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Module Name:Suppy Chain Management

Module Code: AMM 3309

Submitted to:
Noorul Muqaddim
Assistant Professor OF
Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology

Submitted by:
Zubair islam
ID: 173051006
Group: A
Semester: 9th
Batch: 31 st
1. Critically analyze 2 factors of distribution network
It classified into 2 major catagories

 Customer servise : Customer service is the support you offer your customers
both before and after they buy and use your products or services — that helps
them have an easy and enjoyable experience with you. Offering amazing
customer service is important if you want to retain customers and grow your
business. Today’s customer service goes far beyond the traditional telephone
support agent. It’s available via email, web, text message, and social media.
Many companies also provide self-service support, so customers can find their
own answers at any time day or night. Customer support is more than just
providing answers; it’s an important part of the promise your brand makes to its
 Supply chain cost : Supply chain costs are defined as costs that constitute a
considerable percentage of the total sales price of a product or service.
Manufacturers usually define supply chain costs using the total cost of
ownership. ... To this, they add the additional costs incurred before or after the
product or service delivery.

Customer servise:

1.Response time : How much time it takes from placing an order for an
product,till customer recive it.
2.Product variety: It involves different types of product,for example : If I want
to buy a tv from best buy and if best buy stores only one types of tv.That is
very negative customer service.
3.Product availability: It has direct impact on customer servise.Unavalibility
of product will create negative impact.
4.Customer Experience : How customer are used to have or acess the product.
5.Time to market: If any new product is launched then how quickly it could be
brought in the market.
6.Order visibility: When a person place an order and he is informed that It
would be delivered.In the supply chain the product can be shipped ,or arrived ,
in the city.what is the estimed time to come in customers house,all those things
goes to order visibility
7.Returnability: is how easy or difficult to return a product,in case of any
problem of product.

Supply chain Cost :

1.Inventory: If a business need to inventory of a product at various retail store it

may high cost but if product are directly send from manufacturer to customer than
cost may be lower.

2.Transportation: Transportation can be inbound or outbound.Usually inbound

transportation cost is less expensive because fully loded truck can be used but
outbox transportation cost is more expensive because items are sent or transported
to individual customer and their homes.

3.Facilites and handling: If a product is sold though various ratail outlets in that
case facalities handling cost may high but in the product in sold from manufactuer
to customer without any other facilities or handling cost may low.

4.Information: Information regarding the product and other detail can be avilabile
on internernet, It may cost but helps to have the product very
quickly.Features,configuration are to be known to customer.

Transportation Cost

When number of facilities is low transportation cost is high because product is

transported from a longer distance.On the other hand number of facalities are high
then transportation cost is low.

Inventory Cost

When number of facilities is low inventory cost is also low because inventory has
to maintained at low number of facilities.

Facility Cost

When number of facilities is low then facilities cost is also lower

2. Make a recommendation about 6 distribution network

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