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Write a story on cultural beliefs affecting gender roles and race.

Rasheed grant

The caste system was a patriarchal construct through which males observed overarching power over the
female population, specifically females in a lower caste. ... The women in lower classes where subjected
to violence, intimidation and public shaming in order to maintain the gender inequality. In India can be
accounted largely by both Hinduism and Islam, the two largest religious sects during British colonialism.
According to Hindu doctrine, women where created by the Brahman to provide company for the men,
and to facilitate procreation, progeny and the continuation of the family lineage. According to the Vegas,
the role of a woman was simply to support the man, and enable him to continue his family tradition. In
Islam, the Quran dictates that females are secondary to men. Muslim men are allowed to hit their wives,
marry multiple wives, and can even get rid of an undesirable wife.

Create a culture


2.traditions- people are gonna have shoes every couple of months fish and jelly pizza rolls hiphop, mainly nba youngboy


Informational pamphlet

Just like India, America has its own caste system. In the US, inequality tends to be framed as an issue of
either class, race, or both. ... After all, India's atrocious caste system determines social status by birth,
compels marriage within a community, and restricts job opportunity. Still, caste in India remains a
powerful form of social organization. It segments Indian society into marital, familial, social, political,
and economic networks that are enormously consequential for success.

Write a poem or rap

Segregation taking as away ,some states helped showed the door,

At least we could chill in us, but rot in our own

Well they moved us off our land ,all our tribes broken

Crippled, took our tribe and land, but they denied us our rights

We applied jim crow laws, and you had no homelands

Well we got some in common, what? Marriage

The coronavirus report

The outbreak in China of covid-19, a respiratory disease, invites a comparison to the last one, sars. In
that outbreak in 2003 China suffered a sharp hit to its growth, followed by a strong rebound. covid-19
has now claimed more lives than sars, investors remain optimistic that its economic effects will follow a
similar path. On February 13th Hubei province, centre of the outbreak, announced 14,840 new
confirmed cases

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