Laura Dayana González Cruz Grado Once Ingles English Module

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In part 1 we find questions regarding entertainment

 You use this to watch videos or movies: DVD

 You can read exciting stories that have many drawings on their
pages: comics
 People go to the cinema to see one of these: films
 People use it to find an address: map
 People need this to go inside some places: ticket

En la parte 2 encontramos diferentes clases de avisos como:

 Please, put the books on the correct desk: in a school

 Please do not take de flowers: at a garden
 Children under only: at a playground
 Today, open for swimming an fishing: at a lake
 3 X 2. Buy two English videos and take three: in a bookstore
 Basketball lesson on Wednesdays and Fridays at 5p.m. $10 session:
in a sports center

In part 5 he tells us about a text from a fabulous story by Stephen William


Well-known scientist from Oxford


This physicist had a neuro motor problem, however he continued studying.

This problem eventually lost his speech. His first book he wrote dealt with
the universe. He had the support of his wife, children and government
organizations and also worked as a professor of mathematics at the
University of Cambridge.

After his 21st birthday, he believed he was going to: die soon

Before he died, he could talk using: a machine

His second book was: easier to read

When did he start needing helpto communicate?: in 1985

Being sick, he decided to: help the planet

Hawking thought his dreams had come true thanks to his: family

In part 7 we must place the appropriate word to the text that tells us about
Big Mac attack. In it we find nine spaces, in which we must place the
appropriate word for reading such as:

 Never
 Already
 Yet
 Again
 Far
 Old
 Much
 Often
 Designed
 Conducted
 Composed
 Organized
 Start
 Develop
 Continue
 Think
 Says
 Talks
 Speaks
 Asks
 Where
 When
 Who
 Which
 Spends
 Buys
 Carries
 Uses
 Cupboard
 Oven
 Cabinet
 Fridge
 Dinner
 Snack
 Diet
 Supper

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