5-1 Sources of Information

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Secondary Research

Secondary data is data that is already in existence.

Examples: newspapers, television, the internet (including social media), books and government


Advantages of secondary research

1. It is relatively cheap.

2. It is relatively quick.

Disadvantages of secondary research

1.The information may not be suited to the researcher’s needs.

2. The information may be outdated.

Primary Research

Primary data is data that is being collected for the first time.

Examples: observation, surveys and interviews.

Advantages of primary research

1. The information is suited to the researcher’s needs.

2. The information is up-to-date.

Disadvantages of secondary research

1. It can be expensive.

2. It can be time consuming.

Quantitative Data- This is data that can be stated numerically e.g. how many days per week do

you eat fruits?

Qualitative Data- This is data that cannot be stated numerically, e.g. why do you eat fruits?

Before establishing a business, an entrepreneur should conduct a feasibility study. A feasibility

study is an analysis of a proposed project to decide whether it is practical and profitable. For

example, to determine the possible costs involved in establishing the business and the possible

sources of finance for establishing the business.


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