was unsuccessful, and the other attempt that did not succeed
was when they offered the position of German monarch to Frederick William IV, he refused
it because it had not been offered by his fellow heads of state, so for him this offer had come
from the gutter

30 Points.

Question 6: What actions were taken to improve the strength of the Prussian
army in the 1860s?

- The first action taken in the Prussian army was the introduction of new weaponry which
included the needle gun and new improved field artillery, the other action they took was that
now prussian soldiers spent 2 years with the colours, 4 years with the reserves and 5 and a
half years with the militia, this produced a field army of 500 000 men, that produced a vast
reserve of trained men.
20 Points.

Checked by: Felipe Ibañez, Nicolás Sánchez

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