Coordinating Conjunction Kel 12

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Lecturer of : Mrs. siti Rakiyah, S.pd,M.Hum

Compiled by :


TA. 2020/2021

fist at all , give thanks for god’s love and grace for us. Thanks to god for helping me and give
me chance to finish this assingnment timely. And I would like to say thank you to Mrs.Siti
Rakiyah , S.pd,M.Hum as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about
how to pratice english well. This english papers contains is about coordinating conjunctions.I
realized this assignment is not perfect. But I hope it can be useful for us. Critics and
suggestion is needed here to make this assignment be better.

Hopefully , this paper english can help the readers to expand their knowledge about english
and can be more professional by using english as the second laguage , whatever we done .
thank you.


English has become the international laguage i.e. the language used throughot the
world and as a liaison between contries. Therefore , anyone who wants to succeed must be
able to master the laguage. Let alone face competition of international free trade, in which the
market trading bet ween Contries are becoming more open, so that strangers will be more
freely of transitions of a country. With a mastery of english is of course will be very helpful
to communicate if there are citizens of other contries to visit our region . in this paper we will
discuss about the conjunction ( definite) . conjunction includes the part of speech that is often
used in english.

1. What is a coordinating conjunction ?
2. What is that type of coordinating conjunction ?
3. What is conjunction function?

Based of the indentification of problem , we aim to explain about conjuntion, we aim
to explain about conjuntion, the types of conjuction whit the example in sentence
according from the knowledge that we obtain from different sources. Hopefully all the
information/knowledge conveyed can provide benefits to us. If there are errors on writing
the word in this paper , the profuse apologies.

1. Pengertian coordinating conjuction.

Coordinating conjunctions adalah kata hubung yang biasa digunakan untuk
menghubungkan eleme-elemen kalimat dalam kelas tata bahasa yang sama, atau
kelompok kata contohnya menghubungkan :
 Kata benda dengan kata benda
 Kata keterangan dengan kata keterangan
 Klausa dengan klausa

Contoh kalimat :
 I will buy eraser , pencil , and ruler.
( menghubungkan kata benda )

 She speaks fluently but quietly.

( menghubungkan kata keterangan )

 My mother is kind and beautiful

( menghubungkan kata sifat )

 I like reading , but he likes writing

( menghubungkan klausa )

A. The types of conjunction

In general, the conjunction is divided into 3 namely the coordinating conjuction,
the correlative conjunction , and subordinating conjunction . read the explanation
below :
1. Coordinating conjuction
Coordinating conjunction connective is a form that is used to connect the other
one white a sentence that have the same degree.
Coordinating conjunctions coordi nate or jain two or more sentences , main
clauses, word or other parts of speech which are of the ame syntactic importance,
coordinating conjuctions are used to gave equal emphasisi to a pair of main
Examples :
 I and rika are best friend .
( aku dan rika adalah teman baik ).

 I love him but I hate him too .

( aku menvintainta tetapi aku membencinya )

2. Correlative conjunction
As suggested by thair name , correlatife conjunction correlate, working in pairs to
join phrases or words that carry aqual imortance within a sentence. Like many of
the most interesting parts of speech, correlative conjunctions are fun to use . at the
same time , there are some important rules to remember for using them correctlu.
Exmples :
 It is not only a book but also my frind .
( ini bukan hanya sebuah buku, tetapi juga temanku ).

 I don’t like neither mango or apple .

( aku tidak suka baik mangga atau pun apel )

3. Subordinating conjunction
Subordinating conjuctions are parts of speech that join dependent clauses to
idependent clauses. Sometimes referred to as subordinate conjunctions, these
important word and phrases may also introduce adverb clause subordinating
conjunctions are essential part of complex sentences with include at least two
clases being main (independent) and the other being subordinate (dependent).
Examples :
 I miss him because he is my friend.
( aku merindukannya karena dia adalah teman ku).

 We love each other as friends

( kami saling menyayangi sebagai seorang sahabat ).

2. Jenis dan fungsi coordinating conjunctions

It’s a good idea to use the mnemonic “ fanboys “ to memorize coordinating
conjunctions so you’ll never forget them. They are:

F : for
A : and
N : nor
B : but
O : or
Y : yet
S : so

 Fungsi :
 For : menjelaskan alasan ,sebab atau tujuan
 And : untuk menambahkan satu hal ke hal lainnya
 Nor : digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pertanyaan negatif
 But : menunjukkan keadaan kontras
 Or : menujukkan pilihan
 Yet : menunjukkan keadaan kontras
 So : menunjukkan dampak atau akibat

3. Penggunaan coordinating conjunctions dalam kalimat

Example or coordinating conjunctions :
 He went to library , for her read some books
 I ate burger , chicken filet, and spaghetti
 I won’t go for a walk nor for swimming
 Andi is clever , but he is careless
 You can write by using pen or pencil
 The alley was dark , yet I found my way
 It is raining , so I use umbrella


 From the paper it can be concluded that conjunctions are conjunctions connecting
parts of speech in sentences : words with words , phrases with phrases, or clauses
with clauses of aqual standing or equivalent. These aquivqlent words can be the
relationship between noun and noun, adverb with adverb , adjective with adjective
, verb with verb , also phrase with phrase, and clause with clause theree types of
conjunctions , nmely : coordinating conjuctions ( conjunctions ), correlative
conjunctions, and subrordinating conjunctions .

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